[World 2] Chapter 56

Looking at Zhao Jiajia who was crying faintly, Jiang Mu secretly thought it was funny, Zhao Jiajia unexpectedly gave her this trick. 

Just now Zhao Jiajia said that she told Wu Zeye something about Jiang Mu, but didn't say anything, just said that she didn't mean it, and she said that she just really liked Wu Zeye, so Jiang Mu should not be angry and don't blame her. 

What a hot cup of green tea. 

Zhao Jiajia's cup of green tea, if she drank it, it would be really bitter and hot. 

Zhao Jiajia doesn't look good when crying, and Jiang Mu feels a little disgusted. 

She stretched out her hand and patted Zhao Jiajia's back vigorously. Zhao Jiajia was still crying properly. 

After being slammed by Jiang Mu, she coughed before her anger came up. 

Seeing this, Jiang Mu took the shot more vigorously, and while taking the shot, she asked concerned: "Are you okay?" 

Zhao Jiajia's face was red with a cough, and she stared at Jiang Mu, unable to speak. 

Jiang Mu held her hand and suddenly asked, "Jiajia, what brand is your mascara?" 

Zhao Jiajia was stunned, 'Why did she suddenly ask her this?'

As soon as she was about to answer, she heard Jiang Mu say: "Your eye makeup is all scattered, your mascara is not good, it will be smeared when you cry, so ugly."

Zhao Jiajia: "..." 

Jiang Mu: "But it doesn't matter. I'll give you a waterproof one." 

Zhao Jiajia: "???" 

Jiang Mu's words matched her innocence and cuteness, and she seemed very sincere. 

But Zhao Jiajia's face was indescribably ugly. 

"No need." Zhao Jiajia's voice was dry, like she didn't even want to cry. 

Jiang Mu pulled two pieces of paper to wipe her tears, and was very considerate, "Don't cry, it's ugly for girls to cry."

Listening to Jiang Mu's soft words, Zhao Jiajia became more and more annoyed. What is all this? Why Jiang Mu doesn't follow the routine at all?

She didn't give her a chance to cry and grieve her affection at all. 

Jiang Mu secretly wanted to laugh, if you want to pretend, sister will accompany you to pretend. 

Seeing the audience pitying you for doing something wrong, or distressing me for being silly and sweet. 

Zhao Jiajia gritted her teeth and felt that she couldn't be beaten just like that, and then pinched herself severely. 

Her eyes widened with pain, and tears rolled down instantly. 

"Mu Mu, you are so kind. You know that I have always regarded you as my sister, and I feel sorry for you." Zhao Jiajia took Jiang Mu's hand and lowered her head to lean against her. 

Jiang Mu pushed her away, blinked at her, and asked seriously, "Why are you sorry?"

Zhao Jiajia thought, and finally followed her own words. She prepared a lot of things and was about to say it, who knows again she was interrupted by Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu: "Oh, I see, you were so sad because you lied to me to wash Wu Zeye's clothes in the first place, and you suddenly felt sorry for me?"

Zhao Jiajia swears in her heart after hearing it. 'How long was it yet you haven't forgotten about it?'

She almost lost control, Jiang Mu did this deliberately, and mentioned it deliberately. 

At this time, the staff of the program group who was seeing this scene in the main control room had already laughed. 

They laughed together and even called the director. 

"Director, come here, Zhao Jiajia find Jiang Mu to apologize, it's so funny." 


Zhao Jiajia suppressed the anger, her lips trembled slightly, and she struggled to control her emotions, "I didn't, you misunderstood that matter." 

Jiang Mu didn't give her a chance to explain this matter. She sighed, as if she didn't want Zhao Jiajia to care about her, "Okay, you still don't want to admit it, then why are you apologizing to me this time? What did you do to feel sorry to me? "

The words of Jiang Mu made Zhao Jiajia almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. 

"I mean..." 

She finally realized that it was a mistake that she came to talk to Jiang Mu. 

Not only could this not help her clean up, but it would put her in a more embarrassing situation. Then this scene will be broadcast again, she will definitely be used as a laughing stock by the audience. 

Zhao Jiajia took a deep breath, "I mean, I regret talking about you with Wu Zeye. You should know that I like Wu Zeye..." 

