[World 1] Chapter 22

    "Are you crazy?" Chu Shuo looked at Shen Mo, speechless and disbelief, "Do you know what you are talking about?" 

    "I... what I said is true." 

    "Shen Mo, it's best to think clearly before you speak." Chu Shuo has been so busy these days. Jiang Mu is going to divorce him, take the child away, and the company's business is also having problems. He doesn't worry about it anywhere. Shen Mo again said she was looking for him in a hurry and wanted to see him, but when she met, she said that Jiang Mu had cheated on her brother Shen Yan. 

    This is what a fantasy. 

    Her brother? 

    The boy he saw that day? Didn't Shen Mo say that his brother is only 19 years old? How could Jiang Mu be with him!? 

    Chu Shuo didn't believe it at all. 

    Shen Mo: "I didn't lie to you, I saw it with my own eyes." 

    Chu Shuo coldly said, " Where is the evidence?" 

    "I...I didn't have time to shoot." Shen Mo frowned, and she didn't expect Chu Shuo to hear it. Her words will be treated with this attitude. 

    Chu Shuo looked at her coldly, "There is no evidence, do you think I will believe it? Shen Mo, I said I won't get a divorce, do you find it interesting? I always think you are quite obedient, it seems that I read it wrong. "

Chu Shuo's tone made Shen Mo particularly embarrassed. He thought she was making up a false statement for his divorce. 

    Chu Shuo: "I'll leave if there's nothing else. I'm a bit busy lately. You don't need to find me if you have nothing to do." 


    Shen Mo didn't have the opportunity to continue talking, because Chu Shuo turned around and left. The deputy has no time to listen to her nonsense attitude. 

    Shen Mo stomped her feet with anger. After Chu Shuo closed the door, she grabbed the pillow on the sofa and smashed it. 

    "What I said is obviously true." 

    Shen Mo didn't know about Jiang Mu moving out of the house to divorce Chu Shuo, but Chu Shuo thought she knew, so he guessed her thoughts like this.

    Chu Shuo thought she knew that Jiang Mu had moved out, so she said ill of Jiang Mu in front of him, so that he would agree to the divorce. 

    Chu Shuo's affection for Shen Mo has plummeted, and even said that Jiang Mu cheated on her brother? It's really outrageous, is she teaming up with her brother to lie to him? 

    However, Shen Mo is not such a stupid person. 

    Although Chu Shuo was tough in front of Shen Mo and didn't believe it, he got upset again after leaving Shen Mo's house and getting into the car. 

    Is it possible that what Shen Mo said is true? 

    What does Jiang Mo really have to do with that boy? 

    Chu Shuo thought of the look in Jiang Mu's eyes when she left that day. He didn't know what it was like. In short, he was very depressed these days.

After much deliberation, he decided to call Jiang Mu. 

    But no one answered the phone in the past, even after several times, it rang until the end without being hung up. 

    He opened WeChat and saw that the messages he had sent to Jiang Mu in the past few days were like Shi Shenhai. There was no reply. He twisted his eyebrows to send a message to Jiang Mu. 

    Chu Shuo clicked to send, and he snorted in his heart. 

    The result did not surprise him too much, he waited for a long time and did not receive a reply. 


The next day, Jiang Mu went to the law firm again. 

    She went to entrust a lawyer to help her file a divorce lawsuit. Yesterday she prepared the divorce lawsuit as the lawyer said. 

    In order to write this, she had a lot of brain cells abolished. After all, she hadn't written it before. Jiang Mu had to find a few templates and learn it. There are a lot of things to write on. There are reasons for suing for divorce, a request for property division, and claim the ownership of children.

    Attached to the divorce indictment, she included the ID card, marriage certificate, household register and other materials, evidence of Chu Shuo's derailment, property evidence, evidence that Chu Shuo spent money on Shen Mo, and she has always been responsible for bringing the children and picking up the children. Chu Shuo's evidence of often working overtime and staying overnight was given to the lawyer.

    The lawyer was shocked when he saw that Jiang Mu had prepared such complete materials. 

    He seldom sees a woman so thoughtful. With these materials, he has to save a lot of thoughts in this divorce lawsuit, and can easily make a lot of legal fees. 

    "These materials are very important. With these things, it is very beneficial to struggle for child custody and the division of property. Don't worry, I will strive for the greatest benefit for you." The lawyer was very confident when he said this. 

    "Okay, I'll trouble you, I have to leave beforehand." 

    "I'll see you." The lawyer looked at Jiang Mu like he was looking at the God of Wealth.

He just looked at the property evidence and knew it in his mind. The lawyer's fee this time was a large sum. 


    Jiang Mu had a class today, and went to school after leaving the law firm. 

    Almost no one was absent in her class, and she was full every time. 

    After the class, Jiang Mu took the things and walked out of the classroom until the students were gone. 

    Shen Mo waited for Jiang Mu downstairs. 

    In front of everyone, Shen Mo still looked like a good student, "Mr. Jiang, can I talk with you for awhile, I have something to tell you." 

    "Shen, is there anything you can't say here?" Jiang Mu smiled at her and thought to herself, it is finally here. 

    "Teacher Jiang, it's not very convenient." 

    Shen Mo felt very disgusted when she saw Jiang Mu's arrogant and beautiful face. She wanted to stand here and ask: Why did you seduce my brother?

    But she held it back after all. 

    Shen Mo: "Let's go over there and talk." 

    Shen Mo felt that the look Jiang Mu looked at her made her uncomfortable, and there was a sense of pressure to be seen through and nowhere to hide. 

    Jiang Mu didn't speak. 

    Shen Mo: "Teacher Jiang."

