[World 2] Chapter 37

Although her heart beats many times, every time it beats, Jiang Mu treats it as if it was the first time. 

Thousands of times I have been in love again. 

As a scum girl with a world in mind, Jiang Mu immediately made up her mind to get Bai Yue. 

For this kind of fine fish, I still have to think about it. 

Jiang Mu stood on tiptoe and stared at Bai Xie, "What are the benefits of bathing in hot springs? So many people like to soak in hot springs. This is my first time in hot springs." 

Jiang Mu opened her eyes and talking nonsense about being in hot springs for the first time. Ambiguous and exciting, and a bit sweet, most suitable for couples, she doesn't know how many times she has soaked, but every time she is with a different boy. 

Of course she knew the benefits of bathing in hot springs. She just asked these questions cause she wanted to talk with Bai Xie more. 

Bai Xie explained to her earnestly, "There are many minerals in the hot springs, which can replenish energy. Under the alternation of cold and heat and the action of minerals, the skin will contract due to stimulation, thereby enhancing skin adaptability and elasticity. Moisturizing skin, anti-aging, in addition, hot springs can relieve fatigue, promote blood flow in the body, achieve the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and stretch the joints of all parts of the body."

As a doctor, he said this popular science. At that time, he was indeed more active than discussing other topics, and I spoke a few more words. 

"It's so good, then I can soak for a while." Jiang Mu blinked and said with a smile. 

Bai Yue shook his head, "You can't soak for too long, your heart will not stand it." 

Jiang Mu's eyes flashed with regret, "Is that so?" 

But soon, she smiled again, "Bai Yue, is the hot spring itinerary for today your idea?" 


"That's great, I like it very much." Jiang Mu smiled sweetly, her mouth crooked and her eyes curved into beautiful little crescents. 

Bai Xie looked at her, with turbulence hidden beneath his calm face, and he seemed unable to be as calm and compose as before.

Although Jiang Mu's swimsuit does not exposed most of her skin at all, it was inexplicably made him not dare to look at her. 

Her white and slender arms overlapped, her chin was placed on top, her face was bright and charming, especially when she looked at him with a look of admiration and ignorance, no matter how calm he was, he couldn't stand such a stare. The beating increased the speed imperceptibly.

The girl in front of him was like a fiery light, as if he would be affected by her no matter how much he wanted to pretend to be cold and calm. 

He looked at other places without speaking, and he could hear the sound of his heart pounding. This feeling was unprecedented, very comfortable and peaceful. 

Jiang Mu looked at Bai Xie and smiled, her red face glowing with dazzling brilliance, interpreting purity and desire to the extreme. 

She changed her position and sank again. 

How comfortable Jiang Mu and Bai Xie are, Zhao Jiajia is so upset. 

It was Yang Cheng who was dating Zhao Jiajia. After seeing her, Yang Cheng looked surprised and almost say 'how it was you?'

Yang Cheng looked at the necklace on Zhao Jiajia's neck, pursed the corner of his mouth, raised his chin, and said, "Let's go." 

Today's itinerary arranged by Yang Cheng is a trip to a haunted house. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Here, in the amusement park in front." 

Zhao Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief. Although the amusement park was a bit naive, it was still normal. 

I hope the time will pass faster today. 

Zhao Jiajia is really not interested in Yang Cheng at all. 

What can a little kid do. 

However, facing the camera, Zhao Jiajia still looks very happy, "We are going to the amusement park, I haven't been to the amusement park for a long time." 

Yang Cheng glanced at her, "Let's go, it's been a long time since I've been to the haunted house. I don't know how the haunted house look here. I hope the scene will be more realistic and the NPC will be scary."

Zhao Jiajia's smile froze, "What? Haunted house?" 

Yang Cheng nodded: "Yeah."

Zhao Jiajia's expression became very subtle. She looked up at Yang Cheng stiffly, and wanted to ask him if she could not go to the haunted house. Wouldn't it be fun to walked around the amusement park? But Yang Cheng just walked forward. 

Zhao Jiajia looked back at brother Camera, and could only follow Yang Cheng.

At the door of the haunted house, Zhao Jiajia looked up at the sign of the haunted house, and felt a cold wind blowing, and her whole body shrank. 

"Yang Cheng, can we not go to this haunted house?" Zhao Jiajia smiled reluctantly. 

Yang Cheng frowned: "Why?" 

"We can go play something else, the haunted house is meaningless." Zhao Jiajia pointed to the entertainment project on the other side. 

