[World 2] Chapter 29

    "I will pour you a glass of water first." Zhou Jing snatched Zhao Jiajia's words. 

    But Zhao Jiajia is quite happy, she doesn't need to be a bad person, and someone helps her speak. 

    But Wu Zeye looked indifferent. 

    Wu Zeye has never pursued food since he was a child. He can eat anything, whether it is good or not. Eating is only for survival, not for happiness. 

    The reason why he took the initiative to try Jiang Mu's scrambled eggs with tomatoes is also very simple, that is, he is curious. 

    Others appeared to be very worried that the dish was unpalatable, which made him feel speechless. 

    It's unpalatable and won't kill people. 

    He picked up a piece of tomato very casually and put it in his mouth. 

    When he finished eating and swallowing and everyone else was waiting for his feedback, he just didn't say anything. 

    "How is it?" Qin Siyu asked. 

    Wu Zeye raised his eyebrows and said, "Try it yourself."

After Wu Zeye put his chopsticks, everyone looked at each other and didn't know if it was delicious or not, but no one else tried it. 

    Bai Xie came over with other dishes and said, "You can eat." 

    Wu Zeye took the initiative to serve the meal, and another boy, Yang Cheng, also went. 

    Zhao Jiajia blinked and said, "I'll help." 

    Zhou Jing: "I'll help too." 

    Jiang Mu and Bai Xie did not pass. 

    Jiang Mu whispered to Bai Xie, "Thanks for your hard work today. You did so many dishes by yourself. I didn't help much." 

    Bai Xie said, "You washed the dishes." 

    Jiang Mu smiled, "Yes."

    "Sit down." Bai Xie pulled his chair away.

    Jiang Mu lowered his head to reveal a small piece of white neck, with an indescribable style. 

    But she hadn't sat down yet, everyone else came over, Jiang Mu's movements stopped, and when everyone was seated, Jiang Mu chose her seat. 

    She sat opposite Zhao Jiajia, Wu Zeye's left, and another boy, Yang Cheng, on the right. 

    After starting to eat, Jiang Mu watched all directions and paid attention to everyone's actions. 

    A lot of things can be seen on the dinner table, especially the dinner time of the show "Living Together", which is turbulent. 

    Every day, all the guests only gather for dinner, and the rest of the time is their own resolution. Therefore, the female guests will rush to release their charm during dinner, while the male guests are relatively more reserved. 

    This is also the highlight of the show. 

    In most programs nowadays, boys are actually more active, but the male guests in "Lovers Living Together" are all too good, and they don't have any love experience. They seem to have no talent in interacting with girls, and they don't take the initiative to find topics. 

    However, after the two episodes of the show, viewers and observers didn't seem to think this was bad, but found it very fresh. 

    Zhao Jiajia said: "Bai Xie cooks really well, these dishes are delicious." 

    Bai Xie: "Thank you." 

    Zhou Jing asked, "Do you usually cook by yourself?" 

    Bai Xie: "Yeah. Almost all the time." 

    Zhou Jing looked at Wu Zeye again, "I found you don't seem to eat chicken too much, don't you like it?" 

    Wu Zeye said after eating the food in his mouth, "Well, eat less." Zhao Jiajia said with a smile "Actually, I alsodon't like chicken, but beef." 

    Wu Zeye said: "I cook Western food and eat a lot of steak." 

   Zhao Jiajia laughed as she talked. The bell sounds beautiful, and the atmosphere seems to be alive.

    Qin Siyu also took the initiative to talk to Bai Xie, although Bai Xie didn't pay much attention to her, she was always happy. 

    Zhou Jing occasionally took a sentence, but she also seemed very gregarious. 

    Only Jiang Mu calmly bowed her head to eat, and was much quieter. The original host had spoken to Wu Zeye before, but now she has not spoken to Wu Zeye. 

    But because she did not speak, everyone paid more attention to her. 

    She has a very comprehensive understanding of every guest. The seven present here are all in very good conditions and are in a circle that most ordinary people cannot reach. 

    For example, Yang Cheng, the youngest, is only 18 years old. He only went to university this year, but he is already a sophomore. He majored in finance. He is an academic bully. He is currently studying at the highest institution. The college entrance examination is the provincial champion. In the financial industry, his parents settled in the United States. 

    Just looking at his face may not feel much to him, but with such a strong Xueba aura bonus, Yang Cheng is actually quite charming. He usually doesn't like to talk. He speaks very well when he speaks. He is self-confident and looks at everyone like laozi is number one in the world. If you don't like to watch, you just close your eyes.

   Such a boy may be very popular in school, but he is not competitive here. Because he is too young and has a low EQ, even if his family is very good, no one expresses his favor to him. 

    The most popular is Wu Zeye, the original owner, Zhao Jiajia and Zhou Jing all pay more attention to him. 

