[World 2] Chapter 36

Jiang Mu looked at the remaining crystal ball on the table and did not speak. 

Zhao Jiajia got the necklace, Qin Siyu got the earrings, and Zhou Jing got the scarf. 

No one wants this crystal ball. I guess they think that this kind of naive and old-fashioned gift like this crystal ball is Yang Cheng's choice. 

Jiang Mu didn't pick the crystal ball, and looked down slightly, and no one could see her expression. 

The other people's expressions were a bit awkward, they didn't give Jiang Mu a chance to choose. 

Zhao Jiajia said: "Jiang Mu, we have all chosen, would you mind? If you are not happy, do we need to change it?" 

"If you like a gift, of course you will choose it." Qin Siyu pursed her lips while saying.

Zhou Jing said: "Anyway, they are all chosen randomly. In blind elections, no one knows whom to choose. Why would you mind? Is there anything you can change?" 

Zhao Jiajia was kind on the surface, but actually pushed Jiang Mu into the target of public criticism. If Jiang Mu said that she was unhappy, she would be ignorant. 

Jiang Mu smiled, "No, I really like this crystal ball. I can also listen to music to sleep at night." 

After speaking, Jiang Mu opened the music box under the crystal ball, spinning the clockwork, and the music was pleasant to the ears. The sound floated out. 

It was the light music of the City of the Sky, and it was very beautiful. The merry-go-round in the crystal ball also turned, and the snowflakes inside flew lightly. 

The crystal ball exudes a slight pink light. 

The corners of Jiang Mu's mouth also bend. 

"Who chose this gift, such a young guy." Qin Siyu said jokingly, "It won't be Yang Cheng, right?" 

Qin Siyu's tone sounds like she is almost certainly correct that it was Yang Cheng, and her eyes narrowed with a smile. 

Zhao Jiajia sneered secretly in her heart, this crystal ball is too naive, it was given by the child at first glance.

She glanced at the necklace in her hand and thought to herself, even if Wu Zeye didn't choose this one, Bai Yue should have bought it. It is simple and elegant. She would look good on it. 

"Well, now that the gift has been selected, let's go back to the room." Zhao Jiajia said with a smile while holding the necklace. 

Zhou Jing nodded and agreed. Although she was also a candidate, there was nothing wrong with the scarf, at least it was better than the crystal ball. She gave Jiang Mu a pitiful look. 

"Then we have to rest early tonight, and we have to get up early tomorrow." 

According to the arrangement of the program group, they have to wait until tomorrow to know who the gift they choose corresponds to. 

Except for Jiang Mu who knew the result a long time ago, everyone else spent the whole night full of anxiety and anticipation. 

Everyone woke up early the next morning. 

Everyone was stuffed with a small envelope in the crack of the door, and Jiang Mu was no exception. 

After Jiang Mu was dressed neatly, she saw the envelope when she walked to the door. She picked it up and opened it. It said: 

[ Please go to the manor gate and take a white-marked vehicle. You are about to embark on a warm and comfortable journey. ]


At the same time, other people have already appeared at the entrance of the manor, Jiang Mu is the least active one. 

The others got up before dawn and packed up, one by one dressed very exquisitely and beautifully, all sitting in their vehicles of different colors. 

But when Zhao Jiajia saw an orange sign on her car and a white sign on Jiang Mu's car, her face collapsed. 

Qin Siyu's car is marked in black, and Zhou Jing's car is green. The two of them also saw the orange sign on Zhao Jiajia's car, and they probably guessed that Zhao Jiajia's date today is Yang Cheng.

However, Qin Siyu's mood was not very good either. The white sign was probably Bai Yue. Who could have guessed that Jiang Mu had picked Bai Yue by mistake. Why would Bai Yue buy a crystal ball? It's really strange. 

"Jiajia, I'll go first." Qin Siyu got into the car and sat down, opened the window and waved goodbye to Zhao Jiajia.

Zhao Jiajia forced a smile, "Okay, have fun." 

Qin Siyu glanced at the orange sign, looked at Zhao Jiajia with a kind of pity, and said, "You too, have fun." 