"I'm not interested, I just want to go here. It's all arranged, and the tickets are bought." Yang Cheng shrugged, "If you really don't want to go, then I will go in by myself. You can wait outside." 

Yang Cheng indifferent attitude makes Zhao Jiajia very dissatisfied. 

What is she waiting outside alone, this is a Valentine's Day date, how ugly it would be to cut the show at that time. 

Zhao Jiajia took a deep breath and said, "I just think it's too dark after entering and we can't shoot anything." 

"You don't have to worry about this. They have already prepared the props for night vision shooting." Yang Cheng finished. 

Checking the time, "It's getting late, just go to dinner after playing time." Zhao Jiajia had to say, "Okay." 

She followed Yang Cheng into the haunted house, and before she walked a few steps, she was scared from the weird and gloomy atmosphere inside.

She took a deep breath and walked quickly to Yang Cheng's side, trying to pull Yang Cheng, at least to give her a sense of security. 

Zhao Jiajia did not expect that the little kid who was originally despised by herself would now become a person she relied on.

But as soon as she put her hand on, Yang Cheng made a fuss: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Jiajia's hand suddenly disappeared. She looked at Yang Cheng awkwardly and said softly, "I'm a little scared." 

"Scared to what? This is just going in." 

Yang Cheng, as a sentimental white, and a straight man of steel, could not understand Zhao Jiajia's heart at this time. 

Zhao Jiajia can't wait to drag Yang Cheng away from here.

 "Let's go together, I dare not go alone." Zhao Jiajia thought she had to said this so that Yang Cheng should always stand up and show a little aura to protect her. 

After all, Yang Cheng didn't seem to be afraid at all, which gave her a sense of security. 

Who knew that Yang Cheng showed an unwilling look, "It's okay to walk together, but don't put your hands around." Zhao Jiajia's face sank. 

Yang Cheng lowered his head and whispered to Zhao Jiajia: "Don't you see that I already have someone I like? You have to keep a distance from me." 

Zhao Jiajia: "..." 

Yang Cheng : "Although I don't know how you chose me but today's date is what I prepared for her... so if you are close to me at most. If you get closer, I won't have time to hide when you fall on me later." 

Zhao Jiajia: Hehe... 

When the cameraman behind him heard Yang Cheng's words, his expression was also very distorted. 

This Yang Cheng's words are too shocking. 


Bai Xie didn't completely empty his brain when he was soaking in the hot spring. He was thinking about where they would go after soaking in the hot spring. 

He didn't know who he was dating today, so he never thought what they was going to do after the hot spring, thinking that if he felt boring, he would go back early. 

But now he changed his mind.

When Bai Yue thinks about things too seriously, it's easy to forget the time. Ten minutes later, Jiang Mu asked in a low voice: "How long can I soak in the hot spring? Why do I feel a little dizzy." 

"It's best not to take more than fifteen minutes, how long have you been soaking?" 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, and said, "It seems that it's almost 20 minutes." 

Bai Xie said, "Then you can come out to rest first, and then soak later." 

"No wonder I feel a little uncomfortable ." Jiang Mu supported her forehead, feeling a little out of breath. 

She and Bai Xie stood out from the pool almost at the same time. 

The bodies of both of them were reddened after soaking for a long time, especially when Jiang Mu stood up from the hot spring, her body was white and red, and every inch of her skin looked smoother and softer under the light, as if exuding a kind of 'I am delicious' signal. 

The two looked back at each other, and Bai Xie's face immediately turned red when he saw Jiang Mu. 

When Jiang Mu walked out, she couldn't stand still, and suddenly said, "My feet seem to be cramped."

As she said, she squatted down, and her face slowly turned pale. 

Bai Yue frowned, quickly emerged from the water and walked to Jiang Mu.

"Are you okay?" 

Jiang Mo looked up at him, looking uncomfortable and shaking her head, "I cannot move, it hurts when I am moving." 

Jiang Mu's acting is so easy to fool the white Bai Xie. Bai Xie looked at her legs, "Is it a cramp in the calf?" 

Jiang Mu said, "Well, it may have been because I soaked for too long." 

"Can you still stand up?" 

Jiang Mu bit her lip, crying: "It hurts." 

Bai Yan frowned slightly. He stretched out his hand to support her arm, but the moment he touched her, his hand stopped. 

Jiang Mu's skin is really silky, and her soft and delicate hand makes his heart beat faster.

