[World 2] Chapter 44

In fact, Jiang Mu found out when Zhao Jiajia followed her upstairs just now. 

She said these words deliberately for Zhao Jiajia to hear. 

Wu Zeye didn't doubt that she was there. He opened the gift package with a smile and saw that there was a watch in it, which was almost the same as his previous one, except for the dial style. 

"You really bought it?" Wu Zeye asked in surprise. 

The watches in this series are not easy to buy, because they are limited editions and high in price, they are all bought for collection. 

Jiang Mu should have spent a lot of money to buy this watch. 

Seeing Jiang Mu's expectant look, Wu Zeye raised his eyebrows. 

"Well, I promised you." Jiang Mu said solemnly. 

There is no camera here, and Jiang Mu's eyes watching Wu Zeye are very eager, giving Wu Zeye a feeling that the girl in front of him has a deep love for him. 

Wu Zeye has seen a lot with such eyes before. 

It's just that he hadn't bothered it before, and even found it boring. 

Now his heart is throbbing because of Jiang Mu's eyes, and he even feels proud and delighted. 

Since childhood, Wu Zeye has always dominated the emotional aspect. Many girls have always pursued him. After entering the entertainment industry, there are countless beauties who have embraced him. 

But he didn't really like anyone, even if he dated two girls, he finally broke up because it was too boring. 

He has no patience with girls. 

It is precisely because of this that he has been too lazy to fall in love in recent years, and feels that it is the same anyway, meaningless. 

And what he dislikes most is girls who are too proactive. 

So Jiang Mu's initiative before made him feel very annoyed.

But since Jiang Mu washed his watch and was scolded by him, Jiang Mu's attitude towards him has changed a lot.

She never pester him anymore, and even started interacting with other male guests, even the date card no longer writes his name. 

And since he met Jiang Mu on the balcony that night, he realized that she was actually a very cute and innocent girl, and her scent fascinated him. 

He can't forget the fragrance till now. 

So he began to pay more and more attention to Jiang Mu. This change made Wu Zeye realize that Jiang Mu is special to him. 

"You promised me more than this." Wu Zeye resisted the restlessness in his heart. 

He slowly approached Jiang Mu, took out the watch, and handed it to Jiang Mu, "Wear it to me." 

His faintly smiling tone, coupled with that handsome face, was indeed full of allure. 

Jiang Mu bowed her head slightly and cursed in her heart, pretending to be an overbearing president with this sister. 

But the acting must be in place. 

Jiang Mu looked at Wu Zeye shyly, "Let me wear it to you?" 

Wu Zeye: "Yeah." 

Jiang Mu held the watch in one hand and Wu Zeye's hand in the other. 

Wu Zeye found that Jiang Mu's fingers were so thin and soft, and for a while, there was an urge to hold her hand. 

Jiang Mu awkwardly helped him put on his watch, her face flushed, and Wu Zeye wanted to squeeze her face. 


Wu Zeye raised his hand and looked at it with satisfaction. The strap of the watch was a little loose, but it didn't affect his love for this watch. 

He asked very nicely: "Does it look good?" 

Jiang Mu nodded, "It looks good." 

Wu Zeye stared at Jiang Mu's face, "I think so also" 

Jiang Mu smiled especially sweetly, "Do you like it?" 

Wu Zeye was moved.

He couldn't help feeling that Jiang Mu's words were asking him: Do you like me? 

"Yeah." Wu Zeye heard his heartbeat. 

He suddenly felt that he had lived in vain for more than twenty years. 

It was only at this time that his heart moved. 

In the past, when he acted in love movies, he couldn't really get into the show, so much so that the outsiders commented on his love movies. Now he suddenly felt that if he went to act again, his acting skills would surely make a qualitative leap. 

Jiang Mu who got the answer smiled like a child, making people want to spoil her. 

Wu Zeye didn't expect that he hadn't met a woman he liked for so many years, and came to participate in a love variety show. 


Zhao Jiajia, who was hiding in the dark, gritted her teeth. 

The look of affection between Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye drove her crazy. 

When did Wu Zeye fall in love with Jiang Mu? 

Zhao Jiajia worked so hard for so many days, but it was all in the soup. Not only was Wu Zeye's side cold, but the other male guests seemed to have turned to Jiang Mu. 

Zhao Jiajia was angry and has a lot of hatred in her heart. She thought that the opportunity God had given her to rebirth was to make her the protagonist, but... what happened now was not much better than in the previous life. 

Jiang Mu still got the likes of all the male guests, only the other two female guests hated her. 

But what's the use? 

The dislike of the female guest is nothing to Jiang Mu at all. 

And the comments on the Internet have now all changed. Before, the audience obviously hated her. 

Her previous strategy was obviously successful. She knew that Wu Zeye hated active women, so she deliberately made friends with Jiang Mu and encouraged her to show her affection with Wu Zeye and let her take the initiative. As expected, Wu Zeye disgusted her very much. 

With so many fans, Wu Zeye will naturally criticize her for being shameless.

Then she made some small actions behind her back, causing Jiang Mu to make mistakes repeatedly, and other people began to hate her, all of which were in accordance with her thoughts. 

