[World 1] Chapter 16

Shen Yan went to see his class schedule the first time. 

    He has a class tomorrow afternoon, but no class the day after tomorrow. 

    Shen Yan quickly made a choice, and he replied: [ Ok, I will accompany you wherever you want to go. ]

    Shen Yan looked at his small treasury again. He has scholarships and school grants. Don't worry about tuition, and he occasionally does some part-time jobs, so he saved a little money, plus the pocket money Shen Mo gave him, he now has a small ten thousand in his hand. 

    He can't let Jiang Mu invite him. If the money is not squandered, two days with Jiang Mu should be enough. 

    Seeing that he had agreed, Jiang Mu couldn't help laughing. 

    Young man, do you know that your situation is dangerous. 

    Jiang Mu: [ Go to Lingyu Mountain, can you leave tomorrow morning? ]

    Lingyu Mountain is in a scenic spot near S city. It takes only two hours to drive there. I will go tomorrow and I will be back the next afternoon. 

    The scenery there is very good, there is also a grassland, you can ride horses, set up tents, and the environment of the chalets in the mountains is also very good. 

    Shen Yan naturally didn't disagree, and he would go wherever Jiang Mu said he should go. 

    It's just that Jiang Mu said so suddenly, he still has to prepare, find someone to replace the lesson, and pack his luggage. 

    After Shen Yan replied to Jiang Mu, he hurried to call someone for help. 

    Fortunately, his popularity is good. After two phone calls, he found a classmate who was willing to help. Shen Yan promised to invite him to dinner when he came back, and he ended the call with peace of mind. 

    As soon as he hung up his front foot, Shen Mo's call came in. 

    When Shen Mo and Chu Shuo had just finished, Chu Ying knocked on the door suddenly, and Chu Shuo got dressed and went out. Shen Mo was lying on the bed alone, a little bored, so she thought of calling Shen Yan. 

    "Sister, what's the matter?" Shen Yan thought that Shen Mo should have something to say when he called.

    "Are you in the dormitory?" Shen Mo asked. 

    Shen Yan: "That's right." 

    "Didn't you go out to play?" After seeing Shen Yan last time, Shen Mo suspected that Shen Yan might have someone he likes, so he tried this way. 

    Shen Yan paused: "No." 

    "Well, how are you studying recently?" Shen Mo began to make daily inquiries. 

    She still cares about Shen Yan. 

    Shen Yan: "It's pretty good." 

    Shen Mo: "Then there is no shortage of money, do I need to give you some money?" 

    Shen Yan: "No, no need to give it." 

    "Don't eat the cafeteria every day . Just eat more food, don't save so much." Shen Mo warned. 

    "No, I don't eat the cafeteria every day." 

    Shen Yan is not particular about what he eats. He does often go to the cafeteria to eat. The food in the cafeteria is affordable and delicious, and the portions are large. Two tablespoons of vegetables are enough, and Shen Yan thinks the cafeteria is quite good. 

    But after meeting Jiang Mu, he also went out for a few big meals. 

    Shen Mo: "Okay, I will come to you tomorrow and take you to eat western food." 

    Shen Yan: "Tomorrow?" 

    Shen Mo: "Yes, what's the matter?" 

    "Tomorrow I have something to do." Shen Yan's tone was somewhat unnatural. 

    "What's the matter?" Shen Mo immediately noticed something wrong with Shen Yan. 

    "I made an appointment with my friend to go out to play." 

    "Don't you have a class tomorrow?" Shen Mo has a copy of Shen Yan's class schedule in her hand. She can memorize Shen Yan's class schedule for only a few classes in her freshman year. . 

    Shen Yan had no choice but to say: "I'll go again after class." 

    "Then I will come to you at noon." Shen Mo didn't break him, and followed his words.

    To make up a lie requires thousands of lies to round up the lie. The number of times Shen Yan lied to Shen Mo could be counted with one hand, and he didn't know how to say it for a while. 

    After waiting for a while before Shen Yan's answer, Shen Mo's suspicion became even heavier, "Are you hiding something from my sister?" 

    Of course Shen Yan couldn't tell Shen Mo about him and Jiang Mu. It will definitely trouble Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu was a teacher at Shen Mo School, and if something happened, Shen Yan would hurt Jiang Mu. 

    But at this time, if he didn't give a reason, Shen Mo would definitely not give up. 

    Their siblings have always depended on each other, and the eldest sister is the mother. Shen Mo takes him very seriously. She has always cared about his affairs. 

    Shen Yan: "No, I also made an appointment to have dinner with my friends at noon." 

    "What friends? Does my sister know?" 

