[World 3] Chapter 60

At the end, Yang Hui and Zhao Ye were scolded by their parents. Yang Hui apologized to Jiang Mu, and Zhao Ye's parents gave Jiang Mu the money for the shoes. 

The shoes have been worn, and Zhao Ye's parents are there. They will definitely not let the children take off his shoes and give them to Jiang Mu. They can only bite their teeth and give out more than 3,000 yuan. 

Now that the matter was explained clearly, there was nothing wrong with Jiang Mu. Yang Hui and Zhao Ye stayed at the Academic Affairs Office and continued to be scolded. 

After apologizing to Jiang Mu's parents, the head teacher and the dean sent the three of them downstairs. 

After returning home, Jiang Mu's parents were still arguing. The reason was that apart from apologizing just now, the head teacher also talked about Jiang Mu's education. 

The child is now in the third year of high school, and whether she can study well in the future depends on her parents. If they ignore it, Jiang Mu will probably be ruined in the future. 

Because of this incident, the head teacher thinks that Jiang Mu is actually a good girl, but because of lack of control, she is too indulgent. If her parents care more, she might be better, study hard, and take a college entrance examination next year. 

"Even if you have money at home, you can't buy your child's happiness and future."

That's what the head teacher told Jiang's father and Jiang's mother. 

The two agreed, but when they arrived at home, there was still no discussion about who would take care of the children. 

Still no one wants to bring Jiang Mu with them. 

Father Jiang has been remarried. His wife brought a son about the same age as Jiang Mu and gave birth to a daughter. If Jiang Mu moved to live with them, which would only add to the chaos. 

Jiang Mu's mother is too busy with her work, and she has just received an important commercial lawsuit, worth hundreds of millions. At this time, she must not relax. 

Seeing them quarreling endlessly, Jiang Mu felt a trace of sadness for the original owner. The original owner's parents were selfish people, and the original owner was too dispensable for them. 

So Jiang Mu said lightly, "Dad, Mom, don't quarrel, I live with my grandmother very well, I won't cause trouble in the future, I will study hard, you don't have to worry."

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother said at the same time: "Are you serious?" 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Well, but didn't you say that you want to give me a black card before, give it to me." 

"Don't you want it?" He did give the original owner a black card, but the original owner was angry that her parents didn't care about her only giving money, so she refused. 

Jiang Mu blinked and said seriously: "Yes, I have to study hard, buy materials, and go to the school to make up lessons. I need a lot of money." 

Father Jiang hesitated when he saw Mother Jiang, and immediately said, "The child wants it, just give it to the child. You don't care about my life, and she's not financially satisfied. What do you do as a mother?" 

The two have been quarreling since they got married. In this situation, the original owner is accustomed to it, Jiang Mu look at them with no response.

Mother Jiang snorted, "Then you give it, why don't you give it? How about your money, all to other people's sons?" 

"What other people's sons."

The two quarreled again, Jiang Mu's eyes turned upwards. After two hits, she directly get two cards. 


Back to her room, Jiang Mu changed her clothes, lay down on the bed and began to organize subsequent memories. 

Zhao Ye is just a small episode in the original owner's high school career, and it can be regarded as the original owner's first love that died before it even started. 

Although it hurt the fragile heart of the original owner, Zhao Ye actually didn't do anything to the original owner. The two chatted every night. Although they were ambiguous, he did not lie to the original owner. He could only say that the original owner was a spare tire. 

Later, he chose Yang Hui and didn't hide it from the original owner. The original owner who unilaterally broke up in love just went to make a fuss. After a month of sadness, she was fine soon. 

It is said that the best way to treat a broken relationship is to start a new relationship. 

The reason why she gets better so quickly is precisely because she met a new person, that is, the first scumbag in the strict sense of her life.

The original owner of the broken-up relationship didn't study hard, so she played games every day, but she was very skilled. In order to get points, she found a playmate on the Internet to accompany her on getting the points. 

At the beginning, the person she was looking for were not fixed, and she had to change every three to five. Later, her stage of the game went up, and she found a powerful national costume to accompany her. 

People think she spends money generously, so they added her WeChat. 

After adding WeChat, they started to tease her when they played with her. 

The original owner didn't know how to tease, and she just fell out of love. The other party not only played games with her every day, but also coaxed her to sleep with him. Within a few days, the original owner was moved. 

People like the original owner, who are stupid and lack in love, start to spend money on others. 

