[World 2] Chapter 48

This episode of the show hasn't ended yet, and the related topics of the show have been hotly searched on Weibo. 

#Jiang Mu plays piano#

#Bai Xie's eyes are cold# 

#Four male guess sharing the lover# 

The discussion on the Internet broke new highs, and various cp combinations appeared. 

Of course, after this episode was broadcast, more and more people support Bai Xie and Jiang Mu. 

The program group also released a trailer for the next program. 

It was the segment where the program team announced the results of netizens voting for the team, Jiang Mu was dating four male guests separately. 

Even the hot search is booked. 

It's called: #Green Tea Beauty-One Selection Four#

The trailer was released less than half a day, and the number of broadcasts exceeded 10 million. 

The comment area is also crazy. 

"The program group is crazy. It's messing up." 

"The Shura show is scheduled, the wife is too exciting." 

"The program group is too good." 

"I want to watch it early. I have to wait a week. I'm so anxious." 

"Jiang Mu picks four cows, such a blatant Shura field, and only this show can produce it." 


The next day, Jiang Mu's appointment with Yang Cheng and Fu Yanxu also proceeded as scheduled. 

Because Fu Yanxu only went on a date with Jiang Mu in the afternoon, her time in the morning was free. 

Zhou Jing and Qin Siyu went to Fu Yanxu at the same place. 

The two met at Fu Yanxu's door. 

"What are you doing?" Although Qin Siyu was smiling, her0 eyes were always on Zhou Jing. 

Both of them were well-dressed, you can tell at a glance.

Qin Siyu is in the style of Xiaojiabiyu (pretty daughter from humble family), and Zhou Jing is the temperament of the imperial sister, who is very seductive when standing together. 

Zhou Jing said: "I'm here to talk to Fu Yanxu." 

Zhou Jing did not hide her liking for Fu Yanxu, anyway, she and Qin Siyu are playing fair. 

Qin Siyu raised her eyebrows and smiled, then said, "What a coincidence, I am looking for him too." 

At this moment, the door opened, and as soon as Fu Yanxu opened the door, he saw two people standing outside. 

His expression was surprised for a moment. 

"Why are you all here?" 

Qin Siyu said: "We are all looking for you."

The recording of the show is nearing the end. If you don't fight for it, it is very likely that someone you like will be taken away by others. 

Not only the male guests think so, but the female guests also have a sense of crisis. 

"Look for me? Anything?" Fu Yanxu's peachy eyes were gentle and affectionate, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and the smile made people indulge. 

"I want to learn how to make mousse cakes, do you have the time? Can you teach me?" Qin Siyu said her thoughts. 

Zhou Jing didn't wait for Fu Yanxu to speak, and said first: "Did you say that you like watching science fiction movies last time? I found a good one, let's watch it together later?" 

Qin Siyu glared at Zhou Jing. 

Fu Yanxu showed an embarrassed expression, looked at Zhou Jing, then at Qin Siyu, "I'm sorry, I just want to go out. I can't promise you." 

"Where are you going?" Qin Siyu smiled. Say. 

Zhou Jing also looked at Fu Yanxu, waiting for his answer. 

"Want to go out to buy something." Xu Fu Yan eyes slightly forward, and then pretending to be looked anxiously at his watch on the wrist, "It's getting late already, I'm going to go out. If you have something, you can say it when I go back." 

"Are you in a hurry?" Zhou Jing asked in confusion.

Fu Yanxu nodded, "Well, I told the assistant of the program team. He said he will send me to the market and he was already waiting downstairs." 

Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing could only smile and watch him leave. 

After Fu Yanxu left, Zhou Jing said to Qin Siyu with her arms around her chest, "You want to learn mousse cakes, I can teach you. I have learned how to make desserts before." 

Qin Siyu is much shorter than Zhou Jing, and Zhou Jing is still wearing with high heels, she had to raise her head to look at Zhou Jing's eyes. 

"No, I suddenly feel a little tired, and I want to go back to rest, you go to the movies." 

The corner of Zhuo Jing's mouth twitched, a faint sarcasm in her eyes. 


What Fu Yanxu said about buying something was actually going out to prepare for the afternoon date. 

He is not like a few other male guests. As early as last night, he thought about all the arrangements for this afternoon. 

He will give Jiang Mu a luxurious date like princess, let Jiang Mu indulge in his tenderness. 

For this reason, he has designed many plans. Fortunately, the execution ability of the program group is not bad, and most of the arrangements can be completed. 

