[World 1] Chapter 21

Shen Mo took a deep breath and held the tree next to her to stabilize herself. At this time, the car called by Shen Yan came. Only when Shen Yan got on the car, Jiang Mu waved goodbye to him, turned and walked in the community. 

    Shen Mo's anger at the moment is no less than the anger that Shen Yan found that she was with Chu Shuo, and even more crazy. She now has the heart to kill Jiang Mu. 

    How could Jiang Mu and Shen Yan be together. 

    Shen Yan must have been deceived by her. How could she, a married old woman, seduce her brother. 

    Shen Yan is only nineteen years old, and Jiang Mu is thirty. 

    She is shameless, too shameless. 

    Shen Mo exploded, she didn't even think about it, so she rushed over and cursed: "Jiang Mu, don't leave, you come out for me, what have you done to my brother?" 

    She and Shen Yan have been living together these years. Only she knows how much she suffered. In order to make Shen Yan go to school with peace of mind, she worked hard to make money and save money, just to make Shen Yan stand out. 

    Jiang Mu heard someone calling her from a distance, and when she turned her head, she saw Shen Mo with a crazy face. 

    Jiang Mu was a little surprised. The Shen Mo she saw before was all sweet and lovely, but now Shen Mo's hideous look is really a bit scary. 

    It seems that she has seen herself and Shen Yan. 

    Shen Yan was indeed Shen Mo's Nilin. She was so angry when she saw her holding hands with Shen Yan and kissed her. If she knew that Shen Yan had a relationship with her, then she couldn't stop exploding. 

    Jiang Mu smiled faintly, turned her head and left, ignoring Shen Mo. 

    Shen Mo saw Jiang Mu turning back, knowing that she saw herself, who knew she could leave without incident. 

    Shen Mo's anger was about to explode, she took a few deep breaths, turned and called a car. 

    She is going to find Shen Yan to ask clearly. 

    She must go to Shen Yan right now.

    Shen Mo only had this idea in her mind. 


    Shen Mo took a taxi to Mingda and rushed to Shen Yan's dormitory. 

    Shen Yan had just returned. Seeing his face full of spring breeze, all the people in the dormitory joked that his spring was here, and smiled so brightly. 

    Shen Yan did not deny either. 

    Everyone was asking him who was that person who could make him so concerned, and Shen Mo appeared at the door of the dormitory. 

    Seeing Shen Mo's murderous face, everyone shut their mouths and said nothing. 

    How did Shen Yan's older sister become so terrible? She clearly remembered that she was a very gentle older sister before. 

    "Sister, why are you here?" Shen Yan's expression changed after seeing Shen Mo. 

    Shen Mo felt even more uncomfortable when she saw that Shen Yan did not welcome her very much. 

    Shen Mo: "Come out with me, I have something to tell you." 

    Shen Yan said, "I don't want to talk to you." 

    "Shen Yan." Shen Mo was so angry that Shen Yan was still beating her at this time.

    "You go first." 

    Shen Yan's indifferent attitude made Shen Mo a little emotionally out of control. She said impulsively: "I'm asking you about Jiang Mu." 

    Shen Yan's face suddenly changed. 

    "Now you can come out with me." Shen Mo suppressed the anger in her heart and restrained her temper. 

    Shen Yan had no choice but to stand up and walk outside with her. He was taken aback by what Shen Mo said. He didn't know that Shen Mo had followed him just now. When she saw him with Jiang Mu, he could figure it out. Shen Mo knew something. 

    The two found a quiet and remote place. 

    "What are you going to tell me?" Shen Yan asked.

  "How did you and Jiang Mu meet? What is the relationship between you now?" Shen Mo was so angry that she had no ability to think rationally, and she asked all the questions in a sudden. 

    "How do you know that I know Jiang Mu? Then do you know who Jiang Mu is?" 

    Shen Yan looked at Shen Mo and suspected that she actually knew Jiang Mu and Chu Shuo were husband and wife. 

    Shen Mo: "You haven't answered my question yet. You said, did she seduce you?" 

    Shen Yan said with a cold face, "What nonsense are you talking about." 

    Shen Mo: "I saw it just now. At the entrance of Lan Community..." 

    Shen Yan said in surprise: "You follow me!" 

    "I just happened to see you and wanted to see what you were doing." Shen Mo didn't think she had any problems following Shen Yan, she did it alone. Sister is worried about him. 

    "Then you saw it." Shen Yan was also angry, and his tone became tough. 

    "Shen Yan, do you know how old she is, do you know that she is married and has a child!" 

    Shen Mo was furious, and if it weren't for fear of being heard, she would yell. 

