[World 1] Chapter 14

Jiang Mu's eyes widened, her watery eyes looked at You Chenguang in confusion, still a little surprised. 

    You Chenguang looked into her eyes with piercing eyes, with a soft tone, as if afraid to scare her: "Actually, I have wanted to do this for a long time. Chu Shuo is sorry for you, and I will protect you." 

    Jiang Mu pushed him hard. "You let me go, we can't do this, it's wrong." 

    "Why not? It was Chu Shuo who betrayed you first." You Chenguang pressed her shoulder. 

    "But...I can't do this." 

    Her voice was small, not firm, but full of hesitation and pain. 

    You Chenguang felt a little distressed. Not only did he not shrink back, but he became more determined, "Don't be afraid, I won't force you." 

    Jiang Mu lowered her head and said bitterly, "You said you like me, then why didn't you tell me earlier Chu Shuo's derailment?" 

    You Chenguang was stunned and said to himself: "I...I'm just afraid to hurt you, I'm sorry." 

    Jiang Mu shook his head and said in a daze, "Forget it, you don't have to be sorry. Actually, to tell you it's okay, it's me and him that have a problem. Even if you told me earlier, it's still the same." 

    Seeing Jiang Mu's fragile appearance, You Chenguang blamed himself even more. He hurriedly said, "You can blame me, but you have to believe me. I really like you. I have been thinking of you every day recently. I will dream of you in my dreams. Even if you don't accept me, it doesn't matter. I will prove it to you." 

    Jiang Mu looked at him blankly, as if shaken. 

    Her eye sockets gradually turned red, and she lowered her head. 

    "But, it's impossible for me and you... I've married Chu Shuo, and you and Chu Shuo are such good brothers. You can't turn your back to him because of me..." Jiang Mu said, his voice choked, like I can't go on. 

    When Jiang Mu was acting very seriously, the voice of the system sounded in her mind: [ The host's green tea index has increased a bit fast recently. There have been such results in a short time. You are the best host I have ever seen. ]

Recently, her green tea index has been increasing every day, and her beauty value has also increased so that You Chenguang is easily blinded by her beauty, and he impulsively confessed in a short time. 

    "Don't say that. This is my decision. Even if I break with Chu Shuo, it is not your fault." You Chenguang was afraid that Jiang Mu would shrink for him. 

    He could see that Jiang Mu had feelings for him, even if she didn't like him much, but at least, she relied on him, and Chu Ying didn't hate him. As long as he gave him more time, he believed that he could get Jiang Mu. And Chu Ying's approval can give them happiness. 

    Jiang Mu bit her lip, his face pale, his eyelashes trembling lightly. 

    You Chenguang saw that she was hesitating, and she had been moved by him. 

    Feeling hopeful, You Chenguang immediately added another fire, "I can help you, don't you want to get a divorce, I can help you get evidence of Chu Shuo's derailment, then Yingying's custody right will be yours. " 

    Jiang twilight slowly looked up expectantly at him, "really?" 

    "Of course, as long as you trust me." he leaned his forehead to Jiang Mu's forehead.

    Jiang Mu struggled for a while, and said softly: "You let me think about it again." 

    You Chenguang was ecstatic and said excitedly: "Okay, no hurry, think about it again, I'll wait for you, and I will let you see my sincerity." 

    Jiang Mu gave a soft "um", looking away, feeling a little at a loss. 

    Her expression was soft and pitiful, and it was heart-warming. You Chenguang looked at her idiotically, reached out his hand to hold her face, and slowly touched her face with his fingers. 

    The silky skin gave him a great throbbing, as long as he lowered his head, he could kiss her. 

    This idea is a lifetime. 

    You Chenguang had already kissed. 

    The soft lips mixed with a faint floral fragrance, sweet and inviting, he couldn't stand the temptation and deepened the kiss. 

    This kiss is sweeter than the dream.

    You Chenguang hugged Jiang Mu's waist and pressed her against the refrigerator. 

    "Dad, you are back." 

    Chu Ying's voice came from outside, startling the two of them. 

    "Yingying, what are you looking at? Where's your mother?" 

    Chu Shuo walked to Chu Ying, untied his tie, and was about to take off his suit jacket. 

    Chu Ying said: "Mom is in the kitchen, and Uncle You is here." 

    "Uncle You?" Chu Shuo frowned. 

