[World 1] Chapter 15

There is a girl next to Shen Mo. Seeing the closeness of the two, she should be a little sister who went out shopping together. 

    Jiang Mu immediately made a decision and said to Shen Yan: "Shen Yan, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I have to go back and let's watch the movie another day." 

    Shen Yan was originally full of joy, and his face suddenly collapsed. He came down, but when he met Jiang Mu's face, he couldn't say a word, so he had to say, "Okay, then." 

    "Then I'm going now, I'm sorry." Jiang Mu quickly yo-yo after finishing talking. 

    But after she walked a few steps, Shen Mo suddenly looked over and just saw her from behind. 

    Shen Mo's expression changed slightly, and she stared her for a while. 

    The girl next to her said, "Mo Mo, what's the matter?" 

    Shen Mo said, "Oh, nothing, I seem to see someone I know." 

    "Who, where is it?"

By this time, Jiang Mu had already walked out of the mall.

    Shen Mo smiled, "Maybe I read it wrong."

The girl looked around and saw Shen Yan who was looking sad and ready to go back to school, "Eh, is that your brother?" 

    Shen Mo looked in the direction the girl pointed and really saw Shen Mo. 

    "Why is he so downcast?" the girl said suspiciously. 

    Shen Mo yelled, "Shen Yan." 

    Shen Yan hadn't heard it at first, and he only recovered when Shen Mo called it the third time. 

    "What are you thinking? You didn't respond when I'm calling you for a long time." Shen Mo walked over. 

    "Sister? Why are you here?" 

    "Why can't I be here, my friends and I are shopping here, but you, who never come to these places usually, why are you here alone today?" 

    Shen Mo touched his nose, and said: "I have nothing to do, come and buy a book."

"Buy a book? You can buy a book if you buy it at school, you can run so far." Shen Mo was not convinced. 

    "I didn't find it in the school's bookstore." Shen Yan was really not good at lying, and his face changed when he told two lies. 

    Shen Mo didn't embarrass him either. After all, the old friend was still nearby, thinking about waiting for him to cross-examine him. 

    "All right, do you want to eat with us?" Shen Mo said. 

    "No, I didn't find what I'm looking for here. I'm going to go back." Shen Yan was not in the mood to go to dinner with Shen Mo. He was thinking about Jiang Mu now, and he was also thinking of helping Jiang Mu find the mistress who cheated with her husband. 

    Shen Mo looked at him suspiciously, "Then be careful on your way." 

    "Well, I know." Shen Yan nodded. 

    After Shen Yan left, Shen Mo's old friend looked at Shen Yan's back and said, "Your brother looks more handsome. Last time I saw him, he didn't seem to be as energetic as this time, and his hairstyle is also handsome." The 

    old friend did not say Shen Mo. I haven't found it yet, she said so, it really is.

Shen Yan is indeed different today, as if he had deliberately dressed up. 

    But why do you want to dress up when you come out to buy a book? Shen Yan is not a person who cares about appearance. 

    Is it possible to hide something from her? 

    "Does your brother have a girlfriend?" The boardmate was a little moved. 

    "No, what's the matter? Is it possible that you are in love with my brother?" Shen Mo asked in surprise. 

    "Haha, what do you think? Your brother doesn't have a girlfriend anyway, and the fat water doesn't flow into the field of outsiders." The old friend blinked and really admitted. 

    "Forget it. My brother hasn't learned anything about it since he was a child. Many girls gave him love letters and gifts. He ignored them and didn't understand them at all. I was worried that he would get involved." 

    "No, then. In this case, you, sister, can't let him make detours."

    The words of the old friend awakened Shen Mo. Recently, because of Chu Shuo, she did not care about Shen Yan a little. It seems that she will have to have a conversation between sister and brother when she goes back today. 


    Jiang Mu returned home and took out her mobile phone to see the message You Chenguang had sent to her. 

    Ever since You Chenguang revealed his heart to her, he has been so tired and crooked with her every day and talked a lot of love, which made Jiang Mu feel awkward. 

    Before, she also talked about a few boyfriends who were cold outside and hot inside, so she was quite familiar with You Chenguang. 

    On the surface it is an iceberg, but in fact it is a volcano in his heart. As long as you open his heart, you will find that this person is very muffled. 

