[World 2] Chapter 40

After Bai Xie left, Yang Cheng saw that Jiang Mu's face was not right, and asked: "What's wrong with you Jiang Mu?" 


"You haven't answered to what I just said." Yang Cheng's face was hot. 

This is his first confession. 

Jiang Mu lowered her head and said in embarrassment, "This is too sudden..." 

"No, didn't I behave clearly?" Yang Cheng felt that all his love for Jiang Mu was written on his face. 

"I...I don't know, I always treat you as a friend, as a brother." 

"Don't you like me at all?" Yang Cheng's eyes widened, a little uncomfortable. 

Jiang Mu pursed the corner of her mouth and looked up at Yang Cheng with embarrassed eyes. 

It was obviously that Yang Cheng was rejected, but Jiang Mu seemed to be crying. 

"I'm sorry...Can you give me some time and let me think about it." 

Seeing Jiang Mu like this, Yang Cheng felt relieved. 

He gritted his teeth, "Well, then you think about it...I will always like you anyway." 

Jiang Mu looked at him gratefully. 

Yang Cheng proudly said, "Then you can't like others." 

Jiang Mu lowered her head shyly. 

Upon seeing this, Yang Cheng said with satisfaction: "Then let's go down."

The system prompt sounded: [ The green tea index broke through the D level and reached the C level. Congratulations to the host, your green tea attributes are increasing day by day, and it has exceeded ninety five percent, your beauty value has also increased a lot. Host should continue to work hard. ]

Jiang twilight said to herself: [ It's been a ling time since you came out, I thought you already die. ]

System: [ No, no, I have been upgrading recently, and in order not to affect the host's mission, after the first mission, I will not broadcast the situation, unless there is a major breakthrough then we will prompt you. But the host can rest assured, your green tea index increased, and all the rewards that should be given have been given, such as the attractive body fragrance obtained by the host, the water-cutting eyes, and the slender legs, all of which were later added. ]

This is what Jiang Mu already notice.

These days, she has become accustomed to talking about tea and tea, and her beauty indicators have indeed increased. 

Jiang Mu: [ All right. ] 

System: [ Then I will hide first and call me if something happened. ]


While eating, Jiang Mu had been observing Bai Yue secretly, his expression was natural, and he did not show any emotion. 

But even so, Jiang Mu could feel that he was angry, because he didn't look at her the whole time.

Obviously she was sitting opposite Bai Xie, and he could see it as soon as he looked up, but he just didn't look at her. 

On the contrary, it was Yang Cheng who had been showing his hospitality all the time. Although he spoke very arrogantly, he always cared about her between the lines. 

The others looked at them with ambiguous eyes, especially Qin Siyu, and they couldn't make jokes at all. 

Zhao Jiajia may have been stimulated by Yang Cheng today, so seeing Yang Cheng being so good to Jiang Mu, she showed a very strange attitude instead. 

Jiang Mu guessed that she was probably upset, and didn't want to admit that she was worse than Jiang Mu. Yang Cheng would be courteous to Jiang Mu, but he would be superior to her. 

However, the protagonist at the table today is not the old people like them, but the newcomer Fu Yanxu. 

As a new face, he naturally deserves more attention. Everyone asked him many questions, especially Qin Siyu. She didn't hide his interest in Fu Yanxu at all. Her eyes looking at Fu Yanxu were shining.

Zhou Jing was also uncharacteristically, and talked to Fu Yanxu from time to time. When Fu Yanxu talked about his usual hobbies, she was always surprised and said that she liked it too. 

"I also like skiing very much. Last year, I went skiing in the Alps with my friends. It was very fun, I also took a lot of photos." Zhou Jing said as she took out her phone and wanted to show Fu Yanxu the photos. 

Fu Yanxu smiled, "It's good over there." 

Facing Zhou Jing's full of words, Fu Yanxu felt so boring, but he still had to pretend to be elegant and gentle on his face. 

Among the women on the table, Fu Yanxu was most interested in Jiang Mu. 

She is so good-looking, it's hard for people not to pay attention to her. 

Moreover, I don't know why Fu Yanxu could feel a familiar breath in her. His instinct told him that Jiang Mu and him are a kind of person, at least she is not so pure and harmless on the surface.

