[World 2] Chapter 41

"Your hair tie has fallen, why are you running in such a hurry?" Wu Zeye's voice was smiling, and he didn't care about being seen by Bai Xie. 

Jiang Mu took the hair tie from Wu Zeye's hand with an awkward expression, and said politely: "Thank you." 

"Then I will go back first, good night." Wu Zeye raised his eyebrows and turned back to his room. 

He even greeted Bai Xie before entering the room, but Bai Xie ignored him. 

Wu Zeye didn't care, anyway, Bai Xie always looked like this. 

Jiang Mu saw that Bai Xie was really angry now. 

Although he didn't say a word, his aura was particularly indifferent. There was a hint of disappointment and surprise in Jiang Mu's eyes. 

Bai Xie walked straight past the two of them holding the water cup. Before he went downstairs, Jiang Mu stopped him. 

Jiang Mu: "Bai Yue, wait a minute, I also want to pick up a glass of water, let's get it together." 

Bai Yue hesitated, but before he could speak, Jiang Mu said, "Wait for me to get a glass." 

After that, Jiang Mu turned around and went to get a cup in the room.

Bai Xie looked at the door with an unpredictable expression, not knowing what he was thinking. 

He bowed his head slightly, and sighed for some reason. 

When Jiang Mu came out, Bai Xie turned and was about to go downstairs. 

Jiang Mu quickly walked to Bai Xie's side, "Let's go." 

Without looking at her, Bai Xie walked down silently. 

When the two arrived in the kitchen, Jiang Mu stood aside and waited for Bai Yue to receive the water first. Bai Yue took a cup of warm water, then put the cup on the bar, reached out and took the cup in Jiang Mu's hand, and also filled the glass with water. 

When he handed the cup to Jiang Mu, Jiang Mu smiled at him with a bright and brilliant smile, like a rose blooming in the morning light. 

"Thank you." 

Bai Yue looked away and asked faintly: "Where did you go with Wu Zeye just now?"

Bai Xie finally asked. 

Jiang Mu's thoughts moved, and Bai Yue's question made it clear that he cares. 

Jiang Mu said softly: "On the balcony upstairs, I told him about the last time that since I broke his watch, I asked someone to buy one so I cam pay for it, and it will be here in a few days."

Bai Yue's cold expression seemed to ease. He looked at Jiang Mu, "It's already late, still talking about it?" 

Jiang Mu looked at Bai Yue with a clear conscience, and said, "He said that there is something wrong, and I just think I should tell it to him when we're talking" 

Bai Yue didn't doubt the authenticity of Jiang Mu's words, but he doubted Wu Zeye's purpose in looking for Jiang Mu. 

In the past two days, Jiang Mu was indeed very eye-catching, her whole figure seemed to shine, and his attention was all on her, so it can be seen that other men are the same. 

Although Bai Xie is not very good at interacting with people, he is very good at observing. In the past two days, he has paid attention to everyone's attitude towards Jiang Mu. The female guests have a kind of hostility towards her. Several male guests, among them, Yang Cheng liking Jiang Mu was obviously can be seen. Wu Zeye's eyes on Jiang Mu seem to be fresh and interested, and the newcomer Fu Yanxu, although hidden deep, pays more attention to Jiang Mu. 

As for himself, he slowly got stuck in the past few times with Jiang Mu. 

Bai Yue thinks that he can control his emotions best and can always keep calm and self-sufficiency in case of trouble, but today he almost lost his temper for Jiang Mu several times. 

The first time was he ran into Yang Cheng's confession of Jiang Mu. He panicked, he didn't want to hear Jiang Mu's response to Yang Cheng, so he left the scene without looking back. 

For the second time, Jiang Mu played the piano in front of everyone and surprised the audience. He couldn't wait to hide Jiang Mu so that she would stop shining and attract other people. 

The third time was just now... 

He didn't even expect that his emotions would be so strong that he almost couldn't hide it. 

He couldn't tell if he was disappointed.

Perhaps in his heart, Jiang Mu is already a special existence.

Bai Yue knew that his heart was upset. 

But he hasn't figured out what to do. 

This feeling is strange to him. 

Bai Xie didn't want to admit that at this time, he was actually coward.