    However, this kind of person is one thing better, that is, only treat the people you like, and treat outsiders like an iceberg. 

    Jiang Mu didn't look at the phone before and didn't reply in time. 

    At this moment, You Chenguang sent several more messages continuously. 

    [ I miss you. ]

    [ I want to see you. ]

    [ What are you doing? ] 

    Jiang Mu is not urgent, slowly typing a lengthy reply to him, [ I just go out, just got home, only to see the phone. ] 

    You Chenguang: [ Can we meet today? ] 

    Jiang Mu: [ We just saw each other yesterday. ] 

    You Chenguang didn't return for a long time. 

    Jiang Mu estimated that he was upset. 

    But Jiang Mu ignored him, went to the studio, and continued to finish the portrait of Shen Yan that hadn't finished that day. 

    Seeing that painting, Jiang Mu thought of Shen Yan's shy and cute appearance that day, and couldn't help but find it interesting. 

    A thought suddenly popped into her mind, what would it be like if You Chenguang stripped off and was painted by her? 

    Jiang Mu found it exciting and fun.

    It is estimated that You Chenguang's reaction will be completely different from that of Shen Yan, but Jiang Mu can't say exactly where it is different. 

    She decided to let You Chenguang also make her a mannequin. 

    But she is not anxious to advance, now she has more important things to do. 

    In the evening, Chu Shuo came back again. Perhaps You Chenguang's arrival gave him a reminder yesterday. He was also worried about what You Chenguang would say to Jiang Mu, so he wanted to perform well in front of Jiang Mu these days. 

When he got home, the house was just ready to eat. 

    Aunt Liu made a table of food. 

    It has been a long time since they sat down to eat together, and the atmosphere was still harmonious. Chu Shuo hadn't felt the warmth of family for a long time, and felt a little guilty in his heart, thinking that in the future, he would go home more to accompany his wife and daughter. 

    But his guilt didn't last long. After eating, Chu Shuo wanted to get close to Jiang Mu, but Jiang Mu refused with the excuse of being physically uncomfortable. He didn't even let him touch it with his hands.

     Chu Shuo didn't say anything, he was very dissatisfied. He hadn't touched Jiang Mu for more than half a month. Jiang Mu kept refusing to approach him. He didn't know what was uncomfortable and couldn't touch him.

     What made him even more uncomfortable was Jiang Mu's attitude, which gave him a sense of irritation that he had eaten and was unreasonable. He couldn't please Jiang Mu and felt uncomfortable, so he thought of Shen Mo again.

     Although he knew that Jiang Mu still loved him, he couldn't bear the excitement brought by the wild flowers outside that Jiang Mu could not give him.

     That's why he couldn't bear to break this relationship. What's more, Shen Mo was obedient, not famous or greedy, just wanted to be by his side, and she was always there no matter when he needed her.

     Jiang Mu saw Chu Shuo's absent-mindedness, secretly sarcasm in her heart, still showing a virtuous and dignified look, "By the way, my husband, I have something to tell you."

     Chu Shuo asked, "What's the matter?"

     Jiang Mu: "The day after tomorrow I will go to City A to attend an art seminar."

    "Suddenly? How many days do you want to go?" Chu Shuo asked in surprise. 

    "Three days." Jiang Mu smiled and said, "I also just received the invitation, and I have to go to school tomorrow to ask for leave." 

    Chu Shuo: "Well, are you going alone?" 

    Jiang Mu: "Well, I'm not at home these days. Aunt Liu can pick up Yingying home in the afternoon, but I'll trouble you to send Yingying to kindergarten in the morning." 

    Chu Shuo: "Okay, it's not troublesome to say this thing, I'm Yingying's father. Don't worry, just leave it to me." 

    Jiang Mu: "Well, okay, thank you very much." 

Back to the room, Jiang Mu sent a message to You Chenguang, [ I have already told him . ] 

    You Chenguang quickly replied: [ Ok, then I will pick you up the day after tomorrow. ]

The academic business trip is fake, Jiang Mu has other plans. 

    The next day, Jiang Mu went to school, and Xu Yujie now saw that her attitude was completely different from before. 

    This person still pretend in front of them before, and now she ignore Jiang Mu. She seems to think that she helped Jiang Mu to take a few photos last time, and the matter is over. 