    Although Shen Mo's voice was smiling, her expression was already a little serious. Her brother she knew best. Now, he has a simple and kind temperament, and he hasn't learned anything about emotions. If he hides anything from her, he must have been deceived. 

    "You do not know, just the friends." 

    Shen Mo pundered carefully, said: "That ... you where to play this game, or my sister to give you tomorrow." 

    "Well sister, you do not ask so much, I'll just go and play, nothing will happen, I am not a kid." Shen Yan was a little annoyed, Shen Mo kept digging through the roots. 

    He is so old, Shen Mo has to ask so clearly what he does, as if he is a child who cannot be independent. 

    Shen Yan felt that he could be responsible for his actions, and he didn't want to be controlled by Shen Mo, so he hung up after speaking. 

    Originally, he wanted to ask Shen Mo about whether there were any girls from the same school she knew in the community where she lived, but now he didn't find a suitable opportunity to ask. 

    He couldn't elaborate too much. If he asked, maybe Shen Mo would think that the woman had anything to do with him.

    Shen Yan was a little big head, thinking about it, forget it, check it out by yourself, just spend more time. 

    Waiting for him and Jiang Mu to return from Lingyu Mountain. 

    Shen Mo held the phone and recalled the content of the call just now, and felt that something was wrong with Shen Yan. 

    No, she will go to Shen Yan's school at noon tomorrow. 

    Her instinct tells her that this friend of Shen Yan's is a woman. 

    Shen Mo did want Shen Yan to fall in love, but she was worried that Shen Yan was deceived. 

    As her older sister, she must always help him to check. 

    Shen Mo felt that there was nothing wrong with her idea. 

    She was thinking, Chu Shuo opened the door and came in. 

    "What are you in a daze?" Chu Shuo saw her sitting on the bed and walked towards her with a smile. 

    Shen Mo raised her head to look at Chu Shuo, her soft eyes made Chu Shuo feel comfortable. 

    "Nothing, just wondering what to do tomorrow." 

Chu Shuo thought and said: "You have to leave early tomorrow morning, I go out and Yingying you go, the family nanny will come at nine." 

    Shen Mo eyes flashed slightly, and nodded obediently. 

    "Good." Chu Shuo smiled satisfied. 

    Shen Mo has always been sensible. 

    "I'm going on a business trip to City C in a few days. Would you like to come with me?" Chu Shuo took Shen Mo's hand, "When I go out for errands, you can go shopping and buy some things. There are many, you can try them all, and when I'm done, I'll accompany you." 

    Shen Mo thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will listen to you." 

    She has no classes now, and many of her classmates have already started internships. Now, when she is waiting to find an opportunity for Chu Shuo to arrange her into his company. 

    Chu Shuo's company is also regarded as the industry leader in the local area. No matter the company's treatment, many people can't get in.

    Many of her classmates submitted their resumes and wanted to go in for internships, but they were not successful. 

    Just taking advantage of this business trip, she found an opportunity to propose, Chu Shuo should not refuse her. 

    Thinking of this, Shen Mo looked at Chu Shuo's eyes more gentle, almost greasy him to death. 

    "I want to take a bath, do you want to be together?" 

    Shen Mo took the initiative to invite, Chu Shuo's eyes heated up, and he hugged Shen Mo around her waist. 

    Shen Mo let out an "Ah" in surprise, and quickly put her arms around Chu Shuo's neck. 

    "Then wash them together." The two walked into the bathroom without noticing that the bedroom door was not closed tightly. 

    ... The next day, Chu Shuo, father and daughter and Shen Mo went out with their feet back and forth. 

    Chu Shuo wanted to talk to Chu Ying while sending Chu Ying to the kindergarten, but Chu Ying remained silent. 

    Chu Shuo thought she missed her mother, and comforted her mother to come back two days later. 

    Chu Ying still didn't speak much. When she arrived in the kindergarten, she turned her head and left without even saying goodbye to Chu Shuo. 

    Chu Shuo felt a little strange, but it's normal for children to have a temper. If they're upset, they won't talk, and it will be fine later. 

    He sent a message to Jiang Mu that Chu Ying missed her, and asked her when her flight ticket would return, and then see if he could take Chu Ying to pick her up. 

    When Jiang Mu received the news, he had already set off to meet Shen Yan. 

    She read the flight ticket information from City A to City S the day after tomorrow, and took a time to tell Chu Shuo. 

    After a while she received a voice message from Chu Shuo saying that she missed her, her expression became very subtle, and she really wanted to vomit. 

    Fortunately, in a few days, I could tear off Chu Shuo's mask and slap him in the face severely, without having to endure him. 