This relationship continued until the original master graduated from high school. 

She didn't work hard at studying in high school, so naturally, her college entrance examination failed. The parents were willing to spend money so she could enter college and get a degree.

The original owner ran to the city where he was playing and go to college.

The following story is very simple, that is, the original owner was cheated by playing with money and her heart was cheated. She stupidly let them do that for several years.

He just played with her for her money and never liked her. 

Three years later, the original master graduated from a junior college. The family arranged for her to come back to work. In order to stay with him, she broke up with the family, and the family gave less money. Naturally, he would no longer accompany her to play. 

People are acting for money, and if the original owner has no money, why bother stay with her?

The original owner was heartbroken again, but the emotional failure this time made her less stupid and she became a little bit smarter. 

For various reasons, she still stayed in that city.

Then the original owner met a scumbag who was more scumbag than the previous one. Although the original owner manage to became more sensible and not easy to be fooled after the last incident, this scumbag and the previous guy are not in the same rank. This time, his proficient pua technique made the original owner believe him very much, led the original owner into the trap step by step, and finally controlled her firmly, even causing her to lose her dignity.

This time, the original owner ruined her life, ruined everything, severed her relationship with her parents, and became more and more degenerate. In the end, even if she broke up with the scumbag, she was completely different from before. She became inferior, and her spirit was also out. After the problem, she couldn't find a job and didn't want to go home. She went to work in the club and committed suicide by taking sleeping pills on her 30th birthday.

The system said: [ The original owner's wish is that you can help her change her life, so that those who play with her feelings can also feel the feeling of being played with, and she also wants to enter a good university. ]

Jiang Mu was in a bad mood by what happened to the original owner. Maybe it was because the original owner and her were two extremely opposite with each other. She had never thought that girls would encounter such a thing.

Although girls have to learn to protect themselves, sometimes they really can't guard against some bad guys' designs. It's hard to guard against this type of people.

The original owner was deceived from the beginning because of lack of love and her innocence. Later, she was targeted because of her weak personality, wealth and beauty.

The only thing she did wrong was that she believed people too easily.

Jiang Mu sighed for a while and decided to complete this mission well.

Less than a year away from the college entrance examination, Jiang Mu is not particularly worried. After all, she is a smart person with good grades from childhood to adulthood. She has tested IQ before and is higher than 90% of normal people.

But her time is precious, and it would be boring if it was all spent on review.

So Jiang Mu called out the system, "Let's do this, in the future, if my green tea attributes will increase, the rewards given will not be added to the beauty, all will be added to the study."

The system expressed its approval: [ Ok, the host can rest assured. ]

After experiencing two worlds, Jiang Mu completed the task perfectly every time. The system absolutely admired Jiang Mu. Her level of doing business is so good, and the system has gained many benefits. 

After arranging these, Jiang Mu opened the original owner's WeChat and checked her previous chat history with Zhao Ye. 

I have to say that the original owner is indeed a bit silly. Jiang Mu knew at a glance that Zhao Ye didn't like the original owner. He always replied in different chats. He was more diligent a week ago, but he often didn't reply a few days ago.

Had it not been for the original owner to mention that she wanted to give him a gift, he would probably ignore her. 

Jiang Mu thought for a while, but didn't block Zhao Ye. 

She opened the game that the original owner liked the most, ready to learn the technique. 

Jiang Mu didn't play this kind of battle competitive game very much before, but after looking at the basic operation introduction, she roughly understood it. 

She decided to practice a little bit. After two days, she was familiar with the basic operation and the skills were clear. She downloaded a palm to play with, and found the scumbag that the original owner was looking for to play with. 


The next day was the weekend, Jiang Mu got up early, she took the black card and took a taxi to the city mall. 

The development of City C is pretty good. Although it is not a provincial capital city, the shopping malls in the city center are also quite prosperous. All the big names are available, Jiang Mu found a good looking club. 

She is going to change her hair style. 

In the previous two worlds, the first time she looked like an elegant elder sister, and the second time she was a pure fairy, there was no need to change.

But this time, she became a bad dark girl. 

This world is a little different from the modern world Jiang Mu was in before, like parallel time and space, games and the Internet are developing similar to the modern world in 2020, but people's aesthetics have lagged for ten years, and this is when the non-mainstream prevails. In the ages, the original owner's hair was also very trendy and turned into a yellow firework perm, and it was still bangs.

