[World 2] Chapter 57

The popularity of "Lovers Living Together" is still going on, and many people come to watch it especially, and there are even two brushes and three brushes. 

"Is this person Zhao Jiajia here to be funny?" 

"Little Green Tea is too cute, right." 

"Little Green Tea's words can be called anti-scheming essential words. I have learned what I need to learned." 

"Zhao Jiajia, get out of here. I don't want to see her either." 

"Didn't she leave in the trailer? Is it a gimmick from the show group or she really left?" 

 "I suspect that she didn't leave, wouldn't the variety show like this? A lot of orphan editing." 


Whether Zhao Jiajia has withdrawn from the show is not only the audience's concern, but even several observers of the observation group are also asking. 

They also want to know the exact news sooner. 

Zhang Yuanming was the first to get the news. The producer said that Zhao Jiajia has already decided to leave "Lovers Living Together". 

She left just before the last episode aired. 

After she left, the love hut seemed to be much calmer, everyone's life continued, and no one was sad because of her departure. 

Under the expectations of everyone, the final confession is finally coming. 

Everyone is guessing, who will Jiang Mu choose? 

Which male guest does the Libra in her heart favor? 

Is it Bai Xie or Wu Zeye? Or will it be Fu Yanxu and Yang Cheng?

Before she announced it herself, everything was possible. 


The final confession will be held on Saturday night, and on morning, the program group will start to get busy. 

To set up the venue, and explain to each guest the rules and procedures at that time, each guest has an assigned assistant to follow.

There is no problem at all tonight. 

And the person in charge of Jiang Mu is the assistant who has been with the director. 

When eating at noon, everyone was asking the assistant Xiao Liu, "You didn't get a word out of Jiang Mu? Whom did she choose?"

"She didn't say, my lips are worn out." Xiao Liu shook his head and said while eating. 

"Then it's a pity. I followed Qin Siyu, and she said it even I haven't asked her, she chose Fu Yanxu." 

"Do you still have to ask if she will choose Fu Yanxu? Any fool can guess it, but Fu Yanxu doesn't necessarily seem will choose her." 

"What is not necessarily, I think in the end, no one except Jiang Mu will succeed in holding hands." 

"Jiang Mu won't choose no one, right?" 

This question bothers everyone, and even the passing directors heard this and he became worried. 

The director and producer reflected that they decided to talk to Jiang Mu in private. If Jiang Mu really didn't choose anyone, that would not be a good result. 

 For a perfect ending, there must be at least a pair of successful lovers tonight. 

When the director found Jiang Mu, she was eating. 

The director had some earnest words, "Jiang Mu, are you almost done eating?" 

Jiang Mu looked up and saw the director, and was a little surprised. At this time, what the director come to her.

"Yeah, have you eaten the director?" 

"I ate already." Before the director came, he figured out what he wants to say. He looked at Jiang Mu kindly and sorted out his thoughts. 

Jiang Mu was almost finished eating, put down her chopsticks, "Director, sit down, are you looking for me for something?"

The director sat down on the seat opposite her and coughed, "That's it, isn't it the last confession tonight? Well, I'm here to ask everyone about what they think, so that we will be mentally prepared in advance." 

Jiang Mu smiled and nodded, "Oh, is that so?"

The director continued: "Do you already have the answer in your heart?" 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, yes, I already have."

The director breathed a sigh of relief, but he changed his mind. 'She wouldn't think of choosing no one, right?'

So he asked again, "Then which one do you decide to choose?" 

Jiang Mu said puzzledly, "Isn't this announced at the end?" 

"Yes, that's right." The director wiped his forehead. "But... you will definitely choose one from the four, right?" 

Jiang Mu instantly understood the director's worries. He was worried that she would not choose anyone. 

She smiled and said, "Don't worry about this director, I have someone I want to choose."

The director immediately smiled, "Okay, then I can rest assured, OK... Then you continue to eat, and I will ask other people."

He said so, but after the director asked Jiang Mu, he went to the producer and arranged for an assistant to ask other guests. He only needs to know Jiang Mu's answer. 

At seven o'clock in the evening, the preparations have been completed. This is the last episode of the show, and this is a live broadcast. The star observers of the observation group have been seated, and everyone is ready to wait. Even the guests feel nervous. 

There are two rows of white chairs in the open space in front of the house. A platform is set up in front of the chairs, and the two sides are full of flowers. The whole scene is arranged in a very romantic way, which has the feeling of a wedding scene. 

At the beginning of the show, the number of online viewers increased exponentially, with 15 million online viewers, and the barrage and comments quickly swiping. 

The first to be shown in the picture is a few star observers. 

