[World 3] Chapter 75

For Xie Xingran, this dream was a bit too real. 

The difference from previous dreams is that this time, it was not he who took the initiative, but Jiang Mu. 

In the dream, he had always been dominant, but this time, he looked unusually clumsy and young, because it was an extraordinary test for him. 

Not only has to test his endurance, but also his concentration. 

Xie Xingran didn't know how long it had passed. He only remembered that he was flustered and nervous at first, and still a little bit painful, but then he gradually got better. 

At this time, he confirmed that this was definitely not a dream. 

He don't feel this way in my dreams. 

The pores on his whole body were opened and he was enjoying this moment, and even his scalp felt happy. 

Jiang Mu's voice came from his ears. 

Even though he was sure that this was not a dream, he still closed his eyes and couldn't believe it. 

Fireworks were set off in his mind, and the little white man was getting farther and farther away from him, still looking at him with his dirty eyes. 

The little black guy is clapping and dancing, as if waiting for a long time to finally usher in the new century.

Finally, he didn't need to be pure and unwilling to suppress himself. He was suppressed by the white villain for more than ten years, and finally turned over. 


"Miss, miss, are you inside?"

The knock on the door accompanied the nanny's voice from outside the door, awakening the two. 

Jiang Mu hurriedly stopped her voice, but was not heard by the nanny. 

Xie Xingran couldn't control his breathing, he lowered his head and glanced, his adam's apple moved quickly twice. 

She could obviously feel his reaction. 

Seeing his face flushed, she put her arms around his waist and let the two of them get close.

"I'm here." 

Her face was pressed to the side of his face, but she responded loudly to the door. 

Nanny: "Miss, it's time to cut the cake. Some of your classmates said they are leaving." 

Jiang Mu: "Let them go. You can cut the cake for me. Just say I have something to do. I'll go down in a few minutes." 

Nanny: "Okay lady, I'll go tell them now." 

In fact, the people downstairs waited for a long time and got bored before letting her come up and ask. 


After the nanny left, Jiang Mu held Xie Xingran's face with spring water in her eyes, her eyes softly watching him and her cheeks were rosy, as if drunk, the skin was coated with a faint pink light.

When he and her stare at each other, all the senses become extremely sensitive. 

"Xie Xingran, we should go down, everyone is downstairs waiting for me to cut the cake." 

He did not say a word or move. 

It seemed that he could not accept what happened to him and Jiang Mu just now. 

She saw through his thoughts and pursed her lips and smiled. 

"What's the matter?" Jiang Mu's voice became softer, exhaling into his ear while talking. 

His body was shaking uncontrollably. 

"Will you ignore me if you already ate me?" Jiang Mu's tone became pitiful. 

Xie Xingran closed his eyes and dared not look at her again. He opened his lips slightly and said, "No." 

"But you don't even want to look at me." Jiang Mu continued to make unwarranted accusations. 

"No." Xie Xingran reluctantly opened his eyes. 

But Jiang Mu was lying on him at this time, and she was not wearing any clothes, leaving a little red mark on her neck and chest.

"Then you watch me speak." Jiang Mu demanded. 

Xie Xingran nodded hard. 

He felt that his patience had reached the physical limit. 

She knew he was enduring, but he still pretended not to know. 

She knelt and sat in front of him, stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Xie Xingran, my foot hurts, you can rub it for me again." 

Xie Xingran wanted to refuse, but he said, "Yeah." 

Jiang Mu smiled contentedly and handed her foot in front of him. 

He subconsciously stretched out his hands and cupped it. 

His eyes fell on her feet, and he took a closer look. 

The ankle area was still very red and swollen, his gaze shifted upward a little, and he saw that her knee was also red. 

As a result, his face was red, and the red was very thorough, as you could tell at a glance.

He swallowed and his breathing was messed up again. 

Jiang Mu also noticed that he was blushing, and quietly approached him, "Xie Xingran, are you too hot? Your face is so red." 

