[World 3] Chapter 65

After Xie Xingran's call the number, he was a little nervous for some reason. 

He was thinking what to say if a girl answered the phone. 

But the call was not connected, and the other party's cell phone was turned off. 

Hearing this, Xie Xingran even breathed a sigh of relief. 

He put down his cell phone and decided to go to the classroom tomorrow to ask a few good classmates around him to see if it was a prank. 

But that night he had a dream about the girl in the photo. 

Although in the dream, the girl's face cannot be seen clearly, but he knows that it must be very beautiful. 

In his dream he was doing homework, and the girl came out of the bathroom wearing skirt. 

He watched the girl slowly lift up the skirt in front of her. There were smooth legs under the white cotton skirt, and his breath was held at this moment. 

The pen in his hand fell and rolled to the girl's feet. 

The girl didn't wear shoes, her feet were painted with pink nail polish, which was very matte finish. Her toes were petite and cute, which made people want to hold it in their hands and play with it.

Xie Xingran had never realized that he was so interested in girls' feet before. 

His gaze finally slowly moved up, and he was surprised to find that she had taken off her skirt. 

The girl bent down, lowered her head and picked up the pen on the ground. 

When she bends down, Xie Xingran feels that he is hot all over, and his eyes want to look away, but involuntarily, they fall tightly on her chest. 

"Here you are." 

Hearing her voice, Xie Xingran became even hotter. 

He seemed to see the girl smiling at himself, and then the next second, she sat on his lap. 

He didn't know how the pen got into his hand. 

He pretended to do the problem calmly.

The girl's breath fell on his ears, and she embraced him with her hands and stroked his back. 

The next thing happened in a daze. 

After Xie Xingran woke up, he found that he had a dream. 

It was said that Chunmeng had no trace. He didn't know what it was like when he faced the wet traces. 

In so many years, this is the first time he has had a spring dream. 

And the biggest problem he faces at the moment is that he has to change the sheets again. 

If he take the sheets to wash again, others will definitely find a problem. 

Xie Xingran had a headache. 


Xie Xingran was late, but fortunately, the head teacher didn't make things difficult for him. He asked why he was late and let him into the classroom. 

This was the first time Xie Xingran was late in his high school career. 

The class teacher didn't say anything, it doesn't mean that others are not curious. 

Take a self-study lesson early, and a few people who have played well with him gathered around and asked him why he was late. 

Xie Xingran said he woke up late, and everyone didn't believe it. 

Anyone might get up late, but Xie Xingran wouldn't. 

"Why do you care about so much?" Xie Xingran pushed them away. 

His deskmate asked him: "Where are you going?" 

"I'm going to the commissary." 

Without turning his head, he hurried away. 

He only remembered when he went out, he forgot to ask about the photos. 

In the past, his memory was not so bad, because he didn't know what to say just now. 

He has no habit of lying. 

Today is the first day of the monthly exam, and the classrooms are arranged. This time it is the unified exam for the whole year, so the placement exam is required, and the students in each class will be divided into various examination rooms.

He bought a piece of bread in the canteen, bought a pen, and went to the examination room. 


Jiang Mu had eaten at home in the morning, so she went to the examination room directly after class. 

She was assigned to the examination room upstairs. 

Speaking of which, the original owner rarely goes to the fifth floor. 

The fifth floor is a top class. The original master's grades are ridiculously poor, and she still feels a little inferior in her heart, so she has always resisted coming upstairs, facing the eyes of those top students, she feels like a fool. 

Jiang Mu didn't have such worries. She walked up and still stood in the corridor for a while. 

Feeling the inquiring gaze from all sides, most of them stared at her face for a long time. 

When the time was almost up, she approached the examination room and happened to ran into Xie Xingran. 

One of the two seats is in the sixth row of the four groups, and one is in the second row of the three groups. 

After Jiang Mu sat down, she looked back at Xie Xingran. 

She was actually quite curious, did Xie Xingran react to those photos. 

But she couldn't ask. 

However, since he send a message, at least it means that he is curious about the person in the photo. 

Curiosity can also be regarded as interest, otherwise, he will not ask, and will directly block her. 

Jiang Mu curled the corners of her lips and sat down in peace, without paying attention to Xie Xingran. 

Soon, the class bell rang, and the exam was about to begin. 

When the teacher walked in and started to hand out the test papers, Xie Xingran opened the newly bought pen and put the cap of the pen casually, but he accidentally touched it with his hand and fell under the table. 

Taking advantage of the test paper that has not yet been sent out. 

Xie Xingran was going to pick it up, It didn't fell far away, just to the right of the person in front of his desk.

He squatted down to pick it up, got up and sat down when he picked it up, but stopped when he raised his head. 

