[World 3] Chapter 66

Player No. 3 is a random playmate that Jiang Mu ordered the day before yesterday. In the photo, he looks good and has a funny personality. He speaks in a dialect, which is very funny. Jiang Mu played a few games with him, and the man said he want to add her to WeChat. 

In addition to him, there are also number four to accompany ... Jiang Mu found a total of four to accompany him. Wen Fei is the number one, the main jungler. Xie Ziqi is the second, the main player in the top laner. The third is the main shooter, and the fourth is a girl, and she plays with support. 

Jiang Mu's image in front of each accompany is different. 

And she is the best at stealing the teacher, playing with it, and she has become an all-rounder herself, no matter which way, she can play very well. 

However, due to a lot of accompany player, her current time seems to be insufficient. Classes and reviewing homework occupy most of her time, and the remaining few hours are clearly arranged by her. 

Wen Fei came home after eating a bowl of noodles. 

When he got home downstairs, he sent a message to Jiang Mu, Wen Fei: [ Little cute, I'm here. Ready to go online? ]

Jiang Mu: [ Uh, yes. ] 

She just played a solo passerby game by herself. 

Her tuba has become the king, and she is now sprinting for the glory of the king. 

The Erfield 10 has been ranked twenty stars because she has been taking her to the queue.

Playing high-end double row is not as easy as before, and Wen Fei has to get serious. 

Jiang Mu still looks like a little rookie in front of hin, and occasionally makes a mistake, but does not show her true strength. 

Moreover, her name looks like a girl, and teammates with poor quality will scold her. 

At this time, Wen Fei would stand up and mock their teammates. 

Erfield 10: [ Are you also worthy of scolding her? Just your flashy operation of moving the grave and sending people away, if I were you, I would just shut my mouth and lie down to win. ]

Jiang Mu said: "Brother, you don't need tocare about this kind of person, I don't care." 

Wen Fei: "No, I can't watch others say something bad about you." 

Jiang Mu said embarrassedly: "But, I don't want you to quarrel with others because of me."

Wen Fei said with a smile: "It's okay, I didn't quarrel with him. I'm technically crushing and ridiculing his strength." 

Jiang Mu was still a little sad: "But because I'm not too good, you're having hard time to maintain it. If only I'm a little better, we'll be fine." 

Wen Fei: "Twilight isn't bad at all, otherwise, how would you be able to be the king so quickly? I've played with many people before, and there's no better than you. There are too many people who can't be the king in the month, and they still need the team to bring points." 

Jiang Mu said dubiously: "Really? Brother really feels that way?" 

Wen Fei: "Of course, Twilight is already very good. And if you want to learn, I can teach you at any time." 

Jiang Mu: "My brother is really good, I like my brother the most."

When Jiang Mu said this, her tone was sweet and crisp, with full of joy. 

Hearing this, Wen Fei was stunned, and almost ended the enemy with an operational error. 

He manipulated it to the limit, and killed the two opposite people and escaped. After returning to the spring, he breathed a sigh of relief. 

Jiang Mu just said that he likes him the most... 

Is it the kind of like he thinks? 

He find out that it was difficult to calm down his mood, and he switched the camera's angle of view to Jiang Mu's hero. 

Jiang Mu's walking position is awkward, and her skills are also inaccurate. But in his eyes it is still so cute. 

If he were to be someone else, even if his attitude was still gentle and considerate, he would have already started to complain. 


After the end of this round, Wen Fei did not rush to start the match again, but asked Jiang Mu: "Twilight, where are you from?"

Jiang Mu never asked him this question. It was because she could see his distance from the playing software on the palm of her hand. She also knew that he was a student of S University, and of course she knew where he was. 

But Wen Fei didn't know that she was so close to him. 

The reason why he is only asking this question now is because at first he felt that he and Jiang Mu were just netizens, and it didn't make sense to know each other more. Asking more would not be good. 

But now his thinking has changed. 

"I'm also in city S, don't brother know?" Jiang Mu's tone was innocent. 

Wen Fei was taken aback, "Are you in S city?" 

"Yes." Jiang Mu said with a smile, "I thought brother knew it." 

"I don't know." Wen Fei was very surprised. 

"You can see the distance on the palm of your hand. I only placed an order when I saw you were very close to me." 