    And thinking of going out with cute Shen Yan later, Jiang Mu naturally didn't feel bad.

    Shen Yan didn't know that he was going to be eaten today, and at the moment he was carrying a backpack on the bus expectantly. 

    He thought that he could see Jiang Mu later, with a happy smile on his face, and looked at his phone from time to time, worried that Jiang Mu would arrive before him and wait for him. 

    Several girls in the bus were peeking at Shen Yan, and some girls secretly filmed a video of him pursing his lips, but he didn't notice it at all. 

    Shen Yan got off the bus at the bus station, and he could only take a bus to reach Lingyu Mountain except if driving with own car. The two agreed to meet here. 

    After he got out of the bus, two girls who peeped at him got out of the bus. They just patronized him and forgot to ask him for WeChat. Only when he saw Shen Yan getting out of the bus, she remembered, such a handsome guy, laughed. It's so good-looking, if you don't rush, you will definitely regret it. 

    Jiang Mu arrived two minutes earlier than Shen Yan. She stood in front of the flower bed at the station and took out her mobile phone and just wanted to call Shen Yan, she saw Shen Yan from a distance. 

    Shen Yan is tall and obvious at first, and he has a handsome temperament on his body. It is easy to see him in the crowd. 

    Shen Yan also found Jiang Mu, and when he was about to walk towards Jiang Mu, he was stopped by the two girls. 

    "Handsome guy, hello, can we add you to WeChat?" 

    Shen Yan refused: "I'm sorry, no." 

    The girl who spoke was very disappointed, and the other girl said: "I just want to know you, nothing else. Weejust want to add you on WeChat, we will not bother you." 

    Jiang Mu saw the situation here and walked over. 

    "What's the matter?" 

    Jiang Mu is wearing a gray sweater suit today, long-sleeved short sweater, underneath is a sweater dress of the same color, casual and lively, plus she is beautiful and has good skin. Even when she was thirty, someone will believed she was twenty. 

    The two girls were startled when they heard the sound. When they looked back and saw Jiang Mu, they were both stunned. 

    Unexpectedly, such a beautiful woman appeared suddenly, as if she still knew this handsome guy.

    "Nothing, they asked me for WeChat." Shen Yan was afraid of Jiang Mu's misunderstanding, so he explained, "I didn't agree." 

    Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Excuse me, there are no girls in my boyfriend's WeChat account. I deleted them all. Let me add you then. If you have anything you want to tell to him, just message me and I will tell him." The two girls shook their heads quickly, and left as soon as they heard this.

    Jiang Mu watched them run away and asked Shen Yan: "I helped you out, you should thank me." 

Shen Yan's face flushed, "Well, thank you." 

    Jiang Mu just said he was her boyfriend, Shen Yan's heart is still beating right now, he thought to himself, if it were true, it would be fine. 

    Jiang Mu said, "Then lower your head a little." 

    Shen Yan obediently did. 

    Jiang Mu reached out and touched the top of his head and said, "You're welcome." 

    The moment Shen Yan was touched, he wanted to eat something like a sugar bowl, which was very sweet. 

    "Let's go, we should get in the car." Jiang Mu said. 

    Shen Yan nodded, and Jiang Mu stretched out his hand to pull at his sleeve and pulled him to the place where he got on the bus. 

    Shen Yan looked at Jiang Mu, and his whole body was a little airy. 


    Shen Yan was afraid that Jiang Mu would be too boring in the bus, so he downloaded some movies and variety shows on his mobile phone last night and asked Jiang Mu if he would like to watch it. 

    Jiang Mu said, "I won't watch it, the mountain road will be awkward so if I watched it, I will get motion sickness later." 

    Shen Yan was a little embarrassed, because he was not thinking about it, "Okay." 

    Jiang Mu said, "You can listen to songs without watching TV. Ah, let's listen together." 

    Jiang Mu took out the earphones and gave them to Shen Yan. The two shared the same earphone, so naturally they were very close.

    On the road, Shen Yan always lowered his head to peek at Jiang Mu. Sometimes Jiang Mu could see Shen Yan looking at her from the car window, so she was very focused. 

    Later, Jiang Mu became a little sleepy and fell asleep on Shen Yan's shoulder. Shen Yan didn't dare to move, for fear of waking Jiang Mu. 

    At 11:30, it was almost at Lingyu Mountain, and Jiang Mu slowly woke up. 

    Only then could Shen Yan move his shoulders and arms a little. In order to prevent Jiang Mu from discovering that he was uncomfortable, his movements were very small. 

    At this time, Shen Yan's cell phone rang suddenly. 

    It was a call from Shen Mo. 

