[World 3] Chapter 64

Jiang Mu lazily replied a few words to Xie Ziqi. 

But she responded too slowly. 

Xie Ziqi went to wash up and lay on the bed waiting for Jiang Mu's reply. 

The two chatted one after another. The time was getting late and Xie Ziqi was also sleepy, but he still couldn't bear to abandon the phone, holding the phone and thinking about today's conversation with Jiang Mu. 

Before not knowing it, Xie Ziqi fell asleep. 

After Jiang Mu played the game, she saw that Xie Ziqi didn't reply again. She also guessed that he was asleep and didn't take it to heart, so she went to chat with Erfield.

The two did not play late today, because both of them have to go to class the next day, especially Jiang Mu, a third-year student who has early self-study in the morning, and will get up before seven o'clock. 

Fortunately, now that she is young and has good skin, Jiang Mu never has to worry about dark circles and bags under her eyes when she stays up late. Even if she stays up all night, she will still be beautiful the next day. 

At twelve o'clock, Jiang Mu said to Erfield, "Brother, it's not early. I'm going to rest, I'm going to have class tomorrow." 

Erfield said, "Are you a third year in high school?" 

Jiang Mu said, "Well, That's right." 

"Isn't there a lot of pressure in high school, can you still play games every day?"

Hearing her voice so cute and soft, he subconsciously felt that she was a good student. 

"I did my homework and only played after reading the book." Jiang Mu said, with a hint of grievance. 

He curled his mouth unconsciously and said in his softest tone: "Well, I'm just worried that you will delay your studying because of playing." 

Jiang Mu: "I don't." 

Erfield: "That's good." 

Jiang Mu "Then I'm going now. I may not be able to play with my brother tomorrow. I'll have a monthly exam in a few days." 

Erfield paused, " You don't play games before the monthly exam?" 

Jiang Mu: "Well. "

Erfield: "Okay, I'll wait until you finish the exam before playing together." 

Jiang Mu with a smile, and then said, "Brother, how many games we played today, look at it? I'm going to check it out for you." 

The two played for more than three hours, and each round was very short, so there were at least eight rounds . Erfield collected 25 coins, which is 25 yuan per round, and made two in one go, surely it was more than a hundred dollars. 

But he thought for a while, and said, "It's only a few rounds, you can give me a hundred yuan." 

Jiang Mu raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and a smile crossed her eyes, but she hesitated and said, "Is it only one hundred yuan? Isn't it too small?" 

Erfield said, "No, I'll give you a discount." 

Jiang Mu said, "Thank you brother, brother is really nice." 

Although she doesn't need others to save her money, men insist. Give her less, then she doesn't have to be polite. 

After going offline, Jiang Mu went to wash, combed her hair, and then lay down. 

It was late, but she did not rush to sleep. 

At this time Erfield sent a voice over. 

When Jiang Mu tapped to listen, his clear and gentle voice came from the phone. 

"Good night." 

Jiang Mu replied: "Well, good night." 

She pinched the time, and after ten minutes, she sent a message to him saying that she could not sleep. 

After receiving the news, he lay down and was about to fall asleep. After thinking about it, he offered to tell her a bedtime story. 

The last time he did such a thing, it was to his girlfriend. 

Now he is single, but his last appointment is not very early. He has had many girlfriends. The last term is still relatively long. It has been more than three months, and it hasn't been long after the breakup. The breakup is also related to him playing games.

At first the ex-girlfriend said that she will not to interfere with him, but later she clamored for him not to be allowed to play. He felt bored, so he broke up. A few days ago, his girlfriend sent him a message and cared about his health. 

When Erfield told Jiang Mu's story, he didn't think of his ex-girlfriend. 

His storytelling voice is extremely gentle and affectionate, the kind of petting voice that makes people pregnant. 

Jiang Mu is a little voice-controlled, otherwise she wouldn't like listening to him.

She have found a few to accompany her these days, and none of them has a better voice than Erfield.

She also wanted to see what he looked like, whether he was worthy of this voice. 


The next morning, Jiang Mu got up, ate breakfast in her pajamas, took a photo of breakfast and sent it to Erfield.

And said good morning to him. 