Zhao Jiajia's expression was almost out of control, but she held it back. 

Zhou Jing also left behind Qin Siyu. 

Zhao Jiajia took a deep breath and finally got into the car. 

She can only comfort herself, and the color of a logo can't explain much. 

Maybe the program group deliberately let them misunderstood. 

Yes... It is likely to be so. 

She raised her head and smiled at the driver and said, "It's time to go." 

The moment the vehicle started, Zhao Jiajia looked back and saw Jiang Mu, who was overdue. 

She is wearing a champagne-colored silver silk long-sleeved dress with beautiful bows on the cuffs. The entire skirt is at the knee position. In the sun, the skirt reflects a crystal luster, which is not only dazzling, but very gentle, high-level and not lost its liveliness, coupled with Jiang Mu's soft black and shiny curly hair, she is like a fairy walking out of the sky. 

Zhao Jiajia's face sank, and she kept staring at Jiang Mu until the car drove away and Jiang Mu disappeared from her eyes. 


Nearly an hour later, Jiang Mu's car stopped at the entrance of the hot spring hotel. 

Today her date is a hot spring trip. 

After Jiang Mu got out of the car, the car drove away. The photographer was far away from her. She stood there and waited. It didn't take long to see Bai Yue approaching her from a small road on the right.

There were a few street lights on the path that Bai Xie walked over. They were not very bright, but a faint warm yellow. When they were shining on his cold face, there was a subtle gentleman's feeling like jade. 

Jiang Mu always felt that Bai Yue's eyes seemed to have no lust, and they were clean. Apart from a trace of melancholy and coldness, he could not see any other emotions. 

This is also the biggest reason why she was fascinated to Bai Xie. 

 I really want to dye his eyes with madness and lust, to see his jealousy, to see how he looks trapped by love. 

The evil factor in Jiang Mu's heart was clamoring and jumping, and she couldn't wait to turn into a goblin and pounce on Bai Yue to entangle him. 

However, it still doesn't work, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. 


Watching Bai Xie come, Jiang Mu's eyes were filled with surprise. 

"It's really you." Jiang Mu looked at Bai Yue with joy and shyness. 

Bai Yue's gaze fell on the crystal ball she was holding in her hand. 

To be honest, Bai Xie did not expect Jiang Mu to choose his gift. 

This crystal ball is not like a gift he would buy. At that time, he didn't say that he wanted to buy this gift, but he didn't know why, seeing this crystal ball, he thought of a gift he received when he was a child. Later the clerk came to ask, and he simply bought it. 

He didn't look forward to the Valentine's Day date scheduled for this show, because he knew it was random, thinking that it might be as boring as the last date with Qin Siyu. 

But unexpectedly, the person who came was actually Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu's eyes seemed to have stars, sparkling with joy, and the expression in her eyes was always so happy and lovely when she looked at him. 

Bai Yue thought that Jiang Mu liked Wu Zeye before, but Jiang Mu's performance has not been what he thought these days. 

Jiang Mu took two steps in three steps, walked to Bai Yue, raised the crystal ball in her hand, "I like it very much. I don't feel lonely and scared anymore if I have it with me at night."

Bai Xie looked down at her, and she seemed to be able to see her pitifully shrinking on the bed and not daring to fall asleep. 

Jiang Mu: "Actually, I am very courageous. Thank you for your gift. I feel particularly safe with it." 

Bai Yue asked softly, "You like it?" 

"Yeah!" Jiang Mu raised her head and smiled at him. The bright smile seemed to illuminate him. 

Bai Xie looked away slightly, the corners of his eyes raised slightly, "Let's go, we'll go in first." 


Bai Xie led Jiang Mu into the room, and soon arrived at the pool prepared by the program group for them. The environment here is very good. The buildings are very old, and the scenery is also very charming, like a fairy tale, making people linger. On the way just now, Jiang Mu saw a lot of people driving in by private cars, which shows that the popularity here is particularly prosperous.

