[World 2] Chapter 43

Jiang Mu felt Bai Xie's cold fingers gently pressed on her lips.

Bai Xie's eyes became deep. 

By being drunk, Jiang Mu can do many things that are usually inconvenient. 

She looked at Bai Xie blankly, her innocent eyes were soft and charming, but she didn't violate peace at all. 

"Jiang Mu, are you there?" 

"Bai Xie... Bai Xie, can you hear me?" 

Yang Cheng and Zhao Jiajia's shouts didn't seem to affect them at all. 

They looked at each other, only seeing each other in their eyes. 

Bai Xie's cold face was already stained with a faint blush at this moment, his eyes were straightforward and warm, and Jiang Mu wanted to hide when she saw it. 

"Bai Xie." Jiang Mu's lips were closed, shaking slightly. 

Bai Xie's fingers stroked her lips, slowly copying the shape. 

"Don't talk." He approached to her ear, and said in a voice that only two of them could hear. 

Jiang Mu nodded obediently. 

Bai Xie's breath fell behind her ears, and it itched her heart. She grasped Bai Xie's clothes and her neck shrank. She lightly bit Bai Xie's finger and looked at him with helpless eyes. 

"Don't look at me." Bai Xie's voice was dry, extraordinarily sexy. 

Jiang Mu didn't seem to understand, looked at him, put her face on his face, and slowly blew into his ear. 

The scorching breath accompanied by the fragrance made Bai Xie's heart sway slightly. 

Yang Cheng and Zhao Jiajia shouted for a while and became tired. 

"Are they gone? Or they haven't been here at all. I think they go somewhere else, or they would have already responded." Yang Cheng frowned and looked at Zhao Jiajia, somewhat doubting the authenticity of her words.

"Well.... maybe they are not here." Zhao Jiajia was not too sure that they were here. After all, she shouted for a long time and no one answered, "Then let's go inside and look for them?" 

"Let's get out now, it's so cold here." Yang Cheng said grimly. 

After speaking, Yang Cheng went out. 

Zhao Jiajia heard a strange sound. 

"Wait a minute." Zhao Jiajia listened carefully, but couldn't hear it again. 

Yang Cheng stopped: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Jiajia: "Did you hear any noise?" 

Yang Cheng said impatiently: "No." 

He continued to move forward, not looking back this time, leaving Zhao Jiajia alone. It's useless to shout. 

Zhao Jiajia had no choice but to run quickly to catch up, "Don't walk so fast, wait for me."

The footsteps of the two gradually moved away until they could not be heard.

Bai Xie stood up abruptly and pressed Jiang Mu on the cabinet. 

Jiang Mu was taken aback and looked at him flustered, "Bai Xie." 

Bai Xie couldn't bear the appearance of her whispering his name. At this moment, his name appeared from her mouth, as if full of hints. 

"You call me again." 

Jiang Mu said suspiciously: "What?" 

"Call my name." Bai Xie stared at her eyes closely, like a lion staring at its prey. 

This was the first time Jiang Mu felt such a strong aura and oppression from Bai Xie. 

It turns out that he still has such a side. 

"Bai Xie." Jiang Mu's voice softened. 

His breathing worsened and he took a deep breath, unable to calm down. 

After a few seconds, he lowered his eyes to look at her, his brain heated up, impulsively lowered his head and bit her lips. 


After a long time, Jiang Mu panted, blushing and pushed Bai Xie away, "We... we can't do this." 

She didn't have much strength to resist, but Bai Xie was immediately awake. 

"Yeah." Bai Xie helped her tidy up her clothes, wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and touched her face with pity. 

Jiang Mu lowered her head and dared not look at him. 

Bai Xie took out the tissue from his pocket, wiped his fingers, and then helped Jiang Mu to stand up. 

"We should go out. It seems that we have been out for a long time." Jiang Mu said in a low voice. She couldn't stand firmly and her legs were soft. 

Bai Xie stretched out his hand, he hesitated for a second, put his palm to her.

"Can you still go?" Bai Xie asked in a low voice. 

Jiang Mu nodded. 

Bai Xie hugged her up. 

Jiang Mu widened her eyes and looked at him in surprise. 

Bai Xie said, "Your legs are still shaking." 

Jiang Mu's face became even more red, "I..." 

She said: "I...." for a long time, but she didn't say a complete sentence. 

Bai Xie curled his lips, hugged her and slowly walked out of the wine cellar. He stopped when he reached the entrance of the wine cellar. 


Bai Xie was about to put Jiang Mu down. Jiang Mu suddenly kissed the corner of his mouth, and then hurriedly ran away from his arms. 

"I'll go out there first, you will come later, and later I will say that I was drunk in the wine cellar and just woke up." 

Jiang Mu said as she ran away. 

Bai Xie looked at her back, and after a long time, slowly raised his hand and touched the corner of his lips. 


After the two went back, they each found a reason to explain why they hadn't come back for so long. Everyone had no doubts, even if someone doubted, there was no evidence to prove that they lied.

The lively bbq continued. The short disappearance of the two did not cause any impact. Except for the two parties, Jiang Mu and Bai Xie, no one else took it seriously. 

