[World 2] Chapter 28

    Jiang Mu did not respond to Qin Siyu's sudden joining. 

    Qin Siyu wanted to help, so let her help, so Jiang Mu silently stood aside. 

    Bai Xie didn't pay attention to Qin Siyu. Qin Siyu stood didn't know what to do, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing for a while. 

    At this time Jiang Mu said softly: "Today there are potatoes, tomatoes, pork ribs, chicken, and some vegetables." 

    Qin Siyu looked at Jiang Mu and found that Jiang Mu's eyes were red, and she was still kindy answering to her, feel good about her, she actually didn't like Jiang Mu before. 

    "Then I will help wash the vegetables." Qin Siyu said with a smile. 

    Bai Xie said: "It's too crowded."

Qin Siyu didn't react for a while, with a smile on her face, "What?" 

    Bai Yue stopped working and looked at her lightly, "The three people are too crowded." 

    Qin Siyu's expression suddenly became very embarrassed. Although the kitchen is not big, it won't be crowded by three people. 

    Qin Siyu was annoyed, Bai Xie's words meant that she was not needed here. 

    This is not the first time this has happened, and Bai Xie often horrified others that people can't come near him.

    "Okay, then I'll go out and watch you do it. Anyway, I have nothing to do." 

    Qin Siyu walked out of the narrow kitchen, standing at the bar and looking at them. 

    Jiang Mu kept her head down and washed the vegetables, and peeled the garlic after washing the vegetables. Although she did not move fast, she did it very seriously. 

    Qin Siyu found that Bai Xie would occasionally look at Jiang Mu. Although her eyes were nothing special, Bai Xie never look at her before. 

    How come to Jiang Mu here, it is different. 

    Is it because Jiang Mu looks better?

    This made Qin Siyu very upset, and the feeling that Jiang Mu had just relieved her was suddenly dissipated.

    She looked at Jiang Mu, "I remember you said you don't know how to cook, so why did you cook for dinner today?" 

    This is a bit embarrassing. 

    But when she talked, she was smiling and her eyes were very gentle. If Jiang Mu reacted strongly, Qin Siyu could still pretend to be surprised and injured and said that she was just asking and blame Jiang Mu for being too sensitive. 

    But Jiang Mu disappointed her and said: "Actually, I can make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and I will learn the others." 

    Jiang Mu looked serious, as if cheering for herself, looks so lovely making others wants to touch her head. 

    After a while, Qin Siyu could only say: "That's it, then go on." 

    Then, Qin Siyu saw Bai Xie and Jiang Mu cooperating with each other, washing the vegetables and cutting the vegetables, cooking the vegetables and handing the plates. They cooperated very well. 

    Bai Yue did not speak, and Jiang Mu did not take the initiative to speak, but even if there was no verbal communication, the two of them always looked at each other inadvertently, as if Bai Xie's eyes made Jiang Mu understand what he wanted and what to do. This kind of touch is more sparkling. 

    Qin Siyu was a little jealous, but couldn't say anything. 

    Time slowly passed, and the dishes were completed one by one. The dishes made by Bai Xie were full of color and fragrance, and the fragrance reached far away, which could catch the greedy insects of people. 

    Jiang Mu whispered: "I'm hungry, it smells so delicious." 

    Bai Yue glanced at her and said, "You bring the food first." 

    "Okay." Jiang Mu nodded, picked up two plates and walked out. 

    Seeing Jiang Mu walking out of the kitchen, Qin Siyu thought for a while and took the initiative to say: "It's late, how many dishes are still missing? How about I help make a cold dish, I'm quite good at it."

At this time, several other guests were all good at it. When I went downstairs, everyone's expressions changed a little when they saw Jiang Mu arranging dishes, but Zhao Jiajia took the initiative to say hello. 

    "Jiang Mu, did you make these dishes? It smells good." 

    Jiang Mu just shook her head without replying.

    Zhao Jiajia was a little embarrassed. Jiang Mu's indifferent attitude made her uncomfortable. Before Jiang Mu was squeezed out by others, she was very dependent and enthusiastic towards her. 

    The others didn't speak, but they all felt that Jiang Mu had changed a little.

    She used to be very proactive and active to talk to everyone, but now that she doesn't speak, everyone will still look at her involuntarily. 

    She lowered her head to put the dishes, her expression was faint, but she exuded a gentle breath.

    Jiang Mu put the plate away and turned to the kitchen. Qin Siyu had already occupied her position. 

    Qin Siyu didn't get Bai Xie's consent, but when she saw that Bai Xie hadn't spoken, she leaned in to make cold dishes by herself. 

    Zhou Jing saw that Qin Siyu was cooking, and said in confusion: "Siyu, aren't Jiang Mu and Bai Xie partnering today? Why are you cooking?" 