In this way, Jiang Mu's attraction to him is even greater. 

He wanted to tear off her disguise, unmask her, and see what she really looked like. 

Is it more fascinating as he imagined? 

Fu Yanxu looked at Jiang Mu, "What kind of sports does Jiang Mu usually like?" 

Jiang Mu smiled embarrassedly, "I don't usually exercise. I am not healthy and am always lazy." 

Fu Yanxu: "That's a pity, exercise is very interesting, and more exercise is good for the body." 

Jiang Mu: "I know, but I'm just too lazy. I'm more nerdy, and my mother always advises me to go out and exercise, but I just like staying in the room, play the instruments and read books." 

"You can play instruments? What kind of imstruments do you like?" Fu Yanxu asked. 

"Piano and violin, I graduated from the Conservatory of Music." Jiang Mu said with a smile. 

Fu Yanxu seemed surprised, "Is that right? I also know a little piano. My mother also studies music. Which school are you in?"

Jiang Mu said: "Berkeley Conservatory." 

Fu Yanxu smiled: "That's a coincidence. My mother also graduated from Berkeley. If she knew I met her alumni here, she would be very happy." 

Jiang Mu pursed her lips. The appearance is very delicate, "It's a coincidence indeed." 

"I hope I can hear your performance." Fu Yanxu looked at Jiang Mu sincerely. 

Jiang Mu blushed slightly, looked at everyone, nodded and said, "Okay, I will play it for everyone if I have a chance." 

Hearing Jiang Mu's reply, Fu Yanxu's smile deepened.

Instead of playing for him, it is for everyone, the difference is big. 

 What he said just now was actually giving Jiang Mu a trick, but he didn't expect that Jiang Mu would still be tricked. 

Fu Yanxu said: "It's better to choose a day already. It just happens that everyone has just finished eating and there is nothing else to do, you can play piano today. I heard that there are music equipment right here." 

Others looked at them. People's reaction to their conbersations are very complicated.

"But..." Jiang Mu hesitated. 

Zhao Jiajia smiled and said, "We all want to hear it." 

Bai Yue said nothing. 

Wu Zeye shrugged indifferently, "I have no opinion." 

Yang Cheng said, "I want to hear you play the piano, too."

Qin Siyu was very dissatisfied with Fu Yanxu saying so much to Jiang Mu, and said coldly, "Jiang Mu, you just play it, everyone wants to listen, or you don't want to?" 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "I just feel a little tired but since everyone wants to listen, I'll play it for everyone."

After that, everyone went to the room upstairs together. 

There is a room dedicated to leisure and entertainment on the upper floor, which contains various entertainment facilities and some music equipment. 

The piano and the violin are among them.

Jiang Mu first tuned the piano, and then asked everyone what they wanted to hear. 

"Anything is okay?" Fu Yanxu smiled. 

"You recommend first." Jiang Mu's tone was full of confidence. 

Fu Yanxu thought for a while and said, "Then play a poem to Adeline." 

Jiang Mu nodded. 

She adjusted her posture and sat upright, like an elegant swan, with her hands placed on the piano keys, her palms naturally bent into a semicircle, she gently lowered her head and began to play. 

This piece is one of the top ten piano masterpieces in the world, and the melody is very beautiful. 

Not long after the beginning of playing, people were drawn into the world shaped by the sound of the piano. 

The wind blew the leaves rustling, and the river surface was lightly touched by the wind. The beautiful girl sat quietly on the shore... 

Jiang Mu was immersed in the sound of the piano. Every movement of her was very elegant, and her expression was also very good. It was intoxicated, everyone looked at her, unable to look away from her. 

The warm yellow light shone on her, she was like an angel walking out of the moonlight, so beautiful that they couldn't breathe. 

At this moment, Jiang Mu's image in everyone's mind has slightly changed. 

Zhao Jiajia is very regretful, why should she support Jiang Mu to play the piano? Now, wouldn't other male guests increase their affection for her. 

The appearance of Jiang Mu playing the piano is simply so attractive, which makes her already beautiful and extraordinary full of charm. 

Moreover, it can be predicted that as soon as the program is broadcast, how many viewers will be amazed by Jiang Mu's piano skills, this is really a plus. 

