[World 2] Chapter 33

 "I don't remember telling you something like this, you remembered it wrong," Jiang Mu said calmly.

Zhao Jiajia frowned. Jiang Mu clearly told her, "No, you said this to me, you don't remember?" 

Jiang Mu: "But I have no impression at all." 

Jiang Mu said as if Zhao Jiajia was talking nonsense. Everyone looked at Zhao Jiajia suspiciously. 

Qin Siyu stood on Zhao Jiajia's side and said: "Jiajia shouldn't talk nonsense." 

"Then maybe Jiajia heard me say this in a dream, right?" Jiang Mu said in distress. 

Zhao Jiajia: "..." 

Although there's a smile on her face, she was so angry that Jiang Mu was saying that she was living in a dream? 

But Jiang Mu denied what she said, and she couldn't show evidence. Seeing everyone's eyes, it seemed that they believed Jiang Mu. 

But Zhao Jiajia is not a vegetarian, if Jiang Mu doesn't admit it, then she has other ways. 

She skipped the topic just now, "Then you and Yang Cheng are so happy today, do you want to be with Yang Cheng again next time?" 

Jiang Mu: "I can't decide this, Jiajia, what are you doing? You always ask me this? It's weird." 

 Zhao Jiajia paused, still smiling generously, "I'm just a little curious if you have already settled down to a beloved guest."

Jiang Mu looked at Zhao Jiajia in surprise, "But I've only been here for a few days, and I haven't know everyone yet, or is it you Jiajia that have already settled down so soon?" 

Zhao Jiajia: "..." 

She dug a hole for Jiang Mu to jump, but she was push down by Jiang Mo? 

"Neither did I." Zhao Jiajia's eyes were a little strange. 

Jiang Mu nodded and said, "Oh, I thought you asked it was because you were like this." 

Zhao Jiajia twitched awkwardly, "No."

After dinner, Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye stayed to wash the dishes. Some others stayed in the living room and some went back to the room. 

Jiang Mu stayed in the room for a while, the phone kept ringing, Zhao Jiajia asked everyone in the WeChat group of seven if they would drive to the supermarket together tomorrow to purchase. 

At first everyone spoke, but Qin Siyu and Wu Zeye responded, and Yang Cheng also said he would go. 

Jiang Mu didn't rush to reply, until she saw Bai Yue say: [ I'm going too ]

She said: [ Add me. ] 

Finally everyone signed up. 

Zhao Jiajia: [ Let's do this, we have two cars, seven people are sitting separately, Wu Zeye, Bai Yue, Qin Siyu and me in one car, Jiang Mu and Yang Cheng, and Zhou Jing in other car. ] 

 When Jiang Mu see this arrangement, she laughed. 

Zhao Jiajia's arrangement is also great. Not only did she put Wu Zeye and herself into a group, but also arranged Zhou Jing and Jiang Mu, who had a good impression of Wu Zeye, to another car, and put Jiang Mu and Yang Cheng together.

I have to say that Zhao Jiajia's trick is pretty amazing. 

Jiang Mu didn't rush to object, anyway, even she could see it, Zhou Jing would definitely be able to see it. 

Sure enough, within two minutes, Zhou Jing disagreed. 

Zhou Jing said in the group: [ Can Yang Cheng drive? Does he have a driver's license as an adult? ] 

From this point of view, Zhou Jing still got a point, after all, Yang Cheng is just a young adult, not having driver's license is also possible. 

However, to her disappointment, Yang Cheng replied: [ I have a driver's license. ]

Zhou Jing still refuses to give up, [ You just became an adult, and you are definitely not proficient in driving. From here to the supermarket, the road is not easy to drive, so let's change the boy to drive. ] These words made Yang Cheng very embarrassed, and she clearly did not trust Yang Cheng. 

But Zhou Jing didn't care. She didn't like Yang Cheng anyway. Her target was Wu Zeye, and she didn't care if Yang Cheng had any opinion on her.

Finally, Wu Zeye spoke: [ Me, Zhou Jing, Jiang Mu are a group. ] 

Zhou Jing objective was achieved, send back a reply: [ OK ] 

Alyhough Zhao jiajia was angry, she has nothing to say and can only agree. 

Jiang Mu looked at their conversation in the group, and the corners of her mouth twitched. 

She clicked on Baixie's profile picture and sent an application to add a friend. 

Not long after the original owner came, she only added the WeChat accounts of three girls, and she dis not contact the boys privately. 

Originally, she wanted to add Wu Zeye, but she heard Zhao Jiajia said thta girls didn't add Wu Zeye's WeChat, and the original owner did not try. At that time, Zhao Jiajia said that she had no chance, thinking that if she was rejected, it would be quite embarrassing. 

 A few minutes later, Jiang Mu saw the message prompt and Bai Yue approved her friend application. 

Jiang Mu thought for a while and sent a message to Bai Xie. 

Jiang Mu: [ Are you in your room? Do you want to go for a walk? I have something to tell you. ] 

Bai Xue took time to replied back, Jiang Mu is holding her cell phone and wait a little while, she received news of him. 

Bai Jie: [ Hmm. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Then I'll go to the small door downstairs and wait for you. ]

The villa has two doors. The front door is the main door, and the back is a small door connected to the swimming pool. You can also go out. The small door will lead directly to flower garden. There is also a tree-lined trail, which is also very comfortable to walk here. 

After Jiang Mu sent the message, she went to the closet and took a creamy white sweater and a navy blue floral mermaid skirt. After changing her clothes, she put on a pair of soft flat-bottomed feather slippers and went out. 

