[World 3] Chapter 73

On the next day, Jiang Mu invited all the students in the class. 

The birthday party was held at her home. The villa was decorated very beautifully according to Jiang Mu's requirements. Before her classmates came, they saw the courtyard outside the villa, full of rose flowers, swings and small fish ponds.

Everyone is very envious. This is the first time they have come to her house. 

Although they all knew that Jiang Mu had money in her family, they were surprised when they saw it with their own eyes. 

Especially class monitor Yang Hui, when she sees her home, her face is not very good. 

She was at the same table holding hands and spitting out in the corner, "Isn't there some money at home, what's there to show off, she invite everyone to come this time, I think she just want to show off." 

"I think too, but we've been here for a long time. Why didn't she show up?"

Yang Hui pursed her lips, "Maybe she's dressed up." 

Several people looked at each other and laughed. 

Not to mention, Jiang Mu is indeed dressing up. 

Her parents didn't come to accompany her on her birthday, but the money that should be given was still in place. 

Jiang Mu had ordered a dress early and spent hundreds of thousands on it. She looked like a princess on it.

She drew a light makeup, turned her hair high into a bud head, and left some fine bangs, looking noble and full of vitality. 

When she walked downstairs, the whole class stared at her. 

The envy and jealousy in the eyes of Yang Hui who were talking and laughing just now can't hide. 

Before they came today, they also dressed up for a long time. They put on their most beautiful dresses and a little makeup. Yang Hui also wore the most popular lipstick this year. Just now, she was at the same table and they praised her for her special looks. 

However, in front of Jiang Mu, they are simply the light of the fireflies and the light of the stars and the moon, there is no comparison at all.

She walked up to everyone, smiled at them, and looked in a good mood, "Thank you for coming to my birthday party. I asked the chef at home to make a lot of delicious food, and I ordered it from Heathman. There are a lot of cakes, you can eat whatever you like. The juice is freshly squeezed and the fruit is imported. You are welcome."

Jiang Mu is like a little sun, dazzling and attracting everyone's attention. The male students are eager to try and want to come forward to talk to her. 

And at this time... 

There was another person at the door. 

"Isn't that Zhao Ye?" 

The story of Zhao Ye and Yang Hui had already spread. They broke up on the surface, and they were just showing them to the teacher and parents. Everyone knew that they were secretly together. 

Zhao Ye sometimes came to the class to look for Yang Hui a few days ago. 

The classmates have all seen him, and someone recognizes him as soon as they see him. 

"Huihui, why did Zhao Ye come?" 

Yang Hui's deskmate also saw Zhao Ye and pulled her sleeve. 

She was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "How is it possible?" 

She turned to look as she said this.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Zhao Ye. 

On his feet, the pair of shoes sent by Jiang Mu was still worn. 

Jiang Mu had already greeted him. The two were saying this, and Zhao Ye hadn't seen Yang Hui at all. 

Yang Hui's face turned blue, and she felt a green light on her head, so she rushed forward without even thinking about it. 

She pulled Zhao Ye away and squeezed herself between the two, blocking his view of Jiang Mu. 

"Why are you here?" Yang Hui asked in a very rude tone. 

Zhao Ye was also taken aback. Just as he was about to answer, Jiang Mu said, "I invited him to come. Today is my birthday. He is my brother so I invited him to come to my birthday party."

Yang Hui: "What brother, why did I not know that you invited him?" 

Jiang Mu frowned suspiciously, and looked at her innocently. "It was him who I invited, why should he tell you? Didn't you break up?" 

Yang Hui's expression was even more ugly. 

She looked at Zhao Ye, "Why didn't you tell me, and... why are you wearing these shoes? Didn't you promise me not to wear them?" 

Zhao Ye looked at the shoes on his feet and thought, so expensive. His parents have spent money, why don't they wear it? It's not a waste, he just promised not to wear it in front of her. 

 Who knows that they will meet here today. 