    Wu Zeye is an actor and a rich second-generation. He won the actor's trophy last year. His age is capable of such an infinite future. However, he is the only son in the family. Under pressure, he has decided to leave the entertainment industry and go home to inherit his family business. This is a variety show that his company helped him a long time ago. After the recording, he will terminate the contract with the company. 

    The public only knows that he is an actor, few people know the background of his family, because he took his mother's surname, after he inherited the family business in the original plot, the public only knew that he was the second generation of invisible rich. 

    It was Zhao Jiajia who knew this so she take him so seriously. Later, she did get some real benefits from Wu Zeye. 

    The four female guests are also very good compared to their peers. The oldest Zhou Jing is also a schoolmaster. He graduated from Harvard and is 26 years old this year. She is a senior executive in a foreign company. She and Yang Cheng are very good in various aspects. Like, they are all academic masters, and they are all related to finance. 

    Zhao Jiajia is the youngest and a senior at the Film Academy. She is just a well-off family and has played a few small roles. Although she is not well-known, she is an internet celebrity. After rebirth, she opened an internet celebrity Taobao shop, which is quite profitable. 

    Qin Siyu is a model who has walked through international shows and won the third place in a model competition. 

    As for the original owner, it is actually the best of the four girls. Graduated from Berkeley Conservatory of Music, her father is a real estate tycoon with a fortune of tens of billions, her mother is a cellist, and she is an only daughter. 

    However, her parents divorced, she followed her mother, and her mother usually went to performances. When she compiled information with the program, she did not disclose her father's identity and family property, so everyone only knew her education and mother. identity of. 

    Halfway through the meal, no one had ever touched the bowl of scrambled eggs with tomatoes made by Jiang Mu, except for Jiang Mu herself.

    Zhao Jiajia saw that she had eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes several times, and she secretly laughed at her that she knew the dishes she cooked was unpalatable, and she was embarrassed to give it to others, so she kept eating. 

    She smiled and said: "Jiang Mu, don't force yourself, eat something else if you can't eat it, we won't blame you." As soon as her voice fell, Bai Xie suddenly stretched his chopsticks to the plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and ate a large piece and ate the noodles unchanged. 

    The expressions of Zhao Jiajia and Qin Siyu changed. 

    Jiang Mu gratefully glanced at Bai Xie. Bai Xie's gaze stayed on her face for two seconds before saying, "Not bad." 

    Jiang Mu lowered her head and smiled, a little shy. 

    "Really? I'll try it too." Zhou Jing didn't believe it and clipped a piece. 

    "Hey, it's really okay." 

    Zhou Jing picked up another piece, took a spoon and made some smashed eggs after eating, mixed the soup and poured it on the rice. 

    She mixed it and took a big bite. 

    "You didn't tell me, it's better for dinner." Zhou Jing looked at Jiang Mu differently, "My favorite is scrambled eggs with tomatoes." 

    "Thank you, I'm the best at this, but it doesn't look good." Jiang Mu smiled shyly. , I can see that she is very happy. 

    "Just delicious, home cooking doesn't need to be very beautiful." Zhou Jing is a straightforward person. 

    Others also stretched out their chopsticks to hold them, and were surprised after the taste. 

    This unsurprisingly scrambled egg with tomatoes tastes really good. 

    It's not that it's delicious, but the expectation value is very low. After eating it, it turns out to be good, and I feel pleasantly surprised. 

    "It turns out that your cooking is very delicious." Zhao Jiajia smiled, "You told me that you can't cook." 

    This has other meanings, but Jiang Mu said that she didn't understand it, but said happily: "I was also worried that I could not do well. Fortunately, Bai Xie encouraged me. I think he did so well, so I was very serious. I didn't expect it to be good."

    She looked like a luminous body with high spirits, eye-catching. 


    Dinner halfway, gradually quiet down on the table, only occasionally in conversation. 

    Jiang Mu lowered her head, suddenly stretched out her foot and touched the opposite of Zhao Jiajia's foot with the back of her instep, and then quickly raised her foot and kicked Wu Zeye again. 

    Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye were both stunned, almost simultaneously looking up at each other. 

    When the two of them met, Zhao Jiajia didn't know what was thinking, and her face blushed. 

    Wu Zeye is inexplicable. 

    Two minutes later, Jiang Mu did the same, and secretly hooked their toes under the table. 

    When the two raised their heads, they looked at each other again, thinking that the other party had touched them, and both thought that the other party was deliberate. 

    But neither of them showed anything. 

    After dinner, Jiang Mu and Bai Xie washed the dishes. Jiang Mu was clumsy, and Bai Xie pulled her away, "Look at it, I'll wash it." 

    Jiang Mu blushed, "Sorry." 