    Shen Yan was a little tangled with the phone, not knowing whether to pick it up. 

    Jiang Mu also saw that it was sister on the caller ID. 

    She asked, "Aren't you answering?" 

    Shen Yan said, "My sister is calling, there is nothing wrong, I will give her a message, and I will call her back when I wait." 

    Jiang Mu said, "Okay, then reply right away when we arrive, our house is in the scenic area of ​​Lingyu Mountain." 

    Shen Yan nodded, and then sent a message to Shen Mo. 

    [ Sister, what's the matter? ] 

    This is the first time Shen Yan has not answered Shen Mo's call. 

    Shen Mo's mood is a bit complicated, his younger brother has grown up and suddenly changed. 

    But she didn't know that it was not easy to press on at this time, and it was easy to backfire. After all, Shen Yan was indeed not young. 

    She replied: [ It's nothing, just ask what you are doing. ] 

    She did not tell Shen Yan she has come to his quarters downstairs. 

    After sending the message, Shen Mo went directly to Shen Yan's dormitory. 

    ... After Shen Yan and Jiang Mu got off the car, they walked for ten minutes to reach the homestay.

    This is the best homestay in the scenic area, and the price is not cheap. Jiang Mu ordered it directly online. The house is as beautiful as the picture. The house is a duplex building. There is a bedroom upstairs and downstairs. The windows of the bedroom can see the forest outside and the lake under the mountain. The scenery is very beautiful. There is a transparent skylight on the roof, which can be seen in the middle of the night. star. 

    When the weather is good, the sky will be full of stars at night. 

    Jiang Mu and Shen Yan were very satisfied with the room, and finally decided that Shen Yan would sleep downstairs and Jiang Mu would sleep upstairs. 

    When discussing this, Jiang Mu just asked casually. After all, she always had a way to sleep with him at night, but Shen Yan was very serious. He talked about the benefits of the room upstairs seriously, and said that he would not go upstairs, let Jiang Mu rest assured. 

    Jiang Mu thought to hwrself, brother, brother, you still don't know that you have been on her thief ship, you are innocent. 

    Put the luggage, the two went to the scenic spot together. 

    The weather was very good. Shen Yan took many photos of Jiang Mu. The two of them did not come back until dinner time in the afternoon. 

    When I went out, Shen Yan's mobile phone was charged at the hotel, but he did not receive a call from Shen Mo. 

    After coming back, Shen Yan saw the missed call and thought that Shen Mo was worried about him, so he sent a message saying that he had gone to play with his friends. He just came back, so that Shen Mo didn't worry, and he didn't call Shen Mo back. 

    There are many messages from You Chenguang on Jiang Mu's mobile phone. Before going out, she told You Chenguang that she was going to deal with the divorce, and she was going out for two days. You Chenguang sent her messages just because she missed her. Ask her what she is doing. 

    Jiang Mu simply perfunctorily said that You Chenguang was also busy with work, without any doubt. 

    If he knows that Jiang Mu is still raising a fish and is happily vacationing outside with his younger brother, he will probably die of anger. 

   …At night, there was a strong wind in the scenic area, and the sound of the wind blowing on the treetops outside could be heard.

    There is only a toilet on the first floor of the homestay, but no shower. Shen Yan didn't notice it at first, but when he was about to take a bath, he realized that he still had to go upstairs to take a bath. 

    He originally said that he would not come upstairs, but now he slapped his face. 

    Shen Yan was a little embarrassed, but fortunately Jiang Mu didn't say anything and asked him to take a shower after she finished washing. 

    Shen Yan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she didn't care, nodded and said, "I'm waiting for you to call me downstairs." 

    Jiang Mu took out the scheming pajamas he prepared from the suitcase. 

    This is a V-neck blue suspender nightdress. There was originally a cardigan, but Jiang Mu didn't plan to wear it. 

    She took a shower with her hair wet and put on her pajamas. The wet hair wetted her pajamas and became a little translucent. Because she had just taken a hot bath, her face was flushed and her eyes seemed to be covered with water. The fog added a little flattery. 

    The blue suspender skirt couldn't hide anything. Her skin was pink and her body exuded a faint fragrance. 

    Jiang Mu looked at herself in the mirror while wiping her hair. Her pure face and blurred eyes were charming, and she was very satisfied with it. 

    What she wants is this effect. 

    So she walked out of the bathroom and yelled at the downstairs: "Shen Yan, I'm fine, you can come up." 

    Shen Yan has been upstairs for a long time, and he has grasped the clothes in his hands tightly, not knowing why he felt sorry to go up. 