He saw a mole on Jiang Mu's leg, just outside of the left calf, and it looked like the mole on the leg of the girl in the photo. 

He wondered if he had remembered wrong. 

But he didn't bring his mobile phone, so he couldn't confirm it on the spot. 

But this discovery made Xie Xingran unable to calm down. 

He stared at Jiang Mu's back carefully, his heart beating faster as he watched. 


Today's first test is Chinese, and Xie Xingran, who has always been very fast, almost didn't have time to check the test papers. 

He lost his mind for a while, but fortunately, the invigilator finally said something, which made him regain his consciousness and speed up his writing. 

Finally, when the teacher announced that the exam time was up, Xie Xingran handed in the paper. 

At this time, he went to see Jiang Mu, but only saw an empty seat. 

Jiang Mu had already handed in the paper. 

In order to determine if Jiang Mu was the person in the photo, he went home at noon and took his mobile phone with him and brought it to school. 

Although he deleted those photos, he did not empty the recycle bin of the gallery. 

The photo is still lying inside and can be restored. 

He arrived at the examination room early, sitting and waiting for Jiang Mu to come. 

But the two in the class who played well with him came to chat with him and talked about the math competition in the past few days. 

He was absent-minded, did not put his mind on it, occasionally a sentence or two, other people knew that he didn't like to talk, and didn't think too much. 

Until Jiang Mu walked into the examination room. 

His attention was all on Jiang Mu, and his aura became a little different. 

"What's wrong?"

 Everyone followed his gaze and saw Jiang Mu. 

"Hey, isn't this the girl that night? She's in the examination room with you." 

"Fuck, who is this beauty? I haven't seen it before."

The two also stared at Jiang Mu. After all, everyone has a love for beauty. So, who is not a face control? 

Jiang Mu was wearing a T-shirt and a short plaid skirt. Her legs were white and glowing. She was so beautiful that almost everyone in the examination room was watching her, regardless weither it's male or female. 

Before Xie Xingran came here at noon, he had already looked the photos carefully. When he saw her at this time, he went directly to look at her legs. 

He is almost certain that the person in the photo is Jiang Mu. 

But... he felt that he couldn't understand it.

Who sent the photo? Did the person in front of him is the one who would take such a photo? 

He looked at her quietly, dressed plain and pure, with delicate features, pure temperament, and wearing glasses, she was a very peaceful girl. 

And those photos really makes it impossible to associate the girl in the photo with Jiang Mu in front of them. 

But when Xie Xingran replaced Jiang Mu's face and thought about those photos, he felt that his body had a strange reaction. 

He didn't hate Jiang Mu and even reacted to her. 

As soon as this thought occurred, Xie Xingran couldn't calmly look at Jiang Mu. 

His abnormality was seen by two friends around him. 

Both his friends poke hime, both staring at Xie Xingran, showing shocked and suspicious eyes. 

Male student No. 1 wondered: "Xing Ran, what's wrong with your? This is the first time I saw you staring at a woman for so long." 

Male student No. 2 exaggerated: "Like a hungry wolf. 

"What nonsense." Xie Xingran glared at them displeased.

"I'm not talking nonsense." 

"We are not talking nonsense. Did you like her?" 

"Yeah, that woman is really pretty, especially her legs, fucking trough, and playing with her legs... " 

"Do you want us to help you ask which class?" 

"Haha, what kind of help Xingran need?" 

Xie Xingran said nothing. 

And they actually went to asked. 

The two went forward and say a few words with Jiang Mu, and she blushed. 

Xie Xingran looked at her, thinking about last night's dream and those photos uncontrollably. 

There is a voice in his heart asking him, is it really her? 

After thinking about it, he reached out his mobile phone, typed in the number, and dialed it again. 

Still shut down. 

He didn't know what it was like, his eyes sank slightly, and he put away the phone. 

In the afternoon test, Xie Xingran didn't lose his mind like that in the morning. He answered quickly. As always, he finished writing after only two-thirds of the test time. 

After checking the test paper, he was about to get up and leave when the phone rang suddenly. 

The classmates in the entire examination room looked over, and Xie Xingran's expression changed. 

The invigilator stood up. 

"Whose cell phone?" 

Xie Xingran quietly reached out and put his hand in his pocket to silence the voice. 

However, the invigilator has already locked down this piece of them. 

The invigilator was a physics teacher in Xie Xingran's class. He subconsciously felt that Xing Xingran was not a person who would bring a mobile phone to the exam, because he was not cheating at all, and he was not a fool who was careless to bring his mobile phone to the exam room without muting his mobile phone. 

However, Xie Xingran was this fool.

He usually doesn't bring his cell phone to school at all, and of course he haven't turn off the sound of his phone. He has been patronizing Jiang Mu just now, how can he remember this thing? 

