[World 2] Chapter 32

"What perfume do you use?" Wu Zeye asked. 

Jiang Mu hid for a while and said in a low voice, "I don't use perfume." 

Wu Zeye frowned as he watched her hide back. 

Bai Xie walked down, but didn't even look at them, his expression was still the same as usual, cold. 

Seeing him walking outside, Jiang Mu called him, "Bai Xie." 

Bai Xie paused, looked back at her, and his eyes fell on her, and asked lightly: "What's the matter?" 

"Are you going out?" Jiang Mu asked. 

"Yeah." Bai Yue nodded. 

Jiang Mu wanted to tell him that she wrote his name on the card, but it didn't seem to be the time to say such things at this time. 

"Are you going out this afternoon? Who's going out with you?" Wu Zeye asked lightly. 

Jiang Mu said: "Well, I'm with Yang Cheng." When he heard Jiang Mu's words, Bai Yue's eyes seemed to change slightly. 

"Yang Cheng?" Wu Zeye was also a little surprised. 

He thought it was Bai Yue, but he didn't expect it to be Yang Cheng.

Whether in the eyes of the female guests or in the eyes of the male guests, Yang Cheng is an incomprehensible child. Who would want to seriously fall in love with such a secondary child? 

'What did Jiang Mu think? Why did she choose Yang Cheng?'

'Is it possible that she want to have a relationship between sister and brother?'

If so, it would be a bit boring. 

Wu Zeye looked at Jiang Mu's face and curled his lips, "Then where are you going?" 

"I don't know yet." Jiang Mu shook her head. 

The card she received only wrote about her date and did not write about the place of the date. It may not be known until the afternoon.

"Okay, then I wish you a good time." Wu Zeye stood up, "I'll go back to the room first." 

"Okay." Jiang Mu nodded, then noticed that Bai Xie had left. 


At two o'clock, Jiang Mu went downstairs and saw Yang Cheng standing at the top of the stairs. 

"So slow." Yang Cheng leaned against the wall, with his hands around his chest, his eyes narrowed, and a hint of impatience was written on his unassuming face, but Jiang Mu could see the expectation in his eyes. 

Jiang Mu said, "I changed my clothes." 

Yang Cheng looked at her up and down, and then said, "I didn't see any difference." 

Jiang Mu blinked, "That's because you don't understand girls." 

Yang Chengzhang opened his mouth and wanted to refute, he swallowed and snorted, "Go." 

"Where are we going?" Jiang Mu looked at the photographer and staff who followed them. 

Yang Cheng said, "Didn't you choose the place? Vineyard." 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, I thought they changed the place." 

"What do you want to go to the vineyard?" Yang Cheng asked. 

Jiang Mu said: "I saw that the grapes in the vineyard were ripe a few days ago, so I wanted to pick grapes by myself and learn how to make wine."

"That's so fun. "Yang Cheng walked quickly in front. 

He walked for a while, but didn't hear Jiang Mu's voice . He turned to see that Jiang Mu was walking slowly, separated from him by a distance of five or six meters, and stopped. 

"You are too slow." Yang Cheng put one hand in his pocket, his attitude was a little lax. 

"Sorry, my shoes are a bit uncomfortable." Jiang Mu lowered her head and pointed to her shoes, "Old shoes, they are not easy to wear."

These are the slope-heel shoes that she deliberately chose before going out. They will wear out a bit. Sure enough, after walking for a while, the back heel will wear out.

Although it didn't hurt at all, her skin was tender and worn a little bit, which looked exaggerated. 

Yang Orange walked up suspiciously, "Then why are you wearing this..." 

His tone was still complaining, but when he saw her heel, his expression changed. 

"How could this be?" 

Yang Cheng knelt down and stared at her feet. 

Jiang Mu: "I didn't expect it to be like this." 

Yang Cheng: "Can you still go?" 

Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

"Hmph, you can take a fart, it's all broken. Does it hurt?" Yang Cheng said, shaking his head and looked at Jiang Mu with a look of foolish eyes. 


Jiang Mu pursed her mouth. "It doesn't really hurt." 

"Liar, if it doesn't hurt you, why don't you go fast?" Yang Cheng looked at her unhappy. "Do you think I can't tell?" 

Jiang Mu pursed her mouth and lowered her head in embarrassment. 

Yang Cheng was even more convinced that he was right, "Women are troublesome, they'll just come out to play and still wear this shoes specially." 

Although it is a troublesome tone, the corners of his mouth are obviously raised, and the eyes are also full of pride. 

Jiang Mu wanted to laugh especially. 

Yang Cheng is obviously an elementary school chicken, but I don't know why, he just has a kind of self-confidence, and you don't know who gave him the confidence. 

Although Yang Cheng's thoughts were deliberately guided by Jiang Mu to think this way, it was just that Jiang Mu didn't expect Yang Cheng to really think of this himself, which was kind of fun. 

