[World 2] Chapter 47

"I only told you this." Jiang Mu was aggrieved, with a hint of irritation, "What do you mean by this? You don't believe me?" 

Bai Xie did not speak. 

"If you don't believe me, why do you like me." Jiang Mu bit her lip, her eyes filled with disappointment, "You go." 

Bai Xie looked at her solemnly, seeming to be a little shaken. 

"You go." Jiang Mu pushed him away, using all her strength to push him out step by step, "I don't like you, I don't like you at all, I only like others." 

Bai Xie stood in place, Jiang Mu couldn't push him. When she moved, she began to hit him hard, but it didn't hurt much when the fist fell on him. 

"Why don't you leave?" Jiang Mu's hand hurt, but Bai Xie was indifferent, and she slowly lowered her head. 

Bai Xie looked at her scorchingly, with mixed feelings in his heart. 

"I hate you." 

If Bai Xie was only depressed just now, as soon as Jiang Mu's words came out, his heart felt like a heavy blow, and the scorching sensation made him unbearable. 

Bai Xie muffled and said, "You say it again." 

Jiang Mu suddenly raised her head, staring at him with red eyes, tears streaming down, "I say, I hate you Bai Yue, I hate you! " 

Teardrops rolled down from her eyes, and the accusations and grievances in the eyes pierced Bai Xie's heart like a knife. 

Bai Xie didn't expect Jiang Mu to cry. 

Even more unexpectedly, when Jiang Mu cried, he would suffer so much. 

And Jiang Mu also said that she hated him. 

Bai Xie knew that he lost, and the defeat was a complete mess. 

Jiang Mu is burning in his heart now. He doesn't feel hurt unless Jiang Mu move. If Jiang Mu wants to leave, she will cut off the meat in his heart.

"It turns out that in your heart, you think of me like this." Jiang Mu's cry was weak, "Then why do you still say that you like me?" 

Bai Xie looked into her eyes, and he find a trace of hypocrisy and guilty conscience. 

"Don't cry." Bai Xie sighed, finally unable to watch Jiang Mu cry, he stretched out his hand to embrace Jiang Mu into his arms. 

Jiang Mu didn't obey him. She was like a cat with frying hair, resisting hard, "Don't touch me, you go out." 

"Jiang Mu." 

Bai Xie had to call her name to comfort her. 

"Don't call me, I don't want to see you, I don't like you anymore. Since you think I'm phony towards you, what else do you want me to do and what else do you hold me for?" Jiang Mu look at him with hatred, her tears gradually stopped and her tone became cold. 

"I saw Wu Zeye kissed you." 

Jiang Mu frowned. "When you see him kissing me, you think I like him? If someone else kissed you, should I also think you like others?" 

Bai Xie: "I didn't mean that." 

Jiang Mu waved her hand and interrupted him, "You don't need to say, I don't want to listen. You have already defined me in your heart. What I said is no use, please stay away from me in the future." 

Bai Xie's face turned pale, and Jiang Mu's indifference made him flustered.

"Today, I said that I like you, you should have never heard it." Jiang Mu turned away and stopped looking at him, "I won't say it again. " 

Bai Xie grabbed her wrist, "What do you mean??"

"Literally, Bai Xie ... I said I like you, but you don't believe on me. I also won't believe that you like me either."

 Jiang Mu has always been soft docile, but she has revealed her side firmly cold conditions tonight, This side surprised Bai Xie, and also gave Bai Xie a new understanding of Jiang Mu. 

Maybe he really doesn't understand Jiang Mu.

But he can still see her weakness and sadness from her determined look, and the tears just now won't be a fake. 

He hurt her. 

He made her cry so sad that she became cruel to drive him away now. 

He can be sure that if he leaves, then they are really impossible. 

Bai Xie stubbornly took her hand, "You can believe me." 

"No." Jiang Mu struggled and even kicked Bai Xie. 

"I said I like you, whether you like me or not." Bai Xie did not hide, but approached her step by step. 

Jiang Mu was unable to retreat, and was blocked in the corner by Bai Xie. 

"You!" before Jiang Mu could say anything, and Bai Xie's lips blocked her. 

