[World 2] Chapter 54

 After Jiang Mu was carried into the bathroom, she kept her head down and refused to lift up. 

There are no other distracting thoughts in Bai Xie's eyes, but Jiang Mu can feel his hands are very hot. Usually his body is cold, and only when he is emotional, it is hot. 

She quietly looked at him, sitting on the stool obediently, like a child. He picked up the shower, adjusted the temperature of the water first, and then faced her. The water poured on her, which was very comfortable. 

Jiang Mu saw that he was still wearing clothes, so he got all the water on him. 

Bai Xie's clothes were quickly wetted. 

Jiang Mu smiled and hugged him.

"I want to bath with you." 

Bai Xie's eyes dimmed, "How to bath together?" 

"Shall I take it off for you first?" Jiang Mu looked at him eagerly. 

The girl's ignorant eyes, on the contrary, can most arouse turbulent desires. 

Between pure desires, it seems that a perfect balance has been reached. 

Bai Xie heard his heartbeat pounding. 

"Yeah." he didn't know how he made the sound. 

So, he quietly watched Jiang Mu unbutton his pants and slowly took them off. 

Bai Xie couldn't help holding his breath, even his body was taut, and his whole person fell into a strange state. 

Obviously he is no longer a hairy boy. 

But in front of Jiang Mu, he always became much younger. 

Jiang Mu's fingers are slender and small, and his mouth became dry. He can't wait to hold her hand now, and raise her hand above her head, so that she can't move. 

Every time she called him by name in that situation, her voice would make him difficult to calm down. 

This process seems to be particularly long, for Bai Xie.

Seeing her squatting in front of her, Bai Xie's brain was almost blank. 

"Take off all of them in the bath." Jiang Mu's voice was soft and lovely. 

Bai Xie did not make a sound, but looked at her quietly. 

His acquiescence made her bolder, touching him indiscriminately, feeling the beauty of his skin. 

When she touched a certain place, Jiang Mu found that his eyes lost focus in an instant, and the slight change in his expression expressed the feeling that his body conveyed to him at the moment. 

Jiang Mu was pleased by this reaction. 

She likes to look at Bai Xie like this. 

Seeing his iceberg mask rupture and passion emerges, her attraction to him often reaches its peak at this time. 

However, in his eyes, Jiang Mu at this time was even more seductive, like a flower exuding a seductive fragrance, which was bewitching and made people want to get closer. 

After she took off all his clothes, she didn't dare to look at him again. 

Bai Xie smiled slightly and didn't care. 

The paint on Jiang Mu's body was quickly washed away, her snow-white skin showed a white jade-like light under the bathroom light, and it was delicate and smooth to the touch. 

Bai Xie squeezed the shower gel onto his hands, then dipped it in water, making a lot of bubbles, and spreading it on Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu put Bubbles on him also. 

The two of them hugged each other and looked at each other as if they were out of control. 

They don't know if it was Jiang Mu's proactive tiptoe kiss, or Bai Xie leaned over to hug Jiang Mu, which made them kiss each other. 

In the end, they did a lot of ridiculous things in the bathroom, and all the water in the bathtub overflowed. 

The entire bathroom was messy, and even the things on the sink were swept to the floor when Jiang Mu was shaking.

Bai Xie wiped the wet Jiang Mu dry and wrapped her in a bath towel. 

Jiang Mu's hair was draped in a mess, and there were water drops on her forehead, not knowing whether it was sweat or water. 

She was not awake now, he took her out and slowly put her on the bed. 

Jiang Mu's breathing was still rapid, and the feeling just now seemed to remain in the body, and the depths were still shrinking and trembling, and the whole person was in a state of unattached, and the numb and itchy sensation spread from the soles of the feet to the whole body. 

Bai Xie touched her a little harder, and she couldn't help but scream. 


The day time passed quickly, and what Bai Xie said he wanted to paint Jiang Mu was indeed correct.

He let Jiang Mu lie on the bed motionless for a long time, while he himself looked at her while facing the easel, and concentrated on painting for more than half an hour. 

Jiang Mu shouted several times and was tired, and asked him if it was okay already. 

Bai Xie said it would be ready soon. 

With great expectations, Jiang Mu wanted to see how beautiful Bai Xie painted herself. 

But when she saw the real thing... her expression was very subtle. 

"Is this the portrait of my Sleeping Beauty you painted?" Jiang Mu frowned with a bitter face. 

He said before that he wanted to draw a bath diagram, but when he found it was not feasible, it became a picture of her lying on the bed. 

Bai Xie didn't change his face, "Yeah."

It is indeed a painting of a beauty lying on the paper, but it is so ugly that it makes people want to cry. 

The simple lines outline a figure, which can barely be seen as a person. 

For Jiang Mu, a master painter, this painting is really unsightly. Ordinary people will shake their heads and say it looks unsightly. 

Jiang Mu stared at Bai Xie for a while, but Bai Xie was able to think indifferently. 

"Do you like it?" Bai Xie asked.

Jiang Mu said without conscience, "I like it." 

But her expression said everything. 

Bai Xie smiled, and then opened the drawing paper, revealing the covered drawing below. 

Jiang Mu's eyes flashed with surprise. 

