[World 2] Chapter 55

The new issue of "Lovers Living Together" is now on the air. 

Tonight is the last night for the guests to stay in the manor. 

The entire manor is extremely quiet...

The camera gives a panoramic view of the manor, and the external voice also rang. 

"What are the guests doing? Will they be reluctant to leave here? After living here for two months, the manor has become more romantic and beautiful because of their arrival, but they will return to China tomorrow."

The soundtrack is light. There was a touch of sadness in it, and the audience couldn't help feeling sigh, they were about to leave. 

This also means that the show is about to come to an end. 

The audience raised the barrage one after another. They didn't want the show to end so soon, and wanted the guests to stay for a few more months. 

"Let's take a look at what the guests are doing at this time."

As soon as the voice end, the screen turned to Qin Siyu and Fu Yanxu in the living room. 

The two were chatting, Qin Siyu took the initiative to find a few topics, and Fu Yanxu was also very cooperative. The two seemed to be talking well. 

When Qin Siyu talked about her childhood, Fu Yanxu listened patiently. 

The atmosphere is very warm. Looking at Fu Yanxu like this, it really makes people feel at ease. 

No wonder Qin Siyu and Zhou Jing both like him. 

Looking at the surface, this man is indeed very attractive. 

Soon, the camera began to change its angle. Following the camera, the audience saw Zhou Jing moving things in the corridor, Bai Xie going downstairs to get some water, and Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye who were talking. 

Wu Zeye's cell phone rang. Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye saw the news, but they didn't know who sent it from the camera, nor did they know the content of the message. 

But from the conversation between the two, everyone can guess what they said. 

Soon after, Jiang Mu left and Wu Zeye went to the balcony.

This balcony seems to have never appeared before, so it suddenly appeared at this time, and everyone does not know where it is. 

The camera in the hallway caught Wu Zeye going upstairs. Everyone didn't know who he was going to meet. 

Until Zhao Jiajia appeared in the picture. 


After listening to the dialogue between Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye, there were so many barrage that flooded the entire screen, and the audience even had to turn off half of the barrage to not affect viewing. 

"Fuck, Zhao Jiajia is too scheming, right?" 

"I really didn't expect that she looked like this behind Jiang Mu's back. 

"Whether what she said is true or not, saying bad things about Jiang Mu behind her back, this woman is terrible." 

"The previous gentleness and generosity are all pretentious." 

"Will Wu Zeye believe it?"

"Would Jiang Mu really be what she said? " 

"I think Wu Zeye seems to believe it." 

"Jiang Mu still regards Zhao Jiajia as a close sister. If she knows what Zhao Jiajia said about her, I don't know if she will be sad."

"I'm heartbroken when I think that Little Green Tea is going to be sad."

Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye are still talking, and Wu Zeye's expression is hard to read. 

Zhao Jiajia gave full play to her scheming talents, saying bad things about Jiang Mu, while comforting Wu Zeye. 

"She admit that she have selfish intentions. You should be able to see it."

Wu Zeye fell into deep thought and didn't say anything. 

 "The reason why I haven't told you before is because I treat Jiang Mu as a younger sister and don't want to hurt her, and you treated her very good before..." Zhao Jiajia paused, "but I don't even want to see you hurt." 

Seeing Wu Zeye leaving the balcony, while Zhao Jiajia looked at Wu Zeye's back thoughtfully, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the expression in her eyes also contained a lot of deep meaning.

Seeing this scene, the audience boiled again. 

"Zhao Jiajia's expression is so terrible." 

"Like the kind of treacherous bad woman on TV." 

"I really know this kind of people but I don't know what to do with them. There are actually many women like Zhao Jiajia in real life." 

"Too scheming, I want to burn her."

After Zhao Jiajia left, the picture remained on the balcony for a few seconds, as if it was time for everyone to react. 

"I can't wait to see Li Mengran's reaction now. Isn't she a fanatical supporter of Zhao Jiajia?" 

"Yes, Li Mengran always helps Zhao Jiajia to speak." 

