[World 3] Chapter 63

Xie Ziqi and Jiang Mu were so happy that they laughed so loudly that even parents outside could hear them. 

"Zaizai, what are you doing in the room?" 

Xie Ziqi's mother knocked on the door. 

Xie Ziqi was taken aback, closed his mic quickly, and shouted at the door, "I'm not doing anything, I'm just answering some problems." 

"How can you be so happy when doing the problem, and laughing so loudly?" 

Xie Ziqi hesitated, "My classmates forward to me a funny video, and I laughed." 

Mother Xie: "Well, do you want to eat fruit? Mom washed the apples." 

Xie Ziqi: "I'll eat it later when I get hungry, I'll just my work first." 

Mother Xie: "I peel the skin and cut it." 

Xie Ziqi lowered his head to manipulate his hero, and said: "Okay, mom. You can go now." 

"Okay, then don't do it too late and rest early." 

When he heard his mom walked away, Xie Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief and opened his mic. 

He couldn't answer Jiang Mu's words just now, so he quickly explained. 

"Sister, my mother came just now, so I turned off the sound." 

Jiang Mu didn't care, smiled and said, "Okay." 

She looked at the time and it was almost time to changed people.

So she said: "I'll go after this round." 

Xie Ziqi froze, "This early?" 

Jiang Mu: "Yes, baby, can't you bear sister?" 

 Xie Ziqi hesitated and asked, "Are you going to do something else already?" 

"Well, sister is very busy." 

Busy fooling around, busy teasing guys.

It just happened that this round was over. Although Xie Ziqi didn't want to say goodbye to Jiang Mu so soon, he still said, "Well then, sister." 

Jiang Mu sees him so behaved, and feels a little more fond of him.

Xie Ziqi suddenly remember that he doesn't know her name yet, so he asked: "What's your name sister?" 

Jiang Mu said: "Jiang Mu." 

Jiang Mu posted these two words in the team chat. 

Xie Ziqi: "My sister's name is very nice." 

Jiang Mu laugh lightly. 

Listening to Jiang Mu's laugh, Xie Ziqi's cheeks flushed slightly, and he seemed to imagine Jiang Mu's appearance. 

"Then I'm off, I'll play again with you next time." 

Jiang Mu said next time, not tomorrow. 

Xie Ziqi was a little sensitive and hurriedly stopped Jiang Mu. 


Jiang Mu slowed down when pressing the exiting hand. "What's wrong?" 

"Can I add your QQ." 

Jiang Mu said, "Yes, but I usually use WeChat more." 

"WeChat is also fine." Xie Ziqi was very happy to see that she didn't refuse, "I also have WeChat." 

"Okay." Jiang Mu sent her WeChat account, "Then I'll go now, bye."

"Yeah." Xie Ziqi saw the number and wrote it down in his heart, as if he was afraid that the series of numbers would disappear in the next second, or he would not see it if he accidentally clicked to quit. 

He has a good memory, and he can memorize the number by reading it silently a few times. Then switch to WeChat and add friends. 

He finished adding, and waited for a few minutes, but Jiang Mu hadn't accepted it yet. 

Xie Ziqi was worried whether he made a mistake, but it didn't look like his wrong.

Fortunately, he remembered the number, so he tried to add it again. 

At this time Jiang Mu had already started ordering another to accompany to play. 

Erfield took two orders in the evening. Although he was playing, he couldn't concentrate on it. 

He took advantage of the few seconds of game matching time, and he would also switch to WeChat and go back again to take a look at the software. 

This time, his boss is a girl in her twenties, and her voice is pretty good, but her tone is full of the squeamishness of the eldest lady. She always talks to him with a little bit of coquetry and pretentiousness. Erfield used to eat this set. 

But now he feel hypocritical. 

"Erfield, I was killed, you should take revenge for me, the jungler on the opposite side is so annoying."

Erfield said kindly, "Okay, right now." 

Although his words are gentle and patient, the corners of his mouth was facing down.

He thought to himself that after receiving this round, if the opponent wants to continue, he will say that he has something to do. 

Sure enough, one game ended, and the other party said: "You're pretty good, let's play a few more games, I'll place an order."

Erfield smiled softly, "Sorry, sister, I have something to do, and I want to go out. I can't play anymore tonight, so you should cancel the order." 

"Why do you stopped playing suddenly?" The girl was a little reluctant. 

Erfield's tone was soft: "I'm sorry." 

Even though he was impatient with the girls, he still had a good attitude.

The girl had temper when she listened to him. Although she was still arrogant, she just asked: "Well, how many hours do you usually take orders every day?" 

Erfield said, "It depends on the situation. If there are more classes, I won't take orders. If there's nothing wrong on the weekends, I'll always be there." 

He say this, meaning that he would take it when he is free. As for when is he free, it depends on his mood. Basically, Erfield is free when he need money.

His tone was slow, and the girl listened to the voice and looked at his picture, and couldn't help being curious about the man. 

So she wanted to ask him about WeChat. Although Erfield found it boring, he still gave it. He has three WeChat accounts, one for his daily use, one for playing with friends to add friends, and the other for the time being. It's useless, people nowadays, who doesn't have a WeChat trumpet. 

