[World 2] Chapter 42

Bai Xie looked at the others. 

They were all seriously busy with their own affairs, and no one noticed them. Bai Xie said, "Well, let's go." 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Okay, thank you."

The two walked towards the wine cellar together. Zhao Jiajia was skewering meat, and when she looked up, she just saw their backs. 

Zhao Jiajia frowned, and again, they were gone. 

She wanted to follow them a little bit, but Yang Cheng next to her said: "Why are you so slow? You can't eat kebabs in the afternoon. You want to follow me like this." Zhao Jiajia is very annoyed by Yang Cheng, but her efficiency was too slow indeed, Yang Cheng made twice as much as hers, and he skewered better than her. 

Zhao Jiajia nodded and said: "I know." 


The wine cellar of the manor is a natural wine cellar, which mainly uses the natural temperature regulation effect of the underground part, accompanied by perfect thermal insulation, to achieve a relatively constant temperature effect. 

The wine cellar is sixty feet below the surface. The walls in the wine cellar are all hygroscopic. The humidity and temperature are strictly controlled in order to store high-quality wines. 

The temperature here is around twelve to fifteen degrees celsius all year round, so after entering, Jiang Mu felt very cold. She shrank her neck and looked at Bai Xie, "Do you think it's cold here?" 

Bai Xie nodded. "It's a bit cold." 

He looked at Jiang Mu's thin clothes, frowned, and unbuttoned his shirt. 

Jiang Mu was stunned, and said, "What are you..." 

"I have worn two, and I will give you one." 

Jiang Mu said quickly, "No, you will catch a cold in this way." 

Bai Xie: "I'm not afraid cold."

Jiang Mu chuckled. She blinked and looked at Bai Xie and said, "Yes, your name is Bai Xie. Is it because of this that you are not afraid of the cold?"

This is the first time that Bai Xie heard his name being interpreted in this way, he shook his head, "I often exercise and my body resistance is better, so I am not afraid of the cold. You don't like sports and have weak physique. Naturally, you have to be afraid of the cold." 

Jiang Mu pursed her mouth, "But I just don't like sports." 

Bai Xie didn't say a word, he took off his shirt and handed it to Jiang Mu, "Put it on, lest you catch a cold." 

Jiang Mu said, "Okay." 

Seeing her put on his clothes, he feels something strange.

He thought of yesterday, there seemed to be Jiang Mu's breath on his clothes. 

I lent Jiang Mu to wear the clothes today, will it also contaminate the scent on her body? 

The dress was left in his room without washing. 

Bai Xie's clothes are washed every day, but he hasn't washed that one for a long time. 

He didn't know what he thought. 

"By the way, does this word in your name have any special meaning? I have never seen anyone call this name. It sounds like a girl's name at first." when Jiang Mu finished speaking, she quietly looked at Bai Xie's expression. She whispered: "I thought of Snow White once I heard it." 

Bai Xie: "Many people say that." 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, "That must have caused you a lot of trouble." 

Bai Xie thought of his childhood. He looks delicate, so every time people hear this name, they always treat him as a girl. 

"It's okay. The word Bai has the meaning of trees growing in the snow. Because before my mother gave birth to me, she dreamed of a big white tree growing in the snow, so she named me Bai Xie." 

"Wow ..." Jiang Mu seemed to be imagining the scene, "That dream must be very beautiful, and your name is also very beautiful."

Jiang Mu's heartfelt praise made Bai Xie's heart warm. 

"Thank you." 

"I like you very much...your name." Jiang Mu said blushing. 

Bai Xie looked at Jiang Mu and didn't know what to say for a while. There were many complicated emotions rolling in his heart, stimulating him, and making him unable to calm down. 

The two continued to walk down quietly. 

Finally arrived in the wine cellar, which is a wine cellar made of a long tunnel. 

As soon as you go in, you can see that there are countless huge oak barrels on both sides of the wine cellar. At this time, there are no other people in it, and there is no sound. Although it is underground, the ventilation here is very good, and you can feel the cool breeze blow over. 

With Bai Xie's shirt on Jiang Mu, it's not so cold anymore. She looked at Bai Xie, who was wearing only short sleeves, and asked with some hesitation: "Are you really not cold? Or let's get closer to each other." 

Bai Xie was stunned for a moment, and just about to say no, Jiang Mu's hand already took his arm. 

Bai Xie's muscles tightened. 

"This way it won't be so cold." Jiang Mu looked up at Bai Xie and smiled sweetly. 