Zhang Yuanming became the host again. He gave an opening remark and then invited the guests to appear. 

Today's program flow is that all the guests will come to the stage to express their thoughts these days. The first person to appear was Wu Zeye, followed by Bai Xie... After the male guests had finished speaking, it was the female guests' turn. 

The audience in front of the screen is waiting for this moment.

"Ah, ah, it's coming, I want to see Jiang Mu." 

"awsl (Ah! I'm gonna die!) Wu Zeye is so handsome." 

"Bai Xie is wearing a suit today, my god, he look so handsome, I really want to lick the screen." 

"Where's Jiang Mu? Why Jiang Mu hasn't come out yet." 

"Anxious... I miss Little Green Tea." 

"Don't say, Qin Siyu looks pretty today, this dress suits her very well." 

"Fuck ...this person is Yang Cheng?" 

"Yang Cheng dressed up so mature today, I almost didn't recognize it." 

"Yang Cheng changed his haircut, he looks so handsome." 

"Why is Fu Yanxu a bit greasy today? I don't like it." 

"I just want to see. Jiang Mu... I want to know who Little Green Tea will choose tonight." 

Jiang Mu was arranged to appear last. She wore a mint green one-piece neck dress tonight. This color is difficult for ordinary people to control, but she wears it very well. A particularly beautiful and fresh feeling, with a one-shoulder design. There is a bit of publicity in the sweetness, and the lower body is a light cake skirt, which is cute and very shy. 

Her hair was made into beautiful egg curls, fluffy and bright, with a few luminous star hair accessories interspersed with hair, under the light, glowing with crystal brilliance, and her facial features became more delicate and beautiful. 

"Mom, I saw the fairy." 

"Jiang Mu is too good-looking, so beautiful." 

"Fuck, it's so beautiful..." 

"I'm going to be Jiang Mu's face dog." 

"This beauty, let me first called Weijing." 

"The Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean are all my saliva for Jiang Mu."

The audience was very excited when they saw Jiang Mu, and the intuitive feelings of those who saw Jiang Mu herself at the scene were even more intense.

Jiang Mu's appearance is too good to play, and today's outfit is especially suitable for her.

It really looks like a little fairy. 

Such a beautiful girl, what about green tea? Besides, she's so cute, who can't like her? 

Fu Qing sat in the observation group and almost stood up with excitement. 

She is almost Jiang Mu's little girl now. After watching the show for so long, she watched Jiang Mu come all the way. If she were a male guest, she would want to chase Jiang Mu. 

She has been single for so long, and many friends are urging her to find someone. She used to expand her list and chat with the opposite sex. Now she just wants to say: What stinky man, she only likes little green tea like Jiang Mu, little green tea is not fragrant? 

Jiang Mu stood on the stage and said something to the camera. 

Her voice is sweet and lovely, and every word is like a beautiful note. 

When she finished speaking, the lights on the scene turned into a romantic warm yellow, and dazzling fireworks were set off on both sides. 

Three female guests stood on the stage, waiting for the male guests to confess. 

In this session, four male guests stood opposite the female guests, each holding a bunch of flowers in their hands, full of warm red roses, but the color of the wrapping paper of the bouquets was different. 

They will walk to their favorite female guests one by one in the music and confess to her. 

Female guests who have not received a confession can confess in the opposite direction. 

The female guest who gets a confession from a male guest will decide whether or not to accept it. 

Female guests who have been confessed by more than one male guest can go through the reverse election. 

Finally, the guests make the final decision, and we are about to enter the final stage. 

When the election was reversed, the male guest approached the female guest at the same time and reached out his hand to her. At this time, the female guest herself was given the right to choose. 

And this process is the most exciting moment in the audience. 


"I bet 50 cents, four male guests will choose Jiang Mu tonight."

"Don't bet, isn't it obvious?" 

"Let's guess who Jiang Mu chooses."

"Yes, yes, I bet 50 cents, Jiang Mu chooses Wu Zeye. After all, she has a good impression of Wu Zeye from the beginning, it is very likely. Stick to the original intention." 

"I think it's Bai Xie, Bai Xie is so fragrant, Mu Xue CP must be steady." 

"Doesn't anyone like little oranges? Isn't your sister and brother's fragrant?" 

"Just forget the little oranges, too young." 

"The combination of secondary disease and green tea is so strange." 


Indeed, as everyone expected, the four male guests all walked towards Jiang Mu with flowers. 

"The famous scene is really here. It's really one of four." 

"It's another world famous painting. This show is so fragrant." 

"Ah, my little green tea is so popular." 

"Jiang Mu is awesome... little green tea is awesome." 