This time the kiss was more heated than the last time, sometimes gentle and sometimes tough. Jiang Mu couldn't push Bai Xie away, she only felt that his lips were hot and soft. There was a faint cedar scent on him which made people feel at ease. 

They don't know how long it took, Jiang Mu felt that her tongue was lost, and her lips were red. 

"Why are you doing this?" Jiang Mu looked at Bai Xie like she couldn't understand him.

Bai Xie: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. " 

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment, her eyes reddened again, she bit her lip, "What's the use of saying sorry? I do not want to believe you." 

"Don't cry. "Bai Xie hugged Jiang Mu and said softly in a low voice.

Jiang Mu's eyes turned slightly, and the success of her eyes flashed past. 

Bai Xie put her in his arms, lowered his chin and put his chin on her head. Smelling Jiang Mu's fragrance, his heart seemed to slowly relax at this moment. 

Those painful and heart-wrenching feelings also slowly disappeared. 

As long as Jiang Mu is by his side, nothing matters. 

Even if she lied to him, as long as he will not lose her.

He can't bear that she hates him. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Bai Xie said over and over again, kissing Jiang Mu's forehead every time he said it. 

Jiang Mu slowly raised her head and they looked at each other.

"You believe me, I really only said this to you." Jiang Mu's eyes were sincere and serious, "I like you." 

She didn't lie either. 

In this world, she really only said that she liked Bai Xie. 

This is not a lie to him. 

Jiang Mu was righteous and strong, and the look in Bai Xie's eyes was also particularly calm. 

A rare smile appeared on his face, like a spring breeze, blowing down trees of pear blossoms, snow-white petals flying all over the sky. Bai Xie was like the fairy who came out from the depths of the pear blossoms, let people feel tempted. 

Jiang Mu stood on tiptoe and took the initiative to send a kiss. 

"You'd better watch it." 

Bai Xie has never been as happy as he is now. 

He even felt that he was lucky to meet Jiang Mu in this life. 

It was she who made him feel an unprecedented sense of comfort in his soul. 

In the past, he always felt that his heart was cold, and his feelings were also cold. 

But Jiang Mu warmed all of him. 

Jiang Mu kissed Bai Xie, stretched out her pink tongue, and licked the corner of his mouth. 

"Bai Xie's taste is sweet, I like it the most." 

Bai Xie's eyes became deep and hot, and he looked at Jiang Mu's moist and crystal-clear lips, and his throat became dry. 

Her lips are closed together, and her cute and delicious tongue seemed to be tempting him.

Bai Xie finally couldn't help lowering his head, and leaned over to hold the fiery lips. 

"I like your taste too."

After several kisses, Jiang Mu felt that the soles of her feet were soft, and the heat slid from her chest to her abdomen. She had no strength, and her hands were hanging lazily on Bai Xie's neck. 

If Bai Xie hadn't held her waist and supported her, she would have been unable to stand still. 

The two of them got on the sofa for some reason. Jiang Mu was only wearing a bathrobe. When she twisted, the band of the bathrobe was also unraveled. 


After half an hour passed, Jiang Mu's complexion was flushed, and she fell into Bai Xie's arms and her body trembled slightly. She pressed her lips tightly, she couldn't help but make a bewitching sound. 

She opened her eyes slightly, her lips pursed lightly, and she looked at Bai Xie in a flattering manner, her pure face stained with desire. 

"Bai Xie." 

Her voice was trembling and soft. Bai Xie's heart trembled after hearing it. 

Finally, Jiang Mu cried softly, with red eyes like a rabbit, grabbing his wrist. 

When Bai Xie saw Jiang Mu like this, he couldn't help himself, "Call my name." 

"Bai Xie, Bai Xie..." Jiang Mu sobbed, she couldn't stop her cry, her mood was crazy, "No more." 

The corners of his lips smiled, and then he let her go and hugged her. 

Jiang Mu calmed down for a long time, pursing her lips and looking up at Bai Xie. 

Bai Xie looked at her, seeming to see through what she wanted to ask, "You are the only one, I only treat you like this." 

Jiang Mu's eyes completed the beautiful crescent, "Then... Then why are you so powerful?" 

Bai Xie was stunned for a few seconds, then smiled: "Am I amazing?" 