    Jiang Mu said lightly: "Okay, let 's go."

Shen Mo felt that when she was standing in front of Jiang Mu, she didn't know how she become the weaker side. 

    When they reached the small garden behind the teaching building, the two women stopped. 

    "Just here, let's talk." 

    Jiang Mu is taller than Shen Mo and wears high heels. First of all, Shen Mo's height makes Shen Mo uncomfortable. She has to raise her head to see Jiang Mu's face. 

    Shen Mo opened his mouth and asked, "Are you with my brother?" 

    Jiang Mu smiled and looked at her hand in her pocket. 

    Shen Mo felt vacant and grasped what was in her hand.

  "Are you Chu Shuo's mistress?" Jiang Mu's words came even more rude. 

    Shen Mo was stunned, biting her lower lip, and said, "I asked you first, don't you answer me first?" 

    Jiang Mu sneered and said meaningfully: "Why should I answer you?" 

    "You!" Shen Mo was embarrassed by her attitude. She saw that Jiang Mu looked down on her at all, "Please stay away from my brother. He is only 19 years old. Teacher Jiang, you are 30 this year, you and him, don't you feel ashamed to be together?" 

    Jiang Mu: "Who told you that I was with him?" 

    Jiang Mu was right. She never said she wanted to be with Shen Yan. 

    Her principle is not to give promises lightly, and it doesn't count if you give. 

    "I saw it, you and him are at the gate of Yulan Community." Shen Mo was anxious, but Jiang Mu didn't expect to admit it. 

    "What did you see?" Jiang Mu was still calm and full of aura. 

    Shen Mo's emotions were about to explode, she stared at Jiang Mu, "You! Shen Yan told me that you are deceiving him to play with his feelings." 

    "Shen Mo, you can't talk nonsense, does your brother knows you are here to look for me? Do you need me to tell him?"

    Shen Mo's face became even more ugly, "You are threatening me." 

    Jiang Mu gave her a light look. 

    "My brother is too innocent to believe you. Sooner or later, he will see your true face." 

    Jiang Mu sarcastically said: "What about you? How does it feel to play Xiao Baihua in front of Chu Shuo? You are too addicted to drama." 

    Shen Mo was trembling with anger. She was eager to find a spot in front of Jiang Mu, so she said, "Chu Shuo already knows about you and Shen Yan. He will divorce you soon. He has been with me long ago. Saying that he have no feelings for you, you're not interesting at all, boring, he doesn't want to go back and look at you at all." 

    "Shen classmate... I suddenly feel that you are a bit pitiful, because you really have no self-knowledge." Jiang Mucong take out the previously copied guarantee letter from the bag and hand it to her. 

    "Let's take a look, it may make you a little more awake." 

    Shen Mo took the piece of paper and only glanced at it, her face turned pale. 

    The letter of guarantee written by Chu Shuo states how he loved Jiang Mu and how he was seduced by Shen Mo. As long as Jiang Mu said a word, he could immediately break off from Shen Mo and return to the family, and he would never commit any more... 

    Shen Mo's face hurt so badly, as if he was slapped a dozen slaps by Jiang Mu. 

    Embarrassment, shock, and annoyance overwhelmed her. 

    Jiang Mu took the guarantee letter out of her hand. 

    Shen Mo squeezed it tightly, and Jiang Mu used a little force. 

    "Understood? Do you think you have any capital to come to me to talk about? You are the one who is dispensable, right? Chu Shuo treats you as a plaything, but you treat him as a person." 

    Shen Mo's mental image was stabbed a few times, and Jiang Mu's words were really fast and cruel, so that she could not fight back at all. 

    Shen Mo hated Jiang Mu very much. She looked at Jiang Mu with hatred, and said: "I will go to school to report irregularities in your private life and cheat with college students outside of school..."

    "Okay, then the video of you and Chu Shuo having an affair at my house can also be made public on the school forum. You haven't watched that before, so take a look at it." Jiang Mu smiled and nodded. 

    Shen Mo looked at Jiang Mu in surprise, "You..." 

    How could you have that... 

    It turned out that she knew about her and Chu Shuo a long time ago. 

    "What's the matter? I can't tell if I'm thirsty? Why don't the teacher give you a few dollars to buy a bottle of Master Kong green tea to quench your thirst. I think you are tired of talking. Drink green tea to increase your combat power and continue talking." 

    As soon as Jiang Mu's voice fell, Shen Mo finally couldn't help it, and pushed Jiang Mu hard. Fortunately, Jiang Mu stood firm and was almost pushed down by her. 

    But at this time, Shen Yan's voice came from behind the two. 

    "Sister, what are you doing?" 

    Jiang Mu's expression changed, and her expression of Leng Ao and disdain immediately became sad and painful. 

    "You ruined my family, now you threaten me, classmate Shen, don't go too far." 

    "Shen Mo, why did you become like this?" Shen Yan didn't call Shen Mo as sister, but directly called her. The tone when mentioning her name is very severe and dissatisfied. 

    Shen Mo hurriedly said: "Shen Yan, don't be fooled by her." 

    Shen Yan helped Jiang Mu, "She didn't lie to me, you bullied her again and again. Why did you do this?" 

    "I beg you to believe me, she really approach you on purpose, she was premeditated." 

    Shen Yan ignored her and looked at Jiang Mu nervously, "Sister, are you okay?" 

    Shen Mo's eyes were about to stare out. 

    Shen Yan actually called Jiang Mu so softly, with a look of care. 

    Jiang Mu: "I'm fine, I want to go back." 

    Shen Yan: "I'll take you back." 

    Shen Mo: "Shen Yan, if you leave, I won't have you as my brother."