    Bai Xie thought it was himself. His voice was too serious, he hesitated, and said, "It's nothing, go and rest." 

    "I'm not going, I'll be with you here." Jiang Mu shook her head and stood stubbornly next to Bai Xie, looking at him do the washing up. 

    Bai Xie stopped talking. 

    Jiang Mu looked at his fingers and said, "Your hands are so beautiful, thin and long, and suitable for playing the piano, but I think you are like a doctor with a scalpel." 

    Bai Xie glanced at her and said nothing, but you can see from his expression that he is in a good mood. 

    "Actually I am studying music. I can play the piano and the cello. Do you want to listen?" Jiang Mu said. 


    Bai Xie's eyes brightened. In fact, he usually likes to listen to pure music very much. This is a way for him to relieve stress. He also buys tickets to go to concerts. He didn't know that Jiang Mu could play musical instruments before. 

    "Really, then I will play it for you next time." Jiang Mu said. 

    "Good." Bai Xie nodded. 

    After a while, Bai Xie suddenly said: "You guessed it right, I am a doctor." 

    This sentence contains a lot of information. With a personality like Bai Xie, he took the initiative to tell her his career, indicating that he treats her with good impression. 

    "I like doctors the most." After Jiang Mu finished speaking, she lowered her head a little embarrassedly, "No, I mean I think doctors are very good, and they are the profession I admire the most." 


    Jiang Mu was stunned. She was taken aback, and said seriously: "There is no big reason. I just think that doctors are a very good job to save the sick people and heal the wounded. Unfortunately, I am rather stupid and can't learn medicine." 

    Bai Xie looked at her eyes with an indescribable feeling, calm. The lake of heart was blown with ripples. 


    Wu Zeye likes to blow the air on the balcony on the third floor before going to bed. He just discovered this place. 

    But as soon as he went up today, he saw that there were already people there. 

    Jiang Mu was wearing a white nightdress and sitting on a chair on the balcony. Her hair was blown away by the wind, and her profile was bright and white in the moonlight. 

    Wu Zeye wanted to go, but his feet did not move. 

    Jiang Mu suddenly turned her head, and when he saw him, she was like a scared rabbit. She jumped up, her ears were red, and she straightened up and looked at him blankly. 

    "Why are you here?" 

    Wu Zeye raised his eyebrows, "Are you the only one allowed to come here?" 

    Jiang Mu shook her head, "No, I just didn't know you would come here too." 

    Wu Zeye thought about her stupid appearance. Did not leave, instead sat down beside Jiang Mu.

    Jiang Mu looked at a loss, her body tense. 

    Wu Zeye turned his head and looked at her. With the moonlight, Jiang Mu became more attractive. 

    Wu Zeye didn't know why, but felt that the girl in front of him was not annoying. 

    The two of them sat for a while, Jiang Mu looked at him nervously, hesitant to speak. 

    Wu Zeye looked out and said, "Just say what you want to say." 

    Jiang Mu pursed her lips, "Wu Zeye, I was so emotional this afternoon, I didn't say something to you." 

    Wu Zeye turned and looked at her, "What?"

    Jiang Mu seemed to be more nervous. "I'm sorry, I washed the watch. Although I didn't mean it, the facts are already like this. I hope you won't be sad anymore and I will try my best to make up for it." 

    Wu Zeye didn't expect Jiang Mu to apologize again. It was obvious that she was still wronged in the afternoon. All cried and ran away. 

    In fact, he was very angry at the time, so he lost his temper, but he calmed down and thought about it. He also felt that he was too impulsive. There is no need to be so angry with Jiang Mu. Although the watch is important, getting angry is no use to fix it. 

    Wu Zeye is not angry now, so he waved his hand and said, "No, forget it." 

    Jiang Mu insisted: "Yes, if you have anything I need to do, just say it. I can see that the watch is very important to you" 

    Wu Zeye was silent for a while, and said half-jokingly: "You can do anything I want you to do." 

    "Whatever I want?" Wu Zeye said playfully . 

    Jiang Mu hesitated and said, "It's impossible to do bad things." 

    Wu Zeye was amused by Jiang Mu. He sat upright and looked straight at Jiang Mu. "It depends on which kind of bad things you said?" 

    Jiang Mu blinked and looked at him incomprehensibly: "Huh?"

    Wu Zeye frowned when she saw her innocence, and then smiled again, "Okay, enough joking, tell me, how do you plan to compensate me?" 

    "I...I will buy you a new one." Jiang Mu whispered. 

    "This piece is unique, you can't buy the same." Wu Zeye spread his hand and said. 

    Jiang Mu frowned and fell into trouble, "Then... Then, can I give you another gift?" 

    Wu Zeye thought for a while and said, "Tell me, what gift?" 

    Jiang Mu: "What do you want?"