[World 2] Chapter 50

Bai Xie: "I seduce you?" 

Jiang Mu nodded: "Yes, you knocked on my door in the middle of the night." 

Bai Xie: "Then? What did I do?" 

Jiang Mu pursed her mouth and said, "Then you seduce me." 

 Bai Xie stared at her, kissed her lips, and then hook his arms around her waist, leaving a string of crushing kiss behind her ear, "I seduce you ... or ... " 

Bai Xie's voice was cold and indifferent, but the kiss he gave on Jiang Mu was hot and warm. 

"Bai Xie..." Jiang Mu's voice lowered, soft and weak. 

She half-pushed and half-situated holding his arm, "Why are you doing this?"

Bai Xie said, "Didn't you say that I seduce you? I just sit down." 

"You..." Jiang Mu's words were swallowed by Bai Xie's kisses. For a long time, she couldn't speak. 

When Bai Xie let her go, she was already blushing and panting.

 Bai Xie still remembered Jiang Mu's words just now, and whispered in her ear: "Is this hpw I seduce you?" 

Jiang Mu shook her head quickly, "It doesn't count, it doesn't count." 

"Who is it that seduce whom?" Bai Yue said softly smiled

Jiang Mu hesitated and said: "It's me... I seduce you." 

Bai Xie approached her and looked at her face, affectionate and gentle. Before Jiang Mu blushed and shy, he heard him say, "Oh? Then how did you seduce me?" 

Jiang Mu was stunned, "Huh?" 

Bai Xie pushed her away, and sat back, "Go ahead." 

He sullen his face, the gentleness on his face disappeared, returning to his usual indifference appearance. 

Jiang Mu hesitated and said: "What?" 

He glanced at her, and frowned at her blankly.

Jiang Mu seemed to digest it slowly, and finally reacted, "Are you letting me seduce you?"

There was a slight strangeness in his eyes. 

Jiang Mu stretched out her hand and hugged him, "Is it like just now?" 

She didn't wait for him to answer, she just drew a gourd to herself, doing all the things that he had done to her just now on him. 

It's just that, although her movements are clumsy, but for some reason, every expression and every movement of her has a fatal attraction, which makes her irresistible. 

After a long time, Bai Xie's desire was completely aroused by Jiang Mu. Just when he thought Jiang Mu was going to take the next step, she suddenly stopped, smiled at him, and asked in a soft and cute tone: "What do you think? Is there a reaction?" 

Jiang Mu asked him such a question straightforwardly in such a tone. 

He didn't know how to answer for a moment, or even whether he needs to answer. 

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Mu frowned, and said with a bit of frustration: "It seems that I did not do a good job. You have not been seduced by me." 

Bai Xie looked a little unnatural and glanced at his lower abdomen. 

Didn't know what he was thinking, he gave a faint "um" and said, "It's okay." 

Jiang Mu smirked in her heart, but her face was aggrieved and uncomfortable, "Can I try again?" 

Bai Xie was slightly startled, then nodded, "Okay." 

Jiang Mu looked at Bai Xie pretending to be so similar, and thought to herself, it seems that I have to show some skills. 

At least make him unable to pretend. 

Jiang Mu was lying on Bai Xie's body, with a pair of talking eyes that were still eager to talk, showing a little innocence and tenderness. 

Just the look in the eyes can catch his mind. 

His consciousness involuntarily followed her, and every move of her made him feel irritated, and even his heart felt numb and itchy, and it was difficult to hold on to it.

He almost couldn't help it. 

Jiang Mu's hands slowly unbuttoned the white shirt. Every time she unbuttoned one, she kissed the sensitive part of his body. Until the last one, Jiang Mu raised her eyes and looked at the already blushing white body, the kiss fell on his naked belly. 

Bai Xie's breathing was stagnant, and his adam's apple moved up and down, and Jiang Mu's eyes seemed to fade for a moment. 

 Jiang Mu's tongue was slightly exposed, and her pink tongue was moist and charming. 

His mind was a little confused, as if thinking of what would happen next, he couldn't control his body. 

Somewhere in the body shook uncontrollably twice. 

Bai Xie watched Jiang Mu take off his shirt, but he couldn't say a word, nor did he move anything. 

He felt the moist touch across his stomach, and hugged him with a pair of small hands, placing his palms on his back. 

Jiang Mu gently bit Bai Xie's lips and whispered: "Do you like this?" 

A voice rang in Bai Xie's mind, "More than just like it." 

He was going crazy. 


The next day, Jiang Mu woke up faintly and heard a voice outside the door, "Jiang Mu, are you up?" 

Jiang Mu slowly opened her eyes, only feeling sore and painful on her body, especially her thighs and knees. 

She blinked, and soon felt a hand on her waist. 

She stared at him, he was holding her. Leaning on her side, looking at her with one hand on his head. His eyes clear, and the corners of his mouth raised. 


Jiang Mu remembered what happened last night. 

She did it with Bai Xie. 

This time, they did it in solid night, and finally tossed her until she fell asleep, and she didn't know when did it end.

She looked at Bai Xie. In her memory, he was not as thin as he seemed, but rather powerful. 

Although Bai Xie's waist was also very thin, he did not disappoint her at all. 

Jiang Mu swallowed, only feeling dry and sore in her throat. She opened her mouth and made a difficult voice, "Why didn't you leave ?"

How would he leave later?

Jiang Mu feels her head became big.

But Bai Xie didn't seem to be worried at all. 

Outside the door was Yang Cheng calling her. 