    However, the bath is always necessary, and Shen Yan took a deep breath and went upstairs. 

    Next to the bedroom upstairs is the bathroom. Just after walking the last step, Shen Yan saw Jiang Mu standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to the bathroom. 

    Shen Yan's expression changed. 

    Hearing Shen Yan's footstep, Jiang Mu slowly turned her head. 

    When Shen Yan saw Jiang Mu's face, his face flushed suddenly. 

    Jiang Mu is too beautiful like this.

    Shen Yan felt that his body was too hot and his mouth was dry, and he wanted to drink water. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him softly and smiled, and Shen Yan felt that he was dreaming. 

    This is obviously a picture only in dreams. 

    "What are you stupefied? Go take a bath?" Jiang Mu said with a smile. 

    Shen Yan nodded as if waking up from a dream, and stumbled into the bathroom. 

    Shen Yan patted his face vigorously in the bathroom, telling himself to be more sober and not to think about it. 

    Jiang Mu laughed outside, glanced at herself in her glasses, then walked to the bed and sat down. 

    She played games for more than half an hour before Shen Yan came out of the bathroom. 

    After Shen Yan came out, he didn't dare to look at Jiang Mu, lowered his head and said, "I'm done." He will go downstairs. 

    Jiang Mu stopped him and asked, "Did you see the hair dryer?" 

    Shen Yan paused, "No." 

    "I can't find the hair dryer, and I can't blow my hair. Can you help me find it?" 

    Actually, Jiang Mu saw the hair dryer before but she hid it. 

    Shen Yan said foolishly: "Okay." 

    Jiang Mu sat on the bed, watching Shen Yan rummaging around, and finally found the hairdryer in the drawer of the bedside table. 

    He was about to hand it to Jiang Mu. 

    As soon as he looked up, he met Jiang Mu's chest. 

    Where can the V-neck suspender skirt cover? 

    Besides, Jiang Mu's hot figure is actually quite predictable, and he can almost see the turbulence on her chest. 

    Shen Yan's body stiffened, and he didn't care about being shy. He put the hair dryer into Jiang Mu's arms and tried to escape. 

    Jiang Mu almost laughed, but still held back. 

    This child is too pure. 

    Jiang Mu stopped him: "Shen Yan."

    Shen Yan stopped then, turning his back to Jiang Mu and said: "What's the matter?" 

    "Why are you running in such a hurry? You said that you like me. I think you are afraid I am terribly scary." Jiang Mu said dissatisfied. 

    Shen Yan said: "No." How dare he tell Jiang Mu that the reason he wanted to escape was because he saw Jiang Mu and his body was reacting. 

If he doesn't leave, if Jiang Mu finds out, then Jiang Mu will definitely hate him. 

    He didn't want Jiang Mu to know about his secret thoughts. 

    Jiang Mu is pure and beautiful. He just wants to hide his thoughts in his heart or realize it in his dreams. 

    "Then turn around and look at me." Jiang Mu deliberately lowered her voice, making Shen Yan think she was upset. 

    Sure enough, Shen Yan didn't dare not listen, so he turned around slowly. 

    "Come here a little bit." 

    Shen Yan took another two steps towards Jiang Mu. 

    "You help me blow my hair. I can't blow my own hair. I have to blow for a long time each time." Jiang Mu said. 

    Shen Yan wanted to say that he hadn't helped a girl blow, Jiang Mu's hair was so long, he was afraid he could not fix it. 

    But against Jiang Mu's hopeful gaze, how could he say rejection. 

    He had no choice but to nod, "Yes." 

    Jiang Mu seemed very happy and laughed. 

    Shen Yan was also infected by her, as if Jiang Mu was happy and he was satisfied. 

    He sat down by the bed and plugged in the plug of the hair dryer, 

    "Okay, you can blow it." After Jiang Mu said, she turned and sat with her back facing him. 

    Shen Yan picked up Jiang Mu's hair and his heart trembled. 

    He and Jiang Mu are so close, the fragrance of Jiang Mu's body lingers in the air around him, as if it is surrounding him, and he feels a strong tension and excitement.

    "Why haven't you started yet?" Jiang Mu questioned. 

    Shen Yan secretly told himself not to think about it, then turned on the hair dryer and started blowing Jiang Mu's hair. 

    He said in his heart to be serious while blowing. 

    He really got rid of distracting thoughts and helped Jiang Mu to blow up her hair. 

    Although Shen Yan was clumsy and didn't know how to blow, but fortunately he was gentle and meticulous, and it didn't take long before Jiang Mu's long hair was blown dry. 

    When it was finally over, Shen Yan also let out a long sigh of relief. 