    "Yeah, Uncle You also came to pick up Yingying with her mother, a buffet dinner with us in the evening." Chu Ying said happily. 

    At this time, Jiang Mu and You Chenguang walked out from the kitchen one after another. 

    "Chenguang, why are you here?" Chu Shuo was surprised that You Chenguang would appear in his home. 

    "I ran into my sister-in-law on the road today. When she said that I was going to pick up Yingying, I went together and asked my sister-in-law to treat her to dinner." You Chenguang didn't want Jiang Mu to be embarrassed and took the initiative to explain. 

    "It turned out to be like this." Chu Shuo nodded. He saw that You Chenguang's clothes were wet, and he wondered: "What's wrong with your clothes?" 

    "Oh, I choked on drinking water just now, and the water was spilled. I was about to borrow your clothes. Use the bathroom and I'll be back." You Chenguang's expression remained unchanged. 

    Jiang Mu glanced at him. 

    Before, I really didn't see that You Chenguang was so proficient in lying, and his face didn't blush. 

    Chu Shuo: "Then you go to the toilet and wipe it, wife, go get Chenguang a towel." 

    Jiang Mu nodded, "Yes." 

    "Then I'll trouble my sister-in-law." 

    Chu Shuo did not hear the ambiguous tone from what he said, but Jiang Mu heard it. 

    You Chenguang is simply a sullen show, looking at the cold show, it is really surprising. 

    "It's okay." Jiang Mu also pretended to be generous in front of Chu Shuo.

    Chu Shuo didn't even notice the slightest clue, and watched Jiang Mu and You Chenguang enter the bathroom with great confidence. 

    When he arrived in the bathroom, Jiang Mu went to get You Chenguang a towel. She was gently hugged by him again, and he said in her ear, "Did I scare you?" 

    Jiang Mu nodded and shook her head again.

 You Chenguang smiled, "Don't be afraid, you won't be discovered." 

    Jiang Mu didn't say a word, and handed him the towel, "You can wipe it quickly." 

    "Well, I will listen to you." 

    Jiang Mu said "You are not afraid of being known by him?" 

    "What's terrible ? Since I have made a decision, I'm not worried about him knowing. Now I'm hiding it for you. When the dust settles, he will still know." 1You Chenguang is not worried at all. 

    Although You Chenguang's own company is similar to Chu Shuo's, but with You Jia's back, he can even destroy Chu Shuo's company if he wants to. 

    But it is not necessary. 

    After all, he and Chu Shuo are still brothers for many years. If Chu Shuo treats Jiang Mu wholeheartedly, You Chenguang will not snatch his brother's wife, but Chu Shuo doesn't cherish Jiang Mu, so you can't blame him. 

    He doesn't cherish, naturally some people feel distressed. 

    "Okay." Jiang Mu sighed. 

    "You wipe it for me." You Chenguang whispered while holding Jiang Mu's wrist. 

    Jiang Mu stretched out her hand and wiped him twice, her face blushed. 

    You Chenguang looked at her and smiled. 

    Jiang Mu became angry and glared at You Chenguang, and threw the towel to him, "I won't wipe it, you wipe it yourself." 

    Not only did she not get angry, but Jiang Mu's eyes became more gentle. 

    "Okay, I won't tease you. Let's go out, it won't be good to stay too long." You Chenguang whispered. 

    "Yeah." Jiang Mu nodded.

    But when Jiang Mu walked out, You Chenguang took Jiang Mu's hand and refused to let go. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him suspiciously. 

    I only heard You Chenguang say in a very satisfying tone: "Sister-in-law, I won't call your sister-in-law in the future, can I call you by your name?" 

    Jiang Mu thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter what you want to call me." 

    You Chen Guang was overjoyed, pinching Jiang Mu's fingers. 

    "Mu Mu, your fingers are so soft and thin, I can't bear to let go." 

    Jiang Mu thought, Sao is still your Sao. 

    She blushed and was about to speak when she suddenly heard footsteps. 

    Both of them let go at the same time and took a step back. 

    "Chenguang." The bathroom door was opened. 

    Chu Shuo pushed in, "Why are you so slow?" 

    You Chenguang said, "I talked to my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law said that she wanted to find a teacher for Yingying to cultivate some hobbies, and asked if I knew some people." 

    Jiang Mu was secretly stunned, this You Chenguang's nonsense skills really have a set of skills, and the ability to adapt is very good. 