His eyes were full of meaning, and Jiang Mu blushed, "Ah! Why are you doing this?" 

Bai Xie: "Do you feel comfortable?" 

Jiang Mu rest her head on his chest, she whispered: "You haven't answered me yet."

Bai Xie sighed and said, "Mu Mu, I am already twenty-six years old, and I am not a kid." 

Jiang Mu nodded reluctantly, "Okay." 

She hummed, get up from Bai Xie's arms, "Well, it's already late, you should go back!" 

Bai Xie laughed dumbly. 

This is to drive him away when he is full. 

Jiang Mu yawned and said, "I'm sleepy and I want to sleep." 

Bai Xie: "Okay, I'm going back, you rest early." 

Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

Just as Bai Xie stood up to leave, Jiang Mu suddenly "Ah" surprised. 

"What's the matter?" Bai Xie asked. 

"There are cameras in the hallway. You come in so late and go out for so long, so you will be photographed." 

Bai Xie: "Are you afraid of being photographed?" 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "No, I'm afraid the audience might misunderstand." 

Bai Xie reached out and touched her head, "No, I was not photographed." 

Jiang Mu didn't know what Bai Xie did, "Huh?" 

"Don't worry, I'm leaving, you go to bed." Bai Xie bowed his head and kissed her. 

"Okay." After he left, she lay on the bed lazily. 

"It's been a long time since I coaxed men like this. Fortunately, the acting skills are in place and there is no strangeness." 

However, Bai Xie's taste is really good. 

She feels a little bit savoury. 


The new episode of "Lovers Living Together" is finally about to air. 

The audience waited for a week and watched the trailer more than ten times.

The comment section of the trailer became lively before the broadcast.

"Oh, does it have to be broadcast at 8 o'clock? Why don't you released it earlier? Don't be so punctual." 

"It will be broadcast at 8 o'clock, don't be anxious." 

"Today I want to see how the green tea beauty can make tea. A day of talking about tea."

"Hahaha, the one in front is waiting like me, I also came to see it."

"Hahhahahaha that green tea, I think it's pretty cute." 

"I have a friend who is Jian Bitch, she said she doesn't think it's green tea, but think she's cute." 

"A friend of mine said that the tea is very cute." 

"A new male guest came in the trailer. They didn't show his face but he still looked so handsome." 

"I also think that! He has super aura, looking very mature, I am looking forward to it." 


At 8:01, the program aired on time. 

"Fuck, it's often more than two hours! Is the program group so conscientious?" 

"I've been in love for a long time." After the familiar title is over, the screen shifts to the observation group. 

The observers greeted the audience one by one. 

It was Zhang Yuanming's opening remarks as usual, "What kind of surprises will our Lover's Manor bring to us today? I also watched the trailer. The content of this issue seems to be very exciting and interesting. A new male guest came, and I am looking forward to it very much." 

Fu Qing said, "Yes, although the new male guests did not show his face, you can tell from the expressions of the female guests that he should be very good." 

"Then let's start watching now. The audience are also waiting." 


Then, the picture on the screen went to the manor again, and Fu Yanxu and Qin Siyu appeared together, and the barrage was boiling.

When everyone watched the romantic date between Qin Siyu and Fu Yanxu, they all expressed feeling that Fu Yanxu must be a master of sultry, and he was too good at it. 

Qin Siyu was always laughing when she was coaxed, and everyone would forget that the person she liked before was Bai Xie. 

Before, there were audiences who supported Qin Siyu and the cp of her and Bai Xie expressed dissatisfaction. Qin Siyu was too easy to be tempted.

The images of the guests were played until all the guests returned to the villa before being transferred to the observation team. 

The observation team also had a lot of ideas about this part. 

Xu Jiayin said: "It seems that the new male guest will bring a lot of changes. I think Qin Siyu has turned to him a bit." 

Fu Qing: "I also think that, but among the four groups dating today, I am most optimistic about Jiang Mu and Bai Xie, they have a sense of CP, and during the hot spring, I blushed." 

Xu Jiayin nodded, "Compared with the other groups, this pair really feels more in love, but Bai Xie is still cold." 

