[World 3] Chapter 61

Jiang Mu and erfield exchanged a few words and informed their own system and platform. After a few seconds, the other party added her game friend. 

Needless to say, just start a game. 

The other party's name in the game is: "Erfield 10". 

It seems that this person has a lot of accounts. This number may be his tenth trumpet. After all, he has been playing with him for so long, and his charges are still so high, and his business needs to be in place no matter what rank account must have. 

Into the game after typing, Jiang Mu said: "I play the middle, I am jungling, you do not mind." 

Erfield simply said: "What you can just play, just play casually." 

The tone is gentle, with a smile, just listening to the voice, Jiang Mu always felt that the opposite person might be a fat man. 

It is said that Fatty's voice is good, and many voice actors are fatty. 

Jiang Mu didn't turn on the voice, and continued to type. 

Erfield's skills were really good. Jiang Mu deliberately waved twice and gave away a few heads. He just said, "It's okay, I'll wait for a moment and take revenge for you." 

Jiang Mu played the middle road mage, this one chose Wang Zhaojun, and Erfield played Baili Xuance. 

It is said that scumbags play Xuan Ce, and they are indeed well-deserved. Erfield's Xuan Ce kills people without blinking, but directly hits five, and can get three kills and four kills at every turn. 

Especially Xiao Qiao in the middle lane opposite, because he killed Jiang Mu twice, he was targeted by him. As long as she was on the line to clear the soldiers, he would be arrested. 

Later, Xiao Qiao was killed by Erfield fifteen times. 

Xiao Qiao that someone played was three levels behind Jiang Mu's Wang Zhaojun, and was killed several times by Erfield. 

In the end, Xiao Qiao didn't come out at all, and started all the conversations in the spring water and cursed Erfield. 

Xiao Qiao: [ Xuan Ce, what's wrong with you? Why did you catch me and kill? ]

Erfield ignored her, she kept spitting fragrance until she was banned by the system. 

When finally pushing the high place crystal, Erfield abused her again. 

The whole team sent 666 together. 

Erfield's operation is really good, and Jiang Mu, a novice, is very jealous. 

This is the power of the wild king. 

Jiang Mu bought three rounds, and each one ended very quickly. After all, it was just a diamond round. Basically, the battle ended in ten minutes. The opponent was beaten and shut down. In two rounds, the opponent surrendered. 

After the third round, the two were still in the team room. Erfield asked her, "Do you want to be the king or do you want to score for the national uniform?" 

The price for him to play a round is not low, and they usually asks him to accompany them. All of them are more demanding. 

Speaking of it, it was the first time he encountered a diamond order in the past month. 

The rank is really a bit low. For the diamond rank, ten coins will be able to find good skills, and you can win the game with you. 

Jiang Mu replied in the chat box: "I'm just looking for someone to play games with me. It would be better if I can get a higher score." 

Erfield: "... Well, are you still playing?" 

Jiang Mu: "Play. Are you going to sleep?" 

Erfield: "You want to play, of course I will accompany you."

When he said this, his voice still trailed off, like a smile, but Jiang Mu only responded: "Hmm." 

Erfield couldn't figure out Jiang Mu's attitude, as if shy and cold. 

Generally, girls who order him are reserved. At first, girls are reserved, and it is normal to speak without voice. 

But after playing a game or two, when you hear his voice, you can't help but interact with him through the voice. 

Few people like Jiang Mu didn't speak during the whole process, either they were male or their voice was awkward.

Erfield has been playing with her for a while. I have seen a lot of customers. Although I am curious, I don't ask too much. After all, she ordered him today, but she might not order him again in the future. 

The two played until two or three in the morning. Jiang Mu ordered more than 20 rounds and was taken directly to Xingyao. 

When Jiang Mu heard his voice a little tired, she took the initiative to say after playing, "You seem to be very sleepy. Let's rest first. Thank you for your hard work today."

Erfield thought for a while and said, "Sorry. I'm a little sleepy and can't accompany you, so I'll go to bed earlier." 

Sure enough, the scumbag was so warm when he spoke. 

It's just that this kind of heating is the same as that of a central air conditioner. 

