[World 1] Chapter 13

The room fell silent. 

    This time, the silence was much longer than last time, and the atmosphere was much more solemn. 

    Jiang Mu was still sitting on Shen Yan's lap, Shen Yan could even feel the soft flesh on her buttocks, but the ambiguity between the two had disappeared completely. 

    Shen Yan asked with difficulty: "Are you serious?" 

    Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, I also have a three-year-old daughter." 

    Shen Yan's face became even more ugly. 

    He wants to say it is impossible, I don't believe it. 

    But the words didn't come to the mouth. 

    How did that happen? 

    Shen Yan opened his mouth and lowered his head again, not wanting Jiang Mu to see his red eyes. 

    "Are you all right?" Jiang Mu asked. 

    Shen Yan nodded lightly and said nothing. 

    After a long time, Shen Yan offered to leave, and refused Jiang Mu's kindness to send him, and went back to school alone. 

    When he returned to the dormitory, he didn't respond to his roommates, and silently climbed onto the bed, covered his head with the quilt. 

    His head is in a mess. 

    He thought that Jiang Mu might have a boyfriend, but he never expected that the woman he fell in love with for the first time was a married woman. 

    Moreover, after listening to Jiang Mu's words, she also has a daughter who is in kindergarten. 

    Shen Yan could not accept such a fact. 

    But he had to accept it again. 

    He closed his eyes tightly, but Jiang Mu's face kept appearing in his mind. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him quietly, his eyes seemed to be complaining. 

    "Shen Yan, why do you get on the bed as soon as you come back?" The boardmate walked over and patted him. 

    Shen Yan did not say a word, pulling the quilt motionless.

    The boardmate looked at the other boardmates, "What's wrong with him?" 

    Everyone shook their heads. 

    After a while, everyone in the dormitory was gone, and when Shen Yan was alone, Shen Yan lifted the quilt and sat up. 

    His face was pale, his face was helpless, and his eyes were full of pain. 

    He doesn't regret liking Jiang Mu, but he doesn't know what to do. 

    He had thought before that if Jiang Mu had a boyfriend, it would be good for him to be friends with her, as long as he could look at her. 

    However, after getting married and having children, it is different. 

    He has such thoughts about her. 

    Can he still watch her by her side? 

    Will it cause her trouble? 

    Will it affect her marriage? 

    Shen Yan didn't want his liking to burden her, that was not what he wanted to see. 

    While Shen Yan was thinking about it, his cell phone rang a few times. 

    Shen Yan casually took out his cell phone, but when he saw the message display on the cell phone clearly, his expression became serious. 

    It was a WeChat from Jiang Mu. 

    He was a little surprised. 

    What will Jiang Mu tell him? 

    He couldn't wait to open WeChat, but saw Jiang Mu sent him two words: [ I'm sorry. ] 

Shen Yan felt sour. 

    It wasn't Jiang Mu's fault at all, but Jiang Mu repeatedly apologized to him. 

    Shen Yan felt even more uncomfortable. 

    Obviously it was his fault, he shouldn't have such thoughts about her. 

    Shen Yan banged his head back and made a bang on the wall. 

    He took a deep breath and picked up the phone to reply: [ You don't have to be sorry, it's all my fault. ]

    Jiang Mu: [ I should have told you earlier. ] 

    Shen Yan smile, his ginger twilight love at first sight, the first time we met, it is impossible for Jiang Mu to told him she was married and there's a child. 

    This can't be blame to Jiang Mu. 

    Shen Yan was holding the phone, not knowing what else he could say, he wanted to ask Jiang Mu, can they see each other in the future. 

    But he dared not ask. 

    In the end, he made up his mind to continue speaking the unfinished confession at Jiang Mu's house. 

    If you don't say it this time, maybe you won't have a chance again in the future, maybe Jiang Mu will delete him, maybe they won't meet again, even if they meet, Jiang Mu might not know him. 