His hand holding the gift shrank back, but Jiang Mu still saw it sharply. 

"Wow, you also prepared a gift for me, thank you, I am so happy." Jiang Mu smiled brilliantly. 

Zhao Ye looked at her face and was so confused. 

Yang Hui was even more angry. 

"Zhao Ye!" She shouted, finally awakening Zhao Ye. 

"Huh?" Zhao Ye looked at Yang Hui blankly. 

Yang Hui was trembling with anger: "Why did you come here without telling me and gave her a gift? I want to break up with you." 

Jiang Mu said, "Squad leader, you haven't broken up yet? But last time..."

Yang Hui stared at Jiang Mu bitterly: "You did it on purpose."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to push Jiang Mu again. 

Jiang Mu avoided, but pretended to be pushed back and forth, and took two steps back. At this time, her eyes were weak and helpless, "Squad leader, what are you talking about, I don't quite understand, what on purpose?" 

She again looked at Zhao Ye, "Did I do something wrong?" 

Zhao Ye was a little helpless. He came here voluntarily, and he bought the gifts. What does it have to do with Jiang Mu?

Yang Hui did this a bit too much. He and Jiang Mu had done nothing wrong. Let alone talk about it, Jiang Mu treated him as an older brother and he just came to a birthday party. 

"You didn't do anything wrong, she misunderstood." Zhao Ye soothed, and then looked at Yang Hui, "You think too much. I just came to celebrate her birthday. I didn't expect you to be here. I was afraid that you would misunderstand so I didn't tell you." 

"You're afraid I'll misunderstand? I think you are just guilty." Yang Hui couldn't calm down at this time. 

Zhao Ye: "Don't talk nonsense." 

Jiang Mu looked at her grievously: "Squad leader, how can you say that? I only treat Zhao Ye as an older brother, and...puppy love is not allowed, you yourself have puppy love. It's too much to misunderstand that others are in love too early." 

Yang Hui vomited blood because of Jiang Mu's green tea speech, but there was nothing to say back. 

"Zhao Ye, I want to break up with you!" Yang Hui said angrily. 

Seeing that Yang Hui was unreasonable and not forgiving, Zhao Ye also got tempered, "If you want tp break up, then so be it. You are simply unreasonable." 

"Squad leader, you really misunderstood." 

"What's the misunderstanding? You said you didn't mean it, then why is he the only man you invited that is not from our class?" Yang Hui glared at Jiang Mu and said more and more excited, "You said you treat him as your brother? What kind of shit brother. Who doesn't know you are Green Tea? In the name of his brother, you wanted to chase him... The school is so big and there are so many boys, why do you ask him to be your brother?"

After Yang Hui finished speaking, the girls in the class also nodded and booed.

The eyes of the boys looking at Jiang Mu also changed. 

She didn't panic at all, "You really misunderstood." 

"Then tell me, where did I misunderstand?" Yang Hui looked at so many people standing on her side, and she was emboldened and raised her chin and looked at Jiang Mu coldly. 

Jiang Mu said, "When did I tell you that I only invited him? And also, I never said that I only have him as brother."

Jiang Mu smiled while talking, smiling gracefully, but her eyes made Yang Hui flustered. 

"What do you mean Zhao Ye is not the only one, then where's the others? Don't tell me he cannot come?" 

Jiang smiled and pointed to the door of the evening, "Well, is this not coming?" 

Everyone only has their attention on Yang Hui and Jiang Mu, and no one saw anyone at the door. 

It turned out that Xie Xingran had been there for a minute. For this minute, he had been standing at the door listening. 

Jiang Mu ran towards him. 

"Brother Xingran, you are here." 

When he heard how she called him, it made him frown, and everyone's faces were dumbfounded. 

Who doesn't know Xie Xingran. 

He also came to Jiang Mo's birthday party? 

Is he her brother? 

Fuck, what kind of shocking news is this. 

The whole school will be blown up. 