Jiang Mu nodded and said, "Well, I know you like Wu Zeye." 

Zhao Jiajia: "You're not angry with me, right?" 

Jiang Mu shook her head quickly, "Of course, how could I be angry with you? I actually feel sorry for you but it's too late." 

Zhao Jiajia was stunned. 

Jiang Mu patted her on the shoulder, "I really feel sorry for you. It's hard to like someone who doesn't like you back, right?" 

Zhao Jiajia: 'I can't talk anymore this day.'

After separating from Jiang Mu, Zhao Jiajia didn't even have the strength to be angry. 

Jiang Mu is simply a devil, holding a pure and cute face, and talking about green tea, she will kill without bleeding. 

Zhao Jiajia couldn't stand it anymore. After thinking, she decided to go to the director. 

She wants to quit the show and doesn't want to continue. 

It doesn't make any sense to stay, it will only continue to be sprayed. It is still not too late, she may be able to minimize the loss to her by quitting the show. 

At that time, she will apologize and explain, and be more honest, and it shouldn't be too miserable. 

In the future, she can still find new opportunities. Anyway, she is born again and knows many things that no one else knows. 

Who knew that Zhao Jiajia had run into a wall before seeing the director. 

Now the people in the show crew don't want to see her at all.

The director knew that she wanted to see him and was told that it was too late. He had already rested, so he send her away. 

The staff can be regarded as seeing who really Zhao Jiajia is, and no one wants to talk to her, but what happened tonight is funny and it will be fun for everyone. 

The director repeatedly urged that the dialogue between Zhao Jiajia and Jiang Mu just now should be edited carefully, and it must be included in the next episode. 


Early the next morning, Zhao Jiajia went to the director again, this time she finally saw the director. 

But when she asked to quit the show, the director didn't show any surprise, but just took out the contract and pressed her. 

Zhao Jiajia said a lot, but the director didn't let go, and said in an official tone that there was nothing he could do. 

Zhao Jiajia had to make another request, saying that she hoped that the conversation between her and Jiang Mu last night would be cut off and not broadcast. 

Of course the director rejected her again. 

How is this possible? This is the most interesting aspect of the past few days. 

The dialogue between Zhao Jiajia and Jiang Mu will definitely make the show a hot search again. This kind of sand sculpture material is the favorite of netizens, and the discussion is also very high. By then, the show may still be popular. 

When Zhao Jiajia was talking with the director. 

Several other guests met in the living room. 

Jiang Mu got up very early today, and she was awakened by Bai Xie in the morning. 

He put his arms around her and touched her, she couldn't even pretend to be asleep. 

Tossing around until midnight last night, Jiang Mu is still sleepy. 

But in the morning, Bai Xie was very energetic. He squeezed her arms around the softest part of her body. Jiang Mu hummingly opened her eyes and saw his cold and abstinent face. 

This person is really good at pretending. He is clearly doing things that are not suitable for children, but he can always put on an iceberg's cold face, which gives people a strong sense of contrast and feels even more irritating and ashamed.

Every time Jiang Mu sees that he is still calm and clear, she will feel emotional, itchy and unbearable.

"Bai Xie." Jiang Mu softly begged for mercy. 

Bai Xie didn't embarrass her, quickly became a gentleman and let go. 

It seemed that the person who was holding each other's relationship was not him. 

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment, her face wrinkled, she turned around and continued to sleep. 

He leaned over behind her and touched her face, "Get up?" 

"Can't get up," Jiang Mu said playfully. 

"Then you sleep for a while, I'll make breakfast for you, and I'll call you." 

Bai Xie's tone became gentle, and his warm tone made people addicted. 

Jiang Mu lazily agreed, "Well, good." 

Bai Xie changed his clothes and washed his face. Before leaving, he patted Jiang Mu's butt, "I'm leaving." 

Jiang Mu said, "You nasty ghost, big-eyed ghost." 

Bai Xie pursed his lips and smiled faintly, then turned over and crossed over the fence of the balcony, turning away swiftly. 

Jiang Mu drooped her eyelids and fell asleep again. 

This man is really getting more and more rampant, and he must be trained next time. 

She thought so, as if she had forgotten how she begged for mercy last night. 


