[World 2] Chapter 46

The cameraman heard the director's voice in the headset, and quickly pointed the camera at Zhao Jiajia, who was hanging next to him. 

Zhao Jiajia's face is not so good when she stares at Jiang Mu, doesn't know what she is thinking. 

When she noticed the camera, she quickly changed her smile. 

The camera eldest brother was a little surprised at the speed of the face change. 

"You don't need to ask." Bai Xie was not fooled at all. Now it was his date with Jiang Mu, and Wu Zeye's little abacus would not work with him. 

But Wu Zeye looked at Jiang Mu, "Jiang Mu, what do you think?" 

Jiang Mu frowned in embarrassment. 

Zhao Jiajia gently took Jiang Mu's hand, "Oh, don't let Jiang Mu feel embarrassed. Jiang Mu, do you want to go out with Wu Zeye? If you want to go, don't care about me, I won't blame you."

In other words, if Jiang Mu went out with Wu Zeye, Jiang Mu should feel sorry for her.

Jiang Mu shook her head, pushed away Zhao Jiajia's hand, and said softly: "Wu Zeye, I can't go out with you, I have promised Bai Xie to make lunch with him." 

Hearing this, Bai Xie glanced at Wu Zeye lightly. 

Wu Zeye's mouth twitched and said with a smile: "It's okay, then I'll take you again to eat this afternoon." 

Jiang Mu nodded, as if she was relieved. 

When Zhao Jiajia saw this, she was so angry, what exactly did Wu Zeye mean? She was still his dating partner, but he went to asked Jiang Mu for dinner in front of her. 

Does he hate her so much? 

Zhao Jiajia couldn't accept that so many days of hard work were all in vain, let alone lose to Jiang Mu again. 

She secretly took a deep breath and walked to Wu Zeye's side and said, "Should we make something for ourselves? I have learned how to make cakes these days. Would you like to try it?"

Zhao Jiajia's psychological quality is indeed very good. She is obviously dead, but she can still talk to Wu Zeye with a smile.

She was like this, if Wu Zeye didn't respond to her again, that would be too much. 

"Thank you, but I don't like to eat cakes, so I don't want to. If you want to eat, eat it yourself. I'm tired and want to go back to my room to rest." Wu Zeye didn't want to be rude to Zhao Jiajia, but he really doesn't like sweets.

Zhao Jiajia sneered heavily in her heart and silently muttered, 'We didn't do anything all morning and just sat in the cinema to watch a movie. Why are you so tired? You just asked Jiang Mu out, but now you want to rest again. Can you please show a little perfunctory?'

"Is that so? Won't you have to eat at noon?" The smile on Zhao Jiajia's face was almost unstoppable. 

"I'll eat later, don't worry about me." 

After speaking, Wu Zeye turned and left. 

At this time Fu Yanxu and Qin Siyu had also returned. 

Their date seemed to be going well, Qin Siyu smiled brightly and kept looking at Fu Yanxu with admiring eyes. 

Zhao Jiajia left with the excuse that she was going back to the house to change clothes. She didn't want to stay as an electric light bulb and had to be stimulated. 


Seeing that Jiang Mu and Bai Xie were going to make lunch together, Fu Yanxu offered to help, but Bai Xie coldly refused. 

Fu Yanxu touched his head and showed disappointed eyes.

Qin Siyu saw it, and suddenly felt that Bai Xie was too cold and and feels like she really didn't know him well. She liked him so much at the beginning, but fortunately, she has now changed her mind. 

"Bai Xie, Yanxu also wanted to help, why are you doing this?" Qin Siyu was embarrassed for Fu Yanxu. 

Bai Xie still had no expression, and said lightly, "Sorry."

Qin Siyu wanted to take this opportunity to talk about Bai Xie, but she didn't expect that Bai Xie would apologize so lightly, which made it difficult for her to say what she want to say next. She sighed in her heart and couldn't vent, she feels suffocated to death. 

"It's okay Si Yu, don't force it, there must be a reason why Bai Xie is unwilling." Fu Yanxu said with a good temper. 

Although Qin Siyu couldn't help but be mad, she couldn't help but to forgive. After all, in front of the camera, she didn't want to be annoying. 

Jiang Mu whispered: "In fact, Bai Xie refused you because he promised me that he will cook for me with his own hands. Don't get him wrong, Yanxu." 