"Her face hurts again this time, even though I saw her annoying, but I also want to see her now." 

"I guess she doesn't have the face to speak." 

It seems that in response to what the audience thought, the picture cut to the observation group. 

The six observers were also shocked by the scene just now. Everyone did not expect that today's show would have such a stimulating scene. 

Zhao Jiajia's contrast is also too great, it is simply subverting everyone's previous understanding of her. 

The most hit was Li Mengran. 

Although Zhao Jiajia's performance has not been very good in recent issues, because she had a very good impression at the beginning, Li Mengran still had great expectations for Zhao Jiajia. 

They don't know, this time she directly put a big move, Li Mengran just wanted to find a reason for Zhao Jiajia. 

 Let's not say whether what Zhao Jiajia said is true, but Zhao Jiajia can't tear off this label. 

Zhang Yuanming touched his chin and said, "I didn't understand this Zhao Jiajia, how to have two faces,"

Xu Jiayin, a good old man in the observation group also said: "I didn't expect that Zhao Jiajia, who was the most acclaimed person, turned out to be this kind of person behind others back. On the contrary, Jiang Mu is even more likable."

"But, do you think what Zhao Jiajia said is true? Jiang Mu really approached Wu Zeye to get into the entertainment circle and wanted to be famous, and expressed his favor to him?"

The observer group's questions were also what the audience wanted to know. 

The comments were noisy for a long time, and no result came out. 

No one knows if what Zhao Jiajia said is true. 

People who believe in Jiang Mu only account for a small percentage. After all, Jiang Mu's previous impressions are also average, and now she is performing green tea everywhere, maybe it really is like Zhao Jiajia said. 

To verify this problem, you must wait until the day of the final confession. 


On the night of the end of this episode, Zhao Jiajia's scheming bitch was also on the hot search. 

Scheming bitch meets little green tea. 

From the title, Zhao Jiajia sounded less pleasant than Jiang Mu. 

In fact, this is also because Zhao Jiajia's previous impressions are so good, so once everyone finds that she is different from what they think, they will hate her even more. 

And Jiang Mu was targeted by the audience early in the morning, and no one saw her pleasing to the eye. Now even if they heard bad words from Zhao Jiajia's mouth, they were not too angry, and even doubted the authenticity of these words. 

Anyway, Zhao Jiajia who speaks badly behind her back is even more shameless than Jiang Mu who did wrong. 

One night later, Zhao Jiajia's private Weibo was full of bad reviews, and her Weibo fans had already lost more than half. 

At this time, the guests' news was not as closed as they were in foreign countries. What's more, people like Zhao Jiajia would try their best to get all kinds of information from all aspects as soon as they returned to the country. 

She was surprised and angry when she learned about the content of the program broadcast last night through her friends. 

Why is there a camera suddenly in that place? 

Zhao Jiajia is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. 

"What should I do now? What should I do?"

Zhao Jiajia walked around the room, she even suspected that her room was also equipped with a camera. 

She searched the room nervously for an hour, not letting go of every suspicious place, even the lamp was taken apart to look at it. 

Zhao Jiajia was so panicked that she tried to recall what she said to Wu Zeye that night. 

The more she think about it, the more terrible it becomes. It's okay for Wu Zeye to hear what she said that night, and it's impossible for Wu Zeye to tell others, but now the problem is that the program recorded it and aired, and it was watched by tens of millions of people.

Zhao Jiajia knew she was over if she doesn't do something. 

She thought about it, and finally made a decision. 

She pretended to be ignorant, got up and went to find Jiang Mu. 


Jiang Mu was in the room with Bai Xie when she received the news from Zhao Jiajia. 

Bai Xie once again used the skills of a young expert on turning the balcony, avoiding the camera through the balcony and looked for her. 

The two are like little lovers in love, and they won't get tired of being together all the time. 

Jiang Mu didn't see the news for the first time, Zhao Jiajia waited anxiously, so she looked for her directly. 

Hearing Zhao Jiajia's knock on the door, Jiang Mu and Bai Xie who were kissing suddenly stopped. 