    Jiang Mu thinks Xu Yujie is quite naive, so she thinks too well. 

    A handle fell into her hands, how could she let her go without tossing her three or five times. 

    Xu Yujie has never been polite to the original owner, and has used it time and time again and still wants to grab the original owner's husband. If Chu Shuo didn't look at her, it is estimated that she would replace Shen Mo and become Chu Shuo's lover. 

    "Yujie, your attitude toward me has become bad at all lately, but I'm so sad." Jiang Mu walked to Xu Yujie's table and looked at her with a smile, with no trace of sadness on her face. 

    Xu Yujie's expression turned ugly, "Is there something?" 

    "Of course, you used to see me rushing over and wagging your tail like a dog, but now it's not like that." Jiang Mu sighed, "I'm not used to it."

    Xu Yujie: "You!"

    She turned blue with anger, stared at Jiang Mu, and said in a low voice: "Don't be too much." 

    "Is it too much?" Jiang Mu raised her eyebrows , "I'm telling the truth." Xu Yujie's chest rose and fell quickly, suppressing her anger and dare not to vent. 

    Jiang Mu saw that she was so angry, she smiled happily, and said in a low voice, "I will wait for you at the western restaurant at the school gate after class at noon. I have something to do for you." 

    "What's the matter? Didn't I help you last time? Did you take the picture? What do you want me to do?" 

    "It's up to you or not. If I don't see you, I will call Chen Feng." Jiang Mu said much more lazily, and left. 

    Xu Yujie really hated Jiang Mu, but she had to be obedient again. 

    After class, she rushed to the western restaurant. 

    When she got there, she saw Jiang Mu was eating, and her food was on the table. 

    Xu Yujie became angry again, but she had to suppress it. 

    She rushed to sit down opposite Jiang Mu and put her bag on the seat next to her. 

    "What's the matter? Tell me quickly." 

    Jiang Mu didn't even look at her, and continued to eat her own. 

    Xu Yujie has had enough. 

    When she finished eating slowly, she finally spoke. 

    "You go to Shen Mo this afternoon. " 

    "What?" Xu Yujie said in surprise. 

Jiang Mu continued: "I told Chu Shuo that I would be traveling for three days and go to S City to attend an art seminar. If he asks you, don't say anything. Go to Shen Mo, tell her about my business trip, and encourage her to take the lead ." Xu Yujie looked at Jiang Mu dumbfounded. 

    Jiang Mu: "I don't care what you say, in short, you must make her believe you. You can say that you hate me and don't see me well, so you want to help her. I guess if you say that, Shen Mo will believe it."

    Xu Yujie felt embarrassed, but Jiang Mu looked calm and didn't seem to care at all. 

    Xu Yujie asked: "Why are you doing this?" 

    Jiang Mu said lightly: "You don't need to worry about this. You just need to know what I want to say and do it. If it's done, I might let you go. If not, then..." Jiang Mu blinked. 

    Xu Yujie gritted her teeth, "I see." 

    Jiang Mu got up, picked up the bag, and left the restaurant gracefully. 

    Xu Yujie was also preparing to leave, but she was stopped by the waiter after she had just walked two steps. 

    "Guest, you haven't paid the bill yet." 

    Xu Yujie: "What?" 

    "The lady just said that you paid the bill." The waiter said Xu Yujie's face was wrong and said carefully. 

    Xu Yujie was shaking with anger and almost screamed. 

    She is going to kill Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu sneezed shortly after walking out of the restaurant. 

    She guessed that Xu Yujie was scolding her. 

    She did it on purpose just now. When Xu Yujie was playing with the original owner, she used to eat and drink. She never bought the bill, and the meal didn't cost much. After all, it was a cheap restaurant next to the school. She just want to anger Xu Yujie. 


    Even if she was reluctant, Xu Yujie still went to Shen Mo. 

    Although she could not guess Jiang Mu's purpose, she could also see that Jiang Mu was going to do something. It had nothing to do with her. She just watched the fun. Maybe Jiang Mu would lift a rock and hit her in the foot. It's funny. 

    Xu Yujie and Shen Mo had met several times before. They were talking pretty well when Chu Shuo took her out to play. She didn't like or hate Shen Mo. After all, the enemy's enemy was a friend.