Jiang Mu actually knows that there is no distance to play with, but she deliberately said so. 

Wen Fei said helplessly: "Only you can see, I can't see." 

"Is that so? Well, I don't know." 

Wen Fei didn't expect that he and Jiang Mu were in the same place, and he was a little nervous inexplicably. 

Jiang Mu smiled. "What's wrong?" 

Wen Fei: "It's okay." 

Jiang Mu: "Then... shall we continue to play?" 

Wen Fei: " Play , I'll open it." 

After entering the game, he was a little distracted. He had actually received a few close friends before, and they were all selected by the same distance as Jiang Mu, but they all told him about it as soon as they came up. 

In order to protect his privacy, and he does not want to be known to people on the Internet who he is, he will deliberately conceal some real information, and even tell lies.

But Jiang Mu didn't say anything at first, so he relaxed his vigilance. 

Now he not only told Jiang Mu a lot about himself, but also developed a good impression of her. 

Only then did he know that Jiang Mu was by his side, and this feeling was not good or bad for Wen Fei. 

But there was a thought in his heart that he wanted to meet. 

They have known each other for a week. 

He still doesn't know what Jiang Mu looks like. 

Except for the back photo, Jiang Mu only sent him some photos about her life, without showing her face, although he could tell from her daily photos that Jiang Mu's family is indeed very good, and she is a white, rich and beautiful woman from all her daily necessities. 

But what she looks like without seeing her is untrustworthy. 

Wen Fei has been playing with her for so long, and she has seen too many photos, and many of the photos she has taken with her are not about herself. 

Not talking about playing with me, just talking about the people in life, the photos sent out are all refined, the kind that my mother can't recognize. 

If the photos Jiang Mu sent him are also pretty, maybe he won't believe it either. 

It's just that Jiang Mu never shows her face in photos. 

Wen Fei would inevitably guess that Jiang Mu should not look good. 

Or she is a very restrained and shy girl. 

But... generally good-looking girls are willing to post pictures of themselves. 

At least those girls that he met are like that, and they often post selfies in their circle of friends. 

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Did you drop the connection?"

Wen Fei stood in the spring without moving for a long time. Everyone else was online, and he hadn't bought any equipment yet. 

Wen Fei recovered, "Huh? No, no, something happened just now." 

"Alright." Jiang Mu didn't care, she didn't know that he was slowly sinking in now.

With so many spare tires and so many fish in the fish pond, how can she have so much time to care about each fish's thoughts. 

But Wen Fei was still immersed in his thoughts, hesitating whether to propose to meet, because he was actually a face control. 

If Jiang Mu looks good, it would be better, if not good, then he must be disappointed. 

But if it's really unsightly, then he doesn't need to continue playing with her like this, even if he wants to play, he can't take it anymore. 

Wen Fei thought about it, but finally felt that it was necessary to meet. 

He can ask where Jiang Mu's school, and then quietly go take a look. 

"By the way, which high school are you in? I graduated high school in S City. Maybe I was your senior." Wen Fei asked casually. 

Jiang Mu: "I can't tell you." 

 Wen Fei: "Why?" 

"I'm afraid you will come to see me secretly." Jiang Mu said with a grin. 

Wen Fei was stunned, "Don't you want me to see you?" 

"Well, no." Jiang Mu replied directly. 

Men are like this. When he is interested in you, the more you refuse and the more you push him away, the more he wants to get closer to you, and he is more curious. 

Wen Fei didn't expect Jiang Mu to refuse so readily, "Why?" 

"I... I have never seen a netizen." Jiang Mu whispered. 

Wen Fei laughed, "So that's the case, are you worried that I am a liar?" 

Jiang Mu said, "No... I just never tried, I was afraid." 

Wen Fei: "Okay, then Let's talk about it when you are not afraid." 

Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

"Then you don't want to see me?" Wen Fei asked tentatively.

Jiang Mu hesitated for a while and said, "I want to... but I'm afraid that my brother will be disappointed when he sees me, and I like my brother. My brother is so good-looking. After meeting, I'm afraid I won't have the mind to study hard." 

Jiang Mu's reasoning is a set, even if he looks good, it is a reason not to see him. 

Wen Fei was dumbfounded, and really didn't know what to say. 

