[World 3] Chapter 67

Xie Xingran sat up, but did not get out of bed for the first time to get his mobile phone. 

He hesitated for a while, struggle visible on his face. 

But he still got up. 

Picking up the phone, he received a new text message as expected. 

It's from the number that he has been able to recite. 

He held his breath and opened the text message. 

New photos. 

Today's photos are more revealing than any previous ones. 

The girl only has a set of white lace underwear. 

The white lace fungus lace is like an angel's wings, spreading its wings, and slowly flying towards him. Behind it are two thin interwoven ribbons, which seem to scatter with a touch. 

The clear texture, as if nothing is blocking, reflects the tender and white skin. 

The girl's chest is tall and attractive. 

Xie Xingran's body seemed to be out of control, and his cheeks slowly turned red. 

He saw the girl in the photo sitting on the bed with her head up, her neck stretched forward, one hand supporting her chin, her head tilted to reveal only the back of her head, her hair tied up high, tied into a ball head, and she couldn't see the length of the hair. 

The other hand is placed casually on the leg, and the fingers are as graceful as playing the piano. 

Her legs were bent close together, her calf and thigh were at an oblique angle of more than 30 degrees, and the lace was close to the base of the thigh. 

Because of turning her head to face the camera, she can still see her back in the photo. 

Her back is very beautiful, and her butterfly bones are very delicate. 

The waistline was winding to the hips, and the delicate lace had a butterfly pattern. Xie Xingran's gaze fell on it, and it seemed that the butterfly had come alive and would fly away at any time. 

Xie Xingran's finger was placed on the photo, and the moment he touched her, it bounced away.

It's like hot hands. 

Xie Xingran's breathing became heavy. 

His Adam's apple moved up and down, and his eyes became deep, as if he would be caught by the girl in the photo accidentally, falling into the abyss of passion. 

He wanted to turn off the phone, but he couldn't do it for a long time. 

Xie Xingran felt like he was tied up, unable to resist all these beautiful things. 


Jiang Mu herself was very satisfied with this photo. She took a selfie frame and changed many poses. She took about a dozen of them, and selected the most pure and sexy one. 

After she finished sending it, she waited about ten minutes, and then sent another message to Xie Xinglian. 

[ Do you like it? ]

When Xie Xingran heard the alert tone, he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that there would be new information. 

The moment he saw these three words, his heart seemed to be touched by a pair of soft hands. 

Sour and itchy, the speed of the heartbeat immediately increased twice. 

His brain was unconscious for a moment. 

The lower abdomen is burning badly. 

It's a feeling of restlessness. 

He seemed to run away, pressing the lock screen button, escaping back to the bed, covering the quilt, closing his eyes, unwilling to think about the problem. 

But this question was like wrapping him around, ringing continuously in 3d around his ears. 

"Do you like it?" 

 "Do you like it?"

"Do you like it?" 

Xie Xingran couldn't fall asleep almost all night, and he could see the girl's body as soon as he closed his eyes, and there were even hands in his mind that were taking off her clothes. 

Obviously, only the occluder was left on her body.

Xie Xingran felt ashamed, and stimulated and guilty even more of his own thoughts. 

Many feelings were intertwined, which made him unable to face himself, and also gave birth to strange thoughts about this girl. 

Early in the morning, six o'clock. 

Xie Xingran squinted his eyes and sat up. 

He made a decision. 

He must find out who this girl is. 

Otherwise, don't think about it. 

He looked down at his lower abdomen, not knowing how long it had been hard. 

It seemed to be responding to his gaze, and there were two movements like a demonstration. 

Xie Xingran pursed his mouth and glared at it impatiently. 

He stretched out his hand to straighten it, held his hand in it for a few seconds, and took it out with a blushing face. 

In the end, he had to take a cold shower to relieve the restlessness in his heart. 

When he catches the culprit... 

Xie Xingran hasn't figured out what to do, but let's catch it first. 


Unlike Xie Xingran, Jiang Mu fell asleep peacefully after sending the message. 

But Wen Fei couldn't sleep well at night. 

After Jiang Mu didn't play with him, he took two orders casually, and he didn't think it was interesting. 

You know that he hasn't made Jiang Mu's money recently. He and Jiang Mu have a symbolic charge of more than one hundred for playing with her every day. In normal times, only four games and one hour are enough for him and her. They've been playing for three or four hours. 

As a result, his income has plummeted these days, and if he doesn't take other orders, the money he earns can be much less than before. 

Wen Fei was still a student, but his expenses were not small. Buying some shoes and clothes would cost a few thousand dollars a month. Who made him like buying shoes, he couldn't fit it in the dormitory, so he rented a house.

He also has cats, and the cost of raising cats is not small. 

Wen Fei thought for a while, and felt that he couldn't devote all his thoughts to Jiang Mu. 

But can it really be done? 

He was also troubled. 

He thinks he is a veteran in love, and is given the nickname of a scumbag man. 

'Why do you like a little sister? You haven't met yet.'

It's really weird. 

However, before the meeting, he will not be completely trapped. After all, in his opinion, the feelings on the Internet, even if they feel particularly true and profound at the moment, will be shattered as long as they are not satisfied with the reality meeting. 

So many online dating. 

So many car accident scenes rushed to the scene. 

It's all lessons of blood and tears. 

 Wen Fei watched too much while surfing the Internet. 

After all, he knows himself best. He has had so many girlfriends, and every one of them doesn't look good. 

He couldn't stand even the sloppy ones. 

Wen Fei thought for a long time before going to bed, and finally decided to keep a distance from Jiang Mu before meeting. 


So early the next morning, Wen Fei did not wake up to give Jiang Mu good morning. 

However, after eight o'clock, Jiang Mu didn't even send him good morning. 

