[World 3] Chapter 59

"Squad leader has a puppy love? How do you know?" The dean is catching it. 

What's more, their class is now in the third grade of high school. It is the time to study whole-heartedly. Falling in love should never affect it. 

If it's the monitor, what a bad negative influence. 

Jiang Mu pursed her mouth, seeming to be frightened by the excited dean. 

Father Jiang coughed, "She hit you first, why don't you say it?" 

Father Jiang looked at the head teacher after finishing speaking. 

The teacher in charge of the class frowned. Jiang Mu actually said just now that she did not move the hand first, but the monitor said that it was Jiang Mu who did it first, and other classmates testified. The monitor must have believed in the monitor. 

"I said it." Jiang Mu's expression became more and more aggrieved. 

The head teacher solemnly said: "Parent Jiang, I have also told you about this matter. A classmate has testified, it is not that I wronged Jiang Mu casually, and Jiang Mu did bully classmates once or twice." 

A bad girl like Jiang Mu, who dyes her hair and doesn't wear school uniforms honestly, often skips class and goes out to play. The teacher doesn't bother to care about it. If she hadn't beaten the class leader this time, the head teacher wouldn't want her parents to come.

"The testimony of classmates is not necessarily the truth, or are you saying that my daughter's words are definitely false?" 

Father Jiang is still very protective of his calf, at least in front of outsiders, he wants to show that he is standing on the side of his children. 

Mother Jiang also nodded. 

The dean said: "Well, whoever hits someone first must have a motive and purpose. Since you said it was the squad leader's puppy love, do you have any evidence? You can't just casually say anything."

Children this day like to give a small report very much. He has received several anonymous reports of their classmates who fell in love with each other. They all reported them, although they have to be caught, they cannot be messed up. The third year of high school is an important period and cannot affect the students.

The dean still believes in the squad leader. He also saw the squad leader of the third class just now. She is quiet and meek. She wears glasses and looks like a good student. Unlike the Jiang Mu in front of him, who often comes to the Academic Affairs Office, she always makes trouble. 

He guessed that Jiang Mu had no evidence and was just biting casually. 

The head teacher also nodded, "Yes, you can't wrong your classmates with such things as premature love." 

Who knows Jiang Mu said: "Yes."

The head teacher asked: "What?" 

Jiang Mu: "I have evidence." 

Everyone eyes widened, some teachers heard it and leaned in. 

The teachers in the Academic Affairs Office are not only teachers, but also school leaders. They have all met Jiang Mu before and have an impression of her. 

This time, seeing her parents quarreling like that, I feel that this child does not have adult at home, it is estimated that she will not be admitted to the university, and she will have no future in the future. 

Just now, she said that the squad leader fell in love early, so she went to persuade the squad leader, but was beaten instead. 

Everyone didn't take it seriously, who knew that Jiang Mu actually said that she had evidence. 

"Then take it out and let us have a look."

The crowd surrounded Jiang Mu. 

They saw Jiang Mu take out her mobile phone. 

The dean yelled, "You even brought your mobile phone to school." 

Jiang Mu said in her heart. After so many years of not going to school, she forgot that high school students can't bring mobile phones to school. 

Although such regulations exist, ordinary students still bring them, and they will be confiscated if they are caught. 

The teachers are also used to it. Some pretended that they couldn't notice it, and some confiscate it when they see it. 

The dean belongs to the latter. 

But the current situation is that the parents are here anyway, and the student has not changed after repeated teachings. He yelled and saw no response from other people, so he didn't say anything further. 

Jiang Mu said: "The evidence is in the phone."

Jiang Mu opened the WeChat Moments and found the Moments posted by the male classmate. 

It is a group photo of the male classmate and the monitor, they are very close together. 

Seeing this photo, the head teacher's face is ugly. 

The dean is also furious. 

Jiang Mu glanced at the pair of shoes, and wanted to bully others after taking her things, then she was not polite. 

After all, she is a person who must pay for it. 

"Which class is this man from?" the dean roared. 


Half an hour later, Jiang Mu waited for the male classmate and the monitor's parents at the Academic Affairs Office. 

The squad leader who was still arrogant before is now like a drowning chicken. She is standing next to her with her head down, crying, and her looks is really funny. 

As for the male classmate, he looks really good, a sports student, and tall, but in front of the teachers and parents, he seems to be a little shorter, and his father knocks on his head with a leather bag and he hides all over the room. 

The male student's mother stopped his father and slapped the male student on the back, "Not only you didn't learn well, you also found a little lover?" 

Jiang Mu stood and watched, looking at the male student. 

When the boy student saw her, his expression was unnatural. 

"Yang Hui, tell me, what's going on in this matter? You said Jiang Mu did it first, but Jiang Mu said that you pushed her because she found out about your early love." The head teacher's tone was harsh. 

