[World 1] Chapter 20

The security of the community is very strict. Shen Yan was stopped when he arrived at the gate of the community. Jiang Mu called him before letting him in. 

    Shen Mo's suspicion became even heavier when she saw Shen Yan go in. Seeing the community, she knew that the people living in it were either rich or artist. The houses in this area were much better than those in her. 

    Shen Mo took out her mobile phone to call Shen Yan, but she was refused by Shen Yan. 

    Shen Mo tried to follow others in, but was stopped by security. 

    Shen Mo had to wait outside. 

    At this time Jiang Mu was alone at home, and she was cleaning the house when Shen Yan came. 

    Jiang Mu ordered a lot of flowers online, and today she plans to decorate the house. 

    Because Shen Yan was coming today, Jiang Mu didn't let Aunt Liu come over, and asked her to take another day off and come back to work tomorrow. 

    When Shen Yan got downstairs, Jiang Mu opened the door. After Shen Yan came up, he saw that the door was open, and when he looked inside, he saw Jiang Mu was cutting flowers with scissors. 

    "I am here." Jiang Mu heard the voice and looked back at Shen Yan. 

    Shen Yan stared at Jiang Mu in a daze. 

    Jiang Mu wore a tender yellow ethnic skirt today, which made her skin particularly white and tender, and her seaweed-like hair was braided, which made her look youthful and energetic, making people unable to remove her eyes. 

    "Why are you in a daze? Change your shoes and sit here." Jiang Mu smiled.

Shen Yan looked at her as if she wasn't angry at all, a little lonely. 

    Does Jiang Mu care about him? 

    Shen Yan actually didn't have much confidence in front of Jiang Mu. 

    Shen Yan looked at Jiang Mu and said softly, "Okay, what are you doing?" 

    Jiang Mu kept moving his hands, "I cut these flowers and put them in the vase. Does it look good?"

    "It looks good." Shen Yan's gaze was on Jiang Mu's face, without looking at the flowers. 

    Jiang Mu took a flower and knocked it on Shen Yan's head. "If you don't even look at it, you just say it looks good. You just perfunct me." 

    Shen Yan: "It's beautiful, of course the flowers you bought are beautiful." 

    Jiang Mu "You said you have something to tell me. Tell it to me now." 

    Shen Yan was still smiling just now, and his expression changed when he heard this, his eyes became dim again.

  "Well, this is about your husband's lover you asked me to check." 

    Jiang Mu guessed that he already knew, and she showed a surprised expression, "Do you know who she is? It's really a student of my school. Is it?" 

    Shen Yan nodded hard. 

    "Then what's her name?" Jiang Mu said curiously. 

    "She...her name..." Shen Yan hesitated and couldn't say anything. 

    Jiang Mu seemed to have not noticed his abnormality, and said to him: "You said she was still a student, why did she do such a thing, I am actually very curious, does she know me? Does she know Chu Shuo and me have relationship."

    Shen Yan hadn't thought about this question before, and when Jiang Mu said this, he was also stunned. 

    If Shen Mo knew that Chu Shuo was Jiang Mu's husband and did this, then Shen Mo... 

    Shen Yan couldn't continue to think, that it was his relatives. He felt more painful and felt more guilty for Jiang Mu. 

    He looked at Jiang Mu and said abruptly: "She's Shen Mo, my sister." 

    "What?" Jiang Mu was stunned, as if she didn't understand him. 

    "The person with your husband is my sister... I'm sorry, I found out a few days ago, but I didn't tell you, you can blame me, or hit me." Shen Yan said, his eyes were red. 

    Jiang Mu looked at him blankly, "You said, that person is your sister?"

    "Yeah." Shen Yan was a little scared, "I know you are angry, you can vent it, you hit me, I will apologize to you for my sister, I'm sorry." 

    Jiang Mu was silent for a long time, shook his head, "No need " 

    Shen Yan: "I..." 

    Jiang Mu stared at Shen Yan's eyes and said in a deep voice, "I don't need your apology. What does this matter have to do with you, if I want an apology, let your sister apologize to me." 

    "Aren't you very disappointed in me?" Shen Yan lowered his head. Although he said he had been mentally prepared before, but at this moment he was still extremely depressed, like being pushed into a bottomless abyss, falling quickly. The whole person was empty, panic and pain swept through. 

    If Jiang Mu said yes. 

    It is estimated that in the next second, Shen Yan will be able to shed tears. 

    Shen Yan waited for a long time, but did not hear Jiang Mu speaking.

He looked up hesitantly and found that Jiang Mu was looking at him steadily. 