Jiang Mu put her arm around Xie Xingran's arm, "Don't mind if I call your brother, classmate Xingran, as long as you cooperate with me, I will tell you what you want to know later." 

Xie Xingran's hand that was about to rise was put down again.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Mu and said in a low voice: "You'd better do what you say." 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Of course, I will." 

Xie Xingran's heart beat fast, and he was beaten by Jiang Mu. The place she was holding was also very hot, his body was a little stiff, and he couldn't let Jiang Mu notice this. 

"Really Xie Xingran?" 

"Really, so handsome, who else is there besides Xie Xingran!" 

"Huihui, it seems you really misunderstood. With Xie Xingran, who would look for Zhao Ye? Ah..." 

"Yes, although Zhao Ye looks good, how can he compare with Xie Xingran?"

"Moreover, he is not only handsome, he is rich and have good grades. I have long heard that he can protect Beijing's heavy capital." 

Yang Hui's face was green and white. 

Zhao Ye's expression is also ugly. 

Both of them were hit hard. 

Jiang Mu hugged Xie Xingran and walked over, "Squad leader, I said you have misunderstood. Look, Brother Xingran was also invited by me. Zhao Ye and I really didn't do anything to wronged you. Don't talk nonsense again in the future. Fortunately, you misunderstood me, my temper is too weak. If it is another girl with a hot temper, maybe she will grab your hair on the spot and slap you hard." 

Jiang Mu's expression is sincere and every word is very gentle. 

But Yang Hui felt a little bit of chill after listening to it. 

Jiang Mu smiled and said to everyone: "You play first. You are welcome if you want to eat. If you have anything to do, you can ask the nanny at home. I have something to do." 

After that, she asked Xie Xingran to go with her on second floor. 

The crowd watched as they both walked upstairs arm in arm. 

"You said... Xie Xingran is really just her brother?" 

"Impossible, what kind of brother, definitely love brother." 

"Then...you said... How many brothers does Jiang Mu have?" 

"This...I guess it should be enough to have Xie Xingran? What else do other brothers do?" 

"Yeah, if I can have a brother like Xie Xingran, then I would wake up from a dream, you see... Jiang Mu I can still hold Xie Xingran, and I can't even touch Xie Xingran's fingers, so I can only think about it in my dream." 

"You idiots, Xie Xingran looks so good. Are you hungry and thirsty?" 

"Bah, what is it?? You ordinary people are not worthy to say." 

"Ah... not to mention, Jiang Mu and Xie Xingran are standing together, it's really seductive..."

Everyone nodded. 

"Oh, did any of you take pictures?" 

"Fuck it, I'm dumbfounded, and forgot to take them."

"Don't panic, don't panic, I took a few pictures." 

"Send it to me!" 

"Me too!" 

"Send to the class group!" 

"No, Jiang Mu is also in the group." 

"Kick Jiang Mu out and send it again." 

"Yes, pull it in after sending it." 

"Who is the group leader, do it quickly." 

After asking everyone, they realized that Yang Hui was the leader of the group. 

Everyone looked at Yang Hui, only to see her staring at them with a pair of angry and dissatisfied eyes, as if they hadn't heard the conversation they had just heard awhile ago at all. 

Everyone looked at each other, and the person who took the picture whispered: "I'm going to made a new group, and people who want to join the group chat with me privately." 

Everyone responded. 

When the babysitter came near with the food, he saw the students gathered together with excitement and didn't know what they were doing. 


At this time, Jiang Mu has taken Xie Xingran into her bedroom. 

Xie Xingran's expression suddenly changed when he saw the layout in the bedroom. 

The gray blackout curtains, white translucent gauze curtains, apricot wool carpets, and even the wallpaper on the walls... all are exactly the same as in the photo, even the style and color of the bed sheets have not changed, they appeared in the photo the night before. 

Xie Xingran's heart seemed to jump out, and he slowly looked at Jiang Mu. 

"How is it? Do you feel familiar here?" Jiang Mu approached him step by step, her eyes seemingly seductive.