The class monitor's name is Yang Hui. She dared to lie before because she was certain that the teacher would believe her, but now that her premature love is known, and her parents are here, she will inevitably feel guilty now. 

After the class teacher finished speaking, Yang Hui's face was very pale, and she couldn't say anything. 

Jiang Mu took a step forward and whispered: "Teacher, don't force the monitor. She didn't want it. I believe she didn't mean it." 

After hearing Jiang Mu's words, the head teacher was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Jiang Mu to help Yang Hui speak. 

Now, the head teacher finally knows who the wrong person is.

"Yang Hui, you are the squad leader, and I made you the squad leader because I believe in your abilities, but your present action makes me disappointed." The class teacher said earnestly.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother knew that their daughter was not wrong and had been wronged, so they immediately gained confidence. 

Mother Jiang: "Teacher, did you think that it was easy for us to come all the way? I am very busy, our child is fine. You said she bullied classmates, and now it's a misunderstanding." 

Father Jiang: "Yes, there is nothing wrong with Jiang Mu. But you wrongly accused her, that's not good."

After Yang Hui's parents learned about the situation, they quickly pulled Jiang Mu to apologize, and asked Yang Hui to apologize to Jiang Mu. 

"Huihui, you quickly apologize to Jiang Mu. She kindly remind you, how can you do such a thing." 

Yang Hui looked at Jiang Mu and said angrily, "I won't apologize, I'm right. My early love is wrong, so what about her, doesn't she also fall in love with Zhao Ye?" 

Everyone looked at Jiang Mu and Zhao Ye again. 

"What's the situation?" 

Things went up and down, and the expressions of the teachers in the Academic Affairs Office changed again and again. 

Zhao Ye was a male classmate. He was shocked when he heard this. 

"What do you have to do with that Zhao Ye?" The head teacher took a deep breath and said helplessly. 

Jiang Mu didn't panic, "Teacher, I'm just friends with him." 

"Teacher, don't listen to her, she just likes Zhao Ye, otherwise I won't push her." Yang Hui stared at Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu bit her lip and said, "Yang Hui, how can you talk nonsense, you can't say that without evidence." 

After listening for a long time, the dean of teaching did not expect to find another sign of puberty love, "Yes, what do you have? evidence?"

Jiang Mu, the other person, has shown ironclad evidence. 

Yang Hui thought for a while, she really had no evidence, but with so many eyes staring at her, her words were all here, if she couldn't say anything, no one else would believe her. 

Her eyes turned around and saw the shoes on Zhao Ye's feet. 

Yang Hui said loudly, "If she doesn't like Zhao Ye, why should she buy such expensive shoes for Zhao Ye? I checked the shoes and they were more than 3,000, which were given by Jiang Mu." 

So everyone looked together at Zhao Ye's shoes on his feet. 

Zhao Ye's parents also said, "Son, how come we haven't seen your shoes?" 

"This female classmate really gave them to you?"

The teachers also said, "What shoes, these shoes cost more than three thousand?" 

"It doesn't look that expensive, and it's not leather shoes." 

Zhao Ye didn't expect Yang Hui to talk about it. His face was ugly. He glanced at Yang Hui and nodded embarrassingly, "Yeah."

The class teacher was about to speak, but Jiang Mu said, "Class leader, this is indeed a gift from me to Zhao Ye, but I only treat him as an older brother." 

After that, Jiang Mu paused then added, "Furthermore, three thousand yuan of shoes is not expensive. Isn't it the normal price?" 

Everyone present, except for Father Jiang and Mother Jiang, had a subtle expression on their faces. 

Mother Jiang said cooperatively: "I'm sorry, my child doesn't have any concept of money, and the family buys things for her, and they choose expensive ones." 

Father Jiang also said: "Our child didn't lack for money, and 3,000 yuan shoes are really not expensive... not expensive at all." 

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's words didn't make everyone's complexion better. 

Zhao Ye's parents were even more embarrassed. Zhao Ye's father stared at Zhao Ye fiercely. 

Zhao Ye's mother blushed and pushed Zhao Ye up and said, "Son, how can you just accept such expensive gifts from others?" 

Zhao Ye didn't say a word.

Jiang Mu cried and said to everyone, "I didn't expect to be misunderstood when giving an ordinary gift. I really only regarded Zhao Ye as my brother. I was alone since I was a child, and my parents are busy. I want to have an older brother." 

Jiang Mu's pitiful appearance is indeed distressing. 

"Parents should also care a lot about their children." The dean said to Jiang's father and Jiang's mother. 

Yang Hui didn't give up, and said, "You said you treat him as an older brother. Who believes it? You obviously like him, otherwise why would you give him a birthday present." 

Jiang Mu bit her lip and looked at Yang Hui then look at Zhao Ye, "In that case, Zhao Ye, please return the shoes to me. I don't want these shoes to trouble you."