Jiang Mu's explanation did not let Qin Siyu felt better. Instead, she felt that Jiang Mu was showing off. 

'What? Bai Xie has to make something delicious for you personally, so he can't let anyone help?'

Qin Siyu didn't control her expression, and showed disdainful eyes. 

Although Fu Yanxu felt uncomfortable in his heart, he didn't show his true emotions, and said, "It's okay, I didn't misunderstand." 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "That's good." 

Jiang Mu's smile was pure and clear, and her eyes were full of spiritual energy. She cured Fu Yanxu's unhappiness at this moment. 

Fu Yanxu's heart felt like a drop of rain dripped, slowly spreading, moisturizing his entire dry heart. 

The tail of his eyes rose slightly, and his smile reached the bottom of his eyes, looking at Jiang Mu's eyes a little more, he was sure to win. 


After eating, Jiang Mu went back to the room for a nap and overslept accidentally. Wu Zeye, who was waiting downstairs at two o'clock, waited for a long time and didn't see Jiang Mu coming down. It was already two twenty-five, Wu Zeye got up and went to Jiang Mu's room. 

His knock on the door awakened Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu opened her eyes in a daze, lifted the quilt, and sat up. She looked up around the room and looked for the camera subconsciously. It took a few seconds to remember that the program crew had already consfiscated the camera in the guest room two days ago.

This is Fu Yanxu's request. It is understandable to install cameras in the corridors and other public places, but they cannot be in the room. He needs a little privacy and other several guests also said that it is really inconvenient to have a camera in the room. It's not very useful. After negotiation, the program group agreed.

So without the camera these days, Jiang Mu feels a lot more comfortable. She doesn't feel like being monitored in the room, but sometimes forgets about it. 

She got up quickly, looked at herself in the mirror, and opened the door after making sure that her image was okay. 

Standing outside the door was Wu Zeye. He looked no different from the morning, but if you observe carefully, you can find that his hair has been re-care, and the shirt under the sweater has also been changed. The collar is slightly different from the morning. 

"Woke up by me?" Wu Zeye couldn't help laughing when he saw Jiang Mu's sleepy eyes and the appearance of a lazy cat. 

Jiang Mu nodded ignorantly, "Well, I overslept, you wait for me." 

"No hurry." Wu Zeye shrugged, instead of the eagerness he was just now, he strode into Jiang Mu's room, "I'll wait for you. You take it slowly, you have a lot of time." It's not a big deal, just keep dating until the evening. 

Anyway, there is no other arrangement at night. 

Here are the benefits of the afternoon appointment. 

Jiang Mu didn't say anything when she watched him come in familiarly, she glanced outside the door, and then closed the door. 

Without the camera, both seem to be more relaxed. 

Jiang Mu said, "Sit down first, and I'll wash my face." 

She had already taken the clothes she wanted to change in her hands while she was talking , and took them to the bathroom together. 

After washing her face and changing clothes, Jiang Mu simply applied some sunscreen and came out.

"Okay, let's go."

Now it was Wu Zeye's turn to be surprised, "Why is it so fast?" 

He thought that if the girl just got up, it would take half an hour at the earliest to clean up, some took a long time to put make up or something like they need to curl their hair. 

But why is it that when it comes to Jiang Mu, it was done in less than ten minutes?

Wu Zeye looked at Jiang Mu and looked up and down. 

The dress that Jiang Mu wore was not the same as that of the morning. She changed to a blue and white checkered dress, fresh and gentle. 

"I'm already done." Jiang Mu said with a smile. 

Wu Zeye nodded: "Okay, let 's go."

The two went downstairs in turn, and ran into the other two groups who were dating in the afternoon. 

Zhao Jiajia and Yang Cheng, Zhou Jing and Fu Yanxu.

Bai Xie was also downstairs. He was holding a cup and sitting on the sofa. When Jiang Mu appeared in the living room, his gaze was faint, and Jiang Mu could see a trace of care in his eyes. 

The eyes of the other two male guests were also on Jiang Mu. 

Yang Cheng's eyes didn't conceal his love and care, and there was a hint of tension. 

As for Fu Yanxu, those gentle and affectionate peach eyes made people fall in at a glance, but Jiang Mu just looked at him, showing a lovely smile, and moved away. 

Fu Yanxu couldn't bear to look away, but Zhou Jing stood beside him, so his gaze was not so direct, a little tactful. 