    Compared to Jiang Mu, she would rather Chu Shuo and Shen Mo be together. 

    Shen Mo was surprised to see Xu Yujie coming to her. 

    She didn't fully believe what Xu Yujie said, but she also had her own ideas. 

    When Xu Yujie talked about Jiang Mu, the hatred and jealousy in her eyes were real. She was familiar with that look. Based on this, Shen Mo felt that she could take a gamble. 

    At night, Jiang Mu was packing her luggage and received news from Xu Yujie. 

    Xu Yujie: [ I did what you said.]

 After reading, Jiang Mu puts the phone aside and continues to pack things. 

    She didn't have much to bring this time. She just packed a twenty-inch suitcase, put some facial masks on skin care products, and put two skirts and underwear on it. 

    When Chu Ying walked in, she happened to see Jiang Mu closing the suitcase. 

    "Mom, are you leaving tomorrow? Then Yingying won't see you for a long time." 

    Chu Ying was a little unhappy. 

  "Mom will be back soon, wait for her to bring Yingying gifts." Jiang Mu put down the box, knelt down and took Chu Ying's hand, comfortingly said. 

    Chu Ying pursed her mouth, still a little unhappy, "But Yingying doesn't want her mother to go out for so long." 

    "But mother has very important things. Mother promises not to go out after coming back, and stay with Yingying every day." Jiang Mu's words are extremely soft. 


    "Of course, what gift does Yingying want? Mom will bring it back for you." 

    "Yingying doesn't want a gift, she wants mother only." Chu Ying hugged Jiang Mu. 

    "Yingying is really good." Jiang Mu smiled and touched her head. "Then you have to be obedient at home these days, and mother will call you every day." 

    "Okay, Yingying will be good."

    The next day, Jiang Mu sent Chu Ying to the kindergarten before setting off to the airport. 

    She arrived at the airport security checkpoint, took a photo and sent it to Chu Shuo, then turned her head and left the airport. 

    You Chenguang was already waiting for her outside. 

    Jiang Mu got into You Chenguang's car, and You Chenguang asked her, "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, go eat first." 

    Jiang Mu said, "Not hungry. Go where you live." 

    You Chenguang nodded: "Okay." " 

    You Chenguang drove her to his property on the outskirts of the city. 

    This is a single-family villa that You Chenguang bought last year. The environment in the community is very good, and the security is good. The house is renovated and has everything. Every day, there are aunts who come to do sanitary cooking. 

    Jiang Mu is also very satisfied with this place. If it weren't for the real estate under her name and the long-term unattended, she would not bother to travel with Chenguang, and it is inconvenient to live in a hotel. Now there are surveillance cameras everywhere, and she is afraid of coming and meeting acquaintances. 

    It was pretty good here, but she can only stayed for three days and go back. 

    You Chenguang made a call and asked someone to clean up the house in the community where Shen Mo live. 

    You Chenguang shook Jiang Mu's hand and said, "Mu Mu, you can rest here without worry. If you need anything, just tell Auntie to call me whenever you need to." 

    Jiang Mu nodded, "I know, thank you, you go now and get busy, I'll stay here." 

    "Okay, then at night I'll see you again, I will return to the company, might come back later, I will call you." 

    He just ran out in time, his company still has a lot of things waiting for him to do. 


    Seeing Jiang Mu's quick promise, You Chenguang frowned slightly. 

    "You didn't want me at all." 

    Jiang Mu said innocently, "I'm afraid of delaying your work."

   You Chenguang stared at Jiang Mu's eyes, "Really?" 

    Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

    You Chenguang looked at her sincerely eyes, and then he believed. 

    He reached out and hugged Jiang Mu, bowed his head and kissed her on the neck, smelling the fragrance on her body, after a long while he said, "I really want to stay here with you." 

    Jiang Mu She didn't speak, she looked at him with a look that she wanted but she was also helpless. 

    Silence is better than sound, her eyes made You Chenguang a little unbearable, and he couldn't wait to throw her down right here. 

    But You Chenguang is still sensible. He gritted his teeth and left. The company is now expanding overseas business. He has to keep an eye on a lot of things. There were originally two meetings this afternoon. In order to pick up Jiang Mu, he took the meeting. It's all postponed, and I really can't push anymore, and because he has to work overtime tonight to make up for the lost time during the day. 

