[World 2] Chapter 51

Under Jiang Mu's persuasion, Wu Zeye decided to see Zhao Jiajia, listen to what she had to say, and tell her clearly what he actually feels.

In the next month, Wu Zeye didn't want Zhao Jiajia to continue to waste her thoughts on him. 

If you change direction as soon as possible, you may end up with a good result. 

Jiang Mu was not curious about what Zhao Jiajia would say to Wu Zeye. According to the memory of the original owner, Jiang Mu had already seen through Zhao Jiajia. 

But this time, Zhao Jiajia may have to suffer the consequences. 

There was no surveillance camera on the balcony upstairs, so Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye talked there fearlessly a few times ago, but since Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye talked there for a long time that day, the program crew also noticed this place, they quietly installed a camera. 

It happened that Jiang Mu went upstairs and bumped into them.

She didn't tell anyone, probably no one knows except her. 

Zhao Jiajia invited Wu Zeye there, thinking that it was still safe and hidden there. 

That's why Jiang Mu worked hard to persuade Wu Zeye to see Zhao Jiajia. 


An hour later, Wu Zeye left the balcony, and Zhao Jiajia followed him and left. 

 At this time, in the general control room, a group of people surrounded a screen. 

"No one thought that Zhao Jiajia was such a person." 

"I really didn't expect... the most scheming and the most white lotus is her. I feel pity for her before." 

"Compared with her, Qin Siyu looks much cute..." 

"She also said bad things about Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu is much better than her, and when Jiang Mu arrived, I remember that she also took the initiative to be friends with Jiang Mu. At the time I thought she was very kind, but now it seems that I am blind."

"Fortunately, the camera was installed in a timely manner. I thought it will be a waste cause we had to leave when I installed it. I didn't expect it to be of great use at this time!"

The staff gathered around and complained for a while, and the director finally said: "Stop talking, you should go."

The crowd had no choice but to disperse, and went on their own. 

The director thought for a while and said, "Xiao Zhang, copy this video to me." 


After the director took the USB flash drive and left the control room to find the producer, the people who had just dispersed were reunited together again.

"I guess the producer will release this video. Zhao Jiajia is over." 

"I also think it, based on the producer's character." 

"But the things Zhao Jiajia said will definitely affect Jiang Mu."

"What's the matter? We are not afraid of making a big noise, and we are not afraid that there is no heat. Zhao Jiajia's persona is completely collapsed, and the credibility of what she said is also very low, and the audience may not believe it at all." 

"We will go back tomorrow, so the show will be released next week." 

"Not necessarily, the director said that it might be updated for two consecutive days next week." 


The domestic recording location of "Lovers Living Together" is in the villa of Mingyuan Community in the center of S City, small bungalows. 

Although the house is smaller than the manor house abroad, it is more than enough for eight people. 

Three-story bungalows, female guests live on the second floor, male guests live on the third floor, the first floor is the living room, kitchen and dining room, the roof is an open-air garden, and there is a bar. 

On the day the guests checked in, the news that all the guests of "Lovers Living Together" returned to China came out on the Internet. 

Immediately afterwards, the official Weibo updated the news, saying that in the next few weeks, the video will be updated twice a week, and it will be updated every Friday and Saturday.

The fans of the show are very excited. The comments praised that the show group was too conscientious. In the past, there was only one episode a week and it was not enough. Now there are two episodes a week, which is great. 

At this time, the guests in the shared cabin also turned on the TV, and they were going to watch previous episodes of the show.

Thry couldn't watch it in foreign countries before. After returning to China, the internet was not restricted. Although everyone did not get their mobile phones at this time, and they hadn't been able to read online related news, there was still a TV in the house, so they can watch it when you turn on the TV and go to the previous replay. 

Today, they are watching the first issue. Six guests appeared in sequence. Everyone had a special way of appearance. The editing in the later period was also very attractive. After watching for more than ten minutes, they saw the faces of six people. 

The six guests were very unfamiliar when they first arrived at the manor. There was a deep embarrassment on the screen. A few people didn't know what to say, and even just said a few words, it was cold. 

At this time, the reborn Zhao Jiajia stood out from the crowd.

She has experienced it once, and naturally has more experience than others. Many times, she has come to enliven the atmosphere. Not only will she break the embarrassment of the public, she will speak softly, but also take care of everyone's emotions and the personality of each guest. They understand that she treated each person differently.

So after watching the first issue, Jiang Mu also had to admit that Zhao Jiajia did look very likable, no wonder there were so many passersby fans at the beginning. 

Among the female guests, Qin Siyu spoke the most but seemed to be frivolous. Zhou Jing was the oldest, straight-hearted, and unpleasant. Only Zhao Jiajia was gentle and generous and did a lot of things for everyone. Both female guests were quickly caught by her.