Wu Zeye could also perceive that Jiang Mu was the focus of everyone's attention. He deliberately talked and laughed with Jiang Mu, appearing very close. 

"Are there any places you want to go this afternoon?" Wu Zeye asked Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "It's fine if you decide, I'll listen to you." 

Seeing Jiang Mu smiling at Wu Zeye, Bai Xie was very uncomfortable. The pear vortex on his face was pretty and pleasant, and his heart was very uncomfortable. His eyes were heavy and he put down the water glass and stood up.

Yang Cheng walked over instead. 

"Jiang Mu, where are you going in the afternoon? Why don't we just join you and the four of us will go together?" After he finished speaking, he glanced at Zhao Jiajia. 

He didn't want to go on a date with Zhao Jiajia alone. 

Of course, Zhao Jiajia also rejects Yang Cheng very much. Who knows that netizens will vote for the two groups of cps, not knowing whether they are blind or deliberately doing things. 

In fact, netizens did read the two previous dates and felt that they were very funny together, especially when Zhao Jiajia's appearance becames ugly because of Yang Cheng. It really made netizens want to laugh. They even thought that they could become friends so they deliberately brought them together again. 

Zhao Jiajia's eyes lit up when she heard Yang Cheng's proposal. 

If there are really four people, that would be great. 

Unfortunately, Wu Zeye doesn't think so. 

He wouldn't let these two disturb him and Jiang Mu's two-person world. 

So he said nonchalantly: "The program group arranged for two people to form a team." 

Yang Cheng didn't even looked at him, and said to Jiang Mu: "The program group did not say that only two people are allowed to act. Anyway, everyone is free. " 

Jiang Mu looked at Yang Cheng disapprovingly and said, "Yang Cheng, you can't say that for everyone alone. You are in a group with Jiajia, you have to take care of her." 

Yang Cheng looked reluctantly and took a look at Zhao Jiajia.

Jiang Mu said: "Zhao Jiajia has already had an with Wu Zeye in the morning. We are four of us together in the afternoon. It is so embarrassing, she must be unwilling." 

She looked at Zhao Jiajia and said, "Jiajia, isn't right?"

Jiang Mu's tone was innocent and soft, and Zhao Jiajia was stunned that there was no way she could say that it was wrong, so she could only nodded her head with a strong smile. 


Yang Cheng glared at Zhao Jiajia when he saw her didn't cooperate with him. 

Zhao Jiajia: "..."


In the three groups in the afternoon, Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye were the last ones to come back. 

At 9:30, the sky was already very dark, except for Zhou Jing who went back to work in the room, everyone else was sitting in the living room. 

Except for Zhao Jiajia and Qin Siyu chatting occasionally, everyone else didn't speak much, they were all waiting for Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye to return. 

Everyone has their own thoughts, and a few people are still watching the time. 

Yang Cheng stood up and walked around from time to time, which made everyone a little annoyed. 

"Yang Cheng, can you sit down? Don't walk around, my head is getting dizzy watching you walk back and forth" Qin Siyu said dissatisfied. 

She could actually go back to the house by watching Fu Yanxu in the living room but she stayed. It happened that Zhou Jing had a job to deal with so she could take the opportunity to cultivate relationships with Fu Yanxu. By the way, she ask him where he went to play with Zhou Jing in the afternoon.

She was very happy when she watched Zhou Jing come back. 

As a result, no matter how she talked, Fu Yanxu was always able to talk about other things. 

Yang Cheng frowned and was about to go to the director. "I'll ask Jiang Mu why they haven't come back and asked if something happened to them." 

Qin Siyu said angrily, "What can happen? They are dating, maybe they have forgotten the time." 

This sentence was meant for Yang Cheng, but when the others heard it, their expressions became ugly. 

Qin Siyu didn't notice at all, but continue to say, "By the way, have you seen the watch on Wu Zeye's wrist? It seems to be the same as the previous one but it should not be the previous one. Isn't it said that it cannot be repaired? Jiang Mu said before that she wanted to conmpensate him, could it be true that she bought him one?" 

Yang Cheng said, "How do you know, it might be the previous one?" 

Qin Siyu said, "You think Wu Zeye seems to be able to wears a broken watch?" 

Fu Yanxu came late, not knowing the previous incident, "What are you talking about?"