    "I..." Shen Yan's eyes were like a wounded deer, full of helplessness and melancholy. That's why his temperament suddenly became particularly attractive. 

    Jiang Mu's heart moved slightly, "What if I say yes?" 

    Shen's heart seemed to be tightened, he tightened his lips, and after a while he said, "I'm sorry." 

    Jiang Mu saw that he was so pitiful and cute, and reluctant in continuing to tease him, "Okay, don't be sad, I am not angry with you." 


    "Well, you can confess to me, I won't be angry." Jiang Mu sighed, "It's just that I have a question, what do you think now, although she did something wrong, she is your sister." 

    Shen Yan was a little frustrated, "I don't know how to face her, and I don't understand why she did it." 

    Jiang Mu patted him on the shoulder: "It may be that everyone's pursuit is different. Since you don't agree with her approach, you should express it instead of just avoiding it. This is meaningless."

    Shen Yan didn't expect that Jiang Mu was still comforting him at this time. He was moved and felt that Jiang Mu was really gentle and she was so kind to him. 

    "You are so kind, thank you." 

    Jiang Mu reluctantly smiled, "I just don't want you to be unhappy. Although I feel bad in my heart, but seeing you feel so sad makes me even more sad. Be happy, and I'll be better." 

    System: [ The host's green tea index has skyrocketed. Please continue to work hard, increase the beauty value by ten points, and obtain ice skin. ] 

    "I really like you." Shen Yan clasped Jiang Mu's hand, and his tone was nostalgic.

Jiang Mu smiled and hugged him, "What do you like about me?" 

    "I just like you. I like you at first sight. I miss you anytime and anywhere. I dream of you. I am happy when I see you. It's uncomfortable if I don't..." 

    Shen Yan said exaggeratedly, but Jiang Mu was quite satisfied and hooked her mouth. 

    "How can you be so exaggerated." 

    "It's true." Shen Yan was afraid that she would not believe it, and quickly promised, "All I said was from my heart." 

    "Why didn't I find that you were such a boy before? You are not as shy now. It seems that you have grown up." As soon as Jiang Mu's words fell, Shen Yan's face turned red. 

    He didn't know what was wrong, so he thought of what happened that night. 

    "You blushed as soon as I finished talking. You really blush at every turn. Are you also like this in front of other girls?" 

    Jiang Mu reached out and touched his face. 

    Shen Yan immediately shook his head, "No, I didn't." 

    "Then you only blush at me?" 

    Shen Yan thought for a while, and said uncomfortably, "Yeah." 

    "So cute, it's a boy." Jiang Mu gave a kiss on the cheek. 

    Shen Yan looked at her in a daze.

    Jiang Mu suddenly said: "I found out that you never called me in name, why is this?" 

    Shen Yan paused and said hesitantly: "I don't know what to call you." 

    Jiang Mu smiled and said, "How could you not know?" 

    Shen Yan thought and said:." I do not want to call your name, but I want to tell you I want to call you twilight, but everytime I open my mouth, I can't called you that."

    "This Ah." Jiang Mu blinked, "Well, from now on, you will call my sister." 

    Shen Yan: "Ah? Call you sister?" 

    Jiang Mu: "What? You don't want to?" 

    Shen Yan said: " No, I am willing." 

    Jiang Mu snorted, "If you don't want to, then change one." 

    Shen Yan asked, "What?" 

    "Good sister." 

    Shen Yan: "..." 

    "Call me good sister. I want to heard it." 

    Jiang Mu couldn't help smiling when he saw Shen Yan's face getting redder. 

    Shen Yan said softly, "Good sister." 

    Jiang Mu: "I can't hear you clearly." 

    Shen Yan: "You heard it." 

    Jiang Mu: "I didn't hear it. Can you say it again, OK?" 

    Shen Yan: "No. " 

    Jiang Mu pulled his arm, pursed her mouth, and blinked, "Shen Yan, you just call it again, I want to hear it." As soon as Jiang Mu acted like a baby, Shen Yan couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay. "

Jiang Mu thought to himself, this is too good, Shen Yan is really a treasure. 

    "Then you scream, louder." After Jiang Mu said, he suddenly felt that what he said was a bit erotic. 

    Scream, shout louder...

    Jiang Mu said again in her heart. 

    It's really pornographic. If you say this in another place, it would be more appropriate.

    "Good sister." 

    Shen Yan's voice really became louder this time. 

    "Really good, kiss." Jiang Mu gave Shen Yan a hard kiss on the face, "My Shen Yan baby is really sweet." 

    Shen Yan said, "You are more sweet." 