He was not as good as Yang Cheng, who dares to express his heart to Jiang Mu directly.

"Yeah." Bai Yue nodded, turned and walked back, his mood a bit bad. 

Jiang Mu followed. 

"Your cooking is so delicious, the barbecue should be very good, right?" Jiang Mu said. 

Bai Yue looked at Jiang Mu's appearance, and the messy emotions in his heart slowly calmed down. 

Maybe he still has time to sort out his thoughts, at least Jiang Mu shouldn't hate him. 

He is so cold and uninteresting. The doctors and nurses in the hospital used to talk about him, saying that he couldn't find a girlfriend like this, and no one would want to live with someone like him. 

Bai Yue used to think that it was better to be alone, and he thought about being single for lifetime. He comes to this show because of his parents, and it took a lot of methods to let him agree to come over to participate in the show. 

But now, when he looked at Jiang Mu, he felt that if he lived with Jiang Mu in the future, it would be fine. 

He can do whatever Jiang Mu likes to eat, but he doesn't know if Jiang Mu will find him boring after a long time. 

Bai Yue thought for a while. He also roasted meat when he had a dinner with his colleagues. Everyone's feedback seemed to be good, so he said, "It's okay." 

"It's great, I can eat it tomorrow." Jiang Mu blinked her eyes, it seems very happy. 

Bai Yue asked: "What do you like to eat?" 

"I like grilled ribs, grilled butter trotters and potatoes." Jiang Mu talked about these, her eyes were shining, as if she could see these foods in front of her eyes.

The corners of Bai Xie's mouth curled slightly, "What you like to eat is easy to gain weight."

Jiang Mu said indifferently, "I'm not afraid." 

Bai Yue: "Why? Aren't girls afraid to gain weight? Also, being obese is bad for your health." 

Jiang Mu said, "Because I won't gain weight no matter how much I eat, and I'll exercise, don't worry."

When she said this, she looked at Bai Xie eagerly, and her eyes were saying like: 'I was amazing, so praised me.'

Bai Xie's heartbeat accelerated again, and he looked at Jiang Mu quietly, without speaking for a long time. 

"What's wrong?" Jiang Mu asked nervously. 

Bai Yue shook his head, "Nothing, you are so good." 

"Yeah, I think it too." Jiang Mu smiled more brilliantly. 

"Tomorrow I will make more of what you like." Bai Xie said when he was approaching the door of Jiang Mu's room. 

"Really? That's great then." Jiang Mu's volume became higher. 

Bai Yue looked at Jiang Mu's eyes more mildly. 

Jiang Mu stared at him, his face getting redder. 

After a long while, Bai Xie said, "Go back to the room and rest early." 

Jiang Mu nodded. 

Jiang Mu: "Then...good night." 

Bai Yue seemed to have something to say, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it, "Well, good night." 

Jiang Mu looked at him, waited for a few seconds, and said: "See you tomorrow."

After entering the room, Jiang Mu looked at the water glass in her hand and took a sip. 

The temperature is just right, and the stomach bacame warm when she drink it. 

Jiang Mu turned her back to the camera, with a triumphant expression on her face. 

The iceberg has melted. 


The next day, Fu Yanxu knocked on Jiang Mu's door as expected.

Jiang Mu was still changing her clothes, so it took for a while before she open the door. 

When she was dressed neatly, she opened the door and saw Fu Yanxu standing in the doorway wearing a gray sweater and black overalls. 

Fu Yanxu should be twenty-seven or twenty-eight this year, but he looks really young when dressed like this. 

But no matter how you dress up, he's just a trendy scumbag. 

Jiang Mu is not very interested in him, not as young and cute as Yang Cheng, not as good as Bai Yue's temperament, and even not as handsome as Wu Zeye. 

His attraction to other female guests, that is, his tender and affectionate eyes and mature charm. 

But gentleness is meaningless to Jiang Mu. She doesn't need a man's gentleness, she also has gentleness. 

Fu Yanxu's interest in her is likely come from the man's desire to conquer, and the scumbag's desire to challenge. 

But she just won't let him succeed. 