Bai Xie made a healthy and rich breakfast, and went upstairs to knock on Jiang Mu's door, and woke Jiang Mu to wake up. 

After going downstairs, the two ran into Qin Siyu. 

Qin Siyu pursed her mouth uncomfortably when she saw the two of them. She saw him making breakfast for Jiang Mu and calling het to eat together, but he didn't care about others. She felt very uncomfortable. 

Bai Xie not only made porridge, but also made some side dishes and fried dumplings, which smelled particularly fragrant.

Qin Siyu said nothing, and baked two slices of toast for herself. 

After eating the toast, Qin Siyu finally spoke. 

"Have you seen Zhao Jiajia?" 

Qin Siyu used to call her Jiajia, as if the two were very close. 

In fact, Qin Siyu went out the day before yesterday and bought a new mobile phone. She secretly brought it to the love hut, but she hid it and turned it off at ordinary times. She occasionally went to see it. Last night, she saw Zhao Jiajia's hot search. 

She also watched the video of the conversation between Zhao Jiajia and Wu Zeye. 

She now looks at Zhao Jiajia with admiration, so of course she has other meanings when she asks this. 

But Qin Siyu just finished speaking, Zhao Jiajia, who was rejected by the director and satirized a few words, walked over. 

At the same time, several other guests came downstairs in turn as if they had made an appointment. 

Jiang Mu looked at Zhao Jiajia and took the initiative to say: "Jiajia, your eyes are a little swollen, did you cry too hard last night?" 

The last thing Zhao Jiajia want to mention was what happened last night. She just begged the director not to broadcast, but was rejected. She was very depressed at this time, knowing that she would definitely be ridiculed by others, but she never expected that she would not have to wait it for too long. 

Jiang Mu knows which pot to open or not to mention, but she said it in front of everyone. 

Zhao Jiajia couldn't wait to rush to block Jiang Mu's mouth and let her stop talking. 

But everyone else has heard it. 

"Zhao Jiajia cried? What's the matter?" Zhou Jing asked. 

She came back after nine o'clock last night and watched all the shows last night. When she saw Zhao Jiajia, her eyes were very strange. 

Zhao Jiajia looked at her and knew that she knew it. 

Now she just wants to leave here quickly, even if the director disagrees, she wants to leave now.

Although other people know something, they can't show that they can get external news directly, and they can't say it clearly. They can only understand it quietly, and everyone communicates with their eyes. 

Everyone is quiet at this time. 

Not long after Zhao Jiajia went upstairs, she finally dragged her suitcase down. 

Qin Siyu asked her: "What are you going to do?" 

Zhao Jiajia dropped the sentence, "I want to quit" and went straight out. 

People in the program group chased after seeing it, but no one of the guests came forward to stop it. 


Zhao Jiajia finally retired. 

A week later, the new episode of "Lovers Living Together" was updated again. 

Before this update, the program team released a trailer. In the trailer, Zhao Jiajia was crying very sad, as if she was apologizing to Jiang Mu, and then the next scene was Zhao Jiajia dragging her luggage away. 

The play volume of this trailer is several times that of the previous feature film. It can be seen that many people in the audience have watched it several times, and the urging voice is also very warm and loud. 

The popularity and broadcast volume of the program also reached the pinnacle of domestic variety shows of the same type this week. 

The barrage of the trailer filled the screen. 

"Zhao Jiajia, this scheming bitch, cry for me!" 

"Even if you cry to death, it doesn't mean that you feel sorry for Jiang Mu." 

"Little green tea, stay steady. Don't be soft-hearted. You don't know what she says about you secretly." 

Many viewers said at first, it's Jiang Mu's black powder, but when it's black, they found out why Jiang Mu is so good-looking, how embarrassed it is to be so good-looking. 

Swearing and cursing, they felt that Jiang Mu became more and more cute. Such a cute sister, how could she be bullied?

Ever since, the black fans have all become diehard fans, including the previous fans of Zhao Jiajia.

The trailer is broadcast on Wednesday, and the feature film will be broadcast Friday. 

The audience waited hard for the update for two days. This time, the observation team was also waiting to see the complete episode. They also watched the trailer early and wanted to watch the feature film early through the relationship, but the program team did not give it to them. The video was handed over until the live broadcast on this day. 

