[World 2] Chapter 35

At the end of this video, the observation team will conduct a summary analysis. 

After watching Jiang Mu and Bai Xi's cooperative dinner, everyone agreed that the two of them suddenly felt CP. 

Although Bai Ji was cold, Jiang Mu's softness seemed to be able to melt him. 

Jiang Mu's character is well-behaved, although stupid, but she is very obedient. She listens to what Bai Yue says. She may have learned the lessons from before. Now, she is doing well anymore. She doesn't do what she couldn't do. She honestly washes the dishes, give Bai Xie a hand. 

When the two stood together, it was a landscape. The people who had no hope of their cooperation watched it for more than ten minutes, and found that the two people cooperated very well. 

But this is not the main reason why people think they have a sense of CP. 

The main reason is that after Qin Siyu came over, Qin Siyu was like an outsider who destroyed the world of the two. 

After she came, the atmosphere became a little embarrassing, which made everyone think that Qin Siyu shouldn't come over and get involved. 

Moreover, Bai Xie's attitude is also very subtle. 

His attitude towards Qin Siyu and his attitude towards Jiang Mu seem to be very different. 

Although he didn't say much to Jiang Mu, anyone with a discerning eye could feel that he was cooperating with Jiang Mu. 

For example, all the tasks he arranged for Jiang Mu can be done by Jiang Mu. When talking to Jiang Mu, he will look at Jiang Mu. 

Occasionally, he would take time to take a look at what Jiang Mu was doing. 

He had also worked with Qin Siyu for dinner before. 

If you look back at the previous video, you can see the difference even more. 

Bai Xie is definitely different from Jiang Mu. 

This difference seems to have only started in this issue, and it hasn't been there before. 


Observer Zhang Yuanming sighed with emotion: "The amount of information in this episode is huge, I have to take a good look." 

"I found that Wu Zeye really deserves to be an actor, he is too elusive, and he has never really expressed his intentions. He is the only guest with a very clear identity in this show. The identities of other people have not been exposed yet, but his popularity is too high, so everyone knows him. I think this is also one of the reasons why he is the most popular, but he is the least optimistic. To be honest, if I hang on his tree, I guess I will fail in the end. The above is my idea." 

"What Yuanming said is similar to what I thought, so let me add a few more points. "

It was Yang Chu, the oldest of the observers. He is a cross talk actor. His words often resonate with the audience. He often analyzes guests from the perspective of ordinary people, so the audience likes to listen to him the most. 

"I think Zhao Jiajia is weird today, but I can't tell you how strange it is. She and Jiang Mu seem to be not as peaceful as we saw. Jiang Mu, who was stupid and clumsy before, is a little smarter this time. The most brilliant is still Bai Yue, I think he must be a dark horse, maybe he will be the most popular by then." 

Yang Churen shouted at Bai Yue to the camera, "Bai Yue, you have to come on, don't be so cold, okay? I'm optimistic about you scaring away the girls." The observers laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became very lively. 

Li Mengran said: "I am also most optimistic about Baiyue, Baiyue come on... But I still want to say a few words for Zhao Jiajia, anyway, I still stick to the original view, I think Zhao Jiajia is very good, although today's performance is indeed a bit disappointing. But her original intention is still good, just to help everyone, and her popularity is the best in the show, which can also reflect her personality charm." 

Fu Qing said: "Good popularity can show that she is good at communication, but other things, I think it still needs to be investigated. This time I am very impressed with Jiang Mu. The feeling Jiang Mu gave me in this issue has changed a lot. Before, I felt that she was too independent and weak. This time I found that her progress was quite big. Because of everyone's attitudes towards her before, she is reflecting on it. Now she doesn't care so much about what others think of her. I think it's more likable."

Everyone looked at her with subtle eyes, especially Li Mengran, whose expression became unnatural. 

She had always been on the united front with her before, but today she suddenly changed her position and became a fan of Jiang Mu. 

Fu Qing continued: "For example, when everyone thought the dish she cooked was not delicious, she did not explain or argue, instead she ate it herself silently. When everyone finally found out that she cooked well, she just smiled happily. At this time, I think this girl is really gentle at heart. This is not the kind of gentleness that is said, but from the heart. I was really attracted by Jiang Mu at this moment." 

After Fu Qing, Li Mengran retorted. 

"I don't feel the same as Fu Qing. I think Jiang Mu has changed her mind. She used to be courteous to Wu Zeye before, but now she has a very ambiguous attitude towards Bai Yue." 

"No one stipulates that girls can only have a good impression with one male guest on the show, and Jiang Mu didn't say anything clear to Wu Zeye." Fu Qing disagrees even more with Li Mengran's words. 

Li Mengran: "There are no rules, but you can see it." 

Li Mengran just didn't want Jiang Mu and Bai Yue to get together. She was most optimistic about Zhao Jiajia and Bai Yue. 

Fu Qing and Li Mengran had always been in a good relationship, and had never had a dispute. Suddenly, the smell of gunpowder began to smell, and the atmosphere in the observation room became a bit embarrassing. 

The barrage seemed to be blank for a moment. 

When Zhang Yuanming was about to complete the game, Xia Siqi, the most popular idol in the observation group, made a sound. 

"At this point, I feel almost the same as Fu Qing. I don't think Jiang Mu has any problems." 

Xia Siqi debuted on the talent show and is now the captain of the country's first men's team. Many viewers are looking at him to watch "Lovers Living Together."

However, he rarely speaks in the show, but he always hits the nail on the head when he speaks, and he is very stubborn when he talks about it. 