Qin Siyu explained the situation to Fu Yanxu. 

Among them, only Zhao Jiajia saw Jiang Mu gave the watch with her own eyes, but she didn't tell everyone instead, she said: "If you are curious, just ask them later. " 

Qin Siyu said at this time: "What are you asking? If it wasn't for Jiang Mu, it would be embarrassing. Jiang Mu vowed to pay at the beginning."

What she meant was that if the watch was not given by Jiang Mu, then Jiang Mu broke her promise. 

Bai Xie stood up coldly, and walked out without saying a word. 

Fu Yanxu asked: "Where are you going, Bai Xie?" 

Bai Xie: "The air is not good, go out to breath some air." 

Qin Siyu's face turned blue when he said this. 

What does Bai Xie mean? 

She gritted her teeth, her eyes were red, and she was hurt because she used to like Bai Xie.

Zhao Jiajia took her hand and patted it lightly, giving a few words of comfort. 

The two returned to the room, and Qin Siyu said angrily: "Is she so good? I didn't say anything wrong." 

Without the camera, they dared to whisper in the room. 

"I think Bai Xie really likes Jiang Mu. Fortunately, you have changed your mind now." Zhao Jiajia sighed. 

"I also think, fortunately, I didn't hang on a tree." Qin Siyu wiped her eyes. 

"But... I think Fu Yanxu is also very concerned about Jiang Mu." Zhao Jiajia said intentionally or unintentionally. 

 "No." Qin Siyu actually felt it herself, but she didn't want to admit it. 

"Then are you not afraid thay Jiang Mu really snatched Fu Yanxu away? Look at me, I just suffered this loss. I like Wu Zeye and you know, Wu Zeye hated Jiang Mu at the beginning but now it's not... hey." Zhao Jiajia was lost, her appearance touched Qin Siyu.

Qin Siyu couldn't help but worry, "Don't be sad, that Jiang Mu is a vixen, she... She obviously is a white spirit, why go to hook Wu Zeye? Even Yang Cheng seems to have been fascinated by her."

"I already know that maybe I won't be able to form a CP in the end. I'm afraid you will be the same as me."

Qin Siyu hesitated: "Then... Then what should I do? ." 

Zhao Jiajia's eyes changed slightly, and she whispered: " Anyway, we have to find a way to take the initiative." 


Bai Xie was walking outside the house, hearing the sound of the car, he immediately looked outside the manor. 

A car drove in and parked in a parking lot not far away. 

Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye got out of the car, and Wu Zeye helped Jiang Mu. 

The two of them walked back with a smile, Wu Zeye's eyes looking at Jiang Mu were burning and focused. 

Bai Xie was in the dark, and they didn't find him either. When they were approaching the villa, Wu Zeye suddenly grabbed Jiang Mu's hand. 

Bai Xie's face became gloomy. 

Wu Zeye reached out and touched Jiang Mu's head, then put his hand on the back of Jiang Mu's head, lowered his head and kissed Jiang Mu's forehead. 

Although it was just a light but Bai Xie's eyes were cold enough to freeze, his eyes looking at Wu Zeye were as cold and sharp as blades then he left.

Wu Zeye took Jiang Mu's hand, not knowing what he said to her. 

The moment Jiang Mu lowered her head, Wu Zeye smiled. 

Back in the villa, Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye told everyone where they went in the afternoon just like the okay person. 

Yang Cheng pestered her and ask a lot of things, but Bai Xie never appeared. 

Jiang Mu was tired after a day of playing, and after a few words, she went back to her room and rested. 

Others also returned to the house.

Before Jiang Mu entered the room, Fu Yanxu stopped her. 

"What's wrong?" Jiang Mu asked. 

"It's okay, it's just that you're very tired. Do you need me to massage you? I learned it before." 

Jiang Mu was taken aback, a little surprised and said: "You still do this?" 

Fu Yanxu smiled, "Yeah, are you so surprised? I know a lot of things." 

Jiang Mu: "I didn't expect it, because you don't look like these things." 

"Then what kind of person do I look like?" Fu Yanxu looked at Jiang Mu. The look in his eyes is like Jiang Mu is his world. This kind of look won't make her feel uncomfortable, but it feels like being wrapped in tenderness. 

Sure enough, the scumbag's gentleness is indulgent, which is not just casual talk. 

Fu Yanxu's ranks really have some tricks. 