    Shen Yan was upset, but his confession was very firm. 

    [ Jiang Mu, I like you, I like you from the first time I saw you. ]

When this sentence was sent out, he seemed to have opened an outlet in his heart, and kept sending messages to Jiang Mu. 

    [ You don't need to reply to me, it's okay, I just want to tell you that liking you is my business, you don't have to be burdened. ]

    [ You are so good, I am already very happy to know you. ]

After Shen Yan's message was sent, there was no reply for a long time. 

    Shen Yan's heart was cold for a while, then slowly sank. 

    Maybe she won't come back to me again, maybe she hates me. 

    Shen Yan wanted to cry a little, for his first love that died without a disease. 

    Like someone, just tasted the sweetness, it ended so bitter. 

    Shen Yan headed down and fell on the bed again. 

    He was about to put himself in the quilt again, but he heard the message prompt. 

    His heart trembles, will it be Jiang Mu? 

    He didn't dare to expect too much, but he picked up the phone quickly.

    It's really Jiang Mu. 

    ...By the way, Jiang Mu laughed for a long time after reading Shen Yan's messages. 

    This child is so innocent and painful, she will love him. 

    However, to say so, Jiang Mu was not a softhearted person, she deliberately left Shen Yan for a while before replying. 

    Jiang Mu: [ Actually, I am not as good as you think. ]

     Shen Yan immediately replied: [ How come, you are the most beautiful and outstanding girl I have ever seen. ]

After the post, he was a little embarrassed. It was obvious that he was so much younger than Jiang Mu, and he said that she was a girl. I don't know if Jiang Mu would be angry, but what Shen Yan said was from his heart. In his heart, Jiang Mu is a little bit not like a thirty-year-old, it's not an exaggeration to say that she still looks like a college student, and she is sometimes so cute. 

    Shen Yan's words are naive, but they are quite happy. 

    Which woman would be unhappy to be praised by young boys like this. 

    Jiang Mu: [ If it's really like what you said, then he won't cheat. Actually, I didn't tell you about my marriage before because I was about to divorce. ] 

Shen Yan blamed himself a little bit, but Jiang Mu was very sad to tell him about it, and he was so happy. 

    It really shouldn't. 

    However, compared to his uncomfortable grievance and sadness just now, he is now completely relaxed and full of hope. 

    But he couldn't let Jiang Mu know that he was so happy. 

    Shen Yan scratched his head, feeling that he still had to express surprise and regret euphemistically. 

    [ How so? ] 

    Shen Yan's mouth pursed, not knowing whether to smile or not.

    Jiang Mu: [ Some time ago I found out that he had someone outside. That person is still a student of my school, but I don't know who it is. You said, if I'm really as good as you said, then why did he look for someone else? What reason? ] 

    Shen Yan saw this, there's an anger in his eyes visible. Jiang Mu is the best, but the man did not know to cherish her, let her sad, really a sucker. 

    [ That's because he is blind and stupid. ] Shen Yan replied angrily. 

    Jiang Mu: [ Thank you for comforting me. ] 

    Shen Yan: [ I am not comfort you, I am very serious. ] 

    Jiang Mu: [ Hmm. ] 

    Seeing Jiang Mu still seemed very unhappy, he didn't feel well anymore. 

    He thought for a while and said: [ Don't be sad, is there anything I can help? ] 

    Jiang Mu just waiting for this sentence, see Shen Yan finally fell into her routine, could not help but her lips hook up. 

    But she didn't say it directly, instead she turned a corner, [ How can I trouble you again? ]

    [ No trouble! I want to help you. ] Shen Yan eagerly replied. 

    If he could help Jiang Mu, he would be very happy. 