    He was really going to be overwhelmed by this sweet burden. 

    "Alright." With this voice falling, Shen Yan felt that he could finally leave. 

    Otherwise he will make a fool of himself sooner or later. 

    In fact, he is also a little depressed. Does Jiang Mu treat him as a man? 

    Is she not at all afraid of what he will do to her? She is so beautiful and so attractive. 

    He will also respond. 

    But after thinking about it, this maybe because Jiang Mu believed in him, he should be happy. 

    Jiang Mu didn't know so many thoughts in Shen Yan's mind, she was just very seriously busy seducing Shen Yan. 

    "Are you done? I'm sleepy." Jiang Mu turned around abruptly. 

    Before Shen Yan could dodge, Jiang Mu's face hit Shen Yan's nose. 

    "Ah." Jiang Mu called out in pain. 

    "Is it okay, does it hurt?" Shen Yan said anxiously. 

    His own nose hurts, but he cares more about Jiang Mu. 

    He took Jiang Mu's hand and looked down at her face, but Jiang Mu buried her head and he couldn't see her face. When Jiang Mu raised her head, the distance between the two was only ten centimeters close. 

    As long as Shen Yan lowered his head a little, he could kiss Jiang Mu's lips.

    Shen Yan held his breath. 

    Jiang Mu seemed to be in pain, and her eyes were shining, which was very attractive. 

    Shen Yan slowly lowered his head, and almost kissed her. 

    Fortunately, he stopped at the last minute. 

    Jiang Mu blinked and said, "It's not very painful." 

    Shen Yan didn't dare to look at her directly, "That's good, then I'll go down first, and you should rest early." 

    "Yeah." Jiang Mu nodded. 

    Shen Yan stood up and quickly went downstairs. 

    A smile appeared on Jiang Mu's face. 

    This Shen Yan is really simple and cute. 

    In contrast, she is like a bad sister who greets her younger brother's body. 

    Jiang Mu pursed her lips, her expression was a little proud and helpless, but she did not regret it. 

Shen Yan lay on the bed and couldn't sleep for a long time. His body was always in a state of high excitement. Even if he told himself that he could no longer think about it, his mind was still full of Jiang Mu. 

    There was a voice in his mind: He seemed to see Jiang Mu's chest just now. 

    Shen Yan was stunned, then hit himself hard. 

    The voice still said: her body is so fragrant, so white, if only I could hold her to sleep. 

    Shen Yan covered himself with a quilt and whispered himself shamelessly. 

    It seems that there is no need to sleep tonight. 

    Shen Yan's eyes widened and his face was bitter. 

    The wind outside the window has not stopped, but there is no sound upstairs, and I don't know if Jiang Mu is asleep. 

    Shen Yan sighed and rolled over, thinking of what happened today, he couldn't help but giggle. 

    It's great to be with Jiang Mu. 

    He thought so.

    Suddenly, Jiang Mu's shout came from upstairs. 

    Shen Yan was startled, and immediately sat up and listened carefully. 

    When the voice came again, Shen Yan was sure that he had heard it right, and without thinking about it, he got out of bed and rushed up without wearing his shoes. 

    After going upstairs, he saw Jiang Mo sitting on the corner of the bed with her knees trembling with fear. 

    "What's the matter?" Shen Yan ran over. 

    "I saw a ghost outside the window just now." Jiang Mu shivered, her voice was low and scared. 

    Shen Yan looked out the window, the curtains were not closed, and you could see the shadows of the trees outside, and the branches were moving with the wind blowing. 

    "You must be wrong, there are no ghosts." Shen Yan comforted softly. 

    Jiang Mu nodded. 

    Shen Yan: "Don't be afraid, I'll be downstairs, and I can hear you calling me." 

    Jiang Mu nodded again, but still shrank. 

    Shen Yan saw that she was still very scared, and thought to himself that Jiang Mu was actually a girl who needed protection. 

    "Then I'm going down, call me if you have anything." 

    "Shen Yan." 

    Before Shen Yan could get to the top of the stairs, Jiang Mu whispered to him. 

    Shen Yan: "What's the matter?" 

    Jiang Mu: "Can you stay with me here." 

    He looked at her blankly. 

    Shen Yan hesitated: "Okay. " 

    "Thank you." 

    "Then I will sit here and wait for you to fall asleep." Shen Yan said. 

    Jiang Mu nodded. 

    Shen Yan walked over and sat on the side of the bed. 

    Jiang Mu lay down and Shen Yan covered her with the quilt, 

    "You can sleep at ease."

    After Jiang Mu closed her eyes, Shen Yan stared at Jiang Mu's face. 