In the original plot, Fu Yanxu treated the other female guests with gentleness to indulge them, but when the last choice was made, he didn't choose any of them. At least Qin Siyu's thoughts were originally on Bai Xie. When he came, he would take Qin Siyu. After hooking it off, she did the same to Zhuo Jing. 

Only Zhao Jiajia learned to be smart because of being reborn, staying away from Fu Yanxu, and devoting himself to Wu Zeye. 

Jiang Mu looked at Fu Yanxu. 

I thought, it's up to who's so tall. 

Fu Yanxu didn't know what Jiang Mu was thinking, and he calmly admired Jiang Mu's beauty today. 

Jiang Mu also dressed up today. She painted a plain nude makeup on her face. The makeup feels clear and natural, the skin looks like it can be broken by wind blows. The cheeks are faintly ruddy. The eyes are bright and clear, glowing like a water. The lips are light pink, full of vitality, and a little fresh. 

In addition, for today's barbecue, she pierced her head with a hairpin, it looks as if she pierced it casually, but it highlighted the shape and temperament of her face. The fine bangs are very spiritual.

Looking closely at her facial features, they couldn't spot any flaws, just like a comic face. 

Fu Yanxu already saw countless beautiful things, it was the first time he saw someone like Jiang Mu who is beautiful and innocent, it inevitably itched in his heart. 

Originally, he came here just to have fun, but now he wants to be real. 

"Did you sleep well?" Fu Yanxu asked with a smile. 

"I didn't sleep well. The wind was too strong last night. I was a little scared, so I kept listening to music and didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night." 

Jiang Mu's voice was a little sleepy, and the corners of her eyes drooped slightly like a restless rabbit.

Fu Yanxu couldn't help but smile, "Then do you want to take a break?" 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "No way, there are still many things to do today, let's hurry down, I don't want to let others wait for a long time." 

Fu Yanxu smiled deeper, "The others haven't gone down yet." 

"Huh?" Jiang Mu frowned, and said with some annoyance: "Then we are the first group?" 

"Yes." Fu Yanxu nodded. 

 Jiang Mu: "..."

Well, Fu Yanxu was itchy by Jiang Mu's cute little girl appearance, and almost reached out to touch Jiang Mu's head, but he held back after thinking about it. 

There are cameras everywhere here, he can't do such obvious actions. When he first came, he was not very close to Jiang Mu and it was easy to be misunderstood. 

Thinking of this, Fu Yanxu was a little sorry. If he weren't recording a show, it would be much more convenient to do things. With his experience, he will surely be able to get hold of Jiang Mu soon. 

'However, it is not impossible so I needs to take it slowly.' Fu Yanxu's thought.

Jiang Mu said, "Let's go downstairs first. " 

Fu Yanxu: "Good. " 


Everyone has no outdoor barbecue experience, but the program team provided a lot of help. 

Everyone set up a few barbecue grills outside the villa, and moved out the only tables and chairs in the villa. Not long after, they were really arranged like that. 

Originally, among them, Bai Xie was the only one who was good at cooking, and the others were not good at cooking, but after Fu Yanxu came and took out the equipment he brought, everyone was stunned. 

He not only brought a good set of customized knives, but also many domestic condiments. 

"These are the sauces and seasonings I have collected over the past few years, and they must taste good when used to make skewers." 

Fu Yanxu's move added a lot of points to him. 

Bai Jie is not very talkative, so today's BBQ has almost become his special. "Skewered marinated meat, it is best to use natural seasonings, such as fresh onions, garlic, peppers, etc., healthy and delicious." 

As Fu Yanxu's partner, Jiang Mu only needed to show her clumsy side appropriately, and Fu Yanxu thoughtfully took everything by himself. 

But Jiang Mu was not idle, always looking for something to do, "Do you still need me to do something?" 

Fu Yanxu thought for a while and said, "By the way, we must drink later? I heard that there is a wine cellar in the manor, why do n't you pick a few bottles of wine?"

Jiang Mu nodded: "Okay, then I'll go and see." 

Jiang Mu took off her apron and put it aside, wiped her hands clean, and was about to go to the wine cellar. 

After walking a few steps, she ran into Bai Xie coming out of the villa. 

"Bai Yue, I'm going to the wine cellar to get wine, but I don't know how to choose. Can you go with me?"