    You Chenguang had no choice but to tell himself that he should wait until the end of the busy period, and then he and Jiang Mu would cultivate a good relationship. 

    Compared to You Chenguang's indiscretion, Jiang Mu was simply heartless. 

    As soon as You Chenguang left, she called Shen Yan and asked him out to watch the movie. 

    A few days ago, because she ran into Shen Mo, she and Shen Yan did not see it as a movie, but Shen Yan was sad for several days. 

    Jiang decided to coax him. 

    Shen Yan is so well-behaved, Jiang Mu is quite satisfied with him at the moment, and after Shen Yan knows the truth about everything, he probably won't be happy anymore. Jiang Mu thinks he should make him happy in the last few days. 

    Sure enough, after receiving Jiang Mu's call, Shen Yan flew up happily. 

    He didn't expect that Jiang Mu would take the initiative to ask him to watch a movie. After Jiang Mu left that day, he thought the movie was going to be a shame. He didn't expect spring to come so soon. 

    Shen Yan smirked in the dormitory, and was disgusted by his friends for a long time.

    All the friends in the room knew that he had someone he liked. After hearing that he was going to watch a movie, they all told him some tips on dating in the cinema. 

    These people in the dormitory are all straight men with little experience, but after failing to advise Shen Yan last time, everyone began to reflect deeply, so they surfed the Internet and saw many scumbags tricks, and I still had no chance to apply what they learned. At this moment, they were all taught to Shen Yan. 

    That is, Shen Yan, a fool with low EQ, really listened carefully for a long time, and took it all down. 


    The place where Jiang Mu and Shen Yan made an appointment was not the same mall last time, mainly because they were afraid of meeting Shen Mo again. 

    Although Shen Mo will let Shen Mo know sooner or later, it is not the time yet. Jiang Mu tries his best to avoid this happening so as not to disrupt her plan. 

    Jiang Mu wore a white irregular shirt skirt, with a black woven vest, tied with a ball head, simple yet refreshing, full of girlishness. Although she is thirty years old, she wears it like this. It doesn't violate the peace, on the contrary, it is foreign and lively, and also brings her pure qualities to perfection. 

    Although he knew Jiang Mu was beautiful for a long time, every time Shen Yan saw Jiang Mu, he felt that his heart was hit. 

    Shen Yan's eyes were glowing, and he said greenly, "You look so good today." 

    "Where is it?" Jiang Mu was in a good mood, and deliberately teased him. 

    "They all look good. You wear them this way. They don't look the same as you usually do, but they look good." Shen Yan is not usually such a clumsy and bad-spoken person, and it became like this when he was in front of Jiang Mu. 

    "Thank you, let's go in, the movie 

    will begin soon." On the way, Jiang Mu and Shen Yan discussed which movie they wanted to watch, and the tickets were also bought. 

"Yeah." Shen Yan nodded and took the initiative to walk to Jiang Mu. 

    The cinema is on the fifth floor. Today is not a weekend and it is the afternoon, so there are not too many people. After the two bought popcorn and juice, it was just time to enter.

    The seats were chosen by Jiang Mu. In the penultimate row, no one was next to them, only the front and back rows were scattered with people. 

    After sitting down, after a few minutes of advertising, the video began. 

    This is a Japanese anime movie that tells a fantasy love story. 

    Jiang Mu is not too cold with this type of movie, but it was not a disaster movie or a horror movie that was screened at the same time. It was really not suitable, so I had to choose this one. 

    But what I didn't expect was that after the movie started, the pictures were indeed done very well, the details were in place, and the plot was simple, but still attractive, Jiang Mu also watched it. 

    But Shen Yan next to her was not immersed in the movie. 

    His head was full of what his friends said to him before they went out. 

    For example, when the plot of the movie develops to the point where the male and female protagonist is ambiguous, holding her hand calmly, such as placing her hand on her shoulder when the movie is dim... 

    Where did Shen Yan do this kind of thing? 

    Let him do it at this time, and he must do a lot of psychological construction in advance. 

    And let alone doing it, he was nervous even thinking about these things in his mind. 