Xie Xingran was actually quite nervous. 

His first reaction turned out to be if the phone was taken away, what would happen to the person who send photos in the future?

But fortunately, the invigilator blindly trusted Xie Xingran's character and IQ, so that Xie Xingran was spared from this difficulty. After he escaped safely, he handed in the paper and left. 

The invigilator's eyes locked several classmates around Xie Xingran. 


Jiang Mu hasn't played games for several days, thinking that there is only one day left to take the exam tomorrow, so she takes a break and doesn't read books. 

She took out her cell phone to send a message to Erfield. 

They talked every day for the past few days, and she almost learned everything about him. 

A lot of new text has also been added to his remarks. 

From the beginning, the simple more than a dozen words became the present: Wen Fei, a junior at S, majoring in engineering cost, 500 meters away, renting a house by himself, scumboy, wild king, central air-conditioning. 

Wen Fei is Erfield's real name. To ensure that he did not lie to her, Wen Fei also showed to Jiang Mu his ID, and she also got his other photos. 

He hasn't appeared in his circle of friends, but she asked Wen Fei to take a photo of his new hairstyle. 

Yesterday Wen Fei went to cut his hair, Jiang Mu said she wanted to see it, so he took a picture of himself casually. 

It is a profile photo, but it is enough to see that the looks are indeed good. 

It is almost the same as the photo of him on the palm of the hand, the corners of the jaw line are perfect, the eyebrows are beautiful, and he is a handsome guy with a single eyelid. 

Jiang Mu's favorite is the shape of his lips. The petals are very thin, the color is light pink, and the peak of the upper lip is very obvious. 

Seeing that he was not a fat man, but a handsome guy, she sent him messages a little bit more frequently.

Jiang Mu: [ Brother, I'm back after the exam! ]

Wen Fei: [ Have you eaten already? ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Not yet, I just send a message to my brother as soon as I get back. ] 

Jiang Mu is typing while eating. 

Wen Fei: [ Really good, go eat, are you hungry? ]

Jiang Mu: [ Are you also hungry? Did brother eat already? ] 

Wen Fei: [ Not yet, I'm still playing games. ]

Jiang Mu made a pouting expression. 

Wen Fei: [ I'll go eat right away. ] 

Jiang Mu did not reply immediately, but continue to eat. Tonight, nanny made sweet and sour pork and salt and pepper chicken. She took the test day trial, really hungry, so she ate quite a lot.

When she was almost done, she was about to reply to Wen Fei.

At this time Wen Fei sent another message. 

Wen Fei: [ Okay, I'm not playing anymore. ] 

Jiang Mu smiled, he thought she was upset. 

Jiang Mu: [ It's okay, let's play, are you taking orders? ] 

Wen Fei: [ Stop playing, it's time to eat. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Well, I'll wait for brother to finish dinner and play with me? ] 

Wen Fei: [ Don't you need to read a book? ]

Jiang Mu: [ I don't need to, I want to play games with my brother, or my brother will go to play with others.

When Wen Fei saw the news, there was a feeling of sourness and swelling in his heart, and then it became sweet. 

Wen Fei: [ You don't want me to play with others? ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Not really. ]

Wen Fei made a puzzled look. 

Jiang Mu didn't reply.

He waited for a long time but he didn't receive a news from Jiang Mu. He was a little depressed. He was going to eat out, but he didn't want to go. He opened the takeaway software and prepared to order takeaway. 

Thinking that if he went out to eat later then when Jiang Mu wanted to play a game, he hadn't come back yet. 

But Jiang Mu never responded, and the takeaway was nothing good. 

Wen Fei felt that he was too attached to this little sister who he had only met for a short time. 

After struggling for a long time, he decided to go out to eat. 

Not a few steps out, he received news from Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu: [ I'm just worried that if I haven't played with my brother for a few days, will my brother have a few more sisters? ] 

 Wen Fei mood do not know why, become particularly good. 

He walked much lighter. 

Wen Fei: [ How can you have such a warry, little fool. ]

Jiang Mu: [ No? ] 

Wen Fei: [ No. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ How many younger sisters do you have? ] 

Wen Fei: [ Of course only you. ] 

When he finished send this message, open the address book of micro letter, he deleted all his several other sister that he's playing with, another account where there are several woman, but that he now does not have account on the line.

Jiang Mu smiled when she saw the reply. 

Jiang Mu: [ I only have you as an older brother. ] 

After speaking, she received a message to accompany No.3. 

[ Sister Xiaomu, whether you play games or not, my brother will take you for free today. ]

Jiang Mu replied: [ But I am eating now, and I have to read a book later, I'll play with my brother after the exam tomorrow. ]