Bai Xie frowned slightly, Jiang Mu's lips were pursed, and she was also a little dissatisfied. 

'Why is Zhao Jiajia here? It's so disappointing.' 

"Jiang Mu, are you there? I have something to tell you." Zhao Jiajia's voice sounded again. 

Her voice was gentle and peaceful, and it really sounded like she didn't know anything. 

Jiang Mu replied: "I'm here, what's the matter?" 

"Can you come out for a while?" Zhao Jiajia whispered.

She needs Jiang Mu's dialogue with her to appear in front of the camera, and she must seize the opportunity to wash herself away. 

Jiang Mu said, "I'm sleepy, can't you tell it tomorrow?" 

It was really late at this time, otherwise Bai Xie wouldn't be in her room, everyone should be asleep. 

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jiajia would come so late to talk to her. 

Jiang Mu's little head turned quickly, and she almost guessed why Zhao Jiajia was looking for her. 

She is so anxious, something must have happened. 

Of course Zhao Jiajia can't wait until tomorrow. Everyone else will get up tomorrow. She can only tell Jiang Mu these things now, or else it will be late tomorrow. 

Now that the incident is so serious, it has been searched hot, and she is afraid that others will also know. 

It is impossible that only she has a way to know the latest news. Zhou Jing hasn't come back yet. She, who is outside, has probably watched the latest episode of the show. There is also Qin Siyu, who has been following the news from the outside world. 

If they all knew it, Zhao Jiajia couldn't imagine how they would think of her. 

She must do something before this. 

So she insisted: "I have something very important to tell you, can you come out?" 

Her tone was with a trace of earnestness, as if Jiang Mu didn't come out, she would not leave. 

Bai Xie also feels very strange, what Zhao Jiajia wanted to do, it was too abnormal. 

Jiang Mu was even more convinced of the guess. 

"Well, wait for me, I will get up now." Jiang Mu decided to meet her to see what she was going to say. 

Zhao Jiajia breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I'll wait for you." 


Jiang Mu pushed Bai Xie and whispered: "Okay, I'll go out for a while and come back later." 

Bai Xie didn't let go of holding her. Without speaking, he put his chin on her shoulder and pressed it against her face.

Jiang Mu felt itchy behind her ears, and couldn't help but smile, "Let go of me." 

Bai Xie said to Jiang Mu's earlobe while shaking his head, "No." 

Jiang Mu's body trembled, "Don't do this." 

Her voice was soft and shy. 

Bai Xie put his arms around her waist and slowly played with her ears with his tongue. 

"Itchy." Jiang Mu softly begged for mercy, "Bai Xie, you let me go." 

Bai Xie's eyes were smiling, but he didn't mean to let her go. 

Jiang Mu was a little helpless, gritted her teeth, "Zhao Jiajia is outside the door, I'm going out." 

Bai Xie looked at her and gave a soft "um". 

Jiang Mu had to kiss his mouth fondly, "I'll be back later, okay ?"

"How to make up for it?" Bai Xie finally let go. 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, "How do you want me to make up for it?" 

Bai Xie seemed to think about it seriously, and said a word in her ear. 

Jiang Mu blushed and nodded. 

He then touched her head with satisfaction, "Goodbye, go now." 

Jiang Mu glared at him, and then went to open the door. 

Zhao Jiajia waited outside the door for so long, she seemed to hear something, but she was not sure. 

She was very impatient in her heart, but her face didn't show it at all, she still looked at Jiang Mu eagerly. 

"Jiang Mu." Zhao Jiajia glanced at Jiang Mu's room. Bai Xie had already entered the bathroom and hid. 

Jiang Mu smiled at her, the pears on her cheeks were cute and sweet. 

Zhao Jiajia felt weird, "Let's go downstairs and talk." 

Jiang Mu said generously, "Okay."

After going downstairs, Zhao Jiajia's eyes were red as soon as the two of them sat down. She pinched herself twice in secret, and finally she squeezed out tears.