It is said that boys all like yellow-haired sisters, but now this yellow-haired girl, Jiang Mu thinks it's so hot-eyed.

Think about it yesterday that the original owner still painted blue eyeshadow, Jiang Mu couldn't stand it. 

Jiang Mu picked a pleasing hairstylist and described the hairstyle she wanted. After five hours of waiting, Jiang Mu's hair turned into a linen tea-brown, with a smooth straight hair reaching her waist, and there was a little bit airy bangs. It doesn't meet her requirements, but let alone, it looks pretty. 

This style of hairstyle has not yet become popular in this era. The hairstylist is also very surprised to see the final results. 

Because after Jiang Mu changed her hairstyle, it was like it changed her personally. The former little sister became slim and pure as water. 

Jiang Mu was very satisfied and left after paying the money. 

But what she didn't know was that as soon as she left, several hairstylists gathered around the hairstylist who was styling her and asked what hairstyle he had just made Jiang Mu. It was so pretty and asked where he learned it. 

"I didn't expect that girl to be so beautiful."

"I didn't expect that when she came in, I only glanced at her, and my eyes came out when she left." 

"Really, Ahao, what is that hairstyle? What's the name of it?" 


After changing her hair style, Jiang Mu went to the mall to buy clothes again. 

Although the general public now has the aesthetics of ten years ago, clothes are not very different. After all, fashion is a reincarnation. What is popular now will be just as popular ten years later. 

Jiang Mu bought some clothes suitable for students to wear at will. It is good to be simple. Her appearance does not need clothes to set off. As long as it is pure and clean, it is good. The clothes of the original owner with holes and rivets and chains are really not suitable for her green tea set. 

And she will be a good student from now on. 

Jiang Mu thought clearly, and took a taxi home after buying the clothes.

Only the grandmother and the nanny were at home. When Jiang Mu returned, they almost didn't recognize her. 

Finally, they look at Jiang Mu up and down and looked at it several times. Grandma laughed and shed tears, saying that Jiang Mu is so beautiful now. 

The nanny made a table of dishes, all of which the original owner loved. 

Jiang Mu is not picky, because the nanny's craftsmanship is really good. 

Jiang Mu thought to herself, if the original owner had been more confident and self-loving since she was a child, everything might be different. 

Now it's up to her to help the original owner change. 

Back in the room, Jiang Mu skillfully opened the game and manipulated it. 

This is the trumpet she just built. It was still a small bronze the day before yesterday, and it has been in platinum today. 

For a novice, it is already a rapid improvement. 

But Jiang Mu's goal tonight is to get a diamond first, and then she can go to play with him. 

The original owner was looking for this person after she got on the diamond. 

Now that there are not so many people playing this game, diamonds are already at a good level. After two years, there will be kings everywhere, and even many people say that they can be king if they have their hands. 

Jiang Mu played a ten-game winning streak, an average of eighteen minutes, and she had risen to a diamond before wee hours. 

She had already registered an account with the palm of her hand and searched for his name based on her memory. 

But she don't know why the searched person is not that person, because the personal introduction details are different. 

Jiang Mu recalled the time, the original owner's time to play with is indeed a few months later, maybe that person hasn't started to play with, or his name is not yet called this. 

Jiang Mu was bored with playing the software with her hands. 

There are a lot of companion games in the software, and each game has a corresponding classification.

Jiang Mu clicked into the division of the game she was playing, and flipped through it at random, and found that there was a king-ranked player who was 400 meters away from her. The name was Erfield. The number of services was more than 700, and it was 25 coins per game.

Twenty-five coins in a round is quite expensive. 

Nowadays, the accompaniment generally charges ten coins, and there are seven coins for the cheaper ones, and fifteen coins or more are considered amazing. 

Jiang Mu didn't know why she was a little interested. 

Now the people who play this game are young people, and they plays with him so many times, which shows that there are a lot of people who point him, and the ones who point men to play with are all young ladies. 

And Jiang Mu had to admit that this portrait was pretty handsome, if it weren't a fake photo, it was Jiang Mu's food. 

Being so close to him and so beautiful, Jiang Mu didn't think much about it, so she launched the "chat" function. 

After clicking in, Jiang Mu saw that he had a voice to listen to, so she reached out and clicked. 

The voice was only three seconds, but Jiang Mu's first reaction after hearing it was: a scum male, an absolute scum male. 

There is no need to chat, Jiang Mu directly placed three orders. 

No need to sleep tonight.