"I'll help you get up." Bai Yue was extremely good at self-controlling and quickly calmed down. 

"Well, thank you." Jiang Mu took advantage of the situation and leaned forward. From Bai Xie's point of view, she could see the bulge on her chest and the hot spring water that hadn't been dried slowly sliding down from her neck.

Bai Yue's eyes became deep, and he subconsciously wanted to close his eyes. 

Jiang Mu took a step or two forward, and when the sole of her feet slipped, she fell backwards. At this moment, Bai Yue still closed his eyes. 

It was too late to be realized, Jiang Mu had no time to stabilize, grabbing Bai Xie's wrist in a panic, and the two fell together into the pool next to them. 

With a splash of water, Jiang Mu's leg hit the rock by the pool and immediately turned blue. 

Bai Xie was next to her, and the two were close to each other. 

As soon as Bai Yue turned his head, he saw Jiang Mu's eyes flushed with pain. 

Jiang Mu's pitiful appearance of pear blossoms with rain makes people feel distressed. 

Bai Xie, a cold and self-sufficient person, felt the same way, frowning, and being hit on the tip of his heart. 

"What's the matter?" 

"I bumped my leg." Jiang Mu's voice was sobbing, and after one sentence or two, the mist immediately covered her eyes, and she looks like she could cry in the next second.

"Where?" Bai Xie's expression turned ugly, his tone mixed with worry. 

"Here." Jiang Mu trembled with pain, pointing to her thigh. 

Both of them are in the water, so you can't see clearly. 

Bai Yue had no choice but to say: "Let's go up first." 

"But I can't move, it hurts so much." Jiang Mu said aggrievedly. 

Bai Yue just hesitated for a few seconds, "I'll pull you up." 

Bai Yue stood up first and reached out to Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu put her hand in the palm of his hand and was quickly held by him.

Jiang Mu's hands were small and soft. After Bai Xie held her hands, his heart seemed to be touched. 

Bai Xie yanked Jiang Mu up, but Jiang Mu couldn't stand still, stumbled, and fell into Bai Xie's arms. 

Time seemed to be still at this moment, Jiang Mu's hand was held by Bai Xie, and the other was pressed on Bai Xie's belly. 

The atmosphere at the moment suddenly became ambiguous and embarrassing. 

Bai Xie's body become tensed and didn't move, Jiang Mu's hand slowly moved away from Bai Xie's belly. 

Bai Xie could feel her fingers run across his waist, leaving a tingling mark. 

His breathing suddenly couldn't calm down, and there were waves of electric current on his back. 

"I...I didn't mean it." Jiang Mu whispered. 

"Yeah." Bai Yue's voice was very soft, he slowly let go of Jiang Mu's hand, "Can you still go?" 

Jiang Mu tried to lift her leg, her face turned pale, and she saw the bruise look like a big chunk on her leg.

Suddenly there was such a patch on the white and flawless skin, and it was shocking at first glance. 

When Bai Yue saw it, he felt very uncomfortable for some reason. 

"I'll take you to the hotel room to rest first." 

Jiang Mu looked up at him timidly, "Yeah." 

Bai Xie suppressed the strange thoughts in his heart, "I'll carry you." 

"Can you? I'm very heavy. "Jiang Mu lowered her head and said in a small voice. 

Bai Yue looked at her thin arms, thin legs, and slender waist. "How heavy are you?" 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, blushing and said, "It's ninety catties." 

Bai Yue didn't speak, and turned his back to her as he squatted down in front of her, "Come up." 

Jiang Mu hesitantly wrapped her hands around his neck, then slowly leaned over, lying behind him. 

Bai Yue's face suddenly changed.

Bai Yue didn't wear anything on his upper body, and Jiang Mu only had a thin piece of cloth on her body. Bai Xie's feelings were particularly strong when Jiang Mu came up. 

Although Jiang Mu is thin, she has a very good figure, and the areas where there should be meat are not at all ambiguous. Bai Yu can feel this deeply. 

His face, as pure as jade, was flushed with crimson at some point, and it still spread to the roots of his ears. 

Jiang Mu's head pressed against his ears, and she naturally quickly noticed that his ears were red. 

"Bai Xie." Jiang Mu snickered in her heart, but pretended not to know anything, and touched Bai Xie's earlobe with her finger. 

Bai Xie's body shook and his breathing became rapid. 


Jiang Mu asked in a low voice, "Your ears are so red, and they are still a bit hot. Are you uncomfortable?"