Jiang Mu still typed. She first made a shy expression, and then said, "Well, okay, thank you." 

After finishing speaking, no one left the room. Erfield hesitated for a few seconds and finally said, "Why are you not speaking? Are you afraid that your family will hear it?" 

Jiang Mu: "No, I have caught a cold these past two days and my throat is uncomfortable." 

Erfield suddenly said, "Well, then you can rest early." 

He just finished talking, Jiang Mu Mu returned a good word and left the room. 

Erfield stayed in the room where he was alone, startled. 

For some reason, he found Jiang Mu from among his friends in the game, and he clicked on Jiang Mu's portrait and looked at it for a while. 


These two days are weekends, Erfield does not have to go to class, and the time to accompany him is very fixed, basically starting at 3 o'clock in the afternoon until the evening. 

He is a night owl, sleeps late, wakes up late, and starts taking orders when he eats. 

Get up at two o'clock, wash up first, feed the cat, order a takeaway, and start taking orders. 

I took a few orders in the afternoon, all of them were girls.

The ranks are high or low, and they are restrained at the beginning, but after the game, they tentatively asked him if he wanted WeChat or if he had a girlfriend.

Erfield was accustomed to it, and gave away a few casual sentences. 

At six o'clock in the afternoon, he was about to go out to eat, when a message came to the software to accompany him, and someone had placed an order. 

He picked up the phone and took a look. 

It's a bit familiar, it turned out to be the one last night again. 

Erfield hesitated for a while, but still didn't decide to go out, so he could only continue to order takeaways. 

A single order is twenty-five, and you lose at least fifty when you go out to eat. 

Anyway, this girl is not annoying, she doesn't speak, her rank is not low, and she is easy to deal with. Even if she eats and plays, she doesn't have a big problem. 

Thinking of this, Erfield went straight to the trumpet of yesterday's Erfield 10. 

After going online, Erfield asked her, "Why are you so early today?" 

Jiang Mu still typed: "I just finished eating and I want to play a little bit." 

She was at home, and the nanny cooked early, five o'clock. Jiang Mu will finish eating at 6:30, and this is when Erfield is ready to have dinner. After all, his lunch is at two. 

Erfield laughed, "Okay, let's start." 

Jiang Mu: "Yes." 

Today's game is also very smooth. Jiang Mu's performance is not good or bad. Erfield still leads the audience and chooses Li Bai, very silky and elegant. 

After the game, Jiang Mu will send a message to him that he is so powerful. 

But the voice has not been turned on. 

Without a doubt, the girl who Erfield played with might have a bad voice. 

In fact, he has heard a lot of girls' voices that are not very good, some are the rough voices of Northeast girls, some are sharp and harsh, and some are artificial and pretending to be sweet, which makes people want to cover their ears.

He don't know what her voice is like. 

With such curiosity, Erfield asked after the game tonight, "Are you still playing tomorrow?" 

Jiang Mu said, "I'm going to go to class tomorrow, and I can only play when I come back from the evening self- study."

Erfield said in surprise. "How old are you?" 

Jiang Mu: "Seventeen." 

Erfield: "Senior year of high school." 

He almost said that she was still playing games in her third year of high school, but he swallowed it to his lips. She was the boss, why would he say this? This kind of words sweeps people's interest. 

Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

Erfield: "Then I am a few years older than you, I am twenty-one." 

Jiang Mu: "Brother is good." 

Erfield raised his eyebrows when he saw this sentence, and smiled: " You can't just call me your brother casually." 

Jiang Mu didn't answer, but said, "I'm going to bed, I'm going to get up early tomorrow. Good night." 

Erfield didn't react, but he froze for a few seconds. He wanted to stop her from exiting the team room. 

Erfield thought for a while, and sent a message to Jiang Mu on the palm-to-play software. 

"Why don't we add a WeChat account? If you want to play in the future, just call me and I can give you a discount."

In the past two days, Jiang Mu spent more than one thousand yuan with him. She's a high school student, it seems that the family is quite rich. 

When Jiang Mu received this message, she was choosing other players to play with on the palm of her hand. 