    Zhao Jiajia smiled and said, "Jiang Mu can't cook. She might be afraid that she could not do it well, so let Siyu help." 

    Zhao Jiajia was clearly speaking for Jiang Mu, but in fact she was secretly betraying that Jiang Mu could not cook and was lazy. 

    Zhou Jing snorted and walked over and said, "If you can't do it, you don't have to do it? I remember Siyu said that she rarely cooks." 

    Jiang Mu didn't defend herself, bowed her head, and silently went to arrange good dishes. 

    Zhao Jiajia looked at Jiang Mu suspiciously. 

    She thought that Jiang Mu would explain it angrily. In this way, she could say that Jiang Mu was too sensitive, and everyone didn't blame her, but felt that even if she could not cook, she would try to cook. 

    But Jiang Mu didn't speak, so she couldn't say anything. 

    What made her even more uncomfortable was that Jiang Mu, who was silent, became more attractive. 

    She was quiet, but she seemed to be shining. 

    Zhao Jiajia noticed that the other boys looked at Jiang Mu more. 

    Although they did not speak, it also made Zhao Jiajia aware of the crisis.

    After she was reborn, she had changed a lot. She was confident that Jiang Mu would never be able to crush her anymore, but now Jiang Mu seemed to be vaguely out of her control. 

    Zhao Jiajia felt that she still had to find a way to make Jiang Mu continue to trust her and let others isolate Jiang Mu. 

    "Jiang Mu, do you want me to teach you how to cook? So that next time you can cook it yourself." Zhao Jiajia smiled and approached Jiang Mu. 

    Jiang Mu didn't even look at her, and shook her head, "No, I'll learn it by myself." 

    Zhao Jiajia pressed her hot face to her cold butt, feeling a little depressed, pursing her lips and said, "Jiang Mu, are you still angry? Blame me... I really didn't mean it, I just wanted to help you... I didn't expect this to happen." 

    Jiang Mu said nothing. 

    Zhao Jiajia: "Well, let me pay the money for that watch?" 

    Jiang Mu suddenly looked at her seriously: "Whether you did it on purpose or not, I washed it, I will be responsible for that watch, I can buy it." 

    After that, she went to the kitchen. 

    Qin Siyu was still cooking salad dishes in the kitchen. After seeing Jiang Mu, she didn't mean to let go. Jiang Mu didn't urge her, so she stood by and waited. 

    Qin Siyu frowned. Of course she saw Jiang Mu standing by and waiting. She was surprised. Jiang Mu's behavior made her very passive. 

    Even if Jiang Mu said to let her go away, she could have something to say and make Jiang Mu ugly, but Jiang Mu just stood like this, and it gave her invisible pressure. 

    A salad dish is actually very simple to make. She could finish it a long time ago, but she was just ditching. At this time, it was not good to delay the time. After putting the salad dish into the deep bowl, she carried it out. 

    "I'm done. Are you hungry? You can try the salad dishes I made."

After Qin Siyu left, Jiang Mu glanced at Bai Xie and said, "Then I will make a scrambled egg with tomatoes." 

    Bai Xie said: "You cut the tomatoes." 

    "Yeah." Jiang Mu softly nodded.

    The original owner doesn't know how to cook, but Jiang Mu will. She was a housewife in the previous world. She used to cook often, so simple home-cooked dishes won't bother her at all. 

    Just to maintain the original owner's personality, so she can't show her true cooking skills all at once. 

    Although Bai Yue was cold and indifferent to Jiang Mu, when Jiang Mu was cutting tomatoes, his attention was entirely on Jiang Mu's hands. 

    Jiang Mu pressed the tomatoes with one hand and a knife in the other. She awkwardly cut the tomatoes into chunks. The shape of the cut was not beautiful, but her eyes were very focused, which made people want to laugh. 

    How can it be so ugly when cutting it so seriously?

    It's also dumb and a little cute. 

    Bai Xi couldn't help but look at her face for a while. 

    Jiang Mu noticed it, but never looked up. 

    She pretended to be a bit hard, and it was so ugly, she was also quite uncomfortable, she was obviously very powerful, and it felt a bit strange to pretend to be an idiot. 

    About two minutes later, Jiang Mu finished cutting two tomatoes. She looked up anxiously at Bai Xie

    "Bai Xie." 

    Hearing Jiang Mu calling his name, Bai Xie felt that his name could be so gentle for the first time in history. 

    He had always felt that his name was as cold as his character.

    "Huh?" Bai Yue's eyes were a bit strange, his eyelids drooped slightly, and he did not look directly at Jiang Mu. 

    "I cut it like this... is it okay?" Jiang Mu asked slowly. 