By the time Jiang Mu and Yang Cheng came back from a date, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon. 

Jiang Mu returned to the manor and did not see anyone else, so she went back to the room to rest, took a nap, and it was time for an afternoon appointment. 

Jiang Mu also felt tired, but she was still very professional, and soon get up to start the afternoon date. 

And thinking of dating Fu Yanxu, she still looks forward to it. 

This was the first time she had the opportunity to go out alone with Fu Yanxu. She was also very curious about what Fu Yanxu would do to please her. 

After all, she also wants to see how the opponent's rank is.

The morning date with Yang Cheng is like a child's house, Yang Cheng, a naive person, takes her to experience some exciting horror project, and wants to show his charm as a man in front of her, so that she feels that he can rely on him. Yes, the car overturned. 

The date between the two was full of laughter, but provided a lot of material for the show crew. 

Jiang Mu could have guessed that after the show was broadcast, a large number of viewers could laugh and cry during their dating process. 

At 2:20, Jiang Mu walked out of the room and saw a bear doll at the door. 

There is a card in the doll's arms. 

A picture was drawn on the card, guiding Jiang Mu downstairs, as if there was a gift waiting for her downstairs. 

Jiang Mu looked at the camera with an expression of surprise and confusion, then picked up the little bear doll, hugged it in her arms, and walked downstairs expectantly. 

In the camera, Jiang Mu's innocent and lovely face was filled with ignorance and excitement, and her lips pouted slightly, making her adorable. 

After going downstairs, Jiang Mu saw a giant brown teddy bear standing at the top of the stairs and stretching towards her in a pleased posture. 

Jiang Mu looked in the direction the teddy bear was pointing, and saw a white carriage parked outside. The carriage was full of red roses. Although it was a bit tacky, it was undeniable that it was very beautiful and romantic. 

A man in a white suit stood beside the carriage, but it was not Fu Yanxu. 

Jiang Mu slowly walked over, the white suit man turned to face her, and bowed respectfully. 

Jiang Mu had the illusion that she had become a princess in the Middle Ages. This was indeed the feeling that Fu Yanxu wanted to create for her. 

The white suit man took a box out of the carriage and walked towards her. When he came to her, he stopped then bent over and handed the box to her. 

There was a pair of crystal shoes lying in the box, the shoes glowed with dreamlike luster in the sun, and the radiant purple made the girl full of heart. 

"This is a gift from Mr. Fu."

There is no need for Jiang Mu to take the box by herself. The white suit msn carried the box and said, "Please get in the car, Mr. Fu is already waiting for you." 

Good fellow, this Fu Yanxu, the battle is very big. 

Jiang Mu smiled and lifted her skirt into the carriage. 

After she got in the car, she looked back, and the other three female guests did not know when they appeared at the door of the villa, all staring at her. 

Jiang Mu happily waved at them, acting like a princess traveling, expressing friendship to the commoners. 

But the smile on Jiang Mu's face is very bright and sincere, so it seems that she is from the heart, not so condescending. 

But the three female guests were still furious. 


Jiang Mu was sitting in the carriage, and it took about five minutes to see Fu Yanxu at the entrance of the manor. 

He was wearing a slim and decent black suit, standing there straight like a prince, looking at Jiang Mu with affectionate eyes. 

"Good afternoon, my princess." 

Fu Yanxu's voice is indeed unique, like the timbre of a cello, and it's really nice to talk love words in such a voice. 

Jiang Mu lowered her head slightly, "Good afternoon." 

"Did you sleep well?" Fu Yanxu looked at her tenderly. 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, how about you?" 

"I can't sleep, thinking about the afternoon date and I also need to wake up very early." 

Jiang Mu blushed, not knowing what to say. 

He took out a bunch of tulips from the luxury car behind him and handed it to Jiang Mu, "For you." 

The tulips with the meaning of love confession are sent out at this time, and the meaning seems very obvious. 

But Jiang Mu pretended not to know, "It's so pretty, thank you."

"This is what I should do, as long as you like it." Fu Yanxu said softly. 

"Get in the car, the itinerary in the afternoon is a bit full, I have arranged a lot of activities, I hope to make you satisfied." 

Jiang Mu said "Um". 

I have to say that Fu Yanxu's ritual is full of sense, and she must be moved to death if she changes to a girl. 

For example, Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing. 

As a scumbag Fu Yanxu, these methods are still worthy of the title of scumbag. 

Jiang Mu didn't have any psychological burden either. 