Li Mengran smiled and didn't laugh. She and Fu Qing are no longer good sisters at the time. For this show, the two have disagreeed and quarreled many times. "I don't think so, Bai Xie treats Jiang Mu so cold, he wouldn't care about her unless Jiang Mu had been sticking to him." 

Fu Qing was too lazy to argue with her: "Then continue to look down, I believe my feelings." 

Li Mengran curled her lips, "Let's see."

"Right." Fu Qing's argument with Li Mengran became the focus of audience discussion. 

Will Jiang Mu and Bai Xie form a cp, or whether Bai Xie will like Jiang Mu? Many people vote and draw for this. 

Soon, Li Mengran was beaten in the face. 

Bai Xie brought the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine to give Jiang Mu, just in time he ran into Jiang Mu and Fu Yanxu talking. 

The audience was very excited. 

"I can smell the smell of Shura Field."

"Bai Xie's eyes changed, he cares. I know he cares!" 

"How do I think this Fu Yanxu is also a bit interested to Jiang Mu." 

"He is absolutely greedy for Jiang Mu's beauty, Jiang Mu is obviously the best-looking. Who is not a face-controlling one." 

Then, everyone saw Yang Cheng knocking on the door and Yang Cheng's straight-man confession courteously. 

Seeing where Jiang Mu was injured, Yang Cheng looked worried with empathy. 

He also explained to Jiang Mu that nothing happened with Zhao Jiajia today, and that the date was also prepared for Jiang Mu. 

The audience felt that Yang Cheng, a middle-two teenager, had a day of resuscitation, although his behavior was a bit too straight. 

"Yang Cheng's primary school chicken is completely eaten by Jiang Mu." 

"Yang Cheng is too funny, but he is really serious about Jiang Mu." 

"I think Zhao Jiajia is so miserable. God damn she was scared to death in the haunted house, He didn't help her, hahahahaha, Yang Cheng is too powerful."

"Yang Cheng is worse than Zhao Jiajia, he likes Jiang Mu so much, but Jiang Mu seems to just treat him as his younger brother..." 

After seeing the ambiguity between Jiang Mu and Yang Cheng, everyone said that the green tea beauty had made a move. 

"Fuck, Jiang Mu is so flirtatious." 

"Yang Cheng blushed, is he trying to confess." 

"It's all about Jiang Mu's green tea, I want to say, come and give me tea. Jiang Mu is so beautiful, she was just now seeing Yang Cheng's scornful eyes, I am a girl." 

Yang Cheng stood at the door of Jiang Mu's room and confessed, he happened to be seem by Bai Xie. 

Bai Xie's eyes were so cold that even the audience in front of the screen was taken aback. 

The full screen seemed to pause for several seconds, and everyone was shocked when they saw the look in Bai Xie's eyes. 

"Is the expression in Bai Xie's eyes angry?"

"Bai Xie is jealous?" 

 "It's a bit scary, but so handsome, it turns out that Bai Xie will be angry."

During the meal, Fu Yanxu took the initiative to talk to Jiang Mu and asked many questions, mentioning that Jiang Mu turned out to be an alumnus of Berkeley Conservatory of Music, everyone was shocked. 

They didn't know that Jiang Mu turned out to be a talented in music.

Fu Yanxu offered to let Jiang Mu play a song, and everyone expressed support, but Qin Siyu's words were not very good to hear. 

 "Why didn't I see that Qin Siyu speaks so annoyingly." 

"She must be upset to see Fu Yanxu talking to Jiang Mu all the time." 

"If I were Fu Yanxu, I would definitely like Jiang Mu and not like her, so idiot. Although Jiang Mu has tea, at least it looks good." 

Soon, they arrived at the place where Jiang Mu played the piano carefully edited by the program team. 

In this section, because Jiang Mu really played so well, the whole section was not cut, and it was released from beginning to end. 

After everyone listened to Jiang Mu's "Poems to Adeline", the whole screen was almost filled with barrage, densely packed. 

"Fuck, what kind of fairy piano sound is this? It's so nice." 

"Woo, oh, Jiang Mu was so beautiful when she played the piano, how could it be so beautiful." 

"I said she was a vase before, and she slapped me in my face." 

"Jiang Mu is so beautiful, the Pacific Ocean is my saliva for her."