Coupled with his high popularity, basically, as long as he speaks, the show can be searched.

Xia Siqi actually spoke for Jiang Mu, and the observers looked at Xia Siqi and wanted to see what he would say. 

"Even if she launches an offensive against two male guests, there is nothing to say, Wu Zeye didn't respond, she turned to Bai Yue, isn't it normal?"

These words came from the mouth of a young straight man like Xia Siqi, everyone was stunned. 

Zhang Yuanming said, "Haha, Xiao Xia is right. Our show always advocates independent love. There is no need to restrict the development of the guests." 

"But isn't this just a scheming? If you don't know your own mind, you can be like Zhao Jiajia. First stay on the sidelines." Li Mengran is still stubborn. 

"Then don't forget, Zhao Jiajia asked Jiang Mu to wash Wu Zeye's clothes today. I can also say that she is also scheming. Jiang Mu is obviously a silly white sweet, and she performed well today. I think she is quite cute." Fu Qing said, not to be outdone.

"The two female guests have their own strengths. It is still too early to say these. Before, everyone had a bad impression of Jiang Mu. Today has indeed changed. But who knows how she will perform next time, I am still very much looking forward to the next one period's date. " 

Zhang Yuanming interrupted the dispute between Fu Qing and Li Mengran and changed the subject. 

Once they got down the stairs, they didn't say anything, and everyone continued to watch the video. 

At the end of the video, there was a suspense. Every guest threw their completed appointment card into the small box at the door. 

The audience and observers didn't know what the guests wrote on the card, so they were very curious about it, and they couldn't wait to see the next video right away. 

"Okay, tonight's "Lovers Living Together" is over now. I don't know if you have connected for your favorite guests in your heart. You can send your perfect lovers to Weibo or public account to participate. For the lottery, it is possible to get a luxurious gift package provided by V.YAN Jewelry..." 

At the end of the recording, Li Mengran looked for Fu Qing in the dressing room. 

Li Mengran: "Qingqing, why did you say that just now? Didn't you also hate Jiang Mu before?" 

Fu Qing: "I was a bit disgusted with her before, but today I suddenly felt that I had misunderstood her before, but I think Zhao Jiajia isn't as kind and gentle as we thought." 

Li Mengran: "We didn't see it. I still don't like Jiang Mu. I don't think she has anything good except for her good looks. Zhao Jiajia is so good, generous and decent. Several other girls follow her and had a good relationship with her. If you say it, why don't the other two girls like Jiang Mu?" 

"Then it's only time to see people's hearts. Now the show has only reached one-third, so keep watching." There is no way to persuade Li Mengran, "Or we make a bet to see who is right." 

"Bet on it. Anyway, Jiang Mu will definitely not be matched in the end. The final winner is Zhao Jiajia." The two observers only know about their bet, and an intense task is underway in the manor at this time.

Tomorrow is the Chinese Qixi Festival, so the program team arranged for male guests to go out to prepare gifts. 

The gifts will be packed for the female guests to choose. 

If the female guest chooses a gift, she must have a date with whom. Since there is one more female guest than the male guest, there is a gift not chosen by the male guest, but prepared by the program team. 

The female guest who chooses the gift prepared by the show team will not have a chance to date. But you can get the luxury hotel experience package provided by the program group. 

But no one is interested in the rewards provided by the program group at all. Everyone is looking for the opportunity to date with male guests. 

It is best to be able to be with your beloved guests. 


At this time, the male guests have all bought gifts and returned. 

The gift is handed over to the staff, who will be selected in a few minutes. 

As time passed bit by bit, the four female guests were sitting on the sofa and none of them spoke. 

Suddenly the bell rang outside. 

Qin Siyu stood up, "I'll go and see." 

"I'll be with you." Zhao Jiajia smiled and stood up. 

The two soon came in with the wrapped gift box. 

Zhao Jiajia also held a card in her hand. 

"This is the task card given by the program team. Let me read it." Zhao Jiajia put down the gift box and picked up the card to start reading. 

"The female guests are invited to choose gifts separately, and one of them is a gift selected by the program group." 

Zhao Jiajia said, opening the gift box. 

She first looked at the gift box in her hand. 

In one of the boxes is a gray scarf, and the other is a rose gold necklace. 

After reading her own, she looked at the box in Qin Siyu's hand again.

Qin Siyu also held two gifts, which were being opened at this time. 

One of them is a music box with a crystal ball, and the other is a pair of feather-shaped ear studs. 

This... what's wrong, how these gifts have changed. 

She clearly remembered that it wasn't these things. 

Zhao Jiajia fell into panic and confusion. 

'Is it because of my rebirth that cause something to changed, and caused the gift to change too? 

So which one is Wu Zeye's gift now? 

When Zhao Jiajia struggled, Jiang Mu was also observing these gifts. 

Unlike Zhao Jiajia, Zhao Jiajia is only reborn, but Jiang Mu knows the whole story. 

The gifts have changed, and Jiang Mu also knows who bought these gifts. 

For example, the music box was chosen by Bai Xie, the scarf was bought by Wu Zeye, the necklace was picked by Yang Cheng, and the last earrings were prepared by the show crew. 

"I want this." 

Qin Siyu quickly took one of them.

Zhao Jiajia's face changed slightly, and she quickly took one. "Then I'll take this one." 

"Why are you so fast?" Zhou Jing frowned and rushed to grab it too. 

 Jiang Mu looked at the only gift left on the table with a calm expression.