    Jiang Mu: [ Actually, I want to ask you for one thing. ] 

    Shen Yan is very happy, [ You say. ]

    Jiang Mu: [ I want to ask you to help me investigate, who is my husband's mistress? I only know that it is a student of my school, but I don't know who it is. I want to get evidence of his cheating, so when I get divorced , To be able to win the custody of the child, I can't let the child follow him... ] 

    Shen Yan agreed without thinking, [ Okay, I will help you. ] 

    [ Really? Thanks, you are very kind. ] 

    Seeing Jiang Mu said he is nice, Shen Yan could not help laughing, facial features stretch, the whole spirit of the people, not just now, simply Shuangda eggplant.

    Jiang Mu doesn't seem to hate him, and Jiang Mu is about to get divorced. She will be single after the divorce. 

    Does this mean that he can continue to associate with Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu: [ By the way, I haven't paid you the cost of modelling today, let me transfer it to you. ] 

    Jiang Mu transferred thousands of yuan to Shen Yan's WeChat account, and Shen Yan returned it. 

    Shen Yan: [ If you want to reward me, please invite me to dinner. ] 

    Jiang Mu: [ Good. ]


After Jiang Mu and Shen Yan had finished talking, she checked the time, and it was time to go to the kindergarten to pick up Chu Ying. 

    She drove halfway, parked the car on the side of the road, and called You Chenguang. 

    You Chenguang was still in the company at this time. He had just come out of the office and was about to pick up a cup of coffee. The phone rang suddenly, and when he saw Jiang Mu's call, he stood there and answered the phone. 

    You Chenguang: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" 

    The two secretaries of the president's office passed by and saw You Chenguang making a call. The two looked at each other and thought, "Is President You leaving the order?" 

    The expression on the phone is so gentle. They have never seen it before. 

    You Chenguang is notoriously indifferent in the company. He is cold to everyone and has no pity for girls. He even scolded and made his wrong little assistant cried before.

    "Chen Guang, I'm sorry, are you still at the company, did I disturb you now?" Jiang Mu's voice was a little weak and soft. 

    "It's okay, I'm about to get off work, what do you want to say." In fact, You Chenguang still has a bunch of documents that have not been finished. 

    "I am on the way to pick up Yingying. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and my head hurts, but I promised Yingying to pick her up and take her to the buffet. Can you accompany me?" 

    "You are not well, you should go to the hospital. Where are you? I'll come over right away." You Chenguang said eagerly.

    Jiang Mu whispered, "It's not that serious, don't worry." 

    You Chenguang's tone became serious, "Address." 

    Jiang Mu had to say, "Okay, I'll send it to you." 

    Hang up, You Chen Guang immediately left the company and drove to find Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu sat in the car and saw You Chenguang after playing the game for a while. 

    She changed her face at a speed comparable to that of a professional actor. She was still playing the game with high spirits, and then she leaned weakly on the seat in the next second. 

    When You Chenguang came to see Jiang Mu's face pale and lack of energy, his mood was not very good, and he was very distressed. 

    Jiang Mu has been spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she has never been wronged. It became like this when she married Chu Shuo. 

    "Sister-in-law, how are you? What's wrong with you?" 

    "I'm fine, but I don't have enough energy. I have been like this these days. Without a good rest, I can't sleep at night." Jiang Mu smiled bitterly, a bit sick and beautiful. Delicate and pitiful. 

    You Chenguang didn't think it was worth it for Chu Shuo. 

    "Where is Chu Shuo? Does he know you are uncomfortable? How long has he not picked up Yingying?" You Chenguang asked. 

"I don't want to tell him, and I don't want him to pick up Yingying. Yingying will always ask me to take care of her by myaself." Jiang Mu's aggressive appearance is particularly pitiful. 

    You Chenguang secretly sighed. 

    Jiang Mu looked up at You Chenguang and said expectantly: "Chenguang, will you accompany me to pick up Yingying, I'm going to take her to the buffet, you too, Yingying likes you." 

    You Chenguang nodded. "Okay, I'll accompany you. Get out of the car and take my car." 

    "Okay." Jiang Mu smiled, and the originally bleak face immediately glowed and became dazzling. 