But Jiang Mu didn't think about soaking in hot springs, but imagining Bai Xie soaking in hot springs. 

She followed Bai Yue closely, but her eyes looked at Bai Yue from time to time. 

Since it is a hot spring date, it should be the two of them soaking in a hot spring pool. 

Thinking of this, Jiang Mu inevitably felt a little excited. 

Bai Xie is wearing swimming trunks and soaking in the hot springs. His slender and beautiful figure is looming in the hot water. The picture must be very beautiful. 

But as soon as she thought about it, she heard Bai Xie say: "You are here, I am at next door, call me if you need something." 

After saying that, Bai Xie turned around and went to the locker room next to her, leaving Jiang Mu alone. 

Jiang Mu hadn't reacted yet. A staff member told her, "There is a supermarket in front of the locker room where you can buy swimsuits." Jiang Mu didn't know before that he wanted to soak in the hot springs. She only held a crystal ball in her hand and didn't bring a swimsuit, she had to go to the supermarket to buy it.

There are a lot of people in the supermarket, and Jiang Mu picked a red cherry-patterned one-piece swimsuit.

She changed her swimsuit, and when she walked into the hot spring pool, she found that the hot spring pool of Bai Xie was next to her, only one meter away. 

This is no different from taking a dip in a pool. 

Jiang Mu's eyes lit up and she stood to the hot spring pool and shouted, "Bai Xie." 

Bai Xie had his back to her, and when he heard the voice, he slowly look at his back. 

His face is a little fuzzy in the heat, but it may be the temperature is very high, so his expression does not seem so cold, dyed with a touch of softness. 

Jiang Mu looked down on his chin and saw his collarbone. 

This is the real clavicle that can raise fish. 

Jiang Mu thought to herself, I raise fish in my heart. You said that the collarbone raises fish, which is okay. 

There are more than 30 kinds of hot springs in the hot spring area of ​​this hot spring hotel. Jiang Mu and Bai Xie are in the same outdoor hot springs. There is no block between them. It is easier to relax in the open air environment, and the people in the two hot spring pools can face each other, which makes people's hearts beat faster and tense. 

Jiang Mu slowly walked into the pool, splashing water. 

The water in the pool was very hot, and it took Jiang Mu to get used to it for a while before daring to slowly soak her body in. 

The hot water enveloped her body, and she immediately felt hot all over, and the warmth rushed into the limbs, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh. 

Jiang Mu blinked and looked at Bai Yue. 

You can see the hot air between the two pool, like smoke and mist, like a fairyland and white mist in the air. She don't know where to look, facing her sideways, she can see his body above the collarbone, which is so beautiful than any immortal being.

It is clear that the facial features are not so exquisite, but the more you look at it, the more unforgettable, giving people a feeling of being out of reach and delusional. 

'Just like the fairy'

Jiang Mu muttered this word silently in her heart.

Jiang Mu's face became redder in the heat, and she slowly walked to the other side of the pool, only one meter away from Bai Yue, as if she could touch his shoulder with just one hand. 

"Bai Yue." Jiang Mu whispered his name. 

Bai Xie slowly turned his head. 

The moment he looked back at her, his eyes were melancholy and deep, with a trace of doubt, Jiang Mu felt a faint feeling of being hit by a single blow. 

It's just too good for her appetite. If she can rectify this 'model' of her right on the spot, it would be great. 

"What?" Bai Xie's voice floated into her ears, giving people a fatal enjoyment. 

Jiang Mu's toes that was soaked in the water couldn't help curling up, her whole body numb. 

This is the first time that a man's voice can make her react like this. 

"I feel so hot." Jiang Mu looked at Bai Xie without blinking, the emotions flowing under her eyes, as if it was about to gush out. 

She was sure that Bai Xie felt the waves of her past. 

Bai Xie's expression was unnatural for a moment. 

"The hot spring water is so hot, just adapt to it." Bai Xie said lightly. 

Jiang Mu's toes moved in the water, and Bai Xie's voice was so nice. It not only stimulated her eardrums, but also disturbed her heart, leaving her feel empty and comfortable.