[World 3] Chapter 62

Xiao Zhengtai's name in the game is: Please gank me. 

Sure enough, it was full of the aura of a teenager. 

The platinum game played by the two was so easy, Jiang Mu could still be distracted to chat with Xiao Zhengtai while playing. 

Jiang Mu asked him: "Baby, what's your name?" 

Xiao Zhengtai didn't expect Jiang Mu to call him baby suddenly, and said uncomfortably, "My name is Xie Ziqi."

Jiang Mu said, "Okay, baby's name. It's so nice." 

Xiaozheng pursed his mouth too much, trying to say why his sister didn't say her name, but he was a little arrogant and didn't ask. 

Jiang Mu only ordered him for two rounds, and didn't mean to continue after the game. After all, she was indeed going to class tomorrow and couldn't sleep too late. 

And Xiao Zheng was actually going to go to bed after taking this order, but when he heard Jiang Mu say they'll stop playing, he didn't know what was going on, so he felt a little sad and felt uncomfortable. 

"Sister is going to bed?" Xiao Zhengtai asked. 

Jiang Mu: "Yes, isn't Baby Ziqi sleeping?" 

Xiao Zhengtai: "I'm going to sleep." 

Jiang Mu: "Then go to sleep, and I will play with you tomorrow." 

Hearing these words, Xiao Zhengtai suddenly said, "Really? What time tomorrow?" 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "It seems that the baby really wants to play with me." 

Xiaozheng blushed and explained, "No, it's because I will have class tomorrow and there will be turtoring in the evening, so I won't be able to play the game at 8 o'clock. I'm afraid I won't be there when my sister is looking for me." 

Jiang Mu: "That's it... Then let's play after 8 o'clock." 

Xiao Zhengtai: "Yeah, alright."

After quitting the game, Jiang Mu saw Erfield sent her a message back. 

It was also ten minutes ago.

Erfield: [ It's okay, are you going to sleep? ]

Jiang Mu: [ I was too sleepy just now and squinted for a while and fell asleep accidentally. I'm about to cry]

Erfield returned quickly this time: [ Are you so sleepy? What time do you usually sleep? ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Nine o'clock. ] 

Erfield glanced at the time, now eleven o'clock. 

Erfield: [ Why are you still playing so late? Yesterday, we're playing until the early hours of the morning. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ I just want to play with you for a while. ]

When Erfield saw this news, he squeezed the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly: [ Go to sleep, good night. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Well, see you tomorrow, good night. ] 

The aready sleepy Erfield suddenly can not sleep, he again points to open Jiang Mu's circle of friends. 

Jiang Mu's circle of friends is visible for a month. 

But even for a month, there are only a few statuses in it. 

The only thing he can see is the one posted yesterday. 

It's Mu Mu ya: "I changed my hairstyle, happy." 

There is also a picture below, not showing her face, but a back. 

Slender figure, smooth long hair, wearing a big white t-shirt, a pair of straight nine-quarter jeans, the hem of the t-shirt is tucked into the trousers, it looks like her figure is well proportioned, and it can be seen that her legs are thin and long. Just looking at the back makes people think about it. 

She should look good too. 

Erfield thinks her hair color is pretty, although he can't tell what color it is, it feels gentle and obedient. 

But I'm afraid it's a killer from the back, I see a lot of girls like this. The back looks like a fairy, but the front face makes people unable to swallow. 

With such entanglement, Erfield did not sleep well that night. 


The next day, Jiang Mu went to school. She changed her hair style and appeared in the school, many people did not recognize her. 

She walked into the class, and some people even asked her, "Classmate, who are you looking for?" 

Jiang Mu is a bad girl at school. Although she has a low EQ and is a little simple in emotional terms, she is also very embarrassed in front of her classmates. 

She glanced at the other person, said nothing, went straight to her seat and sat down. 

The whole class was shocked. 

It was her deskmate who first realized that she was Jiang Mu. 

"You... you are Jiang Mu?"

The class was in an uproar, "What?" 

This comic girl is the former non-mainstream Jiang Mu? 


But when you look closely, it looks a bit like it. 

After the class bell rang, the class was still full of rumors. Everyone was chatting about Jiang Mu's transformation. Especially on Friday, the story of her and Yang Hui also spread. Some people said that she were robbing men. The friend fought and made trouble to the Academic Affairs Office. 

Today, watching Jiang Mu become like this, everyone thinks that it is because Zhao Ye chose the monitor instead of her. She was stimulated and wanted to change herself. 

After a while, when the teacher came in, he was also shocked to see Jiang Mu. 

On the same day, the news that Jiang Mu from the third grade of high school became a big beauty spread through several regular editions on the fourth floor. The learning atmosphere in the top class was very good, and no one went to spread such gossip news. 

Because of the original owner's wish to enter a good university, Jiang Mu started to listen to the get out of class and reviewed her homework after class. Even the homework and test papers sent by the teacher were not directly thrown away, but instead opened. 

Jiang Mu's tablemate was stunned, thinking that she was possessed by evil. 

However, these things are not a big deal for Jiang Mu.

She feels that she will leave after a year, and the opinions of others here have no effect on her. 