    You Chenguang looked silly. 

    He thought to himself, Jiang Mu should smile more, she is so beautiful.

    Since Chu Shuo can't take care of her well and can't give her happiness, then replace him. 


    At the kindergarten, the other children have been picked up by their parents. 

    Only Chu Ying and the other two children were waiting. 

    After seeing Jiang Mu, Chu Ying rushed over and shouted: "Mom." 

    She said to the other two children: "My mother is here, that's my mother, my mother is the most beautiful." 

    The two children are boys. Seeing Jiang Mu, they said to Chu Ying with envious expression: "Wow, your mother is so beautiful." 

    "Yes, my mother is the most beautiful mother in the world." Chu Ying puffed. With a proud face. 

    "Is that your father next to you?" 

    Chu Ying saw You Chenguang, and she lifted her chin, "That's a friend of my parents." 

    "Why didn't your father come to pick you up?" 

    The joy on Chu Ying's face became less, Chu Shuo hasn't picked her up for a long time, and he doesn't care about her as much as before. 

    Jiang Mu called to Chu Ying, and Chu Ying raised her head and said, "I'm going to eat delicious food with my mother, bye." 


    "Mom, why are you here with Uncle You?" Chu Ying Said strangely. 

    "I think Yingying, I just ran into your mother on the road, so I followed, Yingying won't welcome uncle, then uncle is going to be sad." You Chenguang said with a smile. 

    "I welcome uncle, I'm very happy." Chu Ying explained that You Chenguang was really sad. 

    "Then Uncle and Yingying go to the buffet together, okay?" You Chenguang asked. 

    Chu Ying thought for a while, and said with some embarrassment: "Then...the uncle wants to ask mother, it's my mother who spends money, and Yingying can't just agree to it. Only if mother agrees."

    You Chenguang and Jiang Mu laughed at the same time. 

    You Chenguang asked: "Mother, Yingying would like to take me with you?" 

    Jiang Mu pretended to think for a while, "Okay, then you will help me and Yingying get things later." 

    "Mom agreed, uncle, we can go to tour together!" Chu Ying cheered loudly. 

    You Chenguang looked at the mother and daughter with a warm heart. 

    After eating, You Chenguang sent Jiang Mu and Chu Ying home again. 

    No one else at home, Jiang Mu invited You Chenguang into the house to sit down. 

    As soon as Chu Ying went home, she turned on the TV and watched the cartoon she watched every day. 

    At this moment, Jiang Mu and You Chenguang looked at each other. Jiang Mu said, "Do you want something to drink? I'll help you pour it." 

    "I just drink water." You Chenguang said. 

    "Yeah." Jiang Mu nodded and turned to the kitchen. 

    You Chenguang somehow followed. 

    Watching Jiang Mu squat down to take a disposable paper cup with his back to him, he bent over to pour him water. 

    You Chenguang felt a strange feeling in his heart, he slowly walked into Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu was wearing a pair of tight jeans today, with a white knitted short sleeve on his upper body. When he bends down, a small amputation was exposed, white and tender, with You Chenguang's eyes dangling. 

    Her buttocks are also very charming, a rare peach buttocks, one point too greasy, one point too thin. 

    This is just right, attractive and beautiful. 

    You Chenguang felt very thirsty for some reason. 

    He stood behind Jiang Mu. 

    When Jiang Mu turned around, he just hit his chest. 

    Water poured on You Chenguang's chest, soaking his suit and shirt wet. 

    But the fire in You Chenguang's heart became more vigorous.

    "Chen Guang... you..." Jiang Mu was startled, because he was too close, as if he was nervous, and couldn't speak clearly. 

    You Chenguang lowered his head and just saw her pink lips. He didn't know where the impulse came from, and hugged Jiang Mu. 

    "Dust light!" Jiang Mu stared at him in a low voice. 

    "What are you doing?" 

    You Chenguang: "Sister-in-law, I like you."