[World 1] Chapter 12

Shen Yan was shocked. 

Is Jiang Mu making him a nude model? 

How can this be done without clothes? 

Shen Yan was at a loss. 

Jiang Mu asked, "Is it too embarrassing for you? It's okay, if you don't want to, it's okay to refuse." 

Shen Yan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he heard Jiang Mu continue to say: "I will still do it, and I will ask others for help." 

Shen Yan's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "I can, I'll do it." 

Jiang Mu: "Really?" 

He would rather do it himself than ask Jiang Mu to find someone else to be a mannequin. 

Even if I feel a little bit more uncomfortable, I don't want Jiang Mu to look at other people's bodies. 

Even if he knows that an artist like Jiang Mu paints the human body purely for creation, and she doesn't have any other thoughts when looking at the naked body, he still feels uncomfortable. 

"Yeah." Shen Yan nodded. 

"Thank you, don't worry cause I will pay you. Being a mannequin is still very hard and I won't let you go for nothing." Jiang Mu smiled naturally, but Shen Yan felt bitter in his heart. 

He promised Jiang Mu not for compensation. 

But thinking of being painted naked in front of her, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. 

Expectation, shyness, and tension are intertwined, and he doesn't know whether he wants it or not. 


Two days later, Jiang Mu had no classes, so she gave Aunt Liu a day off. 

Shen Yan came to the house. 

Hearing the doorbell, Jiang Mu ran downstairs quickly. 

Seeing Shen Yan outside the door, she opened the door.

Jiang Mu wore a white camisole and gray casual shorts, and a loose long cardigan. Her long slightly curly hair was draped over her chest. Although her face was facing the sky, her whole body exuded a lazy and charming breath. 

The moment Shen Yan saw her, his eyes were straight. 

Jiang Mu's appearance without makeup is even better than her looks when she have makeup. 

She looks three or four years younger without makeup. Her skin is delicate and shiny, like milky muscles. Her face is not very thin, but her eyes are big. Maybe because of running downstairs, her cheeks are red. Yes, she fluttered her eyelashes, smiled faintly when she saw Shen Yan, a little bit less mature and more cute. 

This kind of dress should be very casual, but the vest is too self-cultivating, and her figure is fully highlighted. Her bulging breasts and white and tender long legs are so imaginative. She only wears a pair of slippers. Painted nude pink nail polish on the small toes, like fruit pudding. 

It's pure and lusty, with a touch of sweetness, and the whole person is like a peach, almost ripe. 

"You are here." 

A look in Jiang Mu's eyes made Shen Yan forget what he was here for. 

"Yeah." Shen Yan looked at Jiang Mu blankly. 

"What are you still doing there? Come in, isn't it hot outside?" Jiang Mu stretched out and took Shen Yan's hand and led him in. 

Shen Yan was led away by her. 


"I think your face is so red." Jiang Mu took him to the living room and sat on the sofa, "Wait a moment, I will pour you a glass of water." 

"Oh, good." Shen Yan finished but followed Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu looked back at him who followed her in a daze, chuckled, "Didn't I ask you to wait, why follow me?" 

Shen Yan immediately stood still and did not dare to move, waiting until Jiang Mu came out of the kitchen with water. He still hasn't moved a step.

Jiang Mu thought to herself, this is really a little fool. 

When Shen Yan drank the water, Jiang Mu said, "Are you ready?" 

Shen Yan said nervously, "What?" 

"Are you ready for me to paint?" Jiang Mu's eyes changed into a smile. Like a crescent moon. 

"Yeah." Shen Yan nodded hesitantly. 

"Then let's go upstairs." Jiang Mu stood up and led him upstairs, "Go to my studio." 

"Okay." Shen Yan's Adam's apple moved, unable to hide his nervousness. 

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you, why are you always so scared." Jiang Mu said jokingly. 

"I'm not afraid." Shen Yan pursed his mouth and said quietly. 

"Okay, just don't be afraid." 

Jiang Mu's studio is large, with many paintings on the walls, most of which are oil paintings. 

A few of them are European human body oil paintings. Shen Yan didn't blush so easily. At least he didn't feel any special feeling when he saw this painting when he went to a museum or art gallery, but he don't know why. In front of her, he was embarrassed to take a few more glances, and his mind was full of mess. 

God knows that his dream last night was that Jiang Mu was sitting in front of him painting without clothes, while he was lying on the ground, keeping a posture, the drawing board blocked most of Jiang Mu's body. 

When Jiang Mu finally stood up, he was awakened from his dream.

Shen Yan didn't know what to do, but looked at Jiang Mu's eyes erratically. 

Jiang Mu said, "I'll tell you a posture, and you will do it." 

There was a large and thick carpet on the ground. Jiang Mu first lay on the ground, leaning on his side, placing a hand under the back of her head, placing one hand on the thigh and looking to the right. 

"That's it." 

Shen Yan stared blankly.

When Jiang Mu was lying on the ground, his body was a little hot. 

The look in her eyes when she lifted her chin was so attractive that Shen Yan's soul flew away. 

Jiang Mu looked up at Shen Yan and asked, "Understand?" 

Shen Yan's reaction was slow for a while, "...Hmm." 

"Well, I'll cover it for you later. I won't look at it. You, call me when you take off your clothes and pose, and I will turn around again." Jiang Mu took out a blanket from the basket in the corner and handed it to Shen Yan. 

Shen Yan's face flushed, he took the blanket and nodded imperceptibly. 

Jiang Mu turned around and turned her back to Shen Yan. 

Shen Yan's body couldn't stop shaking. 

He couldn't tell whether it was because he is excited or nervous. 