This afternoon, she followed Fu Yanxu's arrangement and just enjoyed the date. 

But if Fu Yanxu wants to get something from her, she can only say: Sorry, you think too much. 


Jiang Mu and Fu Yanxu returned to the manor very late, even later than yesterday. 

On the way back, Jiang Mu began to yawn, looking like she was too sleepy. Fu Yanxu often dates girls, but she rarely sees a girl who gets sleepy with him. 

Usually, like Qin Siyu, she was so nervous, she was very careful on her facial expression, and casually made some ambiguous actions, revealing heart-moving eyes. 

Fu Yanxu originally thought that Jiang Mu would do the same. After all, she looked very good at it. What's more, he had prepared so much for today's date, and the average girl would have been so moved and embraced. 

But after spending the whole afternoon together, he found that Jiang Mu was not what he imagined, or in other words, not exactly what he imagined. 

Although Jiang Mu would blush and be shy, and she was indeed silly and cute, but he didn't see any love in her eyes nor did he feel her heartbeat. 

It seems to treat him as a friend of the opposite sex. 

Fu Yanxu felt unprecedented doubts and frustrations.

But he was not discouraged, at least if he couldn't get it, and others couldn't get it. He didn't see which male guest Jiang Mu treated with special care. He still had a chance. 

But as soon as the two got out of the car, he saw Bai Xie standing at the door of the villa, looking at them from a distance, with indifferent eyes. When Bai Xie's eyes swept over him, he actually felt a chill in his back.

This must be an illusion. 

Fu Yanxu's eyes also became cold. 

The camera brother, who was also tired, saw this scene and quickly picked up the camera to shoot. 

Bai Xie's eyes were so sensible, it was naked and jealousy can be seen, like in the precious material. 

The cameraman gave Bai Xie a close-up. 

In the camera, Bai Xie's expression was clearly photographed. He walked towards Jiang Mu and Fu Yanxu, with every step as if stepping on their hearts. 

Soon, Wu Zeye also walked out, worthy of being the actor, with a super aura, and walked straight towards Jiang Mu with dissatisfaction on his face. He had waited for a long time. Who knew that Fu Yanxu brought Jiang Mu back so late. 

In his heart, he likes Jiang Mu, and Jiang Mu also likes him. They must be together so of course it doesn't matter that he and Jiang Mu came back late last night, but Fu Yanxu can't. 

The cameraman couldn't help holding his breath, and said in his heart: This is the Shura field. (NG's note: this was mentioned many times already so I'll explained it very quickly. So it was like a part of the plot wherein the main characters are being arrange to meet and face each other.)

There is also Yang Cheng, he should really be there. 

As soon as he thought so in his heart, he heard Yang Cheng's voice. 

"Jiang Mu, why did you come back so late?" 

Fu Yanxu frowned imperceptibly when seeing these three people, and there was no emotion under his eyes. 

Are they going to robbed him? 

It depends on who Jiang Mu chooses in the end. 

Fu Yanxu looked at Jiang Mu: "You're tired, I'll send you back to your room to rest."

"Don't need to bother you anymore, you worked hard to play with Jiang Mu in the afternoon, so you should go to rest first." Wu Zeye's words are almost a declaration of sovereignty. 

The cameraman thought to himself: Damn it, awesome. This... this is too exciting. 

Yang Cheng was not to be outdone, "Jiang Mu, I bought you cake. It's your favorite flavor, do you want to eat a little bit?" 

Jiang Mu thought to herself: 'Brother, you are weak. How can you let girls eat cake at night? People are domineering to declare sovereignty, and you only know how to eat.'

However, Yang Cheng didn't think that his moves were bad. Instead, he thought that he was the most considerate and that the cake was so delicious that Jiang Mu would definitely like it. 

Jiang Mu whispered: "I'm tired and don't want to eat anymore." 

Yang Cheng's expression at the moment looked like an emoticon pack. 

The cameraman suppressed his laugh and gave him a close-up. 

At that time, the text will be added later: kid, do you have a lot of question marks? 

That must be funny. 

At this moment, Bai Xie suddenly reached out and took Jiang Mu's left hand, took away the little bear doll she was holding, and took Jiang Mu into the house. 

This series of actions was beyond everyone's expectations, and no one reacted. 

Jiang Mu stunned and yelled: "Bai Xie..." 

"Follow me." 

Bai Xie's voice was cool and domineering, and look at Jiang Mu's eyes that will made people blush and heart beats fast.