Wen Fei hesitated for a long time with the phone, and decided to wait. 

But she didn't send any news all morning. 

Thinking that she would have to take an exam today, Wen Fei waited until noon. 

Finally he sent a message. 

Wen Fei: [ Did you already eat? ]

When Jiang Mu replied, he also looked at the time specially.

The time he sent the message was 12:35. 

The time when she returned the news was indeed 12:48. 

There was an interval of ten minutes. 

His mood is a bit complicated, the gap is quite obvious. 

Jiang Mu: [ Just finished eating, how about you, brother? ]

Of course Jiang Mu deliberately refused to send him good morning, and when she received the news, she was playing on her mobile phone, and she didn't want to guess or was too lazy to guess about the other party's thoughts, but at this stage, she was very capable of making him sink, breathless.

She deliberately waited ten minutes before replying. 

To her, Wen Fei was just a good-looking playmate. If she weren't worried about his good-looking looks and good-sounding voice, why would Jiang Mu take care of him. 

Wen Fei: [ Not yet, I couldn't sleep well last night, I was groggy, so I just woke up awhile ago. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Ah! Is brother still uncomfortable now? ] 

Wen Fei: [ A little bit, but it should be fine. ]

Jiang Mu: [ Distressed brother. ]

Jiang Mu replied while eating fruit after the meal. 

Wen Fei: [ It's just that I didn't see your news after waking up, so sad. ]

Jiang Mu: [ I thought my brother was still sleeping so I don't tp bothered my brother before he woke up, because my brother used to send good morning first. ] 

When Wen Fei see this reason, he thought: Okay. 

It was indeed him who send good morning before. 

Jiang Mu: [ Brother, don't be sad anymore, okay? ]

The corner of his mouth curled, and he forgot his decision last night very unprincipled. 

Wen Fei: [ Well, what? ] 

Jiang Mu: [ I'm going to take a nap. There will be an exam in the afternoon. I can play with brother after the exam. ] 

Wen Fei: [ Okay, you go. ]

Jiang Mu: [ Then elder brother hurry up to eat, don't be hungry, be obedient. ] 

Wen Fei: [Okay, I see, you are also good. ]

Jiang Mu chose a cute one from the emoji package and sent it to him, and then he didn't reply again. 

She didn't think about when to meet him, so she didn't plan to move on. 

Although she was worried that he would go crazy enough to go to every college in the city to ask if there was a person named Jiang Mu, from what she knew about him these days, he was not such a person. 

But Jiang Mu felt that she couldn't think too much. 

If he really takes her too seriously, wants to see her too much, and do things she can't think of, it's still a bit troublesome. 

She planned to wait any longer. It was not long before the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination was the most important thing for her now, and nothing else could affect this matter.


After the exam this afternoon, this monthly exam is over. Jiang Mu felt that she had done quite well in the first few exams. 

At the last door, her mentality is also very relaxed. 

But she faintly felt that someone had been staring at her. 

But every time she turned her head, that gaze disappeared. 

She guessed that it was Xie Xingran. 

But she's not sure. If it is really Xie Xingran, then he must have suspected her. 

She thought for a while and decided to do something to test his reaction. 

She finished the test papers early. These questions are not difficult. After all, there is systematic help. After a glance at most of the questions on the test paper, she has the idea of ​​understanding the questions in her mind, and she only needs to put the parameters on the draft paper to check the calculations and you can get the result. 

After Xie Xingran handed in the paper, Jiang Mu also handed in the paper with him. 

Seeing her handing in the paper after him, Xie Xingran slowed down a lot after walking out of the classroom.

She followed seemingly unintentionally. 

He went downstairs, and she followed. 

The two walked from the fifth floor to the third floor, he finally turned around. 

She spoke before him. 

"Hello Xie Xingran, my name is Jiang Mu." 

Xie Xingran was stunned. 

Jiang Mu's voice was very gentle, a little soft, like light music and the sound of gurgling water. 

"Hello." Xie Xingran looked at her, looking closely at her. 

Try to compare her with the person in the photo.

The photo was too revealing after all, but the girl in front of her was dressed fresh and simple, as if she had a feeling of fancifulness towards others, Xie Xingran's face became unnatural. 

"What's up?" Xie Xingran asked softly, and he tried his best to control his tone so as not to show any clues. 

Jiang Mu smiled, her eyes completed the shape of a crescent, and the star-like shining light flashed across her eyes, "My birthday is the day after tomorrow, I want to invite you to my birthday party, can I?" 

Xie Xing paused, but he didn't expect it to be this matter. 

"But... I don't seem to know you." 

Xie Xingran said lightly. 

Jiang Mu lowered her head in disappointment, "I just want to be friends with you..." 

Her tone was lost. When she lowered her head, he saw the back of her head and he thinks that it was more and more exactly the same as in the photo. 

No, he must figure it out. 

Xie Xingran thought for a while and said, "Why do you want to be friends with me?" 

Jiang Mu looked up at him without blinking, thinking seriously, it's because you are so delicious. 

"You are so good, everyone wants to be friends with you, and I also want to."

Jiang Mu's tone was sincere, and her eyes were clear without distracting thoughts. 

But Xie Xingran involuntarily merged her face with the body in the photo. 

His breathing became faster with his heartbeat, and his eyes fell on her lips. 

The pink and moist lips were glowing at the moment, like a plump strawberry, waiting for him to taste. 

Xie Xingran didn't know what to say for a while, a voice rang in his mind. 

[ Do you like it? ] 

His burning heart instead of his voice, answered. 

[ Like. ]

[ Want. ] 

This is the first time Xie Xingran longed to be close to a member of the opposite sex. 

This feeling is too strange. 

Xie Xingran felt distraught and couldn't respond.