As soon as the observation team came out, they expressed their feelings of waiting to be fed. 

Fu Qing said jokingly: "I really waited for this issue to thank the flowers."

Zhang Yuanming nodded, "I was waiting for people to get old." 

Xu Jiayin: "I have been looking forward to today's episode." 

Zhang Yuanming: "Don't say anything, just start watching. I don't want to delay any points."

The audience said: "Lao Zhang is right." 

"Just listen to Lao Zhang." "I want to cry too." 

"Don't be fussy, gkd (hurry up!)."


The feature film officially started. The audience first saw the guests getting along in the new love house, everyone's warm daily life, and the first date. 

When Jiang Mu and Wu Zeye were dating, the sweet scenes of the two were very CP feeling, and some unwavering Mu Ye CP fans began to cry. 

"Bai Xie, your wife ran away with someone else, come on." 

"Bai Xie , your wife is gone if you don't come again." 

"What to do, Mu Ye is also very sweet, I want to talk again." 

"Teacher Wu is so handsome, and Jiang Mu is so cute, they look good together!" 

"I want to see this pair together, ooh... Obviously I didn't have any hope for Mu Ye in the last issue." 

"When I saw Wu Zeye's previous appearance, I thought he believed Zhao Jiajia's words."

"Little green tea is worth it. Little green tea really goes well with King Wu." 

"I still like Bai Xie and Jiang Mu, they are sweeter." 


The observation team also started their daily speculations. 

Jiang Mu's CP trend has always been a mystery in the show, and no one knows who Jiang Mu will choose. 

But according to Zhao Jiajia's words in the previous issue, Jiang Mu is likely to choose Wu Zeye. 

Although most people don't quite believe what Zhao Jiajia said, it is inevitable that they will guess. 

The length of this episode was called horror by the audience. 

Even if they watched it for more than an hour, they still didn't want it to end, and the scene of Zhao Jiajia crying that everyone was expecting to see still did not appear. 

Finally, in seventy minutes and twenty seconds, Zhao Jiajia appeared on the screen and knocked on Jiang Mu's door. 

"Fuck, it's finally here." 

"Come here, she came with false tears." 

"I don't know why, I am annoyed when I see Zhao Jiajia." 

"Sisters better prepare... Zhao Jiajia is going to start to performed."

"There is so full of malice, is it necessary to do? You can certainly understand that Zhao Jiajia is wrong."

"Yes ah, will Zhao Jiajia say it?"

"Oh, in front of everyone, this kind of person who pretends to be friends with you, but stabbing a knife behind him."

Everyone thought that they would see Jiang Mu being coaxed by Zhao Jiajia's crying, or Zhao Jiajia apologizing to Jiang Mu and crying regretfully. 

As a result, Zhao Jiajia was crying. 

Some viewers were also moved by Zhao Jiajia's "revealing of true feelings" and began to think that Zhao Jiajia was not so bad, but in fact, she was just a girl who worked hard to pursue her feelings, and what she said was not necessarily false.

She may just be using the wrong way. 

After such a comment appeared, someone said: "Hehe, if you really apologize, how can you avoid the importance and just talk to Wu Zeye, but don't say what you talked about? Really treat the audience as a fool?" 

"Yes, still she don't want to clean up, I suspect she already knows the content of the previous program." 

"It's possible that there is a script, the program group arranges." 

Everyone is arguing, but in the next second, everyone stop being noisy. 

Because Jiang Mu said: "Your eye makeup is all scattered, your mascara is not good, it will be smeared when you cry, so ugly."

The audience was stunned for a second, and then the screen was full of hahahahahahahahaha. 

"I gave my head to Xiao Mu." 

"Jiang Mu want to kill me, and then I inherited Lime member yet?" 

"Jiang Mu, you should not be so funny."

"FML, I laughed with tears. It's coming out." 

Jiang Mu's every sentence afterwards caused the full-screen burst of laughter. 

Even the observer group at this time laughed constantly, and the whole observation room was full of exaggerated laughter. 

"This Jiang Mu... is too cute." 

"I can't do it anymore. I was so silly by her sentence." 

"Ask for Zhao Jiajia's psychological shadow area at this moment." 

"I really feel so distressed for her."

"I really feel bad for Zhao Jiajia."