Undressing in front of the person he likes really made him unable to suppress the urge in his heart. 

He is also a healthy boy, how could he not react at all at this time. 

But seeing her reaction, Shen Yan felt very ashamed. 

He secretly scolded himself a few words, and tried his best to restrain the restlessness of his lower abdomen. 

The process of undressing was extremely long, but Jiang Mu seemed to be very patient, waiting with her back facing him, without urging him at all.

Shen Yan slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took off his shirt, next came his pants. The room was too quiet, and the sound when he pulled the zipper was very clear. 

Shen Yan guessed that Jiang Mu heard it too. 

He clenched his fists. Closing his eyes, as if he had made up his mind, he speeded up his hand movements and quickly took off his pants. 

Finally, the underwear was the only one left. After taking off this, there was nothing blocking him.

Shen Yan swallowed, feeling his throat dry uncomfortably. 

He took several deep breaths in a row and finally started the next step. 

The moment he lifted his foot to take off his underwear, he did not know why he lifted his head and saw Jiang Mu move. 

He was taken aback, and the raised foot hurriedly was about to be put down, but he forgot that he was still holding the half-taken underwear in his hand, and fell over when he could not stand. 

The moment Shen Yan fell to the ground, a voice sounded in his heart: It's bad. 

He fell on his head and made a painful noise. 

Jiang Mu frowned and turned around subconsciously. 

What I saw was Shen Yan lying naked on the ground, blushing like a cooked shrimp, his white body was in sharp contrast with the dark carpet, and he had underwear hanging on his calf, and his posture was a bit funny. 

Shen Yan looked up and looked at Jiang Mu, he almost cried. 

Why… does Jiang Mu see him like this? 

He is so ugly and shameful. 

And it was watched by Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu also saw that Shen Yan was about to cry, so she turned around and said, "I'm sorry." 

Shen Yan sat up with a sad face and looked at his own appearance. 

'My heart is uncomfortable.'

The room fell silent. 

Shen Yan didn't know how to break the embarrassment, he thought Jiang Mu must hate him. 

Jiang Mu waited for a long time without waiting for Shen Yan to speak. She could almost guess Shen Yan's thoughts. She took the initiative to break the embarrassment, "You won't be angry anymore?" 

Shen Yan said dullly, "No." 

"I didn't see it carefully, but your body looks good." 

Shen Yan's focus is on the words "looks good."

"Really?" He lowered his head.

"Well, can I turn around? It's getting late." 

Jiang Mu's words really coaxed Shen Yan. Shen Yan had a bitter face just a while ago, and now he is pouting and shy. 

He picked up the blanket on the ground, and while posing, he said: "I'll be fine later." 

"Okay." Jiang Mu smiled. 

It's really coaxing. 

Shen Yan put up a posture to cover the key parts, then lowered his eyes and said, "Okay." 

Jiang Mu slowly turned around and saw Shen Yanguo lying on the ground in the posture she had just taught. 

This posture Shen Yan poses is actually very beautiful. Although it is a sexy action, it is not feminine at all. His body is also very beautiful. Although thin but it's not dry, it is a bit fleshy, and even has muscles in the lower abdomen, unlike many people, a white chicken. 

Jiang Mu didn't look carefully a while ago, and now she's more satisfied after seeing it carefully. 

"It's really beautiful." Jiang Mu praised it again, then sat down in front of the drawing board and began to adjust the paint. 

Shen Yan quietly raised his head to look at her. 

Jiang Mu is doing what she has at hand seriously and has no time to see Shen Yan. 

But in Shen Yan's eyes, Jiang Mu at this moment is a beautiful painting. 

After Jiang Mu started painting, her expression became serious and with a sense of abstinence. 

Her hair hangs down and falls on the tip of her nose, and Shen Yan's heart is itchy. 

It would be great if time could stand still in this second. 

Shen Yan thought to himself. 


Three hours later, Jiang Mu asked Shen Yan to get up and rest. Shen Yan's body was already stiff. Fortunately, the heater was turned on in the room, so he wouldn't be cold without wearing clothes, but since he couldn't move for a long time, moving is actually very hard now.

When Shen Yan got up, he realized that his hands and feet were numb, and he couldn't even move his feet, as if he was going to cramp. 

Jiang Mu said, "Sit up slowly." 

"Yeah." Shen Yan's expression was a bit painful. 

Jiang Mu sat beside him to accompany him, and stretched out her hand to help him knead the muscles of his legs. 

Shen Yan didn't dare to move when Jiang Mu's hand touched him. 

He is not wearing any clothes now. When Jiang Mu touched him, he would react. If it weren't covered by a blanket, he would have been spotted by Jiang Mu. 

Shen Yan twisted his body awkwardly, not wanting Jiang Mu to discover his evil mind. 

Fortunately, Jiang Mu helped him massage and relax his muscles, and didn't notice that something was wrong with him. 

"Try it now, it should be better," Jiang Mu said. 

Shen Yan let out a "um" and tried to get up, but his feet were still a little soft. He just got up and squatted down again. He even sat down while pulling Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu almost fell into his arms. But half of her body sat on his lap. 

As soon as Jiang Mu looked up, she and Shen Yan looked face to face. 

The two of them were stunned. 

The air seemed to become ambiguous and hot. 

Shen Yan didn't know where the courage came from, put his hands on Jiang Mu's shoulders, looked at Jiang Mu's eyes, and slowly approached his face. 

Just when he was about to kiss Jiang Mu on the cheek, Jiang Mu pushed him away. 

"Don't be like this." 

Shen Yan's brain heated up and he opened his mouth to confess, "I like..." 

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Mu interrupted him loudly, "Shen Yan, I'm married."