[World 2] Chapter 38

"I'm fine." Bai Xie held his breath silently, abandoning the distracting thoughts in his heart. 

He carried Jiang Mu on his back and asked the staff for two bath towels. 

Jiang Mu covered the bath towel on her body, pulled the other bath towel in one hand, and put her arm around Bai Xie, placing her chin on Bai Xie's shoulder. 

When they arrived in the hotel room, Bai Xie put Jiang Mu down, "You stay here for a while, I'll ask if there is any medicine." 

The injury on Jiang Mu's leg looked terrible, but it wasn't too serious, but it looks too bad. She's so beautiful, and adding such bruises makes people feel unbearable. 

"I'm fine, my feet don't cramp anymore." 

"This need a medicine." Bai Xie pointed to the bruise. 

"It will be all right in a few days." 

Bai Xie looked at her with a serious expression. 

Jiang Mu had no choice but to lower her head and said, "Okay, thank you." 

Bai Xie nodded, "Wait for a while, I'll be right back, and I will take you to dinner after taking the medicine." 

Jiang Mu smiled immediately, "Well, okay, I'll wait for you." 

Bai Yue raised his hand and almost touched her head, but he quickly took it back and turned away. 

After Bai Yue left, the crew took the clothes of Jiang Mu and Bai Yue and placed it in the dressing room. 

Jiang Mu picked up these clothes and went to the bathroom. 

Bai Yue's clothes were put together with hers. Originally, she planned to change her clothes back directly, but Jiang Mu suddenly changed her mind when he looked at Bai Yue's shirt. 

She blinked, picked up Bai Yue's shirt and gestured to the mirror. 

'So big.'

Bai Yue is very thin, but he is 1.83 meters tall and his clothes are naturally very big. Jiang Mu put his shirt on herself. 

The roomy pajamas made her look empty as soon as she put it on, and could even cover her ass.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her delicate face flushed, and his white shirt matched her complexion. Raising her hand, it couldn't come out from his sleeve. 

Jiang Mu smiled, then took off his shirt. 

Just then Bai Yue came back with the medicine. He didn't see Jiang Mu. He was about to ask the staff where Jiang Mu was. The staff pointed to the bathroom. 

Bai Xie didn't have time to change clothes just now, but he wore a bathrobe before going out. 

Jiang Mu got dressed and walked out. After seeing Bai Xie, her face immediately burst into a smile, "You are back." 

"Well, go sit down, I will give you medicine." 

He asked someone to pick up a medicine for bruises at the hotel reception.

"Okay." Jiang Mu nodded, then peeked at his expression. 

As soon as Bai Yue looked up, the eyes of the two of them collided. 

Jiang Mu's eyes dodged, shy like a frightened little rabbit. 

Jiang Mu sat down in the bed and said softly: "You go and change your clothes first. The clothes are in the bathroom. I hang them up for you." 

Bai Yue: "Okay." 

Bai Yue entered the bathroom and sure enough, he saw his shirt and trousers were put on well. 

The corner of his mouth was squeezed imperceptibly, and he quickly changed his clothes, but when he was about to go out, he felt something was wrong. 

He smelled a faint fragrance on his shirt. This fragrance did not belong to him, but the fragrance of Jiang Mu. 

It can be said that his nose is good, because he is very impressed with Jiang Mu's fragrance. 

It is a fragrance that makes it easy to indulge in it, a crisp sweet, not greasy, like being in a rose garden. After he smelled it for the first time, he couldn't forget it. 

But this time he smelled it on his clothes. 

This feeling is like Jiang Mu being held in his arms.

There is something wrong with Bai Xie's body, feeling hot and his mind is messy. 


After Bai Yue went out, he saw Jiang Mu sitting obediently, with her hands on both sides, like an obedient baby. 

His heart moved, his eyes flashed unconsciously over the faint pampering.

Jiang Mu is indeed a person who is easy to give birth to the idea of ​​protection. 

He picked up the Chinese traditional medicine and squat down in front of Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu's skirt can hide the bruises, so you must lift the skirt up a little when applying medicine. 

Bai Xie whispered, "Where is the injured place?" 

In fact, he remembers the position, but it is not good for him to lift the skirt by himself. 

Jiang Mu pulled her skirt, revealing the position above her knees, and the bruises became more obvious. 

Jiang Mu tried to touch it, and took a breath. 

"It hurts." 

"Don't touch it yourself." Bai Xie looked up at her. 

Bai Xie opened the Chinese Traditional Medicine, first put it on his hand and rubbed it to heat it, and then applied it to Jiang Mu's leg. 

Jiang Mu's face turned pale with pain, and she almost shouted, forcibly holding back. 

As soon as Bai Xie looked up, he saw her red eyes and pouting lips, looking at him pitifully, her eyes all red. 