    But Jiang Mu didn't know Shen Yan's thoughts at all. He watched the movie seriously, and occasionally saw him staring at the big screen sternly when he looked at Shen Yan. He thought he was watching the movie too seriously, and even stopped discussing with him. Up. 

    Jiang Mu took a drink and was about to reach out for the popcorn. 

    And Shen Yan was too nervous and wanted to eat some popcorn to ease his emotions. As a result, the two reached out to the popcorn at the same time. 

    The hands of the two were thus caught together. 

    Shen Yan felt the soft touch in his hand, and the tense string in his mind broke instantly. 

    He felt like fireworks were set off in his mind. 

    Jiang Mu was also stunned, how to get popcorn, he held his hand.

    Shen Yan didn't seem to want to let go of her either. 

    Jiang Mu turned to look at him, only to find that Shen Yan's blush was completely red. 

    "Are you okay?" Jiang Mu asked. 

    Shen Yan shook his head, nodded again, and said vaguely: "I...I'm fine." 

    "That..." Jiang Mu looked at the hands of the two of them. Shen Yan did not know when he had already grasped her tightly. , And Shen Yan's palms were hot and sweaty. 

    She couldn't help but smile. 

    Hearing Jiang Mu's laughter, Shen Yan's tension eased a lot. 

    "Your hands are so hot." Jiang Mu approached Shen Yan and whispered, "Are you nervous?" 

    Shen Yan did not deny, "Yes." 

    "What are you nervous about?" 

    Jiang Mu deliberately approached Shen Yan's ear and spoke. At that time, his breath was blowing on his ears. 

    Shen Yan shook, "I...I didn't...I don't know." 

    He said incoherently. 

    Jiang Mu deliberately pretended to be sad and said: "You are always so nervous with me, are you afraid of me?" 

    Shen Yan explained hurriedly, "No, no, don't get me wrong." 

    Jiang Mu sighed . 

    Shen Yan blurted out: "I don't hate you, I just like you so much... I only do this." After 

    speaking, Shen Yan felt relieved, and he relaxed. 

    So he looked at Jiang Mu seriously and said, "I like you. I'm worried that what I do will not annoy you, so I am very nervous. Will you hate me?" 

    Jiang Mu was stunned, "How could I I hate you, I like you too..." 

    Shen Yan said in surprise, "Really?"

    Jiang Mu smiled and said: "Yes, I treat you as a younger brother, how can I hate you." 

    "Brother?" Shen Yan's face instantly became ugly. 


    Shen Yan stood up abruptly and walked out. 

    Jiang Mu was taken aback by Shen Yan. 

    Although she was deliberately teasing Shen Yan, she really didn't expect that Shen Yan, who had always been gentle, would react so much and seemed to be really angry. 

    Jiang Mu couldn't take care of the movie anymore, so he hurried out. 

    Shen Yan didn't go far either. He was so angry that he went the other way. Instead of going to the exit, he went inside. 

    Jiang Mu caught up to him and stopped him, "Shen Yan, you wait." 

    Shen Yan actually stopped. 

    He stood on the corner with his back to Jiang Mu. 

    "Why are you angry?" Jiang Mu walked to him. 

    Shen Yan turned his head and did not look at her, "Don't you know why I am angry?" 

    Jiang Mu said, "You don't tell me how I knew." 

    Shen Yan was silent for a few seconds, but was really angry, and said stubbornly, "You don't I know it." 

    Jiang Mu almost laughed out loud. 

    Unexpectedly, it was anxious. 

    Jiang Mu likes to tease such a cute one the most, so he happily said, "Okay, don't you tell me I'm going." 

    Shen Yan didn't look at Jiang Mu before, and his face changed when he heard that, and he subconsciously said, "Don't " 

    Jiang Mu pursed his mouth and said, "Nothing?" 

    Shen Yan lowered his head, "Don't you go." 

    Jiang Mu: "It's really hard for you to get angry and don't let me go." 

    Jiang Mu, the villain first complained. , Shen Yan was almost crying, and he felt wronged in his heart.

    He looked at Jiang Mu aggrievedly, and Jiang Mu felt a little softened. 

    Tsk... can bully other kids. 

    But why is it so cute, angry and aggrieved, it is so cute. 

