[World 3] Chapter 72

Xie Xingran looked back at Jiang Mu, and asked doubtfully: "Is there anything else?" 

"Will you come tomorrow?" Jiang Mu fixedly looked at him. 

Xie Xingran cannot easily go like this.

Before he came, he thought about it. If this matter has nothing to do with Jiang Mu, then he doesn't need to put his mind on her. There will be many people at the birthday party. He doesn't like that kind of occasion. 

Moreover, he never promised her that he would go. 

"Sorry, I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't go." 

Jiang Mu was not surprised at all, she smiled. 

Xie Xingran was a little inexplicable when she smiled. 

Then Jiang Mu said: "Actually, I sent the text messages." 

Xie Xingran looked astonished. 

"What did you say?" Xie Xingran's tone was incredulous, and his eyes were enlarged because of the shock. 

"You heard me." Jiang Mu pursed her mouth and smiled, then pointed to the chair Xie Xingran had sat on before, "Sit down and talk." 

He returned to his seat without hesitation. 

"I hope you are not joking." Xie Xingran's expression was very serious, even a little angry. 

Jiang Mu looked relaxed. 

"What if I'm joking? What are you going to do?" Jiang Mu winked playfully at him, with a joking tone, as if she had changed. 

Xie Xingran frowned and stared into her eyes, "Then you are wasting our time." 

Jiang Mu said with a faint smile: "My time is wasted, it doesn't matter, but classmate Xie's time is indeed very precious." 

Xie Xingran: "Did you send the photo?" 

Jiang Mu smiled calmly: "Yes."

Seeing her confessing so readily and calmly, Xie Xingran didn't quite believe it. 

Xie Xingran: "Then why did you just say no awhile ago?" 

Jiang Mu: "Because I want to see your reaction." 

Xie Xingran still didn't believe it: "What proof can you show?" 

Jiang Mu didn't answer immediately, she smiled, then took a sip of coffee and said slowly: "Tomorrow... as long as you come to my birthday party, I will show you the proof you want." 

Xie Xingran dissatisfied: "What if I don't go? 

"Forget it then." Jiang Mu raised her eyebrows, "I don't care if you won't come." 

Xie Xingran looked at Jiang Mu with oppressive eyes. 

However, she remained unmoved and looked at him with a smile. 

He was silent for a moment, and finally said: "I will go, you'd better do what you say." 

Jiang Mu raised her eyebrows, "If I lie to you, can you still eat me?" 

Jiang Mu reached out to him. There was a click on the burning nose, and she smiled coquettishly. 

He was stunned, as if he had been fixed by her.

He watched her get up and leave, while he was sitting in his seat and hadn't moved for a long time. 

Jiang Mu is her. 

The voice in his heart kept talking. 


Back home, Jiang Mu contacted Meng Yixu. 

At this time Meng Yixu was feeding the ducks. 

He bought a few catties of green vegetables with takeaway software and put them in the refrigerator, and when he thought of it, he fed a little to the ducks, and there was also a mess of nutrients for the ducks, all mixed with them. 

Cole Duck was very happy to eat, and when it ate, it began to quack and it's body dangled. 

After the feeding, Meng Yixu saw the message Jiang Mu had sent him on the software.

And she has already placed ten orders. 

Meng Yixu raised his eyebrows. 

The business is here. 

He was going to work in the clubhouse later, but saw that she made ten orders in one breath and decided to go later. Anyway, his working hours are free. After staying in the clubhouse for so long, the manager likes him very much and also very tolerant to him. 

Besides, there is probably no business in the past. 

He replied and went online. 

Jiang Mu is already online. 

He waited for a few seconds, but she didn't invite him, so he took the initiative to invite her to form a team. 

"I'm a little tired today, I'll just play as an assistance, I'll follow you." Jiang Mu said with a smile. 

"Yes, I play Sagittarius, you can play Yao or Ming Shiyin, just follow." Meng Yixu said indifferently. 

"Well, let's start then." 

Jiang Mu's tone was very contagious with a relaxed and cheerful tone. 

Meng Yixu will feel that the other party is very happy playing games with him, and his mood also become better. 

Still comfortable playing with her. 

He couldn't help but think like this. 

He also received an order during the day today, and the one who ordered him was also a girl. 

It's much better than the one last night. 

But he still felt boring. 

It's okay if the person keeps muffled, he can just play solo as his own. 

However, if she doesn't play well, she is very sad, sighs at every turn, and swears. 

He almost wanted to turn off the team voice, but the opponent would occasionally talk to him. If he turned it off, it was not good. In the end, he had to endure three rounds abruptly. 

Meng Yixu felt that playing with this kind of work seemed to be no easier than working in a club.

Although the women in the clubhouse are also annoying, at any rate they give generously. 

A few thousand dollars a night, compared with the money earned by playing, playing with it is nothing to mention. 

He almost retreated. 

But in fact, he also knew in his heart that this was also because the girl who clicked him first was much better than the later ones. 

So much good that he is demanding. 

Meng Yixu had this problem, and when he got a good one, he would easily dislike the bad. 

It's like he was a rich second generation before, and now he can't live a tight life. 

At the beginning of the game, he chose Sun Shangxiang, and she chose Ming Shiyin. 

These two heroes work together to achieve a super high explosion, which has advantages in the early stage, and in the later stage, it can be crispy in one shot, and the meat cannot be carried. 

Moreover, Jiang Mu and Meng Yixu are both good at playing, and they have good consciousness. 

In just six minutes, a big tailwind has been played. 

In less than fifteen minutes, the high tower on the opposite side had been pushed down. 

At this time, the jungler on their side spoke: [ Is Ming Shiyin a girl, good time, do you want to be together in the next game? ] 

He had several cuts to the perspective of Jiang Mu and Meng Xu went to see. 