Bai Xie was stunned. 

"Bai Yue...it hurts." 

Jiang Mu's voice was very soft, and Baiyue yelled into his heart. 

Bai Xie felt that his name was called out by her like this, more sultry than countless love words. 

"You bear it for a while." 

Bai Yue didn't dare to start with too much weight, and lightened a little.

Bai Xie is notoriously cold in the hospital, and even has the title of facial paralysis. There is no girl who dares to pursue him, because he never laughs, he is not gentle with girls, and treats patients slightly better, but also cannot be called gentle. 

But this time, he could not bear the heart of Jiang Mu. 

Seeing where Jiang Mu was injured, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. 

Bai Yue felt very complicated when he thought of this. 

He has different feelings to Jiang Mu, but what kind of feeling is this difference. 

Bai Yue is not sure yet, after all, he has never felt like this before. 

"Okay." Bai Xie released his hand and stood up, "I still have bone-fighting medicine, which is better than this. I will give it to you after we go back. You can apply it for two days according to the method I just used." 

Jiang Mu nodded obediently, "Fortunately, you are here, Bai Xie, you are so good." 

Bai Yue turned his back to Jiang Mu, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows became a little soft. 


At 3:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Mu and Bai Xie finally returned to the manor. 

Jiang Mu and Bai Yue walked into the villa and saw a strange man on the sofa. 

Qin Siyu is also there, chatting happily with the man. 

"Hello, I am a new guest, and my name is Fu Yanxu." 

Fu Yanxu's voice is very magnetic. When speaking, the corners of his eyes are raised slightly, and his eyes are full of smiles. 

"Hello, I am Jiang Mu." 

"Hello, Bai Xie." 

Fu Yanxu: "I have introduced myself to Siyu just now. I am 30 years old this year and I am from Beijing. I hope I can get along well with everyone in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng also walked in.

Zhao Jiajia walked in front, her face was not pretty. After seeing Jiang Mu and Bai Xie, her expression seemed to be more gloomy, but it was only a second before she showed her signature smile again. 

After Qin Siyu saw Zhao Jiajia, he took the initiative to call her, "Jiajia, you are back." 

Zhao Jiajia nodded, "Well, yes." 

"This is a new male guest." Qin Siyu's gift was prepared today by the program team, so the corresponding is to date the new male guest No. 4. 

She originally thought that she would have a disappointed Valentine's Day date when she got the gift from the show group, but she didn't expect the result to be so good. 

The male guest No. 4 is elegant and considerate, and also very mature and attractive. 

Compared with Bai Yue , the male guest No. 4 has its own merits. Qin Siyu feels that it will be difficult for her to make a choice in the future. 

Although Bai Xie was her favorite, he was too cold and never gave her a little hope. Even if it aroused her desire to challenge, the repeated setbacks would always make people doubt and shrink back. 

Qin Siyu decided to observe for two more days, maybe the new male guest is more suitable for her. 

In the process of dating today, the male guest number four was also very gentle towards her, maybe he also had a good impression of her. 

"Hello, I am Fu Yanxu." Fu Yanxu reached out to Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng again. 

Zhao Jiajia shook hands with him and smiled at him, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes. 

Zhao Jiajia doesn't have a slight impression of Fu Yanxu. 

This man is a playboy. Although the conditions are good, he is bothered and affectionate. He seems gentle, but in fact he treats everyone the same. 

In the previous life, Zhao Jiajia was deceived by Fu Yanxu, and was played round and round by Fu Yanxu. 

So now when she saw Fu Yanxu, she felt aversion both physically and psychologically. 

But she changed her mind, he scumbed her in the previous life, then this time, she could also use her own way to counter with her body.

Think of it as having a relationship. 

Thinking of this, Zhao Jiajia had other plans. 

"Where did you go on a date today?" Qin Siyu asked Zhao Jiajia by the hand. 

Speaking of this, Zhao Jiajia's face became ugly again. 

She looked back at Yang Cheng, and said without a smile: "Ask him, it was all arranged by him." 

She could never forget that she was crying in the haunted house, but Yang Cheng avoided her far away. If she and Yang Orange are allowed to go out in the future, she would rather stay in the villa. 

Who knows, Yang Cheng said lightly: "I went to the haunted house, it's boring, she was too coward, and she made my head ache." 

Zhao Jiajia sneered in her heart. 

Upon seeing this, Qin Siyu knew that Zhao Jiajia's date must be a tragedy, and fortunately he did not get Yang Cheng's gift. 

Her date with Fu Yanxu was perfect. 

The two had a wonderful time on the romantic cruise ship and also performed a dance. 

Fu Yanxu was very gentle, seeing her feet hurt in high heels, he let her take off her shoes and step on his feet to dance with him. 