    Jiang Mu seemed to perceive his eyes, eyes closed, said: "You've been watching me, I could not sleep." 

    "I'm not looking at you," Shen Yan Jiang did not expect that Jiang Mu know then hurriedly look away.

After a while, Jiang Mu opened her eyes again, "I still can't sleep." 

    Shen Yan said, "What should I do?" 

    Jiang Mu thought for a while, "Turn off the light." 

    Shen Yan was taken aback, but soon go and do it. 

    After turning off the lights, the room was dark, and nothing was clear. Shen Yan could only vaguely see Jiang Mu's eyes. 

    Shen Yan tiptoed in the dark and walked to the bed, "You go to bed, it's late." 

    Jiang Mu reached out and grabbed Shen Yan's hand. 

    Shen Yan thought she was still scared, so he didn't resist and let her hold it. 

    In fact, he is also very happy. 

    The room was very quiet, and Shen Yan could even hear Jiang Mu's breathing, very quiet. 

    He imagined Jiang Mu's appearance in the dark, and thought, if only he could hold Jiang Mu. 

    Who knows, as soon as this thought came into his mind, Jiang Mu said: "Shen Yan, I still can't sleep, can I hold you to sleep?" 

    Shen Yan looked astonished. 

    Subconsciously feel that God is helping him realize his wish? 

    Jiang Mu added another sentence: "I will just hold you and do nothing." 

    Jiang Mu felt that she said this as if a man said: I can't get in. 

    But Shen Yan wouldn't doubt it, and he agreed with a low "um". Although he blushed, the room was so dark that Jiang Mu couldn't see it. Instead, he was less nervous. 

    "Then you come up." Jiang Mu whispered.

    Shen Yan felt itchy in his heart, Jiang Mu's voice was very soft, just listening to her voice, he was hot all over, like a little hand touching his heart, so numb. 

    Shen Yan carefully lay down beside Jiang Mu. 

    After a while, Jiang Mu reached out and hugged him. 

    Shen Yan's body immediately turned into a hard piece of wood, motionless, tight. 

    A playful smile appeared on Jiang Mu's face. 

    Such a young boy, it's really been a long time since I met one. 

    He blushed when touched, and now it is even more wood. 

    Jiang Mu didn't care about him, and moved her hands twice on his waist. 

    Shen Yan's breathing became rapid, and he opened his mouth, but he couldn't utter a syllable. 

    In the dark, Shen Yan's five senses became extremely sensitive. 

    He felt that he shouldn't agree to Jiang Mu and let her sleep in a hug. 

    It's just suffering. 

    He smelled Jiang Mu's scent and felt the warmth and softness of Jiang Mu's body, and there was already a reaction there. 

    And the reaction was stronger than every time before, he didn't know what to do. 

    But Jiang Mu was still moving. 

    Shen Yan didn't dare to move, he knew that Jiang Mu didn't wear much. 

    He might bump into Jiang Mu when he moves. 

    But he can't do it if he doesn't move. 

    Shen Yan held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help it. He planned to turn over and turn his back to Jiang Mu. 

    Who knew that Jiang Mu just posted it after he turned around. 

The two balls on her chest simply stuck to his back. 

    Shen Yan felt that his brain was buzzing, and his body was full of electricity. 

    Nosebleeds are coming out.

    He really doesn't work anymore. 

    Such a voice rang in Shen Yan's mind. 

    Shen Yan swallowed hard, feeling that he was enduring the sweetest pain and torture in the world. 

    He really couldn't ignore the touch behind him, and even focused all his attention on it. 

    He thought about it, and had to turn over again. 

    It's better to face Jiang Mu, anyway, no one can be seen. 

    But things were out of his control again. 

    Turning around this time, his lips touched something exceptionally soft. 

    What is this? 

    Shen Yan's brain went blank, and then he heard Jiang Mu's whisper. 

    Shen Yan thought to himself, he was done. 

    In the next second, he felt a squishy touch. 

    Shen Yan was so dizzy that he opened his mouth and covered Jiang Mu's lips. 


    Woke up the next day, Shen Yan thought it was a dream last night. 

    He was still a little shy thinking about what happened in his dream last night, who knew that when he turned his head, he saw Jiang Mu sleeping next to him. 

    Shen Yan widened his eyes, slowly opened the quilt, and saw himself naked. 

    "It's not a dream." 

    Shen Yan's breathing speeded up, looking at Jiang Mu who was sleeping in the morning sun, his body was strange again. 

    The memory of last night swept like waves, and he remembered. 

    He and Jiang Mu did it. 

    Jiang Mu was still lying in his arms. 