    Jiang Mu continued to pretend: "You are still angry when you say that you like you, then I should stay away from you in the future." 

    Shen Yan was angry and anxious, "I am not angry because of this." 

    Jiang Mu asked, "Why is that? ? " " 

    you ... you know I love you, you said to me as a brother. "Shen Yan said. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him and said softly: "But...you are still young, you may not understand, your likes may be just a good feeling, not that kind of like, I am so much older than you, I can only do yours Sister." 

    Jiang Mu felt that he was too bad. 

    Shen Yan was about to die of anger, he hugged Jiang Mu abruptly, "I have a elder sister, I don't need you to be my elder sister, if you think what I say like will make you misunderstand, then I say I love you, you will Believe it?" 

    "But, you know that I am much older than you. It is impossible for us. Although I am about to divorce, I still have a daughter." Jiang Mu muttered. 

    "I don't care about this. I only know that I love you. The first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. I don't care who you are or how old you are." Shen Yan's voice was fragile. 

    Jiang Mu stopped talking. 

    "Do you dislike my being young?" Shen Yan asked the question he cared about most. 

    Jiang Mu said in his heart, as long as the younger brother is handsome, the older sister will not think you are young. 

    But his mouth said: "I...I don't know." 

    Shen Yan was a little disappointed, but still just holding Jiang Mu, "I don't allow you to despise me." 

    "I know." 

    "Don't treat me as a brother." Shen Yan lowered his head and said in Jiang Mu's ear.

    After speaking, he gently kissed Jiang Mu's earlobe. 

    Shen Yan's lips were extremely soft, and the warm touch made his heart beat faster. 

    Jiang Mu felt that she was slapped by Shen Yan. 

    "I can protect you." Shen Yan saw that she hadn't resisted, as if encouraged, and mustered the courage to continue, "You believe me, I really like... No, I love you very much. " 

    Shen Yan's The voice was very gentle. 

    This is the first time Jiang Mu has heard him speak like this, and Little Milk Dog also has such a side. 

    It's really surprising. 

    Jiang Mu seemed to be frightened by him, and did not speak for a long time. 

    Shen Yan was also afraid that he would scare her. He felt that he was too impulsive just now, but he did not regret it at all, and was even very happy. He kissed Jiang Mu and hugged her, but Jiang Mu did not push him away. 

    This is enough for him to be happy for several days. 

    Jiang Mu must have a good impression of him, Shen Yan told himself. 

    "Let's go back." Jiang Mu said. 

    "Yeah." Shen Yan nodded, took Jiang Mu's hand, and led her back to the movie theater. 

    Shen Yan's mood became particularly good. He kept smiling. When watching the second half, he held Jiang Mu's hand and refused to let go. Even Jiang Mu said that he wanted to eat popcorn with a drink, he came to feed him. of. 

    After the movie ended, Jiang Mu said that he was going back. Although Shen Yan was a little reluctant, he still said yes. 

    When Jiang Mu's taxi arrived, Jiang Mu said, "I'm leaving, goodbye." 

    Shen Yan nodded: "Okay, tell me when you get home." 

    Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

    Shen Yan looked at Jiang Mu, After getting in the car, he suddenly shouted: 

    "After you get divorced, I want to pursue you, can I?" 

    pedestrians on the road looked over.

    Seeing his face flushed, Jiang Mu got into the car without answering him. 

    After she got in the car, she looked back, and Shen Yan had been standing still looking at her. 


    Jiang Mu took out his spare cell phone from his bag and opened the monitoring management APP in the car. With this, he could see the camera monitoring at home. 

    After opening the software, she saw a person in her bedroom who shouldn't be here-Shen Mo. 

    Chu Shuo had no plans to bring Shen Mo over, but Shen Mo suddenly felt uncomfortable. It was an old problem. Just take a good rest, but she couldn't live without people. She refused to go to the hospital. Seeing that she was uncomfortable, Chu Shuo thought Anyway, Jiang Mu was not at home, so she told her to go home with her. 

    Just be careful not to let Chu Ying see. 

    Chu Ying is also very well-behaved. Aunt Liu made her dinner when she picked her up, took care of her to eat, and bathed her, so she didn't need to worry about Chu Shuo. 