    Chu Shuo was dubious, and looked at Jiang Mu, "Really, then why don't you tell me?" 

    Jiang Mu said, "You are so busy, and you are not at home all the time, how can I tell you?" 

    Jiang Mu's tone was light, Chu Shuo was very embarrassed. 

    Chu Shuo: "I've been a bit busy lately. I have a big project. It will be fine in a few days." 

    "Well, I know." Jiang Mu nodded. 

    "Well, excuse me for so long, I should go back too." You Chenguang said. 

    Chu Shuo: "Then I'll send you." 

    You Chenguang: "No, you haven't come back for so long, so stay with Yingying. Yingying must miss you too."

    Chu Shuo: "Yes, that's OK, wife, you help me send Chenguang, I'll talk to Yingying." 

    Jiang Mu looked at You Chenguang, then looked at Chu Shuo, thinking, Chu Shuo, this idiot, this green hat is not wrong. 

    Jiang Mu sent You Chenguang to the door. Before leaving, You Chenguang even boldly kissed Jiang Mu's lips. 

    "Mu Mu, I'm leaving." 

    Jiang Mu looked behind her flusteredly, and said, "Don't do this, what should we do if we are seen?" 

    You Chenguang was not afraid at all, but comforted her: "I have a sense of measure." 

    Jiang Mu thought to herself, if you are measured, you won't flirt with your sister-in-law. 

    After You Chenguang left, Chu Shuo ran over to ask Jiang Mu if You Chenguang had anything to say to her. 

    He was a little worried that You Chenguang would reveal his derailment. 

    "No, ah, what should he say to me?" Jiang Mu pretending naively looked at him, 

    Chu Shuo was relieved, he calmly said: "None, I just think he seemed a bit strange recently."

Ginger Mu said, "Really, I didn't see it, maybe it's a relationship." 

    Chu Shuo was taken aback, "Really? He told you?" 

    Jiang Mu smiled, "Yeah, he said he already confessed to someone." 

    This person is your wife. 

    Chu Shuo: "Unexpectedly, I will ask him to bring it out for everyone to see next time. He should invite me to have a drink and talked about it." 

    "Okay." Jiang Mu smiled. 

    He should invite you to drink, he has given you a cuckold, and it is a trivial matter to invite you to drink. 

    ...The next day, Jiang Mu and Shen Yan made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop. 

    The two discussed how to investigate the identity of Chu Shuo's derailed subject.

    Jiang Mu didn't give Shen Yan many clues, only told him that the other party was a student of S University and had been with Chu Shuo for more than a year. Chu Shuo would meet with him three or four days in almost a week. 

    Shen Yan offered to follow Chu Shuo to see where he went when he didn't go home after getting off work, so that he could find the address of that woman, and if he was lucky, he could see the appearance of that woman. 

    After thinking about it, Jiang Mu agreed, and gave Shen Yan a copy of Chu Shuo's information, including Chu Shuo's license plate number, company address, and Chu Shuo's photo. 

    After Shen Yan got the information, the first thing he saw was Chu Shuo's photo. 

    Seeing that Chu Shuo looked good and gentle, he felt uncomfortable. 

    Does Jiang Mo like this type of man? 

    It seems very different from him. 

    "What's the matter?" Jiang Mu asked when Shen Yan's mood suddenly fell. 

    "No, nothing, just curious, why did you marry him." 

    In fact, when the original owner first saw Chu Shuo, Chu Shuo was not so scumbag, and it has only deteriorated in the past few years. 

    But Jiang Mu didn't answer, she just lowered her head and sighed. 

    Shen Yan quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask you, I shouldn't make you sad." 

    Jiang Mu said, "It's okay." 

    "Don't worry, I must find the mistress who destroyed your family and let her be punished. "Shen Yan assured. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him moved, "Thank you for helping me." 

    Shen Yan scratched his hair embarrassedly, "Nothing, it was all my voluntary." 

    Jiang Mu smiled at him gratefully. 

    Shen Yan hesitated and said, "Can you watch a movie with me later?" 

    "Yes." Jiang Mu nodded and agreed. 

    "Really? That's great."

    Shen Yan was obviously very happy, "There is a cinema upstairs, let's go now." 

    Jiang Mu: "Okay." The two walked out of the cafe and were about to take the elevator upstairs when Jiang Mu suddenly stopped. 

    What a coincidence, you can meet Shen Mo here.