At the same time, a new issue of "Lovers Living Together" is being broadcast in China. 

Like the previous episodes, this episode also has a very high number of online viewers. 

All the staff in the general control room are also watching this episode. 

It is precisely because of this that no staff found out about the disappearance of Jiang Mu and Bai Xie just now. 

"Director, do you think Jiang Mu has too many shots in this issue?" 

"It's a bit too much , but who makes her look good at it? Look, which male guest does not look at her right now, even the newcomer Fu Yanxu looks at her secretly." 

"So, Jiang Mu is going to be the last big winner?" 

"It's not easy to say, but I think Jiang Mu's direction will not be bad in the future. " 

Others also echoed. 

At this time, the producer walked in. 

Producer: "Where is it already?" 

Director: "It just finished on the dating of Jiang Mu and Bai Xie."

The producer went to answer the phone just now, and didn't see it for a long time. 

As soon as the director had finished speaking, the observation team was cut on the screen. 


This episode of the program clips Jiang Mu's two dates with Yang Cheng and Bai Xie respectively. 

The gimmick is between Mu Cheng and Mu Xie, which combination has more cp sense.

After watching the two sets of appointments, the observation team also launched a lively discussion about this. 

Li Mengran: "Jiang Mu is obviously a green tea. Pleasing both sides, not letting it go. You can see that she smiles like that to every male guest."

Fu Qing said, "But, it's not annoying." 

Li Mengran saw that Fu Qing was against her again, and was a little dissatisfied. "Then she is too pretending, so that she can make people remember her. Isn't it so weak?"

Zhang Yuanming: " This doesn't mean anything. After all, Jiang Mu was indeed injured." 

"But you have also seen that Yang Cheng obviously likes Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu didn't reject Yang Cheng, and turned her head to be so ambiguous with Bai Xie." Li Mengran just hated Jiang Mu. 

The better Bai Xie treats her, the more angry Li Mengran will be. How could Jiang Mu be worthy of Bai Xie?

Fu Qing frowned and said, "It's not wrong for her to be like this. It's not normal for girls to radiate their own charm. I don't know why you are so dissatisfied with her."

The two observers disputed again, if it wasn't for Zhang Yuanming, the peacemaker. The atmosphere in the director's room was going to be awkward again. 

In this regard, viewers who are watching the live broadcast have also begun to discuss it. 

The eyes of the audience are sharp and vicious. 

Every expression, every sentence, and even every look in Jiang Mu's eyes will be analyzed by the audience. 

There are many microscope girls in the audience who are holding magnifying glasses to find problems. 

"I looked at every expression of Jiang Mu carefully when she's with Yang Cheng and Bai Xie. Jiang Mu's eyes did not fluctuate when she looked at Yang Cheng. It was different when she looked at Bai Yue." 

"But I think Jiang Mu treats Yang Cheng and Bai Xie equally. Bai Xie's attitudes is quite ambiguous, and Yang Cheng is too naive." 

"+1, what she said is also a little green tea." 

"There is a girl next to me who is like this... but Jiang Mu is much more beautiful than the one I know." 

"There's still a justice, good-looking green tea and ugly green tea are two different levels." 

"Yes, ugly green tea, no matter how advanced the methods are, it feels disgusting. But the good-looking people like Jiang Mu, it doesn't seem to be unacceptable."

"It does have a bit of green tea, but if it were me, I would be indulge in such a smile..." 

"Some people wash green tea like this, and they laugh like a spring when they see a man, disgusting." 

"Your family eat rice, won't you smile at the man? She hasn't confirmed the relationship with any guest, and she can't laugh with others anymore?" 


The end of this program, #Green Tea Jiang Mu# was on the hot search. 

Analysis of Jiang Mu's green tea behavior has become a hot topic on the Internet. 

Every smiling scene of Jiang Mu in the show was captured by netizens to make a collection. 

It was this kind of collection that went viral on the Internet, so the wind slowly went off the track. 

#Follow Jiang Mu to learn Green Tea and have fun# 

When the producer of "Lovers Living Together" posted this topic on Weibo, he immediately asked the publicity department of the program group to promote the program according to this direction, and was committed to making the program fire out of the circle. 

On the second day of the show's airing, "Lovers Living Together" was once again on hot searches because of Jiang Mu, and many marketing accounts posted articles. 

The name of the most-read marketing number advertisment is: Watch "Lovers Living Together" to learn how "Green Tea" talks to boys. 

Jiang Mu didn't expect that her reputation for green tea would spread throughout the Internet. 

This incident was delivered to her by the system that suddenly appeared. 

System: [ Congratulations to the host, your green tea index has suddenly skyrocketed, and it is still increasing crazily. ] 

Jiang Mu was a little at a loss: [ Why? Is it because I almost won the blood of Bai Xie? ] 

System: [ No... because after the show was broadcast, everyone thought you were a green tea, and you are now popular on the Internet. ]

Jiang Mu: [ This doesn't seem to be a good thing... ]

System: [ Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, but I think everyone seems to like you now, and you are rated as the most beautiful green tea. ] 

Jiang twilight: [ Okay, no wonder I feel that I have recently become beautiful. ] 

The program group of "Lovers Living Together" did not expect that the program would be out of the circle because of green tea. 