    "Did she tell you nothing, I knew..." 

    Shen Mo was still talking to herself, and Shen Yan suddenly said calmly: "I know." 

    Shen Mo: "What?" 

    Shen Yan: "You heard it right, I know, I know what you said very well." 

    Shen Mo refused to believe: "How is it possible? You...you know that but you still..." 

    Shen Yan: "Yes, even if I know, I still like her." 

    "It's wrong for you to do this, she has a husband." Shen Mo panicked, and took Shen Yan's hand to try to make Shen Yan sober. 

    "It's wrong for me, what about you?" Shen Yan looked at her with a cold expression. 

    Shen Mo was stunned.

    Shen Yan said, "You actually know that Jiang Mu is that man's wife. You still go to be the man's lover. Isn't it wrong for you to do this?" 

    Shen Mo was embarrassed by Shen Yan, "I...I I didn't say that I did nothing wrong, but you are different from me." 

    Shen Yan looked away, not knowing what he was thinking, "Where is it different?" 

    Shen Mo was speechless for a while. 

    "Can't tell me?" Shen Yan was actually quite disappointed. 

    He looked at Shen Mo and was about to turn around and leave. Shen Mo held him, "I know, she must have known that you are my brother, she approached you deliberately, she knows me! Yes, it must be so, Shen Yan, don't be fooled by her." 

    Shen Yan looked at Shen Mo with a strange look, "Do you think she is like you? Instead, I want to ask you if you knew Jiang Mu before you were with that man. Mu is a teacher in your school." 

    Shen Mo was stunned. 

    She actually knew it. 

    Moreover, she deliberately approached Chu Shuo and premeditatedly became his lover, but only she knew everything. 

    Even Chu Shuo never doubted her, always thinking that she was a simple, kind and hardworking girl. 

    These things were hidden by Shen Mo in a secret corner of her heart. 

    But Shen Yan's words tore a small hole in the piece of cloth covering her darkness. 

    "It seems that you know it." Shen Yan shook his head, not wanting to continue talking to Shen Mo. 

    "Shen Yan, listen to me, you can't continue to do this with Jiang Mu. She is thirty, and you are only nineteen. You listen to your sister. She approached you for revenge. She used you, you can't..." 

    Shen Yan couldn't listen at all, "Don't say it." 

    Shen Yan's voice was harsh, and the look in Shen Mo's eyes was also very dissatisfied. 

    "Shen Yan..." Shen Mo was taken aback, and her voice was much quieter. She couldn't believe Shen Yan would yell at her like this.

    Shen Yan was also very uncomfortable. He had never spoken to Shen Mo like this before, but he was really disappointed in Shen Mo. Even if Shen Mo made a mistake, he still had to speculate on Jiang Mu maliciously. 

    She was obviously sorry for Jiang Mu and hurt Jiang Mu. 

    She didn't know what was wrong, she still had to say this.

    Even if he is her brother, he thinks she is too much. 

    "You said she approached me for revenge. You are wrong, sister, she has never approached me, I have been pestering her, I like her, you don't know anything but you just say her like this." 

    Shen Yan suddenly felt that he did not know his sister Shen Mo at all. 

    He didn't know that Shen Mo was such a person before. 

    It was originally a coincidence that Shen Yan and Jiang Mu knew each other. Jiang Mu could not have known the prophet, and he was always taking the initiative. She fell in love with Jiang Mu at first sight, so why did Jiang Mu deliberately approach him? 

    "How much do you know about her, how long did you know her, why did you help her like this." 

    "I like her, so I don't want to see her being stigmatized like this, and you not only ruined her family, but also splashed behind her. She feels dirty, I can't forgive you." Shen Yan's tone was very sad. 

    Shen Mo said painfully: "Shen Yan, I am your sister." 

    "Yes, you are my sister. I can't change this fact. I am sorry Jiang Mu, so I will compensate her. I hope you and that man will be cleaned up soon, and don't make a mistake." 

    Shen Yan turned his head and left after speaking. No matter how Shen Mo called him behind him, he didn't look back. 

    Seeing Shen Yan leaving, Shen Mo felt bitter and hateful in her heart. She gritted her teeth, thinking of the scene of Shen Yan and Jiang Mu holding hands, and thinking that Jiang Mu looked back and saw her leave without disregard. Her heart was like being burned roasted. 

    She couldn't watch Shen Yan being deceived by Jiang Mu. 

    Even if Jiang Mu didn't deliberately approach Shen Yan, he couldn't continue having relationship with her.

    After thinking about it, she decided to go to Chu Shuo and tell him about it.