Jiang Mu blushed slightly, as if embarrassed by him. 

She smiled and said: "You look like an actor."

The acting skills are comparable to the actor, even Wu Zeye can't act as you. 

Fu Yanxu's face became stiff. 

"Why do you say that?" 

Jiang Mu seemed to be unaware of the change in his face, and continued: "Because your eyes are always full of emotion and aura, and you look good-looking. If you are an actor, you must be a very good one." 

Jiang Mu's tone is very sincere, and she is indeed complimenting him, but it makes Fu Yanxu feel a strange feeling that there is something wrong with what she said. In short, it makes him uncomfortable. 


Jiang Mu said, "Well, it's too late already so I won't bother you anymore. Thank you for your kindness." 

Fu Yanxu hesitated. "Actually, it's not troublesome. Since you are tired, let's do it next time." 

Jiang Mu: "Well, otherwise, you can massage me when we go on a date tomorrow afternoon."

Fu Yanxu: "..." 

Jiang Mu pursed her lips and said, "Is it fine?"

Fu Yanxu nod his head and smiled softly: "Yes."

Jiang Mu: "Well, I'll go back to the room first, see you tomorrow." 

Fu Yanxu "Okay, good night."

After Jiang Mu entered the room, the smile on Fu Yanxu's face did not disappear. He paused for a few seconds before turning to leave. 

At this time, Qin Siyu, who lived next door, moved her ear away from close to the door with an ugly expression. 


Jiang Mu had just finished taking a shower, with wet hair and a bath towel on her body. She wiped her hair while looking at her mobile phone, and just received a message from Bai Xie. 

Bai Xie: [ Open the door. ] 

Jiang Mu was taken aback for a moment. 

She thought for a while and replied: [ It's so late, what's the matter? ] 

Bai Xir: [ ah ] 

Jiang Mu wear the robe, put her cover tightly and open the door. 

Bai Xie really stood outside the door, but it looked a little wrong. 

Jiang Mu smelled a faint smell of alcohol. 

As soon as she was about to speak, Bai Xie pushed the door in, closed the door with his backhand, and then pressed her against the wall. 

"Bai Xie." Jiang Mu exclaimed. 

"Huh?" Bai Xie's voice was low and hoarse, but a little cold. 

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Mu was a little flustered, Bai Xie's eyes made her feel cold inexplicably. 

Bai Xie stared into Jiang Mu's eyes and looked at her silently. 

"Bai Xie, don't do this... I'm a little scared." Jiang Mu whispered. 

A gloomy expression appeared on Bai Xie's face, "Are you afraid of me?" 

Jiang Mu knew that he should be drunk when she heard his tone.

But why did Bai Xie drink? What's up with him?

Jiang Mu: "I'm not afraid of you, I'm worried about you." 

"Are you like this to everyone?" Bai Xie suddenly pinched her chin and looked into her eyes. 

"I didn't." Jiang Mu shook her head and looked at him in confusion, "Why do you say that to me?" 

Bai Xie suddenly pushed her away, "Jiang Mu, I found that I have never really understood you, are you just disguising everything?" 

Jiang Mu: "Bai Xie, are you drunk?" 

Bai Xie sneered, "I'm drunk, and I want to know everything." 

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Jiang Mu guessed what Bai Xie might have known, his attitude was like being cheated by her. 

Jiang Mu stretched out her hand to touch Bai Xie's face, "Your face is so cold, are you uncomfortable?" 

Bai Xie grabbed her hand and pressed it to his chest, "Uncomfortable." 

Jiang Mu looked suspiciously and hold him.

As soon as she was about to speak, Bai Xie hugged her waist tightly and pressed the back of her head, their lips and tongue were already connected. 

Jiang Mu's eyes widened, but only Bai Xie's cold and crazy eyes could be seen. 

She couldn't speak, her face flushed, her skin showed a beautiful and attractive luster, her body gradually warmed up, and the fragrance became more intense. The sweet body scent stimulated people's desires. 

When Jiang Mu couldn't breathe anymore, Bai Xie finally let go of her. 

After a long period of silence and calmness, Bai Xie said, "Jiang Mu, I like you." 

Jiang Mu's moist fawn eyes were glowing at the moment, "I like you too." 

Bai Yan heard these words, he was not as happy as Jiang Mu thought, but stared at her intently, "To how many people have you said this?"