Bai Xie made a soft "um" sound, his expression a little unnatural. 

Jiang Mu: "Did you feel better?" 

Bai Xie's heart was beating wildly. He didn't speak, his throat was dry. 

Fortunately, Jiang Mu just hugged his arm and didn't make any other movements. Bai Xie slowly got used to it, and his body gradually relaxed. 

The two found a place to store the bottled wine. There are no oak barrels here, instead, a row of black storage cabinets are placed in the middle of the wine cellar. The surface of the cabinet is transparent and you can directly see the wine bottles stored inside. 

The bottles looked almost the same, so Jiang Mu said in a bit embarrassed: "This is too much, how do you choose?" 

"Do you like white wine or red wine?"

Jiang Mu said: "I seldomly drink alcohol, I drink very poorly. But my mother loves to drink red wine, she is an expert in this area. My mother said that different dishes are accompanied by different wines, cooperating with each other can bring enjoyment on the tip of the tongue." 

Bai Xie nodded: "Well, I have a knowledge about wine, but I don't know it very well." 

Jiang Mu: "Then let's take a few bottles anyway, it will tastes good." 

Bai Xie: "Choose a few ordinary bottles, the value of aged wine is too high." 

Jiang Mu agrees: "Well, anyway, we just use it with barbecue."

The two opened the storage cabinet and took two bottles of white wine and two bottles of red wine. 

"Eight people, four bottles should be enough." Jiang Mu said softly. 

When Bai Xie was about to close the storage cabinet, he saw two cups in the corner of the cabinet, and a bottle of wine with only half a bottle left. 

He found a corkscrew and pulled out the cork from the wine bottle. The aroma of the wine suddenly spread out. He put the cork under his nose and smelled it gently. 

The smell of vanilla and cedar is intoxicating, with a little fruity aroma, which tells him that this bottle of wine is of very good quality. 

Bai Xie took out the two cups, wiped the cups with his clothes, and poured the wine in. 

He picked up two wine glasses with both hands and slowly shook the liquid in the wine glasses. 

After filling up, he put it under his nose and smelled it carefully. 

Bai Xie showed a satisfied look. 

Jiang Mu was attracted by Bai Xie's appearance at the moment. 

This was the first time she saw Bai Xie's face with a look of enjoyment and intoxication. 

This expression adds a strange beauty to him, with a unique and charming temperament. 

"Do you want a drink?" Bai Xie asked her softly when he saw Jiang Mu staring at him in a daze.

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment. She looked at Bai Xie, her heart itching. 

Bai Xie's appearance is too tempting. 

'I really want to throw him down and see the unknown side of him.'

Maybe, she is the only one who has seen Bai Xie like this. 

Jiang Mu couldn't help feeling happy. 

Seeing Jiang Mu hadn't answered for a long time, Bai Xie looked at her questioningly, "Don't you drink?" 

Jiang Mu thought to herself, in such a dim environment, a man invited her to drink. 

If the other party is not Bai Xie, she really has to suspect that the other party is unscrupulous. 

However, this person happened to be the coldest abstinence system among all the guests. 

Jiang Mu suddenly wanted to see what Bai Xie would look like after drinking. 

Not only have to drink, but it is best to drink more. When you are drunk, it is the most exciting. 

Generally, a man like Bai Xie will be very different from his usual appearance when he is drunk. 

Thinking of this, Jiang Mu couldn't help but excitedly look forward to it. 

She nodded, "Okay." 

She took the wine glass and touched it to Bai Xie's cup, "You drink too." 

Jiang Mu took a light sip. 

"It's delicious." Jiang Mu herself is actually good at drinking red wine, but the original owner is not very good at it, so she didn't use any gorgeous and complicated adjectives to describe the deliciousness of this wine. 

The word "delicious" is enough to express her affection. 

Bai Xie smiled faintly, and began to taste it slowly. 

Bai Xie tasted it with his eyes closed, so that he could feel the aroma and sweetness of the wine in more detail. When he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Mu staring at him intently. 

"How is it?" Jiang Mu asked. 

Bai Yue nodded, "It tastes good."

The taste of this wine is really good, with aromas of berries, sweet tobacco and wet earth. The tannins are also very soft, mellow and sweet, which is refreshing. 

Even the two who didn't drink much, they drank two more glasses unknowingly. 

The original owner's physique is easy to get drunk, Jiang Mu got addicted by the taste, and forgot about it, and now she became really drunk. 

Bai Xie drink a lot and his consciousness gradually became confused. 