Zhao Jiajia only hated that Jiang Mu had never performed in front of her in her previous life, so even if she knew that she knew these musical instruments, she didn't pay attention to it. Just now she saw Jiang Mu declined, and thought that Jiang Mu was actually at least half a bucket of water and couldn't take it out at all.

That's why she added to the flames. Otherwise, as long as she said, Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing would definitely be on her side, and Jiang Mu would have no chance to show off.

She really made a mistake. 

When the song was over, Jiang Mu slowly stood up. 

Fu Yanxu took the lead and applauded. 

"It's so nice. If my mother is here, she will definitely like you very much. She must pull you to play a few more songs." Fu Yanxu is actually surprised that Jiang Mu's piano skills are so good. If you haven't practiced such piano skills for more than ten years, it is impossible to have such attainments. 

"You're praising me too much." Jiang Mu smiled and closed the piano cover. 

"When did you start learning piano?" Fu Yanxu seemed to be very interested in Jiang Mu learning piano. 

Jiang Mu said: "My mother taught me when I was five years old. I learned my piano from my mother." 

"Didn't you say that your mother is a violinist?" Zhao Jiajia remembered Jiang Mu telling her. 

"Yeah." Jiang Mu looked back at Zhao Jiajia, "My mother knows a lot of musical instruments. Her best is the violin, and I also major in violin." 

Jiang Mu's words made everyone look at her even more. 

Fu Yanxu: "I thought that piano is already your most powerful instrument. I didn't expect that piano is not your major." 

"It's so powerful, then do you want to start playing a violin?" Qin Siyu sees everyone's focus Jiang Mu, she was a little unhappy. 

Jiang Mu glanced at her and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, next time, I'm a little tired and want to rest soon." 

Qin Siyu curled her lips. 

Wu Zeye looked at Jiang Mu with a playful look, "It's late, everyone is tired from playing today, so let's rest early. The program group will arrange activities tomorrow." 

Qin Siyu thought about it and said, "Yes. Oh, the program team said, tomorrow we are going to have BBQ outside the villa." 

Zhou Jing: "Yes, then we have to get up early tomorrow." 

"Then let's divide the work first. Tomorrow who will be in the team with whom, we are now eight people. Which happens to be divided into four groups."

Every time the grouping is initiated by Zhao Jiajia, everyone is used to it. 

Qin Siyu's eyes flashed and said, "I think, we should follow the group of today's date. This is also convenient, and it doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Qin Siyu had a good calculation, and she wanted to group with Fu Yanxu. 

Zhou Jing thinks it's okay, she also wants to be with Wu Zeye. 

Jiang Mu didn't object, she and Bai Yue were also good together. 

But Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng were just a hundred times unhappy. 

"No." Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng said in unison. 

Zhao Jiajia restrained the reluctant expression on her face, and said with a smile: "This is not so good. Let's decide by drawing lots. The program group also said that random arrangements are better."

The program group has never said such things, but Zhao Jiajia said that, it is not easy for other people to directly say that the program group has not said it, after all, the lottery decision is quite fair. 

Fu Yanxu said, "In that case, let's draw lots." 

Qin Siyu looked at Fu Yanxu, feeling a little unhappy. 

Fu Yanxu said that, doesn't it mean he don't want to be with her? 

Didn't they have a nice date when they were dating today? Fu Yanxu also praised her for her good-looking clothes today, saying that the ear buds she's wearing is very suitable for her, as if they were made for her. 

At that time, Qin Siyu was so happy to hear that. 

Qin Siyu looked at Fu Yanxu and tried to see his thoughts from the expression on his face, but when she looked at Fu Yanxu, Fu Yanxu smiled gently at her, with a touch of affection in his eyes, which made Qin Siyu dispered her unhappiness in an instant.

'Maybe he was embarrassed to show it.'

Qin Siyu's self-comfort has helped, so she doesn't oppose the drawing of lots.

Although Zhou Jing was a little unwilling, she does want other people to said that they'll draw lots, and she was also very interested in Fu Yanxu. If Fu Yanxu could be drawn, that would not be bad. 

So Zhao Jiajia took a few pieces of paper, wrote four sets of numbers on them, and folded the paper in the same way. When she origami, she kept a careful eye and made an extra crease on two of the origami papers.