But since she asked Jiang Mu to wash Wu Zeye's watch, Wu Zeye angrily scolded Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu seemed to have changed herself. Not only did she no longer pester Wu Zeye, but she gradually moved away from him. 

Zhao Jiajia secretly hates that she has acted too hastily and underestimated the enemy. She wanted to strike out Jiang Mu directly. The result was counterproductive, which made Jiang Mu wake up. If she takes her time, maybe Jiang Mu has been deeply hated by everyone and is unable to return. Oh my god. 

Now she can only make long-term decision.

She has to think of a way, otherwise, the show will almost be finished. 


That night, it was Jiang Mu's name written on the four male guests' dating cards. 

The people in the master control room are already quite familiar with this situation. 

"How on earth did Jiang Mu make all four male guests like her?" 

"Yeah, there was an embarrassing situation that no one could choose her a few days ago." 

"It's gold that always shines, I keep seeing that Jiang Mu will shine. The audience on the Internet also likes her. Even if they say she is green tea, she is the most popular. She also has the most cp fans; Mu Xue, Mu Cheng, Mu Ye..." 

"I also read Weibo and saw the analysis of those netizens. I think Jiang Mu has green tea, but they obviously watched them get along here, and didn't think Jiang Mu was so scheming, she actually looks pretty simple."

"Hum, how can you believe what the netizens say, they are watching the edited video, but we are looking it by ourselves. How can it be the same? We must trust our own eyes." 

"The director is here... Director, take a look at these appointment cards, how can you arrange the appointment tomorrow?" 

Seeing the director came, the staff all leaned forward excitedly. 

Everyone wants to foresee tomorrow's work schedule, and also want to know how the director will choose.

Who should Jiang Mu date with? This is what everyone cares about most. 

The director touched his chin and said, "Well, the producer has chosen it a long time ago. He also guessed that today's date card will be Jiang Mu gand slam again." 

"What did the producer say?" The director took put out an envelope and put it on the table, "It's all arranged, let people put this envelope on the table in the living room of the villa." 

"Why don't they give everyone a card?" 

"The producer said, this time Let's have a new trick and see how the guests reacted when they knew about the appointment arrangements, so he will announce the date group in public tomorrow." 


The shooting has reached the late stage, and in half a month, the recording will be over, and all the guests will finally determine their own mind and choose their beloved lovers. At this time, every dating arrangement is very important, so everyone wants to know today's appointment arrangements earlier, and they all get up earlier. 

But Jiang Mu still woke up after slept more than eight o'clock as usual. 

Because of the skyrocketing green tea index, her current appearance is much higher than when she first came to this world. 

The facial features have become more refined, there are no blemishes on the skin, the eyes are more seductive, and even the temperament is somewhat dusty. 

Jiang Mu woke up this morning and looked at herself in the glasses and was very satisfied. 

Now she can omit even the makeup procedure, her pure face is more pure and beautiful, she can see the clarity of the skin, and adds a bit of girlishness. 

This kind of girlishness is exceptionally rare. 

After all, the sense of maidenness is not the same as being young, but the power of youth is exuding in every gesture, and this kind of power often makes people particularly eager to get close. 

Jiang Mu, who didn't find the date card in the room, was not surprised. When she came to the living room, she found that everyone else was already sitting here and waiting. 

Jiang Mu was the last to come.

After Zhao Jiajia saw Jiang Mu, she took the initiative to come over. 

"Jiang Mu, did you wake up late again today? Didn't you sleep last night?" Zhao Jiajia asked softly and considerately, as if she cared very much about Jiang Mu. 

"Jiang Mu is the last one to come every day. She puts on makeup in the room. She is exquisite and the clothes she wears are not the same." Qin Siyu glanced at Jiang Mu and said with a smile. 

Jiang Mu looked at Zhao Jiajia suspiciously. She was still acting innocent, but the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, "Oh, am I late? I thought it was early, I didn't look at the time, I thought the meeting was nine o'clock." 

Zhao Jiajia and Qin Siyu looked at each other. Before they could speak, they heard Yang Cheng say: "Jiang Mu is not late. It is less than nine o'clock." 

"Isn't it nine o'clock?" Jiang Mu was blank. Looking at Zhao Jiajia, then she smiled in relief, "That's good, I thought I was late." 

Zhao Jiajia's face became very embarrassed, "I also thought it was late, it turned out that it was not nine o'clock. Ah." 

Qin Siyu coughed and changed the subject, "They didn't give us any information about the appointment team today. Does Jiang Mu have it in your room?" 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "I didn't see it either."

At this time the director come in. 

"The information about the appointment team is here, and I will announce it." 

Everyone's attention was focused on the director. 

"The arrangement of the team for this appointment is decided based on the date cards that everyone fills in for the audience to vote for." The director said as he picked up the envelope on the table, "This is the information about the team for this appointment."

The director takes out a piece of paper from the envelop and read it.

Everyone was a little nervous, staring at the piece of paper, especially Qin Siyu's eyes, which were so hot that they could almost burn a hole in the piece of paper.