Just as Erfield was about to switch to WeChat to add her, the phone rang twice. 

It's Mu Mu ya: [ Are you free? Brother, take me to the top. ] 

He added Jiang Mu on his number that he usually used, this number has also added to a few customers, only if he felt they are rich, has a pretty character that meet his satisfaction.

This was also when they was just playing with him, he occasionally used this number to add customers. Later, there were more people ordering, and he almost never used this number to add people. 

Why did he use this number to add Jiang Mu this time? Erfield couldn't tell. 

However, he just turned down someone who said he could not play, and immediately replied to Jiang Mu: "Okay, let's sign up." 

He switched accounts to log in to the game, and it was Erfield 5 just now, and it became Erfield 10 in a blink of an eye. 

As soon as Jiang Mu went online, Erfield sent a team invitation. 

After entering the room, he asked her, "Did you just finish your homework?" 

She didn't play with him until it was so late. Originally, he thought Jiang Mu would not be looking for him today. 

Jiang Mu whispered, "Well, there are a lot of homework today."

This is the first time Jiang Mu has opened mic to communicate with him. 

Her voice was soft, green and sweet, and not artificial at all. He rarely heard such an innocent and pleasant voice. 

 Sure enough, she is a younger sister. 

His mood didn't know why it became better. 

"Then you still want to play now?" Erfield's tone was also more gentle. 

"Well, I want to play with my brother." 

She said brother naturally, sweet and greasy.

His expression was startled, and when the words came to his lips, they turned into a "good" word. 

 "Let's start then." 

Jiang Mu: "Well, I want to practice a new hero, can I?" 

Erfield said in a petting voice: "Yes, Twilight can play whatever she wants." 

Jiang Mu whispered: "Okay, then don't dislike me when I played it badly." 

"No, as long as you don't treat the spring water opposite as your own spring water, I can take you to win." he said in a relaxed tone. 

His confidence exudes charm. 

Of course, he does have this ability, no matter how Jiang Mu plays around, he can lie down with her to win. 

And Jiang Mu was chatting with Xie Ziqi while playing around. 

Others have one mind and two purposes. She uses one mind for three purposes, not only to manipulate the game, but also to communicate with Erfield, and also to reply to Xie Ziqi's news. 

She only accepted Xie Ziqi's friend application after entering the game. 

After adding friends, she went to see Xie Ziqi's circle of friends. 

Xie Ziqi's circle of friends is not like she is visible in three days. 

He didn't set a time limit, and she could see how many moments he posted, but obviously this kid didn't used WeChat very much. Moments posted were some reposts and things about games, and only had one photo in it.

It's a selfie in the mirror. 

It should be him. 

Because with a toothy expression, she looked at him. 

Jiang Mu opened and looked at it. She didn't expect it to be a cutie with tiger teeth and dimples. He had short hair, very slender fingers, a little thin, tall, not particularly handsome, but very delicate. After all, he is still small.

Jiang Mu didn't have any other thoughts about such a brother, but he was so cute, and it was fun to make a joke. 

It was just because she looked at this photo for a long time, she manipulated the hero with one hand to walk to the opposite tower and was killed. 

Erfield asked her: "What's the matter with you?" 

Jiang Mu paused, and said discouragedly: "I'm sorry, I'm stuck, hey... I'm too bad." 

Erfield comforted her: "It's okay, wait for me. I'll help you catch it." 

Jiang Mu: "Well, thank you brother." 

Although he told her that she shouldn't call him elder brother casually, when she called him elder brother, the corner of his mouth will raise every time. 

At this time, Xie Ziqi was racking his brains to think how to communicate with Jiang Mu where he would appear to be less naive. 

He believed Jiang Mu's claim of a few years older than him, and believed that Jiang Mu was a college student. 

He doesn't want Jiang Mu to feel that she has a generation gap with him. What do ordinary college students like to talk about? 

Xie Ziqi couldn't figure it out, so he turned to the almighty Duniang. 

As a result, it was said that they were talking about some learning problems. 

This stumped him. 

He doesn't know what academic problems college students have. 

Xie Ziqi chose to give up, so he had to organize his immature language as much as possible and wanted to show his mature side. 

Xie Ziqi: [ Sister, are you always busy until late? ]

Jiang Mu: [Yes, baby is going to sleep? ]

Xie Ziqi saw Jiang Mu calling him baby again and blushed. This time Jiang Mu typed it out, so instead of just saying it casually, he stared at the word baby, a little bit twisted, and a little confused.

Xie Ziqi: [ No. ]

Jiang Mu: [ What are you doing when you are supposed to go to bed at this late hour? ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ I'll go to bed later, I'm not sleepy yet. ] 

Jiang Mu couldn't reply, this time the game will push across the Highlands, she gotta run it past the reference group. 

Xie Ziqi was waiting for a reply. He thought and thought about it. He felt that it was his own words that there was nothing to answer. It is estimated that Jiang Mu is the same as him. If there is nothing to answer, sometimes he is too lazy to return. 

So he sent another sentence. 

Xie Ziqi: [ I actually want to chat with my sister for a while, what does my sister like to do? ]