"The people who draw the same number are a group." Zhao Jiajia scattered the origami paper in her hands, and then scattered them on the table. 

She didn't expect her little movements to be seen by Fu Yanxu. 

Fu Yanxu smiled secretly in his heart, playing this kind of trick under his nose is really naive. 

However, Zhao Jiajia's doing this also provided him with convenience. 

Fu Yanxu had already memorized all the characteristics of origami when Zhao Jiajia wrote the numbers and origami, so when he saw that Jiang Mu had selected one of the papers, he immediately took the one corresponding to the same number.

When the group was finally announced, Jiang Mu and Fu Yanxu were in the same group as expected. 

Yang Cheng and Zhao Jiajia were in a group, Bai Yue and Qin Siyu were in a group, and Zhou Jing and Wu Zeye were in a group. 

Except for Yang Cheng and Zhao Jiajia who were unhappy in this grouping, everyone else was quite happy. 

Zhao Jiajia still wanted to draw again. Just because she tried to distinguish which number of origami Wu Zeye was holding, she was slow to draw, and in the end only one origami was left, and she was forced to take the drawing with the same number as Yang Cheng. 

She wants to vomit blood. 

Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing were quite satisfied with their grouping. Although they didn't group with Fu Yanxu, it was good to be able to group with someone they liked before. 

Fu Yanxu looked at Jiang Mu and said, "Then we're a team, I'll wake you up tomorrow morning." 

This was a bit ambiguous, but Fu Yanxu's tone was natural and his expression was very calm, and they couldn't tell what was wrong with him. 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Yeah."

Bai Yue glanced at the two, his eyes deep. 

Yang Cheng frowned and said, "Why do you have to call to wake her up? Just set the alarm clock." 

Although Yang Cheng 's words were straightforward, everyone agreed. 

Fu Yanxu's expression remained unchanged, and he was not embarrassed at all. "We are in a group, of course we must act together." 

Yang Cheng stared at Fu Yanxu without concealing his hostility. 

"We are all together. Although we are divided into groups, we don't have to act together by partner."

This is the first time that Fu Yanxu has encountered a person like Yang Cheng who has no vision and speaks with no EQ. Do your parents know?

But Yang Cheng didn't care about this. How could his people be snatched away by a newcomer, even if they were not in the group, he would follow Jiang Mu tomorrow, and would never let Fu Yanxu succeed. 

Fu Yanxu looked like a flower in the bowels, Jiang Mu was so pure, she would definitely be deceived. 

Others couldn't see Fu Yanxu's true face, but Yang Cheng could see clearly. 

But in fact, even if Fu Yanxu is not a scumbag, in the eyes of Yang Cheng, anyone who wants to get close to Jiang Mu is not a good person. 


Everyone will go back to the room to rest after dividing into groups. Zhao Jiajia tells everyone in the group what preparations to do tomorrow. BBQ starts at noon, but preparations must be prepared before ten o'clock. Vegetables must be washed, cut, skewers meat, and making a fire. You can't finish it without getting up early. 

Everyone responded in the group to know. 

Jiang Mu also replied. 

After replying to the message, Jiang Mu went to take a bath. 

After she came out of the shower, she saw the message Wu Zeye had sent to her. 

Wu Zeye: [ I am waiting for you on the balcony, I have something to tell you. ]

The message was sent fifteen minutes ago. 

After so long, I don't know if Wu Zeye is still there.

Jiang Mu thought for a while, and she replied: [ Sorry, I was taking a shower just now. ] 

Wu Zeye: [ Hmm ] 

Jiang Mu hooked the corners of her lips, what a shit. You are copying who?

Then you just wait. 

Jiang Mu stopped replying, washed her face, and sat on the bed with a mask, playing with her mobile phone. 

News from Wu Zeye came again. 

[ Did you forget what you promised me before? ]

Jiang Mu's eyes were stained with a faint smile, he really couldn't hold his breath. 

Jiang Mu: [ I remember, you haven't said what you want. I have asked someone to buy the watch. It will be available in a few days. I will give it to you when the time comes. ] 

Wu Zeye: [ Don't want a watch. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Then what do you want? ] 

Wu Zeye: [ You come up, I will tell you in person. ] 

There is no camera on the balcony upstairs, they all know this.