It turned out that this was painted by Bai Xie. 

"You lied to me." Jiang Mu glared at him angrily. 

"So you like it?" Bai Xie squeezed the tip of her nose. 

"Yeah." Jiang Mu nodded. "I only like it if it looks good." 

She leaned over and rubbed the tip of her nose against Bai Xie's nose. 

"Don't make trouble, isn't it still painful?" Bai Xie's gaze was somewhat disapproving. 

Jiang Mu just liked to tease him too much, and Bai Xie didn't know if she was intentional or unintentional. 

After the two had a close relationship, he naturally realized that she was not so innocent and ignorant on the outside, at least on the bed, her energy was enough to make him crazy. 

And those skills she knows, it's not like a novice. 

When he asked her, and she said that she only studied novels. 

Bai Xie asked her to read fewer novels of that kind in the future. 

Jiang Mu asked him if he liked what she learned. 

He couldn't answer this question for a long time. 

All in all, Jiang Mu gradually showed a lot of charming side in front of him, which formed a strong contrast with her innocent face, which was even more fascinating. 

He felt that he could not resist everything about Jiang Mu. 

In the beginning, what does Jiang Mu have that makes him attracted to her?

He couldn't say it himself, but he had to say what he likes Jiang Mu now. 

Bai Xie thinks it is all she has. 


The next day, Jiang Mu dragged her luggage back to the love hut to record the show. Bai Xie came back half a day earlier than her, and the two deliberately staggered the time. 

With the precedent set by Jiang Mu, Zhou Jing also took a leave of absence for two days, saying that there was something that had to be dealt with at work. 

In order to find Jiang Mu, Bai Xie also asked for leave. In the past few days, the people in the love hut have not been there. 

The director originally thought it would be okay to have one or two fewer people, but in the two days Jiang Mu left, there was no useful material in the video shot. 

After the filmmaker came to see it, he gave the director a lesson, saying that anyone would be fine if they leave, but Jiang Mu can't be leave. She is now the backbone and all four male guests like her. If she is not here, what about the filming? What else to see? 

Fortunately, Jiang Mu came back after only two days away. 

The director held a meeting afterwards and said that she had asked for leave, and she could not ask for leave afterwards. 

The show continued to be recorded according to the original schedule. There is less than one month left, and the chance to date is gone. After another half month of getting along, the final confession is about to come. 

Guests who confess successfully in pairs will become true lovers and will also receive special prizes provided by the program group. 

In this final stage, the guests have launched a more enthusiastic pursuit of the people they like. At this time, the program group basically does not restrict everyone, and they could do whatever they want in the love hut. 

As long as both parties are willing, the program group will give the greatest freedom. 

So this led to the fact that every day in the love hut is a Shura field. 

Jiang Mu has also become the most troublesome person in the entire love hut, facing various choices and tests. 

For example, when Yang Cheng came to invite Jiang Mu to have breakfast in the morning, Wu Zeye came to call her to go for a morning run. 

At noon, Fu Yanxu came to ask Jiang Mu if she wanted to eat out, and Bai Xie asked her to sketch.

In the evening, Wu Zeye came to Jiang Mu to learn the piano. Fu Yanxu said that his mother had a collection of piano scores. He asked her mother to send it over and asked Jiang Mu if she wanted to read it. 

From morning till night, almost these men circled Jiang Mu. 

Of course, Jiang Mu basically never agreed to Fu Yanxu's invitation. She would agree to Wu Zeye's invitation three times. 

For Yang Cheng, it depends on her mood. 

The same is true for Bai Xie. You can't give him too much preferential treatment just because you eat him, otherwise he will be proud. 

And there is no new feeling when they are always together. 

Jiang Mu had to keep him full of interest in herself. 

After Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye had talked before, Wu Zeye's attitude changed a little. He was cold towards Jiang Mu for a few days, but he has recently changed back. 

Jiang Mu is fully aware of the inferior nature of men, and she is not surprised at this situation. 

Even if Wu Zeye is not sure whether she is good or bad, what he can be sure of is that he cares about her, likes her, and doesn't want her to be with others. 

Jiang Mu is so popular now, if Wu Zeye gives in, wouldn't it be easier for others?

How could Wu Zeye let this happen? What's more, in his opinion, Jiang Mu likes him too. 

Because even if Wu Zeye's attitude changed, Jiang Mu still maintained her previous attitude towards him. 

Jiang Mu made Wu Zeye feel that she had always been infatuated with him and never changed. 

It was just because there were more people pursuing her and she was not good at rejecting her, so she didn't give a clear answer. 


The group play two episodes a week, "Lovers Living Together", until the last day of that period of play, just the day is the final confession. 

At that time, the program team will invite all the observer groups to the scene to be witnesses to witness the affectionate confession of the guests. 

And now it's finally in the ultimate period.

Although this issue is not the last one, the program group pays special attention to it. 

The final edited film was checked by the producer several times. 

Because there is a section of content in this issue, which is the section of the dialogue between Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye on the balcony. 

When this clip is released, Zhao Jiajia will be finished after this show.

There is no such segment in the trailer, so when it is released, the audience's reaction will be unpredictable.