"Blind, choose Jiang Mu this green tea, what's wrong in this world? Why do you like green tea bitch?" 

"Haha, it's sour, Don't tell me you want Jiang Mu to choose you? Is it?" 

"Yeah, if you ask yourself whether you are worthy or not, Jiang Mu is not worthy of your turn." 

"Anyway, the four male guests like Jiang Mu. This is what we expected." 

"Although, but... If I were a male guest, I would also like to choose the little green tea." 


"Me too." 

"Hurt , who is not?"

Zhou Jing and Qin Siyu did not get the confession of the male guests, and the camera showed them. When they were standing alone, they looked a little embarrassed.

The female guest who was not selected by the male guest can make a reverse confession, and the two also went to Fu Yanxu at the same time. 

This is also what everyone expected. 

These two people have always had a soft spot for Fu Yanxu in the later period. 

The final scene is finally coming. 

All male guests have to make the final choice. 

Will Fu Yanxu choose to accept Zhou Jing or Qin Siyu's confession, or insist on choosing Jiang Mu? 

And who would Jiang Mo choose? 

In the end, Fu Yanxu rejected Zhou Jing and Qin Siyu. 

At this time, the audience were all in panic, waiting to see who Jiang Mu chose... But they entered the advertising time. 

The audience cursed, but there was no other way. 

After the advertisement is over, there will be an exclusive interview with each guest's little black house. 

aThe first one is Wu Zeye. 

The director outside the camera asked him: "Do you think Jiang Mu would choose you?" 

Wu Zeye hesitated for a few seconds and nodded: "I think so."

The director paused, "Why?" 

Wu Zeye: "My intuition, I believe my intuition." 

Director: "What if she didn't choose you?" 

Wu Zeye: "I didn't think about this issue." 


The second one is Bai Xie. 

The director asked the same question. 

"Do you think Jiang Mu would choose you?" 

Bai Xie: "You should ask Jiang Mu about this question." 

Director: "Then what if Jiang Mu didn't choose you?" 

Bai Xie did not speak, but gave the director a look.

The director was silent for a long time, and even said "Okay."

At this time, the barrage burst into laughter. 

"Is the director frozen by Bai Xie's eyes?" 

"The expression in Bai Xie's eyes was really cold and merciless. I was scared when I saw it." 

"I don't know why, I think Wu Zeye is too confident. Now, Jiang Mu really might not choose him." 

"I also think that after reading the interview with these two people, I think Wu Zeye will be beaten in the face." 

"That's not necessarily true. Wu Zeye is confident, there may be a reason. Maybe Jiang Mu told him something and promised him something." 

"Yes, I don't think Bai Xie seems so confident." 

The solo interview between Yang Cheng and Fu Yanxu is also going on. 

The director asked Yang Cheng: "Do you think Jiang Mu will choose you tonight?" 

He whispered: "No." 

From his voice, they could hear his distress and frustration at the moment. 

Yang Cheng's performance scared the director. 

How did Yang Cheng, the wildest and most confident Yang Cheng in the show, become the eggplant of frost. 

Director: "Why?" 

Yang Cheng lowered his head: "She doesn't seem to like me."

The director is silent again, and he doesn't know how to comfort him. 

In the next second, I saw Yang Cheng raising his head, red eyes and said: "But it doesn't matter if she doesn't choose me, I still like her, I can wait for her."

The director seemed to sigh and said, "Okay." 


It's Fu Yanxu's turn. 

Director: "Do you think Jiang Mo will choose you?"

Fu Yanxu smiled, facing the camera, showing a familiar and elegant smile, "Probably not." 

Director: "Why?" 

Fu Yanxu: "Maybe I'm too late." 

After speaking, his smile became a little bit bitter, it seemed that he forced to laugh, and his eyes showed a faint sadness. 

At this time, the mood of the audience is also very complicated. 

"Do not be sad Xiao Cheng, Jiang Mu might not vote for you, but we love you." 

"Suddenly, I feel that Xiao Cheng are so poor." 

 "Fu Yanxu is like a lonely prodigal son." 

"Hey ... this program too cruel." 

"It would be great if Jiang Mu could choose four." 

"Choose four! I also hope Jiang Mu chooses four." 

"I don't want to see the moment Jiang Mu makes a choice." 

"Really, it's cruel. " 


Some people are expecting, some are afraid, but everyone is waiting for Jiang Mu to make a choice. 

The four male guests still walked towards Jiang Mu. 

They stretched out their hands to Jiang Mu, their eyes were also sincere and full of emotion. 

Jiang Mu seemed to hesitate too. 

Everyone on the scene held their breath in unison.