After a while, he said: "Then what if I want to see you?" 

"I don't know." Jiang Mu sighed. 

"Well, if you don't want to, I won't force you." he said gently. 

Jiang Mu asked in a low voice: "Is brother angry?" 

Wen Fei: "Of course not." 

Jiang Mu said nothing. 

He waited for a long time but didn't hear her voice, until the end of the sentence, Jiang Mu didn't say a word. 

After the game, Jiang Mu went offline and sent a message saying that he was tired and wanted to take a break. 

Wen Fei knew that it must be the conversation that made her feel bad. 

This is how the little girl is, her mood is easily affected. 

He was a little helpless, and Jiang Mu, who was so tempestuous, was more vivid in his eyes. 

What a spoiled child. 

He sent a message to Jiang Mu to coax her. 

Wen Fei: [ Don't be upset, baby, I will want to see you. Brother likes you, okay? ]

Jiang Mu replied after a while: [ Really? ] 

Wen Fei: [ Hmm. Touch the head. jpg] 

Jiang Mu: [ Then... Will your brother wait for me? ]

When he saw this news, his heart was very soft. He directly sent a voice message to Jiang Mu and said softly: "I will wait for you, when you grow up, and when you are willing to meet me."

After listening to this voice, Jiang Mu couldn't help but want to laugh. 

Welcome brother to fall into sister's fish pond~ 

She is not responsible for drowning. 

Jiang Mu replied with a cute emoticon pack. 

Jiang Mu: [ That brother, I'll take a bath first. ] 

Wen Fei looked at the time, quite early, with some doubts that she need to take a bath so early today. But he felt that if he asked, it appeared he had been too concerned about it too much. 

 So he said: [ Ok, go. ] 

Jiang twilight did not even take a bath, but instead went to Xie Ziqi.

Xie Ziqi had been sending her messages just now. Although she was slow to reply, Xie Ziqi didn't care at all, because Jiang Mu said that she was reading and could not stare at the phone at all times. 

Xie Ziqi was very happy that Jiang Mu was reading a book but still did not forget to reply to himself. 

Moreover, in order to have a common topic with her, the little cutie Xie Ziqi asked her questions these days, from [ What type of movies do you like the most? ] to [ Do you have any favorite idols? ]

Jiang Mu called him to play a game, and he immediately responded. 

[ Sister, you want to play games? ! ! ]

Children just like to send exclamation marks. 

Jiang Mu agreed. 

Jiang Mu: [ Well, do you miss my sister? ] 

Xie Zi Qi did not expect that Jiang Mu would be so straightforward. 

Xie Ziqi: [ Yes, I did. I want to play 1 game with sister. ]

Jiang Mu: [ Only 1 game? Forget it, I'm so sad. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ Oh, I really want to play with you a lots of round. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Really good, let's go online, let's play for a while, it's not early. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ Good, good, good. ]

It was a while, but because it was too long to play together, Xie Ziqi and Jiang Mu played until after eleven o'clock, and Xie Ziqi was not sleepy at all. 

Normally, Jiang Mu had already taken a shower at this time, and took a photo and sent it to Xie Xingran. 

Today, she haven't taken any photos because she haven't taken a shower yet. 

And Xie Xingran did not go to bed for a long time today. 

He was sitting at the desk with a book in front of him. It was the English for the test tomorrow. 

His mobile phone was just aside, he glanced at the time, picked up the mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and opened the text message. 

There is no unique message in the text message. 

Xie Xingran frowned. 

He stood up, ready to take a bath. 

Before entering the bathroom, he looked at the phone, but still did not bring it in. 

He usually takes a bath for more than half an hour, but today it only took 15 minutes.

After coming out, he wiped his hair while going to get his phone. 

Still no news. 

The corner of his mouth twitched. 

The prank is over. 

He said lightly: "Also, there  is no need to worry about it in the future."

His face was as heavy as water, he changed his pajamas, dried his hair, and glanced at the time, it was already twelve o'clock. 

He thought for a while and put the phone on the table, but when he was muting, he stopped again. 

In the end, he just put the phone on the table and went to bed. 

He lay on the bed and closed his eyes to brew sleepiness, but he did not fall asleep for a long time. 

Suddenly the phone rang. 

Xie Xingran bounced off the bed suddenly.