    The joy of last night was remembered by him along with memory. 

    That kind of feeling was something he had never experienced in his life, and it was almost like heaven.

    Shen Yan took a deep breath, and just about to get up, he saw Jiang Mu slowly opening her eyes. 

    Seeing Shen Yan already up, Jiang Mu squinted lazily and smiled, and then leaned in and kissed the corner of Shen Yan's lips. 

    "You're awake." 

    Shen Yan looked at Jiang Mu in a daze, his mind a little confused. 

    Jiang Mu didn't blame him at all. 

    Jiang Mu did not scold him when he did such a thing and kiss him. 

    Jiang Mu is so kind. 

    He must not disappoint Jiang Mu. 


    The relationship between Jiang Mu and Shen Yan has progressed by leaps and bounds, and Shen Yan's feelings for Jiang Mu have deepened. When they return to S City, the two should also be separated, but Shen Yan is particularly reluctant to bear Jiang Mu and pulls her. It took a long time to kiss her. 

    Jiang Mu also coaxed him with a good temper. 

    After Shen Yan returned to the dormitory, he learned from his dormitory that Shen Mo had been to the dormitory and asked a lot about him. 

    The old friend accidentally told Shen Mo about his going out on a date with the person he liked. 

    The old friend also said that Shen Mo's face was not so good when she left. 

    Shen Yan secretly said that it was not good, but since she knew it, he couldn't help it, so he had to call Shen Mo. 

    Shen Mo quickly picked it up, but her tone was not good, and she asked angrily who he was going out with. He didn't even go to class. 

    Shen Yan said that he was going out with someone he liked, and Shen Mo asked who it was. 

    Shen Yan refused to say, saying that when the time was right, he would tell her that.

    Shen Mo felt that Shen Yan had broken his studies, and he had met many different people outside. 

    Shen Yan couldn't explain it clearly, and the two had a big quarrel. 

    The siblings hadn't quarreled for a long time, and Shen Yan was a little depressed.

    But thinking of Jiang Mu, he felt better again. 

    He sent a message to Jiang Mu that he missed her and asked when he would see her again. 

    However, Jiang Mu said that he had to wait for his own affairs to meet with Shen Yan, and it is not good for the two to meet frequently now. 

    Although Shen Yan was a little sad, he was still sensible. He also knew that Jiang Mu was right. After all, she had not divorced yet. 

    It seems that he has to hurry up to find out the identity of Chu Shuo's lover. 

    Get Jiang Mu to divorce sooner, and they can get together sooner. 

    Jiang Mu first went back to You Chenguang's side, packed up his luggage and went to the airport, waiting for Chu Shuo and Chu Ying to pick her up. 

    I don't know why, Chu Ying seemed to miss her very much. Seeing her eyes were red, she forced her to hug her. 

    After returning, Chu Shuo went out again, saying that there was something wrong with the company. 

    But when it was time to get off work, Chu Shuo hadn't return.

When he didn't came back, Jiang Mu guessed that he had gone to Shen Mo's place, so he sent a message to Shen Yan saying that Chu Shuo hadn't come back. Maybe he had gone to the woman's place. 

    Shen Yan received the news. After thinking about it, he directly took a taxi to the community. 

    He didn't expect to see Chu Shuo's car. 

    Shen Yan decided to stay guard near the car, maybe he could wait until the two appeared together. 

    He waited for more than two hours before seeing Chu Shuo and the woman following Chu Shuo. 

    It was getting dark, and Shen Yan was a little far away. The woman had been walking in the dark, blocked by Chu Shuo, and he could not see clearly. 

    Shen Yan decided to come closer. 

    It happened that Chu Shuo and the woman were kissing indifferently beside the car, but did not find Shen Yan approaching. 

    Shen Yan raised his phone and was ready to take a photo. 

    However, after taking two shots, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. 

    Shen Yan's face became very ugly. 

    He muttered to himself: "Impossible." 

    He looked at the license plate number again and looked at Chu Shuo's face. 

    Take out the photo Jiang Mu sent him to confirm it again. 

    After seeing that he had not admitted his mistake, Shen Yan's hand dropped, and he looked at the two people not far away in disbelief. 

    The woman who cheated on Jiang Mu's husband turned out to be his sister Shen Mo. 

    How can that be? 

    How could this be? 

    Shen Yan couldn't believe all this. 

    He couldn't bear the anger in his heart, rushed forward, separated Shen Mo and Chu Shuo, and smashed Chu Shuo's face with a punch. 

    "Ah!" Shen Mo was taken aback. She turned around to see an angry Shen Yan, and exclaimed: "Shen Yan, why are you here?"