"It's hard to like someone who doesn't like you back, right?" 

"It's hard to like someone who doesn't like you back, right?" 

"It's hard to like someone who doesn't like you back, right?" 

(This sentence was repeated on the screen)

All Jiang Mu said on the show, they looked very neat and consistent. 

At the end of this issue, a preview of the next issue was released, that is, tomorrow's update. In the preview, Zhao Jiajia, who was dragging a suitcase, was stopped outside the house by the program crew. 

That night, Zhao Jiajia was on the hot search again.

#Zhao Jiajia is suffering, right?# 

#Zhao Jiajia's Psychological Shadow Area#

The Internet is almost a one-sided ridicule of Zhao Jiajia. Jiang Mu, who said lots of words, looks much more cute in comparison with Zhao Jiajia's scheming. 

Especially Jiang Mu's sentence: "Don't cry, it's ugly for girls to cry." 

Many people think that Jiang Mu is a gentle green tea baby even if it is a green tea. 

Compared with Zhao Jiajia, it is so much better. 

While Zhao Jiajia was scolded by the entire network, Jiang Mu also gained a large number of fans. Her Weibo, which had not been updated for several months, already had millions of fans. 

When she didn't participate in the show, there were only two to three thousand. 

The video of Jiang Mu and Zhao Jiajia's conversation, as expected by the show crew, was widely circulated. On the second day, many marketing accounts wrote articles about it. As long as they caught up with this wave of enthusiasm, they had a lot of fan, a lot of attention. 

"Lovers Living Together" once again went out of the circle because of Jiang Mu's tea talk. 

Jiang Mu's words have also become the most powerful counterattack against the scheming bitch. 

There was even a Weibo blogger who became a fan of Jiang Mu and wrote an article called: "The Fighting Power of Little Green Tea" 

This article has been reposted thousands of times, and the comments have exceeded 10,000 in one day.

This article was also reposted and praised by a large amount.

Fu Qing commented: "The most agreeable part is that I actually support everyone giving Jiang Mu the title of green tea, but you have to admit that in real life this is the case. 'S girl is more popular than other types of girls. It's not that she's good, it's just that other types are not good. But like Jiang Mu, she looks beautiful, gentle and considerate, and never speaks ill to others. She's even little thoughtful, also a happy girl, can you hate it? Let alone a man? Even though many viewers say that she has low EQ, but I think she has EQ in the relationship. As long as it is useful, as long as it is working hard, there is nothing to be devalued."

Not long after the Weibo of the Fu Qing was released, some netizens discovered that Li Mengran, who had cancelled the mutual relationship with Fu Qing a few days ago, actually liked the Weibo, and it was almost hours have passed and she haven't canceled the likes. It can be seen that it is not a hand slip.

These days Zhao Jiajia was scolded, and Li Mengran, as a strong supporter at the beginning, also brought the rhythm to the black Jiang Mu. She also had to be scolded, her Weibo was full of satirical words.

After she liked her, not only did those curses not decrease, but they tended to increase.

And there was no response from Fu Qing's side, only one thing was disclosed.

In the final confession of the final issue, all observers of their observation group will visit the scene in person, and then personally send blessings and gifts to the guests who formed the relationship between the lovers.

At that time, she could also see Jiang Mu with her own eyes.

Fu Qing said that she was looking forward to it and excited, and fans left comments below.

Little cute obedient bear: "Ahhhhh, Qingqing is going to see little green tea, wow! That's great."

You are a butterfly monster: "Does Qingqing like little green tea too? So happy."

Meow woo Wu Wu: "Great, I, like Qingqing, support Bai Xie and Jiang Mu the most, I hope they are together."


Li Mengran saw the Weibo that Fu Qing had just posted. Within a few minutes, there were thousands of comments. She was very unwilling. At first, she was more popular than Fu Qing, but now, her fans have dropped hundreds of thousands, and Fu Qing is almost catching up. And recently, no matter what she posts on Weibo, someone will say bad things about her below. 

Li Mengran was just not reconciled, but Zhao Jiajia at this time was a hundred times more uncomfortable than her. 

What happened to her after leaving the show was not good, it can even be said to be very bad. She thought that she was unlucky enough, but she didn't expect more miserable things to be waiting for her one by one.