The five people on the opposite side also knew that all the advantages here were Sun Shangxiang, so they often captured him, but they were both counter-killed every time. 

Two-to-five can also counter-kill, which shows that the two cooperate very well and the skills are also excellent. 

 Although Meng Yixu's heads were all taken, it would be difficult to beat five without Jiang Mu's cooperation. 

And Jiang Mu's name is a girl. 

The jungler's shooter is also very good, so he want to call Jiang Mu to double row. 

However, his words fell to the ground, and he didn't get a response.

Jiang Mu ignored it. 

Meng Yixu saw it and didn't say anything. 

The two continued to talk about the previous topic. 

"About what time did you play today?" Meng Yixu asked. 

Jiang Mu: "I don't know. It depends on when I'm sleepy. Are you going to do something later?" 

Meng Yixu: "Um, maybe." 

He didn't say he was going to work. 

Because if he say it, the other person's next sentence must be: going to work so late?

Then he has to explain again. 

Meng Yixu didn't bother to explain so much to strangers. 

But subconsciously, he actually felt that she wouldn't ask so much. 

It's quite comfortable to chat with her. 

"Then if you have something to do, we won't play anymore, it's okay." Jiang Mu did not ask, and then changed the subject. 

After the game ended, the jungler came to add her friend. 

Jiang Mu let out a low hesitation. 


Meng Yixu: "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, the jungler added me just now." 

Meng Yixu laughed in a low voice, "Do you want to add it?" 

"I don't plan to add it, he has average skills." Jiang Mu's comments made Meng Yixu smile more brilliantly. 

"Then what do you think of my skills?" 

"Better than him." Jiang Mu said. 

'Although not much better.'

Meng Yixu: "Haha, didn't you said that you don't care about skills, just want to find someone to double row with you? Then why not be with him, and you don't need to give money." 

Jiang Mu: "No."

Meng Yixu became interested, and continued to ask: "Why?" 

"Because I don't have a lot of other people, and I have a lot of money, I like to spend money to play with what I like." 

Jiang Mu's rich speech made Meng Yixu show a lot of deep agreement, but also a little bit sigh. 

Once upon a time, he also had an idea with Jiang Mu. 

In this case, he seems to have said something similar. 

Thinking of the past, he was silent for a few seconds, and soon he smiled and asked: "Then am I what you like?" 

"Yes." Jiang Mu answered calmly. 

Meng Yixu was stunned. 

Suddenly he didn't know how to answer this. 

But her words were very convincing, and she didn't need to lie. 

She said it in such a calm and confident tone, as if she felt that she could get what she liked. 

"Your liking is quite straightforward." 

Jiang Mu smiled: "It's okay, just follow your feelings." Jiang Mu never talks about local love, nor does she tease him, even adding a WeChat.

But she frankly expressed her liking for him, which made Meng Yixu have a strong desire to explore Jiang Mu. 

"Aren't you afraid that I used a fake photo?" Meng Yixu asked. 

"Did you?" 

Meng Yixu smiled: "Have you seen today's hot search?"

"Are you talking about that #Help Man P Photo#?" 

Jiang Mu happened to see that hot search today. 

Meng Yixu didn't expect him to casually say that Jiang Mu would be able to match up, "Yes, that's it. Maybe my photo came out like that, and the front and back are irrelevant."

Jiang Mu: "Then if you have this technology, then I don't have to play with you. I'll go to the p-picture, fifty yuan a piece, and I can receive thousands of orders every day, then I can also pick customers." 

Jiang Mu's reply made Meng Yixu laugh. 

He rarely laughed like this in front of girls. 

Meng Yixu: "What you said is very reasonable, then I won't be a accompaniment after yesterday and today, I will send a Weibo to take orders." 

Jiang Mu regretfully said, "You didn't tell me earlier." 

Meng Yixu "What's the matter?" 

Jiang Mu sighed, "If you said earlier, I won't refuse the application of the friend of the jungler just now. Anyway, if you don't play with me, I will just ask for others to play with me for free." 

Meng Yixu "Haha... this is too real." 

Jiang Mu: "Then you will still play with me?" 

Meng Yixu : "You should ask me, is the photo p?" 

Jiang Mu: " If you say yes, then it's yes. If you say no, then it is not." 

Jiang Mu didn't seem to care at all, and Meng Yixu couldn't figure out whether she believed in his picture or not. 

It was supposed to make Jiang Mu more concerned, but it made him want her to believe it. 

"Okay, I won't be joking with you, or let's add a WeChat account, and I will send you my video next time to prove my innocence." Meng Yixu said softly. 

"How do I feel that you are doing this to get my WeChat ID?" Jiang Mu said half jokingly. 

Meng Yixu was a little embarrassed. Although he was really not that interesting, he really looked a lot like it.

"Really not." 

Jiang Mu smiled in a low voice, "Well, I know." 

She originally had this purpose, but now that Meng Yixu took the initiative to take the bait, her purpose has been achieved. 

And Meng Yixu felt that he took the initiative.

The original owner took the initiative to add him to WeChat before, and after adding it, he took various initiatives to him, but he dismissed her in various perfunctory ways. 

But now, the relationship between them is different. 

Now, Meng Yixu is the prey. 

Jiang Mu is the hunter. 

The initiative is in Jiang Mu's hands, and Meng Yixu, sooner or later, will fall into her carefully woven love net step by step, and then be swallowed by her, even the bones will not be left to him. 

Jiang Mu sent him WeChat ID.

Taking advantage of the time between choosing heroes, he dded the trumpet that she had prepared for him. 

The name, avatar, and Moments of this trumpet were all recreated by Jiang Mu, which was very different from her own large style. 

Create a high-cold, beautiful, white and rich image with a little coldness in the purity.