If Jiang Mu did not come, she would indeed be the final winner, fame and fortune. 


Seeing that she performed so well in the show, and the editing in the later stage of the show is also biased towards her, Zhao Jiajia's mood is obviously getting better. 

After watching the first episode, Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing each had their own thoughts.

They did not expect that they were completely reduced to Zhao Jiajia's foil. Before, they didn't think they were being played by Zhao Jiajia, but now that they watched the show, they could feel what Zhao Jiajia asked them to do in the first place, what she said in front of them, seems to be deliberately in front of the camera. 

For example, when Zhao Jiajia was going to wash the dishes the next day, it was clear that Qin Siyu went to help her to wash the dishes, half of the washing was done. Zhao Jiajia said that she didn't need her to help, and she left. But in the end the show was broadcast, she washed the dishes halfway and threw them to Zhao Jiajia. Zhao Jiajia not only did not complain, but also carefully washed the dishes. 

When Qin Siyu saw this scene, her face was pulled down. 

Zhou Jing felt the same way, because similar things had happened. 

Originally, the show had been filmed abroad before returning. Jiang Mu's appearance caused a lot of butterfly effects, which led to the last month to return to China to record the show, otherwise everyone would not see the show. 

In the original plot, Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing thought about Zhao Jiajia's favor until the last moment of the recording, and stayed on her side, but after the show, it seemed that they both posted some remarks on the Internet and talked about Zhao Jiajia's problems. 

The result was criticized by netizens. 

At that time, Zhao Jiajia has already a lots of fans.

Neither of them formed a CP nor had a fan. Naturally, few people believed what they were saying, and the two of them were still considered to be hype. 

Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, Jiang Mu asked to go back to the room to unpack her luggage, Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing didn't even bother to look at them, everyone stood up one after another. 

Although Zhao Jiajia still wanted to continue watching, she didn't want to stay alone to watch, and she also said: "Let's finish this today, everyone rest early, and see you tomorrow." 

Qin Siyu now dislikes Zhao Jiajoa more, feeling that everything she says is not pleasing to the eyes. In a word, it was all highlighting herself. 

She thought to herself, 'Who doesn't know it, and you still need to say? It seems that you care about everyone.'

She tugged at the corner of her mouth, turned her face and left.

Zhou Jing glanced at Zhao Jiajia, her eyes also very subtle. 

Everyone look at her inexplicably then everyone left.

She stood there, hesitated for a moment and followed. 

The night before yesterday, after she had a conversation with Wu Zeye, Wu Zeye's attitude towards Jiang Mu seemed to have changed a little, indicating that what she said had an effect. 

Even if Wu Zeye couldn't completely give up on Jiang Mu, it would change his view of her. 

Zhao Jiajia figured it out at this time, if she cannot get what she wants, it would be useless. Even after the show is over, she can also take advantage of her own rebirth from other aspects and get many benefits. 

She didn't believe that she could still live worse than the previous one in this life. 

What she has to do now is to make Jiang Mu not be able to ask for anything. 

Now Wu Zeye has changed his view on Jiang Mu. So tomorrow, his date with Jiang Mu will definitely be affected. With Wu Zeye's character, maybe he will directly shake Jiang Mu's face. 

When Zhao Jiajia thought of this, she looked forward to it. 

Shs don't know who she will be with tomorrow, she just hopes it won't be with Yang Cheng. 

She was fed up with Yang Cheng. Zhao Jiajia prayed in her heart for Yang Cheng and Jiang Mu to formed a CP, and let Yang Cheng harm her, otherwise, it should be Fu Yanxu. 

Fu Yanxu's scumbag, if Jiang Mu likes him, there won't be any good results in the end. Jiang Mu, that fool, is probably cheated to help count the money. 


At the same time, the new issue of "Lovers Living Together" aired on time. 

This issue is highly anticipated. Everyone is looking forward to seeing Jiang Mu pick out four and date four male guests separately. It is simply a scumbag.

Everyone wants to see how Green Tea Jiang Mu accomplishes this difficult task. 

Of course, many viewers also want to see the appointments of other groups of guests. 

Therefore, the first thing the audience saw was the date between Jiang Mu and Bai Xie. Bai Xie, who had always been cold and indifferent, seemed to be a different person in front of Jiang Mu. He not only took the initiative to hold hands, but also smiled gently at Jiang Mu. 

The audience cried out like they were dying. 

Unexpectedly, green tea can really melt the iceberg. 

Bai Xie also personally prepares a sweet lunch for Jiang Mu. The two go to the supermarket to buy ingredients together, just like a newlyweds. When in the supermarket, some foreigners even regard them as celebrity couples and want to take photos with them. 

The audience was extremely excited. 

"Awww, my mother asked me why I was eating lemons on my knees." 

