[World 2] Chapter 53

After a while, the doorman's phone called and the landline at home rang. 

As soon as Jiang Mu connected, he said that there was a visitor, and asked her if they will let anyone in. 

He really came. 

Jiang Mu didn't expect Bai Xie to come so late. 

"Let him come in, you take him downstairs, lest he can't find it." 

This community is quite big, and it's not easy to wonder at night. 

Jiang Mu waited ten minutes before she heard the doorbell. 

Bai Xie stood at the door, Jiang Mu looked at him through cat eyes, saw that he was erect, his face was cold and composed, the corners of his mouth were slightly pressed, and she couldn't see the emotions. She liked him the most when0 she couldn't guess his expression.

She opened the door, and before he could react, she jumped into his arms. 

Bai Xie hugged her subconsciously, and as soon as he lowered his head, he saw her looking at him with a smile. 

Her lips are pale pink and smiling, her eyes squinting into two crescent moons, makes people can't move their eyes at a glance. 

"Bai Xie." Jiang Mu said softly. 


He said softly, with a faint expression, and put her down to let her stand. 

Jiang Mu said, "Why are you here suddenly? Are you looking for something to do with me?" 

Bai Xie thought for a while, "Something is going on." 

Jiang Mu said, "Then you come in first."

After entering the room, Jiang Mu took for him a pair of household shoes and placed it at his feet. 

"You wear this." 

Bai Xie lowered his head and changed his shoes, and saw Jiang Mu running away. 

"You sit down here, I'll pour you some water." Jiang Mu said as she ran to the kitchen. 

Bai Xie stood for two seconds, looked around the room for a few seconds, then walked to the sofa and sat down.

Jiang Mu brought the water over and handed it to Bai Xie, specifically saying: "It's warm water, I just heated it up." 

Bai Xie usually drinks warm water, and everyone on the show knows it. 

"Thank you." Bai Xie just took a sip and put it down. 

"Why are you looking for me?" Jiang Mu looked at him, her eyes soft like it full of spring water. 

Bai Xie hesitated for a long time, but he didn't say a word, and she didn't know what he was thinking. 

Jiang Mu just waited for him. 

Bai Xie opened his lips slightly and said, "Nothing." 

Jiang Mu said in a daze: "Ah? Then why you came here specially?" 

Bai Xie: "Why did you leave today?" 

Now, Jiang Mu finally understood. Bai Xie thought that something happened during the day, or something happened to her, because he was worried that she ran over at night. 

"I just wanted to go home all of a sudden. Anyway, there is nothing wrong. The program team has no schedule for the next two days." 

Jiang Mu said, a little embarrassed, "I just want to come back today. I don't like it all the time that I was living with others." 

This reason is understandable. 

Everyone hopes to have time alone, living with others all the time, it is somewhat inconvenient. 

But in this way, Bai Xie's worries seemed somewhat unnecessary. 

"I see." He nodded. 

Jiang Mu pursed the corner of her mouth. 

"Then it's okay, I'm going back."

As soon as his voice fell, Jiang Mu said: "No, don't go." 

He has already been sent to the door, and he want to leave like this, how could it be possible?

Jiang Mu grabbed his wrist. 

Jiang Mu said softly, "I don't want you to go."

She didn't dare to look at him when she was talking, her shy and stubborn look was really heartwarming. 

He looked at Jiang Mu seriously, his eyes gradually deepening, "Let me stay?" 

He asked again. 

Jiang Mu nodded but then shook her head, "You talk to me before leaving." 

Bai Xie: "What do you want to say?" 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, "Tell me where you went to play today." 

Bai Xie said, "I went to the cinema and ate western food..." 

Jiang Mu said, "What movie did you watch? Is it good?" 

Bai Xie: "It's not good, it looks like a comedy." 

Jiang Mu: "Well... it seems so boring. " 

Bai Xie raised his eyebrows, "What about you? You had a great time today?" 

Jiang Mu deliberately nodded, "Well, I ate ice cream today, vanilla and macadamia nuts. They are all delicious. Next time I will take you to eat." 

Bai Xie asked: "What else did you play?" 

"I went to the park and fed the pigeons." Jiang Mu secretly observed Bai Xie's expression, "Wu Zeye bought me a bubble machine and helped me took a lot of beautiful photos. I will show you the photos." 

Jiang Mu went to get the phone, opened the photo album and showed it to him. 

The photo was really good, especially the one where Jiang Mu was standing in front of the fountain in the square. She was feeding the pigeons with her head down. Several pigeons flew up. The picture is very beautiful, and Jiang Mu's profile is also very beautiful. 

But Bai Xie just looked at it, and did not speak, but his eyes sank, "What else?" 

"That's all. Oh! By the way, we also went to eat delicious Japanese food." 

Jiang Mu finished, watching carefully, she said, "Don't be angry, although I am playing outside with others, I have always been thinking of you." 

 Bai Xie's expression was gloomy, "Why do you think of me?"

Jiang Mu said solemnly: "I'm thinking, if only you were the one who dated me today." 

Bai Xie was slightly startled. 

He was very angry just now, but now he feel that he can't resist Jiang Mu. 

Every word of Jiang Mu can affect his mood. When did Jiang Mu became so important to him?

The two continued to talk about some things they have. Jiang Mu's fingers were not honest at all, she poked him once and then touched him. 

Bai Xie stopped it several times, but Jiang Mu still did this. 

"Don't make trouble." 

Bai Xie grabbed both hands of Jiang Mu, not allowing her to move. 

Jiang Mu reluctantly said: "You can't do this." 