After self-study in the evening, Jiang Mu was going home with his schoolbag on his back. 

But after leaving the classroom, she suddenly remembered that there were still things left, and she left the spare phone at the desk and forgot to take it. 

So she almost walked to the school gate, and she turned her head back to the classroom to get her mobile phone. 

She took her phone out, and when she went downstairs, a basketball rolled downstairs. 

Seeing that it was about to hit Jiang Mu, she squatted down and reached out to hug the bounced basketball. 

A voice of thanks came from behind, "Thank you classmate." 

Jiang Mu looked back and saw two boys walking down the stairs. 

The teaching building has a fifth floor, Jiang Mu's class is on the fourth floor, and most of the classes on the fifth floor are top-ranked classes in the third year of high school. 

These two boys came out so late, probably because they were reading and doing problems in the classroom. 

Jiang Mu's eyes fell on one of the boys for three more seconds. 

The extra three seconds is enough to show that this boy's face value can be scored nine points in Jiang Mu's heart, with a full score of 10. 

Jiang Mu had to meet the characters in the memory of the original owner to awaken the memory, so when she saw him this time, she remembered the other party's information. 

It turns out that there is such an existence as a campus male god. 

The original owner also knew the boy in front of her, and it could even be said that no one in the school did not know him.

His name is Xie Xingran, and he is a figure in Mingli No.1, not only a school grass but also a figure of the gods level. 

Since enrolling, he has always been the number one in grade, with outstanding facial features, looks no worse than popular stars in the entertainment industry, but is more tender and handsome. 

And Xie Xingran looked cold and indifferent, even when he looked at Jiang Mu, he would frown.

It is rumored that he has a bad temper and doesn't like girls. It is annoying to see them. Few girls dare to speak to him on their own initiative. 

Although there are many people who like him, they generally don't dare to confess, because a few martyrs who confessed earlier were crying by his poisonous tongue. 

Jiang Mu handed the basketball over, without saying anything, bowed her head and continued to walk forward. 

When Xie Xingran and his classmates walked behind, it was inevitable to see Jiang Mu's figure. 

Jiang Mu was wearing a simple school uniform, but the wide school uniform couldn't hide her slim figure, and they could still see her beautiful profile when going down the stairs and turning. 

Xie Xingran didn't react, but the male classmate next to him had a quicker heartbeat. 

He wait until Jiang Mu is away. 

The boys whispered: "What class that girls belong to? So good-looking, how have not seen her before?" 

Xie Xingran said: "I do not know." 

The boys also thought that Xie Xingran is interested, "It should be in which class on the fourth floor. I blushed when she glanced at me just now."

Xie Xingran looked at his face and it was indeed a little red. 

"Are you adolescent and agitated?" Xie Xingran's tone was casual. 

The male classmate gave him a push, "Fart, aren't you adolescent?" 

Xie Xingran did not speak. 

"If I have your look, I will go up and ask for her QQ." 

Xie Xingran: "Then you can't."

The male student stared at him angrily: "Damn, I know, if I am with your face..." 

Xie Xingran raised the corner of his mouth and said with a faint smile: "Okay, don't let the spring go, let's go, the school gate will be closed later." 

Both of them are day students, and today they got delayed in the classroom for a long time to answer few questions, or else they would have left early.

"Come on, go fast."

The two quickened their pace and saw Jiang Mu in front of them again. 

"It turns out that she is also a day student." The male student lowered his voice, "Look at this figure, you can see a thin waist in a school uniform, tut..." 

Xie Xingran: "Can you stop yy."

The male student was dissatisfiedly said: "Yy isn't good, I didn't do it." 

Xie Xingran: "Oh, I think you have watched too many things you shouldn't watch."

The male student was taken aback for a while, and immediately jumped into thunder, "Fuck," I never looked at that thing." 

 Xie Xingran: "Never?"

The male classmate pursed his lips in embarrassment, "I haven't seen it in a long time, okay? Maybe you haven't seen it either?" 

Xie Xingran looked at him. With a glance, he sealed his mouth with his eyes. 

The male student didn't ask any more, but Xie Xingran's mood was a bit complicated, because he had actually seen it. 

Last year, some of his cousins ​​came to his house secretly, saying they wanted to see something good, and dragged him and his brother into the room and put a CD, which was a pornographic film. 

Xie Xingran felt very disgusting, that is, from that time, he began to reject the approach of the opposite sex, but he was sure that he didn't like men, anyway, this feeling could not be said.

When Jiang Mu returned home, the nanny prepared a lot of fruits for her. They were peeled and cut into easy-to-eat pieces and placed on a plate. They were just taken out of the refrigerator. They were icy and delicious. Jiang Mu had only eaten a plate and go back to the room.

When Jiang Mu picked up her mobile phone, she remembered Xie Xingran who she had just met. In fact, the original owner knew Xie Xingran's mobile phone number.

When she graduated from high school, a girl in her class borrowed a classmate from Xie Xingran's class, with Xie Xingran's number on it.

At that time, many girls secretly remembered it.

The original owner also remembered. After all, Xie Xingran is the male god in the hearts of all the girls in the school. Although she can only look from a distance, it is good to remember a mobile phone number incase need to be use in the future.