"I want to asked Bai Xie and Jiang Mu where they will get married." 

"When I go, I will move the Civil Affairs Bureau over." 

"I'm the Civil Affairs Bureau, I'm here by myself." 

"Please. Please, Mu Yue CP must be together." 

"Eating lemon for a lifetime, I will also see Jiang Mu and Bai Xie together." 


After the date of Jiang Mu and Bai Xie, the observation team made some comments. 

At this time, Li Mengran stopped talking. 

Everyone didn't take the initiative to cue her to save her a little face, but her face was still ugly. 

There are many comments in the barrage saying that Li Mengran's expression is uglier than eating shit. 

Especially when she saw Jiang Mu and Bai Xie holding hands, she showed the expression of the grandmother on the subway looking at the phone, which was so funny. 

Then, Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye, who had the most cp fans and the highest support rate before, also entered the audience's attention. 

The sweetness between Jiang Mu and Bai Xie was very diffeterent to this pair, it is simply out of the sky. 

Unexpectedly, it was embarrassing. 

Wu Zeye not only did not arrange an appointment with Zhao Jiajia, but also rejected Zhao Jiajia's proposal several times. 

Atlast, the two went to the movies helplessly, and the result was even more embarrassing. 

Zhao Jiajia wanted to watch romance movies, but Wu Zeye said he wanted to watch war movies. 

 The comment area is already boiling at this moment. 

"Fuck, Zhao Jiajia is too embarrassed but Wu Zeye isn't, this too is so embarrasing." 

"I also think that the movie emperor Wu is a bit too much to Zhao Jiajia." 

"If you don't like it too much, of course don't give the other party hope. Have a high EQ, okay? He rejects her, so that she will not be more sad afterwards." 

"But, there are also euphemistic ways, not to mention, the two of them were quite close in the first and second periods." 

"Oh, if it weren't for the live broadcast, I would really like to fast forward and speed up. I don't want to see these two, I'm so bored." 

"Yes, yes, I would rather go to see Jiang Mu, this beautiful little green tea." 

"Damn green tea, I'll do it for you."

The morning group's appointment was over, Jiang Mu, Bai Xie, Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye returned to the manor almost at the same time. 

At this time, Wu Zeye changed his indifference, and instead took the initiative to look for Jiang Mu and invite Jiang Mu to have lunch. 

This is in front of Bai Xie and Zhao Jiajia. 

"FML, Acheron!"

"World famous paintings, come here." 

"Wu Zeye was indeed the winner! A shot that Acheron." 

"Zhao Jiajia was reduced to become a background fabric." 

"Bai Xie is anxious, I really want to go back and look at it again, oh my god, I want to!"

"I want too. It's the first time I saw Bai Xie's eyes like that." 

When Bai Xie and Wu Zeye met for lunch with Jiang Mu, they were tit-for-tat. 

The comment area exploded again. 

"If I'm Jiang Mu, I don't know who to choose." 

"I don't know who to choose...I want to choose both." 

"Children make choices, adults want them both!" 

"Hahahahaha, only I am observing what Zhao Jiajia's expression?" 

"Wait for me in front, me too, Zhao Jiajia's expression is too funny." 

"Daddy laughed off." 

"But, don't you think that Zhao Jiajia's words are strange? If Jiang Mu would like to go out to dinner with Wu Zeye, she said that she would not blame her." 

"Hahahahaha, what she said just now is good green tea, it was Wu Zeye who took the initiative. Jiang Mu is not Wu Zeye, so why blame her?" 

"Zhao Jiajia's green tea is so low-end, it's not as cute as Jiang Mu's green tea from start to finish." 

"I haven't thought about it, but when I think about it, it's true. What Zhao Jiajia said is like Jiang Mu should feel sorry to her if she agreed to Wu Zeye. But Wu Zeye doesn't like Zhao Jiajia." 

Then, Fu Yanxu and Qin Siyu also returned. 

Fu Yanxu offered to help Bai Xie and Jiang Mu, but Bai Xie refused. 

The atmosphere is a bit awkward. 

"Do you think Bai Xie's eyes on Fu Yanxu are like anti-thief." 

"Yes, he is protecting the little green tea from being snatched by others." 

"Fu Yanxu just wanted to help. Bai Xie really thought everyone would like Jiang Mu." 

"Isn't it? Who doesn't like little green tea? I like it as a woman."

"If Fu Yanxu doesn't like Jiang Mu, he should be as good as what Bai Xie did to Qin Siyu." 

"I don't think Fu Yanxu likes Jiang Mu. You guys take Jiang Mu too seriously." 

"The previous... youe brain is not good... you have to fix it. Did you forget that the director said, the name that all four male guests written on the date cards was Jiang Mu." 

"Hahahahaha, sisters tells the truth."