Erfield was not the only one she was looking for to play with in the past two days. The reason she looked for him the next day was because his voice was indeed the best, and Jiang Mu was interested in him seeing that the two were close. It's very thick, I want to try to see if I can succeed in a few days, and then meet up to see if he really look like the photo. 

Although she was interested, Jiang Mu was never in a hurry. Man, he was there anyway, he didn't know how to run, he would naturally come into the bowl when she took her time.

Now, Erfield took the initiative to come to her for WeChat. 

No matter what the other party's purpose is, as long as he follows her plan, then she is successful. 

Jiang Mu sent Erfield a string of numbers, which was her WeChat ID code. 

Then she changed to a platinum trumpet and ordered some individual accompany to play. 

This time I play with a little Zhengtai, one year younger than her, he is sixteen years old, the voice in his voice sounds is very tender, and the milky voice is sweet, it sounds cute and loving. Depending on when he takes orders, he is a newcomer. 

Xiao Zhengtai is very enthusiastic. It is estimated that there are few orders, so when she comes up, he called her sister, and he is very sweet. 

 And this time Jiang Mu opened the chat directly. 

"What are you playing?" Jiang Mu's image in front of Xiao Zhengtai was no longer that of a well-behaved little Lolita, but a cold Yujie Fan. 

Xiao Zhengtai was suppressed as soon as she opened her mouth. 

Jiang Mu's voice can be salty or sweet, soft or cold, depending on whether she is pressing her throat or speaking softly. 

Maybe he thinks Jiang Mu's voice is too nice, and there is a high cold breath. Xiao Zhengtai was stunned and then said: "What do you want to play with?" 

Jiang Mu blurted out: "Sister wants to play with you..." 

Xiao Zhengtai was drinking water. After hearing this, he was choked with breath, and after coughing for a long time, he was relieved.

"My sister is joking." 

"Not joking, my younger brother is so cute, he must be funny." Jiang Mu seems to have forgotten that she is only seventeen years old, and she was very sophisticated when she came up. 

Xiao Zhengtai had just been playing with her, and he hadn't taken a few orders. He was ashamed of being molested by Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu added, "This sister means that you are so cute, and it must be fun to play with you." 

Xiao Zhengtai replied too shyly, "How old is my sister?" 

Jiang Mu said with a red heart, "How old are you?"

After speaking, she has chosen her hero. 

She is on the second floor, and Xiao Zhengtai is on the fourth floor. After Jiang Mu finishes choosing the hero, it will be Xiao Zhengtai's turn after a while. 

Xiao Zhengtai chose a top laner hero. 

The game began. 

Jiang Mu only glanced at the phone set aside. 

Yeah, I almost forgot to go through Erfield's WeChat friends. 

She has two mobile phones, one for playing games and one for daily use. 

Erfield's friend invitation was sent fifteen minutes ago. Jiang Mu clicked on his avatar, which is an anime character. 

There is still time to enter the game, Jiang Mu approved the friend invitation, and noted Erfield as: Play with No. 1, and then added some remarks in the description: Erfield, distance: 500 meters, wild king, slag male voice . 

The label is classified as: Play with games. 

After the addition was successful, Jiang Mu sent Erfield a scornful emoticon. 

Jiang Mu: [ I just brushed my teeth, sorry. ]

Just after replying, she heard Xiao Zhengtai say; "Why didn't my sister speak anymore?"

At this time, the game had started, and Jiang Mu hurriedly bought the clothes and went online. 

Xiao Zhengtai's technique is not as good as Erfield, but he is quite stable. Playing with him, Jiang Mu exerted 90% of her strength. 

In the past few days, her skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and she has played with masters like Erfield, learned a little awareness and operation, and can occasionally show off in this position. 

Seeing that she had taken a blood, Xiao Zhengtai singled out the opposite mid laner and exaggeratedly shouted: "Wow, sister, you are amazing." 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Sister has something more amazing, do you want to try it." 

Xiao Zhengtai probably didn't understand, and he nodded seriously: "Yeah." 

Jiang Mu scolded herself, he's being disrespectful.