The babysitter's breakfast was very generous, with small wontons with meat buns, and tofu nao fritters. Jiang Mu ate with grandma. 

After breakfast, Jiang Mu went to school. 

When she entered the teaching building, she happened to ran into Xie Xingran. 

Jiang Mu looked at him a few more times, just as Xie Xingran looked over. 

He still remembered that Jiang Mu was the girl last night. 

However, his eyes quickly moved away. He walked fast with long legs, and quickly walked to the front. 

At this time, she suddenly heard someone calling her name. 

She looked back and found that it was Zhao Ye.

Zhao Ye was wearing a basketball uniform, holding a basketball in his hand, and looked at her in surprise. 

Jiang Mu's expression remained unchanged, and she smiled and said, "It's you." 

Zhao Ye heard about Jiang Mu's change yesterday. He also saw Jiang Mu's circle of friends and knew that Jiang Mu should be different from before. But when he saw her, he was still shocked.

Jiang Mu looks too good to be like this. 

His eyes looked straight. 

In fact, Zhao Ye and Yang Hui hadn't broken up yet. They had just been together at that time. How could they break up directly because their parents and teachers knew about it?

However, Zhao Ye was still persuaded in front of the adults, and so did Yang Hui. 

The two pretended to break up on the surface, but in fact they were still together. 

However, because of the trouble in the office, the relationship between Zhao Ye and Yang Hui seemed to become weird, especially Yang Hui, who complained about Jiang Mu as soon as they met. 

But last night the direction of complaints changed. Yang Hui didn't say that Jiang Mu was out of the mainstream, she said that Jiang Mu was pretending.

When Zhao Ye saw Jiang Mu today, he knew the reason. 

Zhao Ye said: "You look pretty like this." 

Jiang Mu: "Really? Thanks." 

She glanced at Zhao Ye's shoes. 

It wasn't the pair she gave, and asked: "Why don't you wear those shoes? Don't you like it?"

After the money was taken back, the shoes were not given by her. 

Jiang Mu's questioning made Zhao Ye a little embarrassed. 

"No, I washed it a bit and it didn't dry yet." 

 Actually, Yang Hui didn't let him wear it. 

 And his parents also said that such expensive shoes should not be worn every day to play. 

Jiang Mu: "Oh... I thought you didn't like it. Then you will wear it tomorrow. It looks good to you when you wear it." 

Zhao Ye touched his head and said with a smile: "Okay."

The two went upstairs together, Jiang Mu suddenly said: "Oh, you walk with me, your girlfriend won't be angry, right?"

As soon as she said this, the system's prompt sounded.

[ The attributes of green tea in this world have been upgraded, and the number of tea words and tea action has accumulated to 100. The host is really green tea. At the request of the host, reward points will be added to learning. The memory of the host will be added to physics, mathematics, and chemistry. The process of answering all the knowledge points and key test questions in the three-year high school textbook. ] 

This is not bad. She will have an exam in a few days. This reward is like giving away charcoal in the snow to Jiang Mu. 

Zhao Ye said, "It was nothing. She's just so angry for nonsense reason." 

Zhao Ye's tone was a little guilty, but Jiang Mu pretended not to hear it. 

"That's good, but I always think she misunderstands me a little bit. In fact, I am very optimistic about the two of you, but I just think that puppy love will delay your study." Jiang Mu looked at him seriously. 

Her eyes were pure, as if there was still a trace of admiration. 

His heart was pounding, and he couldn't bear to look away for a long while. 

"No...no." He was incoherent and didn't know what he was talking about. 

Jiang Mu whispered, "Actually, you don't blame me, right? I'm already very happy. Do you still treat me as your sister?" 

Zhao Ye hesitated for a while and said, "Of course."

"It's good, I know you won't talk about love being more important than friends." 

Zhao Ye smiled, "Of course I will not." 

Jiang Mu said, "It will be my birthday after the monthly exam. I want to invite you and your girlfriend to my birthday party." 

"The monthly exam is near, isn't that just a few days later?" Zhao Ye asked in surprise. 

"Yes, it's next Saturday." Jiang Mu nodded, "Don't you want to go?" 

Zhao Ye looked at Jiang Mu and said, "No." 