"Why can't I do this? Who made you disobedient?" Bai Xie said lightly. 

Jiang Mu snorted, with her hands bound, she used her legs to move around, rubbing against Bai Xie. 

She had deliberately angered his lower body, she naturally specialized in sensitive parts of his body. 

After a few strokes, Bai Xie's expression changed. 

Bai Xie let go of her hand, "If you do this again, I'm leaving." 

Bai Xie stood up, his voice was very magnetic. Jiang Mu had known for a long time that whenever his voice became like this, he was moved.

 He thought he could fool Jiang Mu by pretending to be angry, but she was an expert in this regard. 

Bai Xie's thoughts were all clearly understood by her. 

From behind Bai Xie, she stretched out her hands to hug his waist, 

Her arrogant tone is slightly cute, "You are not allowed to go." 

"If I am not allowed to go, then where do I sleep?" Bai Xie said in a deep voice...

Jiang Mu: "I have two beds in my house. It's already late. If you don't mind, you can sleep in the second bedroom."

Bai Xie said, "I mind." 

He broke off her hand and turned around. 

Jiang Mu looked at him sadly, her eyes seemed to be able to speak, like she was telling her grievances and doubts. 

Bai Xie: "I mind sleeping in the second bedroom." 

Jiang Mu was stunned for a few seconds, her cheeks flushed, "No... if you don't sleep in the second bedroom, where do you want to sleep?" 

She was so nervous that she couldn't even speak, as if being molested. 

Seeing that she was shy, Bai Xie felt better. 

"Okay, I really should go." 

Jiang Mu shook her head vigorously. 

Bai Xie: "Really won't let me go? 

Jiang Mu nodded again. 

"What will you do for me not to leave?" Bai Xie curled his lips and looked at her with a smile. 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, and kissed Bai Xie on the cheek. 

Bai Xie shook his head, "Is that all?"

Jiang Mu said: "You're greedy." 

She said this, standing on tiptoe, and then kissed his lips. 

"That's all right."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was hugged by Bai Xie. 

"It's still not enough. " 

Jiang Mu was thrown on the sofa by Bai Xie, and before she could react, he kissed her. This kiss was different from Jiang Mu's kiss were it was a farewell kiss to each other. Jiang Mu's kiss was drizzle, and his kiss was like a stormy and rainy kiss.

Jiang Mu was out of breath by the kiss again. After the kiss, he asked her again, "Won't you let me go? " 

Jiang Mu whispered: "Do you wish to continue? " 

The appearance of Bai Xie's smile is almost the same as the appearance of his cold face.

Jiang Mu is fascinated by his smile every time. 

The two lingered on the sofa for a while, then went to the bedroom. 

Jiang Mu knew that Bai Xie's physical strength was good, and she was almost tossed last time so that she could not walk the next day, so this time she used many methods to make Bai Xie end soon. As a result, all of her tricks were used on his body was ackfired. 

Instead of ending soon, she made him use the same trick more powerfully. 

Jiang Mu was tossed over and over, and after several times, she forgot when did she fell asleep. 

However, when Jiang Mu woke up in the morning, Bai Xie hadn't woke up yet. 

Jiang Mu opened her eyes and felt that she was not dry and not uncomfortable. It should have been Bai Xie who cleaned her up afterwards. Although he was tossing more fiercely this time, she only felt tired, not particularly sore.

Jiang Mu became more and more satisfied with Bai Xie. 

She quietly admired Bai Xie's sleeping face for a while, then sat up and went to the study to bring the dusty easel. 

The original owner can also paint, but she does not paint oil paintings but sketches and watercolors. There is no oil paint at home, but there are others. 

Jiang Mu brought the ready-made ones. 

She set up the easel, sat cross-legged on the bay window, lifted the quilt off Bai Xie's body, revealing half of his body, and then began to paint. 

After nearly forty minutes, Bai Xie finally opened his eyes. 

"Are you awake?" Jiang Mu said with a smile. 

"What are you doing?" Bai Xie blinked. 

"I'm painting you." 

Bai Xie looked at her suspiciously and rubbed his eyes. He saw that he was covered with only a little quilt, and most of his body was exposed and naked. 

This look seemed shameful to him. 

"Do not move."

Jiang Mu stopped him from getting up. 

She was almost done drawing. 

Bai Xie paused, but still pulled the quilt, put it on his body, then picked up his pants and put them on. 

But Jiang Mu is almost finished painting. 

When Bai Xie came over, he discovered that Jiang Mu had indeed painted him sleeping half-naked. 

And the painting is very realistic. 

He was surprised that Jiang Mu was so talented in painting, and even more surprised by the content of this painting. 

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mu would draw such a picture. 

Bai Xie stood behind her, pressing her shoulders, "Why did you draw this?" 

Jiang Mu said, "It's so pretty, you're so pretty." 

Bai Xie paused. 

"Don't boast about me, how are you painting about this?" 

Bai Xie snatched the paintbrush from her hand, and directly hugged her who was sitting cross-legged. 

His movements were too great, he accidentally knocked over the paint of the painting, spilled it on Jiang Mu's pajamas, and his pants also got a little bit on it. 

Jiang Mu patted his chest, "Ah, why are you doing this? My clothes are dirty." 

"Yeah." Bai Yue nodded, put her on the bed, and squatted in front of her, "I will help you take it off and wash it. " 

Jiang Mu was stunned, he raised her hand and took off her shirt and pajamas directly. Then hugged her and walked towards the bathroom. 

"Want me to draw a picture for you too? You draw me sleeping naked, and I'll draw you taking a bath, so it's even."