Both of them were drunk and thoughtful of each other, their eyes were getting naked, and they didn't conceal their intentions at all. 

"Your face is so red, so beautiful." Jiang Mu's eyes were flattering, and Bai Xie's heart was hooked. 

"So are you." Bai Yue's gaze also became hot. 

"I... can I kiss you?" Jiang Mu's tone was sweet and greasy, and it was heartbreaking. 

Bai Xie squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Mu into his arms. 

When Jiang Mu and Bai Xie entangled their lips and tongue, they were already attached to each other. 

No one remembers who took the initiative first. 

Bai Xie can only feel the soft, slippery touch, and the intoxicating aroma of wine, mixed with Jiang Mu's body scent, making him more and more addicted. 

"You are so sweet and fragrant..." 

"You are also delicious." Jiang Mu's voice was soft "I like you so much."

When Bai Xie heard this, his eyes changed.

"Jiang Mu... Bai Xie, are you there?" 

Suddenly they heard footsteps and shouts. 

"Jiang Mu?" It was Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng.

When they heard the sound, Jiang Mu and Bai Yue were still kissing.

Jiang Mu stepped on Bai Xie's shoes and put her arms around Bai Xie's neck. The whole figure seemed to be hanging on Bai Xie's body. Bai Xie was leaning against several large oak barrels, his cheeks were red, and his eyes were a little blurred. 

The two of them were blocked by the oak barrels, and no one spoke. They could only hear each other's ambiguous and rapid breathing and the sound of their own heartbeats. 

Neither of them let go, their lips pressed tightly, as if they were reluctant to separate. 

They don't know how long it took, Zhao Jiajia and Yang Orange got closer, and their voices became clearer and clearer, but Jiang Mu didn't do anything other than hug Bai Xie tighter. 

Bai Xie, who had always been calm, seemed to have lost his soul at this moment, holding Jiang Mu regardless. 

Jiang Mu slowly raised her eyes and looked at Bai Xie. She looked at Bai Xie with a shy look, her eyes were full of affection, and she smiled slightly, Bai Xie knew that he had fallen. 

He heard the wall in his heart fall, and the iceberg melted into snow water and flowed into a river. The shadow of Jiang Mu was reflected in the river, and the water became warm. 

"Where did Jiang Mu and Bai Xie go? Why didn't we see anyone." Zhao Jiajia said suspiciously. 

Yang Cheng: "Are you sure they are here?"

Zhao Jiajia: "Yes, I saw them coming here, and Fu Yanxu also said, let Jiang Mu go to the wine cellar to get the wine." 

Yang Cheng: "Then we'll look for them again, I call Jiang Mu, and you call Bai Xie."

Amidst the shouts of Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng, Jiang Mu leaned against Bai Xie's chest and asked Bai Xie silently: "What should we do?"

Bai Xie frowned, put his fingers on Jiang Mu's lips.


NG's Note: (I'll just put here the notes cause it's too long for the Author's thought.)

So I'll briefly explain here about Bai Xie's name. In the convo here in this chapter, it was mentioned that the word Bai means trees growing in snow but I think not literally, cause when I research about it, I only know that the meaning of Bai can be 'Cypress Trees' but Cypress Trees grows best at dry weather, but it can also grow in cold weather (I think?). I actually don't know, but since Jiang Mu mentined here that when she heard his name, she will actually think it's related to 'Snow White', then it was correctly translated by google since the word 'Bai' can also means white. Anyway, the word 'Bai' here is what I've been using in the past few chapters. Then I'll proceed to the word 'Xie'. When it comes to this word, I have difficulties researching about this. I mentioned it before in chapter 37 or 38 (I think?) that I am confused as what to use in the story for the name of ml, since the name 'Bai Yue' was always being used in the story according to google translator so I just keep on using it although I already know that 'Bai Xie' is the most exact name need to be used since there was a brief info about ml's name in the kitchen scene. And for those who didn't read my note there, I have cleared it already before that the ml's name is really 'Bai Xie' cause when I am doing my research, I found out that there was a medicine called 'Xie Bai' in chinese, which it is a medicine for treating colds, and since the word cold was mentioned in the story, I know it's really 'Bai Xie' and the reason was really obvious.

So anyway, if you are still confused, I suggest you just set aside this. I'm really not good at explaining so just don't mind it, anyway, I'll still be re-editing the previous chapters I posted so I will delete every single word about this issue. But starting from this chapter, I will diligently edit the name of ml correctly. Thank you! You may proceed to the next chapter.