    Chu Shuo waited for Aunt Liu to leave before picking up Shen Mo. He asked Shen Mo to wait for him at the door. He did not close the door. After he went in and took Chu Ying to the room and sent a message to Shen Mo, she quietly came in. . 

    Chu Ying read and played with toys in the room obediently, Chu Shuo took Shen Mo to the master bedroom, and told her to stay in the room, not to go out, and not to make a noise and be discovered by Chu Ying. 

    Shen Mo naturally agreed.

Through the surveillance, Jiang Mu saw Shen Mo standing in front of her dressing table looking in the mirror. 

    In the mirror, Shen Mo had a beautiful face and a proper little white flower appearance, but her expression was cold, a bit cold, and completely inconsistent with her temperament. 

    Shen Mo lowered her head and looked at the ladies' skin care products and various big-name perfumes on the dressing table. Her expression became colder. She picked up a bottle of perfume and sprayed it into the air. 

    Suddenly the air was filled with the smell of sweet perfume. 

    Jiang Mu noticed that the bottle she was holding was the one she sprayed more often.

    Shen Mo sneered and put down the perfume. 

    Jiang Mu thought she could have the guts to smash her perfume. 

    In between, Shen Mo turned around and walked to Jiang Mu's cloakroom. 

    This is even more eye-opening. 

    The huge cloakroom is not much smaller than the bedroom, but it looks much more luxurious here. 

    A whole wall is full of shoes and bags, and the clothes in the closet are countless, most of which are brand new. 

    What is exaggerated is that it is all women's clothes, and there is no man's thing, which shows that this cloakroom is exclusively for Jiang Mu. 

    The jealousy on Shen Mo's face is clear. 

    Her hand swept across a row of clothes, picking up a skirt at any time. 

    She had seen Jiang Mu wear this skirt. It was the first time she saw Jiang Mu. 

    She was very impressed. 

    She used to hear people say that Teacher Jiang has a lot of money in his family, a good background, married a handsome and rich husband, and spoiled her very much. 

    And when she saw Jiang Mu, she knew that others were not exaggerating at all. Jiang Mu couldn't help being beautiful, rich, and good personality, but Shen Mo hated her. 

    I hate that her face is full of happiness, as if she is afraid that others will not know how well she is. 

    Thinking of this, a satirical smile appeared on Shen Mo's face. 

    It's really false. 

    I wonder if Jiang Mo would still feel happy after knowing his husband cheated? 

    Shen Mo fell into his own thoughts, and when she recovered, she realized that the clothes in her hand had been crumpled by her and became crumpled. 

    She hung it back, didn't care, turned and went back to the bedroom. 

    At this time Chu Shuo also came. 

    Shen Mo immediately became delicate and lovely again.

    Shen Mo greeted Chu Shuo and hugged Chu Shuo, "You are back, I am a little scared by myself." 

    "What are you afraid of." Chu Shuo smiled, "Is it better? Is it still uncomfortable?" 

    "A little bit, but just seeing you Much better." Shen Mo whispered. 

    Chu Shuo smiled and patted her hand. 

    "Where is Yingying? Or if you accompany her more, I can do it myself, isn't Yingying the favorite for you to tell her stories." Shen Mo said understandingly. 

    Originally, Chu Shuo planned to take a look at Shen Mo and tell Chu Ying a story, but after hearing what Shen Mo said, he changed his mind again, "It's okay, she's reading, don't need me to accompany you, you are uncomfortable, I will accompany you You." 

    "Well." Shen Mo blushed, leaning on Chu Shuo's shoulder, and touching Chu Shuo's chest with his hand. 

    Chu Shuo looked down at her, met her tender and admiring eyes, and his heart sank. 

    Shen Mo offered a kiss, and the two fell on the bed. 

    Jiang Mu watched for a while and then shut down the software, but she did not forget to save the video. 

    If I didn't know, I thought these two people were so loving. 

    This was the first time Jiang Mu had seen Shen Mo's method. It would be the only way to lie to Chu Shuo. Now it falls into her hands. Then she will know how to write the word regret. 

    ... After 

    Jiang Mu got off the car, he sent a message to Shen Yan, telling him that he had arrived. 

    Shen Yan didn't know if he was waiting for the news, this time it was a second time. 

    Shen Yan: [That's good, me too