Therefore, for the next episode of the show, the program team also plans to focus on Jiang Mu. The producer has also spoken, especially the part where Jiang Mu plays the piano. It must be kept all, and no shots will be cut. 

At that time, everyone will be surprised to find that the green tea beauty not only has beauty, but also talent. 

Moreover, before the program group invited guests, of course, they knew the family background of each guest, so after the next program was broadcast, a special post appeared in Jiang Mu's discussion group. The previous group was full of green tea study posts. 

As soon as this new post came out, it quickly became a hot topic and attracted the attention of many people. 

#Green Tea Beauty Jiang Mu is the rich second generation? #

Original poster: "Has anyone noticed that the dress Jiang Mu wore in today's show is Chanel's new style? I saw it in the magazine and it cost more than eight thousand, I went back to check it after watching this issue. After watching Jiang Mu's clothes in the previous video, I found new ones. The shoes Jiang Mu wore when she first came were from an Italian brand, and the cheapest shoes were several thousand pairs, and she also had that pair of shoes. The watch is a limited edition of more than 100,000."

Not long after this post was published, it became popular, and many people responded. 

"Fuck, so beautiful and so rich, invisible rich man?" 

"Speaking of watches, I also found that she didn't wear a watch on her hand in this issue. She replaced it with a bracelet. I saw this bracelet worn by the director of our company. It's estimated to be tens of thousands." 

"She washed Wu Zeye's watch. Didn't she say to buy one to pay him? The price of the watch is not low, but she said it very casual." 

"I think when everyone says she has green tea, I thought there was no money at home?"

"Fuck, who can stand this... I have fallen." 

"I love her even when she's green tea..." 

"I have a friend who said he wants to participate in "Lovers Living Together", does the big villa still lacking few people? It's okay to be a gardener." 

"I also have such a friend..." 


Jiang Mu did not expect that she would gain a lot of fans because of green tea. The increase in green tea index value will bring benefits and beauty.

But even with so many things happening online, life in the manor is still the same. 

However, Jiang Mu received an express delivery today. 

In the express, she asked someone to buy the watch and used it to compensate Wu Zeye. 

Although it is a limited edition, Jiang Mu still bought it through trust, but the style is a little different from that of Wu Zeye. 

It should be impossible to buy exactly the same piece. 

But even if they were exactly the same, the meaning was different. Jiang Mu gave Wu Zeye a different piece but it was better. At least he could tell which piece she gave. 

After so many days, Wu Zeye has become more and more concerned about Jiang Mu. This can be felt from the way he looks at her. 

After Jiang Mu got the watch, she packed it carefully and sent a message to Wu Zeye, asking him to meet on the balcony at night. 

Wu Zeye has been observing Jiang Mu these days. Every time he takes the initiative to Jiang Mu, Jiang Mu is alienated and indifferent to him. When he ignores Jiang Mu, Jiang Mu will smile at him. 

After going back and forth, Wu Zeye couldn't understand Jiang Mu's thoughts at all. 

He also sighed in his heart. Just as he was about to chill Jiang Mu again, he didn't expect to receive Jiang Mu's invitation message suddenly. 

Tomorrow is a new date. 

He hasn't written the dating card yet.

Could it be that Jiang Mu asked him this time because he wanted him to write her name on the date card? 

Last time Wu Zeye also wrote about it, but the program team did not arrange a date for the two of them. This time Wu Zeye did not plan to write about Jiang Mu. 

At night, Wu Zeye didn't go to the balcony according to the time Jiang Mu said. He kept watching the time in the room, checked it out, and then went up ten minutes late. 

As a result, after he went up, he realized that Jiang Mu hadn't come either. 

Wu Zeye was a little dissatisfied. He sat in a chair and waited, thinking that if Jiang Mu didn't show up in front of her within five minutes, he would go downstairs and knock on her door. 

However, ten minutes later, Wu Zeye's face became increasingly ugly. 

He got up and was about to go downstairs. 

Jiang Mu finally came. 

Wu Zeye was cold but when he saw Jiang Mu walking towards him with a gift box in her hand, his face slowly became gentler. 

Jiang Mu naturally noticed his changes and cursed secretly in her heart, mean man. 

"I'm sorry to let you wait for so long. I have been packing this just now, but the bag is not good, and my hands are too stupid." 

Wu Zeye looked at the gift box in her hand. The package was indeed not very good, but his heart thinks it's very good.

"What is this?" Wu Zeye asked. 

Jiang Mu blushed, "This is for you..."

As she said this, she looked at Wu Zeye with affectionate eyes. 

There was a shy affection in her eyes, which gave Wu Zeye a big illusion. 

Wu Zeye suddenly looked forward to what this gift was. 

"Why give it to me?" Wu Zeye approached Jiang Mu and looked down at her. 

"You open it first." Jiang Mu handed the gift to Wu Zeye's hand. 

After speaking, Jiang Mu looked behind him calmly.

An extra shadow appeared on the ground beyond the door.