Jiang Mu hesitated and decided to meet him. 

Wu Zeye is also the one she must win. Judging from his current attitude, it is estimated that he is a little concerned about her. 

Jiang Mu washed the mask, put on a sweater and cardigan, and went to the balcony upstairs. 

Wu Zeye was really waiting there. 

There were also a bottle of red wine and two red wine glasses in front of him, and red wine was poured into the glasses. 

"Sit down." Wu Zeye said lightly. 

"It's so late, why are you still up?" Jiang Mu hesitated to sit down. 

Wu Zeye said: "I can't sleep." 

He stared at Jiang Mu, his eyes were a little direct, and he made no secret of his interest in Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu: "Is there anything on my face?" 

Wu Zeye nodded: "There's something."

"What?" Jiang Mu touched her face, her expression innocent and cute. 

Wu Zeye approached her suddenly, and said with a smile, "It's a bit silly." 

Jiang Mu was stunned, "You...what are you talking about." 

Wu Zeye laughed, picked up a glass of wine, took a sip, and then suddenly asked, "How did you play with Bai Xie today?" 

"Why do you ask this for?" Jiang Mu asked in confusion. 

"Curious, aren't you curious about how I played with Zhou Jing today?" Wu Zeye stared at Jiang Mu's eyes. 

Jiang Mu looked away, "Why should I be curious?" 

Wu Zeye smiled playfully without explaining. 

Jiang Mu actually hated this kind of self-righteous man, and regarded himself as a mad, cool, evil and overbearing president. 

It's not as good as Fu Yanxu's kind of scumbag, at least it's comfortable to get along with. 

Jiang Mu thought to herself, Wu Zeye is a dog man, she doesn't deserve to be called a scum if she doesn't abuse him cruelly. 

"You haven't said what compensation you want?" Jiang Mu said softly, looking at Wu Zeye's eyes like water, with a touch of doubt, and it seemed to be a little affectionate. 

Wu Zeye was fascinated by the affection in her eyes. 

I have to say that Jiang Mu's double pupils are really charming, and it makes people want to indulge in them. They are both innocent and charming, mixed with traces of affection, and very sultry. 

"Jiang Mu, do you like me?" 

Wu Zeye's tone was a bit like a joke, but not quite like it. He looked at Jiang Mu with serious eyes. 

"You...what are you talking about?" Jiang Mu's eyes became flustered, and she lowered her head, no longer looking at Wu Zeye. 

Wu Zeye smiled, seeming to confirm the guess in his heart, and drank all the wine in his hand. 

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Mu stared at him shyly, her cheeks red.

 Wu Zeye was happier, and handed her another glass of wine, "Aren't you going to drink?"

"I don't drink, I drink very poorly." Jiang Mu pursed her mouth. 

"The amount of alcohol is poor? How bad is it?" Wu Zeye asked. 

Jiang Mu: "The one that just pours a cup." 

Wu Zeye: "Then you try, if you are drunk, I will help you back to your room." 

Jiang Mu was startled, "No." 

"So scared, I don't what will happen to you, there are cameras everywhere." 

Jiang Mu whispered: "There are none here." 

"Here?" Wu Zeye looked at her ambiguously, "Could it be that you think I'll be here to treat you? " 

Jiang twilight, shaking her head, "No."

"But you just obviously mean oh. "Wu Zeye feel that Jiang Mu is more and more cute and fun. 

"I'm not." Jiang Mu was a little angry. 

"Well, don't drink if you don't drink." Wu Zeye shrugged. 

"If you have nothing else, I will leave." Jiang Mu got up and was about to go downstairs. 

 Wu Zeye saw that she was really gone, and hurriedly chased after her. 

Jiang Mu walked in a hurry. She didn't notice that the purple fat-intestine hair loops on her hair fell off. She quickly ran down two floors. 

Wu Zeye walked fast with long legs, and before Jiang Mu opened the door, he took her arm. 

Wu Zeye: "Wait." 

Jiang Mu turned her head and glared at him, "What else do you have?" 

Wu Zeye smiled and took out the hair tie he had just picked up. Just about to speak, he heard the sound of opening the door. 

The two of them were surprised, and looked over at the same time. 

Bai Xie stood at the door holding a water glass, looking at them coldly.