    Jiang Mu's voice was soft, and every word seemed to strike his heart. 

    After a few seconds, "Yeah." 

    "That's good then." Jiang Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I can beat eggs. I'll say I can make scrambled eggs with tomatoes. I cut tomatoes very well. " 

    Bai Yue: "..."

    Seeing how happy she was talking to herself, Bai Jin couldn't help but wonder. 

    It's really coaxing. 

    She used to think she was a troublesome girl, but now she is actually very cute. 

    "Beat the eggs in this bowl." 

    Bai Yue handed Jiang Mu a bowl. 

    Jiang Mu was stunned, and seemed a little surprised, "...Okay." 

    Bai Yue was also surprised that he would take the initiative to do so, but the words came out. Seeing Jiang Mu did not reach out to take the bowl, he put the bowl in front of Jiang Mu. Let go, turn around and do something else. 

    Jiang Mu pursed her mouth and smiled, and said in a low voice, "Thank you." 

    Bai Xie had a halt without any other reaction. 

    Jiang Mu beat four eggs in a bowl, beat them with chopsticks, and then added some salt to mix well. 

    After finishing the preparations, she cleaned and dried the pot and poured oil on it. 

    Seeing that she was doing the right thing, Bai Xie couldn't help standing and wondering what she would do next. 

    Jiang Mu looked up at him, seeming to want his affirmation. 

    Bai Xie saw through her thoughts and nodded lightly. 

    Jiang Mu smiled brightly, and then proceeded to the next step. 

    Bai Xie was a little confused, and felt a little strange in his heart. 

    Does his attitude really matter to her? 

    Jiang Mu slowly cooked the scrambled eggs with tomatoes. When it was finally served, she sandwiched a piece of egg and said, "Would you like to try it?" 

    Bai Xie wanted to refuse, but saw Jiang Mu's expectant look. He somehow nodded. 

    Jiang Mu was very happy. 

    She stretched out her hand to reach Bai Xie's mouth. Although Bai Xie was not used to it, he leaned in to eat. 

    Jiang Mu suddenly said, "Ah, wait a minute."

    Bai Yue stopped and looked at her. 

    I saw Jiang Mu bowed his head and blew the eggs, and he noticed that she was still on tiptoe, very cute. 

    "It's too hot, it will burn you." 

    Jiang Mu blew twice, then smiled and handed it to his mouth again. 

    Bai Yue still didn't move, he looked at her pink lips. 

    There was a seductive voice in his heart. 

    "I want to eat her." 

    Jiang Mu pursed her mouth.

    "You don't want to eat it?" Bai Xie said in a hoarse voice: "Want to eat." 

Bai Xie stared at Jiang Mu's lips and lowered his head to the eat the egg.

    "How is it?" Jiang Mu looked at him hopefully, "Is it delicious?" 

    Bai Xie's secret thoughts made him very surprised. This was the first time he felt this way. 

    It's too strange. 

    Bai Yue suppressed those strange feelings, stopped looking at Jiang Mu, and deliberately said in a cold voice: "It's okay." 

    He thought that Jiang Mu would be disappointed and sad like this, but he didn't expect Jiang Mu to be very happy. . 

    "Really, it's not bad." 

    Facing Jiang Mu's innocence, Bai Xie felt that his strange thoughts were even more inappropriate. 

    In fact, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes tasted pretty good. Although it didn't look good, it was much better than he thought. 

    Maybe the smaller the expectation, the bigger the surprise. 

    Bai Yue added, "Not bad." 

    But Jiang Mu didn't hear this sentence, and had already brought her own dishes to the kitchen. 

    Qin Siyu saw the food in Jiang Mu's hand and asked, "What's this? Is it scrambled eggs with tomatoes? Did Bai Xie make it?" 

   Zhou Jing also took a look, "No, Bai Xie's knife skills are pretty good."

    Jiang Mu: "I did it." 

    "You did it?" Qin Siyu said suspiciously: "This is what you said that you can make scrambled eggs with tomatoes." 

    Zhao Jiajia smiled and said, "Jiang Mu can't cook, so it's already great, maybe it's delicious?" 

    Jiang Mu whispered, "Bai Xie said it's not bad..." 

    "Bai Xie said that?" Qin Siyu's eyes widened. 


    "I didn't expect Bai Xie to comfort people..." Zhao Jiajia said. 

    Qin Siyu smiled awkwardly: "Yes, I didn't expect it." 

    Wu Zeye didn't know where he took a pair of chopsticks and reached for the bowl of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. 

    Zhao Jiajia stopped him in surprise, "Zeye, do you really want to eat it?" 

    Wu Zeye glanced at her lightly, "Hmm." 

    "I'll pour you a glass of water first."