However, after hearing that Xie Xingran's phone number was known to too many people, he changed the number. 

In fact, the original owner had thought about Xie Xingran, but for her, he was so good. She didn't even dare to imagine anything to do with him. 

But the original owner didn't dare, she did. 

Jiang Mu's thoughts were lively, she moved around in the room, after thinking about it for a while, she went to take a bath. 

After the shower, she wrapped a bath towel, looked for an angle, and took a glamorous photo. 

In the photo, only the part below the chest, her slender waist is exposed from the side. At this angle, the key parts are just out of sight. It can only be seen that she is slowly lying in front of the sink, with one leg raised on tiptoe, and one leg slightly bent. Lifting up, the skin is white, and under the warm yellow light of the bathroom, it exudes a lustrous luster. The beautiful small feet are exposed, the toes are small, and the toenails are white and pink, and they are all beautiful. 

Jiang Mu took a closer look and was satisfied, so she sent this photo to Xie Xingran. 

She is using a new mobile phone number. At this time, the mobile phone number is not bound to personal information, so it is impossible to find out whose name it is. 

After sending the photos, Jiang Mu didn't wait for a reply, and was going to play the game. 

Tonight she intends to find Xiao Zhengtai to play a few games first. 

After all, Xiao Zhengtai is only sixteen years old. She has to go to bed early and get up early, and she has to go to school during the day, so she can't affect his health. 

Jiang Mu opened the playing software in the palm of her hand and turned to Xiao Zhengtai's dialog box. 

Jiang Mu: [ Didi, Didi, the king. ]

Xiao Zhengtai returned almost in seconds. 

[ Jeijei, jeijei, I will be online right away. ]

Jiang Mu couldn't help feeling funny when he saw him being so active. 

When the two entered the game, Jiang Mu said, "Is the baby waiting for me all the time?"

Xiao Zhengtai: "I... no, no, I'm doing my homework." 

Jiang Mu was a little flustered when he heard his tone, holding back a smile, and sighing, "Well, I will look for you as soon as I get home."

Xiao Zheng became even more panicked, and hurriedly explained: "Actually I am waiting for you, but I also do my homework." 

Jiang Mu was surprised: "Ah, it turns out that you haven't finished your homework yet, but you still play with me. Don't play, do your homework first." 

Xiao Zhengtai: "No, that's not necessary, I'll just go through the questions, I can play." 

It's really been a long time since Jiang Mu has encountered this kind of thing without guessing. The boy whose mind is fully exposed. 

It's so cute. 

Jiang Mu said, "Okay, let's get started, sister will take you." 

Xiao Zhengtai: "Okay, my sister is the best." 

Jiang Mu smiled and asked, "What's the best about sister?" 

Xiao Zhengtai thought about it, "Sister is best at everything." 

Xiao Zhengtai felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. 

Hearing his serious answer, Jiang Mu finally laughed. 

At the beginning of the game, Jiang Mu decided to show off and chose Li Bai, who had just learned these two days. 

She thought that there shouldn't be any problems in this rank. 

As a result, there was no problem with her operation, but her teammates repeatedly gave people a messy rhythm. 

Especially the mage in the middle road, when she came up, this person gave the three heads to the opposite side, and directly raised the opposite middle dan as a pig. 

The name is "Milk tea is a bit sweet". 

Jiang Mu thought to herself, this is probably a girl, she is kind to others. 

So Jiang Mu typed while operating: "Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you see off in the middle?"

Xiao Zhengtai couldn't help laughing when she watched Jiang Mu Sao's line of words. 

"Sister, you are so cute." 

Jiang Mu: "Really? Where's am I cute?" 

Jiang Mu thought to herself, she was obviously using her strength to lead her brother to the point. How could she be called cute by her younger brother? 

"It's just cute." Xiao Zhengtai was still smiling. 

This round was indeed Jiang Mu's lead. Both the middle and bottom lanes were blown up. It all depends on Jiang Mu, an unskilled Li Bai, who used resources to steal the tower to take the rhythm. She came back later, and Xiao Zhengtai's top laner played well. The two of them cooperated in place and lit the opposite crystal in twenty minutes. 


At the same time, Xie Xingran came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, opened the drawer and took out his mobile phone. 

He didn't bring his mobile phone to school. He kept the mobile phone at home and only looked at it when he came back. He reads the mobile phone to read the news and learn about current affairs. He doesn't know how to play games or chat. 

Occasionally, a few familiar classmates would send him messages, but everyone would not find him for anything, because they knew that he was cold-tempered, lazy, and he wouldn't message back when he saw it was irrelevant things. 

But today he received an unfamiliar MMS. 

Xie Xingran didn't think much, and subconsciously clicked on the MMS. 

In the next second, his expression changed. 

Xie Xingran stared at the phone coldly for a while, frowned, and was surprised that he didn't feel sick when he saw this kind of thing. 

In the MMS is a photo. The person in the photo does not show a face, but perfectly shows a graceful body, a slender and enchanting waist, straight white legs, and a sultry posture. 

Especially this pair of legs reminded him of a word often said at the same table—legs play years.