    "Wow, Shen Yan, I didn't expect you to secretly smell my fragrance." 

    Shen Yan was startled, and subconsciously said: "I don't have it." 

    "Really not? Then how do you know my fragrance." Jiang Mu pretended to be angry. 

    Shen Yan was afraid that Jiang Mu was really upset, so he didn't dare to lie, "I was not careful." 

    Jiang Mu: "Oh." 

    Shen Yan looked at Jiang Mu carefully, "I didn't mean it, it was last time. ..." 

    Jiang Mu saw his face flushed and he couldn't talk, she really wanted to laugh. 

    She suddenly grabbed Shen Yan's neck, stepped on his shoes, slowly raised her toes, and kissed Shen Yan's lips lightly. 

    Shen Yan's body quivered slightly, "Sister." 

    This was also smooth. 

    I have to say that Shen Yan's lips is really sweet.q 

    Jiang Mu took the initiative to deepen the kiss. 

    Now that the little cutie is here, let's eat it. 

    When Shen Yan was pressed on the sofa by Jiang Mu, he was still dumbfounded. 

    Jiang Mu licked the corner of his mouth and said slowly and lightly: "Shen Yan, you are so delicious." 

    Shen Yan's brain was blank, and his whole body was filled with excitement and happiness. At this moment, he completely forgot to think. The body was driven by desire, and eagerly responded to Jiang Mu.

    After a long time, Jiang Mu lay on Shen Yan's chest and panted, "Shen Yan, take me to the bedroom." 


    After the end, Jiang Mu got up before Shen Yan, Shen Yan was still lying on the bed, covered with a white quilt. His skin was bleached with an ambiguous blush, as if he was still immersed in the joy in public just now. 

    And Jiang Mu was already dressed with his back to Shen Yan. 

    Jiang Mu sat on the side of the bed, a little bit wanting to smoke after the fact, but unfortunately there was none. 

    The original owner has no habit of smoking. 

    Although it was a pity, Jiang Mu was in a good mood, after all, Shen Yan was quite satisfied with her. 

    Younger brother who doesn't like it, it's just this technique, it needs to be adjusted and adjusted, a little bit green. 

    But there is no way, Shen Yan can almost be said to be a blank sheet of paper in this respect, but Shen Yan is particularly good, that is, he puts Jiang Mu first in everything, and this is also true when doing such things, will not only care about himself. 

    So Jiang Mu felt that Shen Yan became more and more cute. 

    Originally, he was not going to send Shen Yan, but now she changed her attention and planned to send him to the gate of the community. 

    Shen Yan was very happy and surprised: "You want to send me?" 

    "Well, what do you want to do, I will send you to the gate of the community, and I will have to come back to pick up things and drive to pick up my daughter later." Jiang Mu smiled. 

    Shen Yan: "Well, good." 

    Jiang Mu picked up Shen Yan's clothes and handed them to him, "Then get up quickly." 

    Shen Yan blushed again when he took the clothes shyly and opened the quilt. 

    It was the first time Jiang Mu saw a boy who blushed so easily, and it was too rare. 

    "I will look at you, you can wear it quickly." Jiang Mu teased him. 

    "I didn't... I didn't let you watch it." Shen Yan explained. 

    "Then I want to watch you get dressed" Jiang Mu said.

    Shen Yan was stunned, lowered his head to not speak. 

    Jiang Mu feels that the child has gone bad. Is this a disguised default? 

    Jiang Mu held back a smile, "Then you wear it" 

    ... When the two of them took the elevator downstairs, they still held hands. It was Shen Yan who took the initiative to hold. Even when he arrived at the gate of the community, he refused to let go. 

    "I can't bear to let go of you." Shen Yan's voice was faint, but it still smelled like a baby. 

    Jiang Mu said helplessly: "Okay, I'll take you out, and I'll go back when you get in the car." 

    Shen Yan nodded happily: "Okay." 

    Jiang Mu smiled, and the two walked out of the community hand in hand, Shen Yan used a taxi software and called for a car. 

    Shen Yan: "I called the car." 

    Jiang Mu: "Well, then I'll accompany you and wait." 

    Shen Mo, who had been waiting outside the community for a long time, stared at this scene. 

    She rubbed her eyes, her face was pale, and she stared at the opposite road for a long time before she was sure she was right. 

    Those are Shen Yan and Jiang Mu. 

    Just as she was about to call Shen Yan, she saw Shen Yan kiss Jiang Mu on the face. 

    Shen Mo felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole figure seemed to be suffering from heat stroke. Her body shook and she almost fainted.