"That's good, then remember to tell your girlfriend." Jiang Mu smiled brightly, "I'm here, I'll go to the classroom first, don't forget." 

Zhao Ye's classroom is upstairs. His grades are quite good, and he is a top student like Xie Xingran. The two are in the same class.


Jiang Mu did not play games very much in preparation for the monthly exam these days, but he chatted with Xie Ziqi and Erfield every day. 

Even Zhao Ye took the initiative to chat with her and asked her what gift she wanted for her birthday. 

Sometimes, she had to reply to three people at the same time. 

If it weren't for her fast typing speed, she really couldn't message back. 

When there are too many messages, it is easy to reply to the wrong person and send the wrong message. 

However, this is also commonplace for Jiang Mu. 

In the past, her highest record was chatting with six boys at the same time. 

Jiang Mu did not forget to guide Xie Xingran. 

Since she want to send photos, she have to send them every day. 

Every time she finished the shower, she changed her posture and angle to take a pure and lustful photo and sent it to Xie Xingran, each without her face. 

Xie Xingran didn't respond at first. 

Until the fourth day, which is the day before the monthly exam. 

Xie Xingran finally returned a message. 

Xing Xingran: [ Who are you? ]

Jiang Mu replied with an even more amazing photo. 

It was a photo taken while wearing a suspender and lying on the bed. 

The sling is made of real silk, which is a little close to the body, and her body curve is wrapped vividly. 

Especially the breasts are already well developed. Because of her posture, it looks like a beautiful drop of water, and the fabric is slightly raised. 

The buttocks are the sexiest, the shape is imaginative, and it is more sultry to wear than not to wear. 

With this visual stimulation, Xie Xingran's breathing became dignified. 

Due to the shadow of his childhood, he had never seen such a thing.

Even if it was shown to him by his classmates, there was no such beauty. The completely naked pornographic photos made him sick, but Jiang Mu sent it differently. He felt blood swelling after watching it for a while. 

He deleted the photos of the first two times. 

From the third day on, he had strange thoughts about this mysterious girl. 

This time, it made him forget to blink. 

He took the phone and stood there for a long time. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, he panicked and the phone almost dropped. 

Outside the door was his mother's voice, reminding him to rest early. 

Xie Xingran gave a hum, and his mother left. 

Xie Xingran threw the phone aside and went to wash his face. 

When he looked in the mirror, he realized that his face was a little red. 

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and the picture just appeared in his mind. 

He finally got rid of the thoughts in his mind. 

In order to calm himself, he started to answer the questionaires. 

This is a bit useful, he can calm down when answering it.

But when he went to bed at night, he was lying on the bed and couldn't help but think of the picture. 

He lay quietly for a while, and got out of bed to get his mobile phone. 

Clicked on the photo again. 

In the photo, the light is warm yellow, the bed is snow-white, and the sheets are all princess style that the little girl likes. He looked at the seductive body and put his hands under him unknowingly. 

When his hand touched there, the person in the photo seemed to become real. 

It seems to be lying in front of him, scratching her head at him.

Xie Xingran has always been sensible and calm. Sometimes when his classmates talk about girls, he has no interest at all. There are a few precocious peeking movies and talking secretly. He is disgusted when he listens. Others say he has problem. 

He also wondered if there was something wrong with him. 

Xie Xingran felt that he was so strange, and this feeling was also strange. Although he was very excited, he had an unspeakable sense of shame, struggling with reason. 

He stared at the photo closely, as if there was still himself in his mind, floating up and down in a very hot spring, he was floating around, surrounded by a strong and comfortable feeling, and in the end all that became blank, and his body also tensed, lost consciousness for more than ten seconds. 

A few minutes later, Xie Xingran fell silent as he watched the things on the bed sheet. 

He deleted the photo with some irritation and anger, his face was pale and ugly. 

Finally, he changed the sheets and washed the dirty place with shower gel in his bathroom before throwing it into the washing machine downstairs. 

After returning to the room, he took his cell phone and typed in a string of numbers he memorized. 

He looked at the number and thought for a long time. 

Finally decided to fight over. 

He wants to know who that person is. 

Is the person sending the photo the person in the photo? 

Or a prank by someone else? 

He suspected it was a classmate in his class, otherwise how could s/he have his mobile phone number?