Jiang Mu lowered her head, "I'm sorry." 

"Forget it, it's already like this." Yang Cheng pretended to be generous. 

"Yeah." Jiang Mu nodded. 

Yang Cheng said with difficulty, "Okay, I'll carry you."

Jiang Mu: "Are you going to carry me?" 

Yang Cheng: "Otherwise, you still want to go by yourself like this? If I don't carry you, who will carry you." 

Jiang Mu: "I..." 

"Fool me, hurry up "Yang Cheng squatted down with his back to Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu lay on his back cautiously, placing her hands on his shoulders hesitantly. 

Yang Cheng stood up abruptly, Jiang Mu's body was unstable, she gave a startled shock, and quickly hugged Yang Cheng's neck. 

Yang Cheng stretched his eyebrows where Jiang Mu couldn't see, and smiled a little triumphantly. 

All this was captured by the camera. 

Yang Cheng said briskly: "What is the fuss? You should hold on tight, I won't care about you if you fall." 

Jiang Mu: "I know." 

Yang Cheng looked thin, but he was strong, so she carried Jiang Mu without taking much effort. After walking for a long time, he didn't even get tired, but went faster and faster. 


At seven o'clock, the sun had not yet set, Jiang Mu and Yang Cheng returned to the villa, and the others were already seated at the dining table. 

Before entering the door, Jiang Mu leaned behind Yang Cheng and whispered: "Why don't you let me down first." 

"What would you do if I let you down? You can't go. If you fall down later, I will be blamed." Yang Cheng's tone was dissatisfied. 

"I'm getting better, you should let me down." Jiang Mu said. 

"Fine, whatever you want." Yang Cheng was very upset when he saw that she insisted on coming down. 

Jiang Mu said in a low voice, "I just don't want everyone to know that yiu have to carry me when we go out." 

Yang Cheng's expression immediately improved, "Oh! You felt embarrassed, and let me carry it all the way, but now I know you are embarrassed." 

Jiang twilight: "Thank you. "

Yang Cheng snorted, "You shouldn't be allowed to wear bad shoes next time you go out, understand? Otherwise, no one will carry you."

Jiang Mu: "I know that Little Orange is the best, alright." 

"Cut..." Yang Cheng turned to leave, the smile on his face couldn't hide. 

But he walked a few steps, stopped again, and turned around and said, "Hold me." 

Jiang Mu: "Huh?" 

"Hurry up." Yang Cheng urged her. 

"Okay." Jiang Mu smiled lightly, holding his arm. 

Yang Cheng glared at her, "You didn't hold me, I'm afraid you'll fall and cry." In this way, other people also found that Yang Cheng's attitude towards Jiang Mu was a little weird. 

When eating, Yang Cheng didn't fell shy at all, and sat down next to Jiang Mu. 

Zhao Jiajia thoughtfully asked: "Jiang Mu, where did you go to play with Yang Cheng today?" 

Jiang Mu said, "Picking grapes in the vineyard and making two bottles of wine." 

"It sounds like fun. Is it Yang Cheng's idea?" Zhao Jiajia said with a smile. 

"I didn't have such a boring idea. It was all she thought. She said she was going to pick grapes, but she was clumsy. When making wine, she almost got the wrong ratio." Yang Cheng said lazily. 

Zhao Jiajia and Qin Siyu looked at each other, and the two immediately saw through each other's thoughts, so Qin Siyu said, "Don't say it, I feel that Jiang Mu is like eighteen years old. Standing with Yang Cheng, I don't feel that there was a big difference in age." 

"I also think that you seems very happy on this date. I heard that the first couple who are determined can get extra rewards. Jiang Mu, do you have any ideas?" Zhao Jiajia said with full of hints. 

"Yes, or the next chance to date, let's give it to you too." Qin Siyu agreed. 

Jiang Mu sneered secretly in her heart, but with a puzzled expression on her face, "Next date?" 

"The next date is three days later. Although it is random, if we all agree, we should be able to give the opportunity this for you." Zhao Jiajia smiled softly. 

Jiang Mu: "No, it's better to let the flow go."

"You are so happy this time, dating again, maybe you can get to know each other better, I heard you say that you want to settle down quickly, this is an opportunity." Zhao Jiajia made a cheering action, "If you think about it, we will support you." 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "You may have misunderstood, I don't have such an idea." 

Zhao Jiajia was taken aback, and said doubtfully, "Ah? But I remember the last time you talked to me. You said that you already have a boy you like. This time you chose Yang Cheng. I thought you were sure. Did I misunderstood that it's Yang Cheng?" Zhao Jiajia's words came out and everyone's eyes concentrated on Jiang Mu. 

In particular, the faces of several male guests were different. Although they didn't speak, they were obviously waiting for Jiang Mu's answer.