Qin Siyu felt sweet when she thought of this. 

Yang Cheng walked up to Jiang Mu, saw her and Bai Yue standing together, and asked: "Did you go to play with him today?" 

"Yeah." Jiang Mu nodded. 

Looking at Jiang Mu, I wanted to say that she was not lucky that she didn't get him. 

He arranged an exclusive date for Jiang Mu. When Jiang Mu was scared by the haunted house, he would take her hand to protect her, comfort her, and be her guardian. The relationship between the two will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. 

This method also made him spent money to buy it from a dating master on Weibo, which is great after thinking about it. 

Who knew it would be wasted by Zhao Jiajia. 

He didn't feel anything at all about Zhao Jiajia.

"Then where did you go today?" Yang Cheng asked. 

"We went to the hot spring hotel." Jiang Mu replied. 

Yang Cheng turned his head and glared at Bai Xie, "You take her to the hot spring?" 

Bai Xie didn't say a word. In his opinion, Yang Cheng was a younger brother, and Yang Cheng's glaring was not deterrent at all. 

"Did the two of you in just one hot spring together?" Yang Cheng stared at Jiang Mu closely. 

"No, separate." 

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, thinking it was almost the same. 

Qin Siyu felt uncomfortable when she heard Jiang Mu and Bai Xie go to the hot spring. She looked at Bai Xie and felt that Bai Xie had changed a little. 

It's hard to tell where it's changed, but it's not the same. When he and Jiang Mu just walked in, he just looked down at Jiang Mu, and his eyes were strange when looking to her. 

Qin Siyu was a little wary, but now it is hard to say anything. 

At this time, Zhou Jing and Wu Zeye also returned. 

Zhou Jing was always smiling when she walked in. She liked Wu Zeye in the first place, and she was so lucky to get Wu Zeye's gift, so she was in a very good mood. 

Although the date today is ordinary, it would be great to be able to be with Wu Zeye, at least there is an opportunity to get to know each other. 

The two also talked a lot, and she felt that Wu Zeye should have a better impression of her. 

"It turns out that you are all back." Zhou Jing was a little surprised to see that everyone was there. She soon saw the extra new members, "This is..." 

"I am a new guest, my name is Fu Yanxu." 

"Hello, I am Zhou Jing."

"I am Wu Zeye."

The atmosphere was slightly embarrassing, after all, there was an unfamiliar person.

Zhao Jiajia took the initiative to say: "It's already late, and we have just returned. Let's go back to our room to clean up. It's time to prepare dinner later." 

"Alright." Everyone nodded. 

After Jiang Mu returned to the room, she was about to change her clothes when someone knocked on the door. 

She had to open the door first. 

It was Fu Yanxu who knocked on the door. 

He was standing at the door holding a box of snacks. 

"Anything?" Jiang Mu asked. 

"That's right, I brought you some small gifts from China." Fu Yanxu handed her the snack. 

Jiang Mu: "Thank you."

After receiving the gift, Fu Yanxu had no intention of leaving. 

Jiang Mu looked at him suspiciously. 

Fu Yanxu said: "I just came here, and I'm not very familiar with it. Can I invite you to walk around and introduce them to me." 

Fu Yanxu's smile is very beautiful, especially in his eyes, very charming and affectionate, his eyes are very focused, making people embarrassed to look directly at him. 

Jiang Mu smiled secretly, Fu Yanxu was about to take action against her. 

She has no interest in Fu Yanxu at all. 

He is the vice president of a domestic Internet celebrity company. In the past few years, he seized the live broadcast business opportunity and started a business with friends. Now he has a net worth of hundreds of millions. 

He is handsome and has studied abroad in France. He is a little older and has experience. He is gentle and considerate with his maturity. When he looks at you, he always makes you feel that you are being cherished. Such a man is very good at poking female hormones. In the original plot, he even made a few female guests jealous to each other for him. 

But in the end he didn't form a CP with anyone. 

This man is a play coffee.

Jiang Mu knew it well, but she showed an embarrassed expression, "I'm sorry, actually I haven't been here long, so I don't know much about this neighborhood, and I was injured today." 

Fu Yanxu's expression remained unchanged, "Injured. How did it happen?" 

His tone was concerned and gentle, which was really touching. 

"It's nothing serious, just a bump."

As soon as her voice fell, she saw Bai Yue appearing behind Fu Yanxu, and she didn't know when did he came. 

Bai Yue held the medicine in his hand, and said flatly: "I'm here to give you the medicine." 

Hearing the voice, Fu Yanxu looked back and looked at Bai Yue's four eyes. 

Bai Xie's eyes were cold, and Fu Yanxu's eyes were full of deep meaning. 

Jiang Mu looked at the two and noticed a strange breath.