Yang Cheng was worried about the cake he left for Jiang Mu last night, it wouldn't taste good if she didn't eat it in the morning. He got up early in the morning and waited until nine o'clock, but didn't see Jiang Mu coming downstairs. 

After thinking about it, he came up and knocked on the door. 

Yang Cheng was still shouting outside the door, and Jiang Mu had to stand up and answer. 

"Is there anything? I feel a little sick and want to sleep for a while." 

Yang Cheng paused, and asked worriedly: "Are you fine? What's wrong with you?" 

Jiang Mu whispered, "I have a headache, maybe it's a cold, I need to sleep more." 

Her voice did not sound normal, like she had a cold, so Yang Cheng believed it without even thinking about it. 

"Then you can sleep for a while, are you hungry?" 

Jiang Mu said, "I'm not hungry." 

Jiang Mu thought to herself that although Yang Cheng was straight, he did not say anything like drinking more hot water. 

Who knows Yang Cheng's next sentence is: "Then I will pour you a cup of hot water." 

Jiang Mu: ... 

"No, thank you." 

Yang Cheng had to say, "Okay." 

Hearing Yang Cheng leaving, Jiang Mu breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Xie, who was beside her, hugged her and pressed her under his body.

Jiang Mu hurriedly begged for mercy: "Well, I'm so sleepy, tired and painful."

Bai Xie frowned, "Where does it hurt?" 

Jiang Mu looked down and didn't speak, Bai Xie understood. 

Bai Xie said very seriously: "I'll press it for you."

After he finished speaking, he reached out and put her leg on his own, letting her sit on the pillow. 

 Jiang Mu said shyly: "No need." 

"Don't move."

Bai Xie patted her head, "Sit down." 

 Bai Xie's massage technique is very professional, and the massage is very comfortable, from the thigh to the calf and the soles of the feet were also pressed. Jiang Mu feels very ticklish, couldn't help but laugh several times in the middle, and wanted to withdraw her legs at every turn. 

Although Bai Xie kept pressing her, she still moved a few times, especially a few times when her foot accidentally hit the middle of Bai Xie's leg. 

Jiang Mu's eyes lifted up. The first time he pretended that nothing happened, Bai Xie only paused. The second time, his eyes flashed. His strength was accidentally uncontrollable, and he pressed it a little harder. Jiang Mu called out and looked up at Bai Xie, his eyes seemed to be on fire. 

For the third time, Jiang Mu hurriedly bowed her head to apologize, "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." 

Bai Xie said nothing, "Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore?" 

Jiang Mu said obediently, "It doesn't hurt anymore. " 

Bai Xie nodded: "Well, let's wash, I'll go back first." 

Jiang Mu asked in a low voice: "Are you angry?" 

Bai Xie said helplessly: "No." 

How could he be angry, but he needs to go back and take a shower.

But how easy it is to say such a thing. 

Of course Jiang Mu knew Bai Xie's thoughts, but she pretended not to understand, and said, "Then why did you suddenly said you want to leave?" 

Bai Xie reached out and pulled her into his arms, softly coaxing her, "Come back later, it's already late."

Jiang Mu thought for a while, "Yeah." 

Seeing her obediently, Bai Yue was soft-hearted, and hugged her. 

Jiang Mu grabbed his sleeve and said, "Kiss me." 

Bai Xie looked at her with piercing eyes, and for a long time, kissed her solemnly on the forehead. 


Jiang Mu didn't expect Bai Xie to climb back directly from the balcony window of her room. 

Qin Siyu's room was in between her room and Bai Xie's room. It was still a bit difficult to climb back, but he returned to the balcony of his room easily. 

Jiang Mu looked at him in awe, and thought to herself, with this technique, it will be really convenient for private meetings in the future. 

But they will return home soon. 

After Jiang Mu went downstairs, Bai Xie came down after a while, and no one noticed that the two were sleeping together last night. 

There was no arrangement during the day today, and the program team gave them time to pack their bags. 

Wait until the evening, everyone will have dinner together. 

Before the dinner, the program team came to announce one thing, there will be a blind date draw. 

It is drawn by boys, and anyone who draws can be dated. 

This appointment is arranged in China. 

The result of the draw is only known by the male guests, and the female guests are not aware of it. When the female guests will arrive at the designated place of the date, they will wait for the male guests to date with them. 

When the lottery was drawn at night, Zhao Jiajia kept paying attention to Wu Zeye's expression. When she saw a trace of joy on Wu Zeye's face, she knew that Wu Zeye had drawn Jiang Mu. 

Zhao Jiajia knew that she could do nothing after returning to China without doing anything. 

In the evening, Zhao Jiajia sent a message to Wu Zeye and asked him to meet on the balcony upstairs. She had something to say to him.

She is afraid that Wu Zeye would not come, so Zhao Jiajia specifically said that she wanted to tell something to him about Jiang Mu. 

Wu Zeye was talking with Jiang Mu when he received the news. 

Wu Zeye just noticed that Jiang Mu was walking in a weird posture, so he asked if she was uncomfortable.

His mobile phone was placed on the desk, a message popped up, and the two looked at the desk at the same time. 

Wu Zeye saw the news, and Jiang Mu naturally saw it. 

Wu Zeye's expression was a bit awkward and unnatural. 

Jiang Mu couldn't pretend that she didn't see it, after all, she mentioned her name. 

Wu Zeye said, "Don't worry, I won't go." 

Jiang Mu pursed her lips, "You should go, maybe it's a very important thing." 

Wu Zeye frowned and said nothing.