She was very careful when she went out and didn't want others to notice it. 

When she arrived at the small gate, Bai Yue was already waiting for her. 

It was originally said that she was waiting for Bai Xie, but she was delayed for a while because of changing clothes. 

Jiang Mu quickly walked over and said sorry.

"It's okay, let's go." Bai Xie's voice seemed particularly lazy and clear in the quiet environment. Although cold, it showed an unspeakable charm. 

Jiang Mu followed with an "um". 

The two walked out one after the other. It was still early at this time, and the sky had not completely dimmed. There were large expanses of sunset clouds on the horizon, and their complexions had a beautiful luster. 

"You have something to tell me, what's the matter?" Bai Yue walked, his eyes faintly falling on Jiang Mu who was beside him. 

Jiang Mu hesitated for a few seconds, "Although I don't know if you want to know, but if I don't say it, I think I will be very tortured, so I still decided to tell you." 

Bai Yan frowned slightly, his steps also slow down. 

"Let's talk about it." 

Jiang Mu gave him a hesitant look. When she met Bai Xi's cold eyes, she quickly looked away. 

"The name I wrote on the date card yesterday... is actually you."

After saying it, Jiang Mu seemed to take a long breath of relief, patted her chest, and whispered: "I finally said it, I feel more comfortable." 

Bai Yue's eyes changed almost imperceptibly, and the coldness in his eyes seemed to dissipate a little. He looked at Jiang Mu without speaking. 

Jiang Mu seemed to have opened the chatterbox. She sighed and said, "I just don't want you to think that I wrote someone else's name and want to tell you what I think, but... you shouldn't care about this, after all, you didn't write my name." 

Bai Xie looked forward and continued to move forward.

Jiang Mu thought for a while, but followed. 

Bai Yue turned his head slightly and saw her coming, and then he said: "I wrote you." 

Jiang Mu: "What?" 

"I wrote your name." 

Jiang Mu was stunned and said in shock: "Really?"

In fact, Jiang Mu had been mentally prepared when she heard this answer. She was not surprised when Bai Yue wrote her name. She just didn't expect that the program team would play cards and arrange her with Yang Cheng, according to common sense. 

Bai Yue looked into her eyes. 


Jiang Mu's face turned red all at once. 

"I... Am I too direct like this?" Jiang Mu lowered her head, a little shy. 

Bai Yue thought for a while, neither said yes nor said no, "Are we still taking a walk?" 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Yes."

The two walked around the villa for a long time. When returning, Bai Yue suddenly said: "Where is the place you written on the card?" 

Jiang Mu said, "It's the vineyard." 

Bai Yue frowned, not knowing what he was thinking. 

Jiang Mu asked him: "How about you?" 

"Museum." Bai Yue's lips opened slightly and closed again, very beautiful. 

Jiang Mu didn't expect that Bai Xie would write about such a date, it would be too fun. 

However, if you go on a date with Bai Xie, you can go anywhere, she wouldn't feel boring. 

At least when she was still interested in Bai Xie, she liked Bai Xie no matter how she looked at it. 

Even if Bai Xie just stood and didn't speak, it was full of beauty. 

Jiang Mu's hands are itchy. She thought of the two paintings she had collected in the last world. 

It would be wonderful if Bai Yue could be stripped off one day and let her paint while standing in the morning light. 

Jiang Mu began to think about it, and couldn't help but watch Bai Yue.

After Bai Yue noticed it, he didn't even get angry, and let Jiang Mu watched. 

He stood with his arms folded, looking into the distance, and suddenly did not regret coming to the show.

He had been thinking about telling the program team about leaving a few days ago. Right now, it seems that he doesn't need to rush to leave. 


Three days later, the new episode of "Lover Living Together" finally aired. 

"Lovers Living Together" has always been broadcasted in a live broadcast mode. Five observers on the scene watched the videos of several guests to predict and evaluate the romantic trend of these guests, and analyze what role each person plays during the period. Make complaints and comments on their behavior. 

In the last episode of the show, Jiang Mu has received a lot of attention just after her debut, but she did not perform well when she came up. Although she was outstanding, she did not get everyone's love. In the new episode, the audience and observers also has some ideas, and everyone wants to know if she will change in the next recording. 

The five observers are three men and two women. Among them are two presenters, a cross talk actor, a singer, and a popular idol. 

Among them, only popular idol Wang Mo is the youngest, and the others are old people in their respective circles, so they speak very sharply and are not afraid to offend others. 

Since the start of the show, they have been spitting on the nail on the head, and many viewers even prefer to watch the off-site part of the observers. 

It was the host Zhang Yuanming who controlled the audience. He introduced himself first, and then read the advertisement very funny. 

Zhang Yuanming's advertising slogan is different from other hosts. He is very slinky. The advertising slogan can make people laugh and laugh, and the atmosphere is alive at the beginning of the show. 

Zhang Yuanming: "Welcome everyone to the observation room of "Lovers Living Together". What will happen in our lover's manor today? I still remember that in the previous episode, the relationship between the little brothers and sisters in the manor seemed that new progress has been made, but it's a pity that Jiang Mu's performance was very bad. If she hadn't really looked good, I wouldn't be able to watch this show. Many friends around me came to tell me that if it was Jiang Mu's face is combined with Zhao Jiajia's EQ, it will be perfect."

Another observer, Li Mengran, said: "Yes, my favorite female guest is Zhao Jiajia, and the male guest is Bai Yue. Unfortunately, the two of them don't have any sense of CP. I really hope they can make a spark." 

"Then, let's watch today's video."