Xie Xingran whispered: "Yeah." 

Jiang Mu sneered, "You're not wearing clothes, you're still hot? Then you hug me, my body is not hot, my skin is cold." 

Jiang Mu was next to him, her skin pressed against him. 

Xie Xingran held his breath because he smelled a sweet and beautiful fragrance on Jiang Mu. 

In order to prevent himself from reacting again, he read the lyrics of the Sand Sculpture Divine Comedy that he usually recite when he wakes up several times in his mind. 

The difference is that they sing this, but he reads, because he can't sing. 

Jiang Mu: "Why don't you rub it for me?" 

Xie Xingran was already on the verge of falling, and one step forward was about to fall. 

He gently kneaded her ankle.

He has tried his best to be as light as possible, but she still groaned in pain, this voice is too coquettish. He has just come here again, how could he withstand this temptation? His face changed immediately. 

He stopped, "Does it hurt?" 

"Yeah, I blame you." Jiang Mu glared at him, "And you just pressed too hard, you're too rude." 

Xie Xingran: "...I'm sorry." 

Jiang Mu: "It's no use in saying sorry." 

Xie Xingran: "..." 

"You have to hug me" 

Xie Xingran didn't have time to refuse, so Jiang Mu asked for it by herself. 

She is not short, but she has a slender figure, fortunately she has a small frame, so she is not a dry one. The hand feels very soft and delicate. Every inch of skin is cold and soft, and he feels pampered. A charming girl, and her skin is as white as milk. 

Her feet were still held by him, so when she suddenly rushed, he couldn't free his hands to stop her.

For a while, Jiang Mu hugged him and kissed him several times on his face and mouth. 

"Be gentle with me in the future." 

Jiang Mu said solemnly. 

Xie Xingran was a little at a loss. He only discovered the red blood stains on the bed sheet at this time. 

He may not have paid attention at all before, but at this time, he realized that it was also her first time. 

His expression became dazed. 

This may be the first time she saw him dumbfounded. 

It's a bit too cute. 

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Mu asked with a smile. 

She followed Xie Xingran's gaze and looked over. 

Oh, it turned out to be this.

Jiang Mu didn't agree, but Xie Xingran seemed very moved. 

"Xie Xingran, you haven't answered me yet." 

Xie Xingran didn't think so much when he had a relationship with Jiang Mu. 

The impulse of the teenager made his brain lose its usual sense at the moment, not to mention the temptation she gave him is too big, so big that he forgets where he is and whether he should do it. 

But now that he calm down and think about it, he suddenly felt the pressure. 

This pressure was not given to him by her, but given to himself. 

It has something to do with the education he has received since he was a child. Since he was a child, he has looked good and is very popular with girls. In junior high school, girls came to the door of the house, and he was hit by his mother several times. 

At that time, his mother told him that boys should be responsible, not be too casual with girls, and try not to delay others. 

After he grew up and sensible, he never smiled at any girl. 

Now suddenly faced with such a situation. 

Xie Xingran thought for a long time, and finally said: "I will be good to you in the future." 

Jiang Mu asked, "Um, how can you be good to me?" 

Xie Xingran hesitated for a few seconds, "Sorry, neither I know, if you want me to do anything, you can suggest it." 

Jiang Mu: "Okay, I see, you help me go to the drawer over there to get medicated oil and rub my feet, we should go down. " 

Xie Xingran nodded, then walked to where Jiang Mu pointed and opened the drawer. 

However, the contents inside made him just hardly recover his white face and reddened again. 

Inside are all kinds of folded underwear, matching them, styles or sexy, or cute... 

"Not here." 

Jiang Mu: "Ah, it's not that, it's the blue drawer next to it."

The drawers of this cabinet are color-matched, and the color of each drawer is different. 

Xie Xingran took a deep breath and continued to open the blue drawer. 

Seeing a pile of medicine inside, he flipped through it and quickly found a bottle of medicated oil. 

He picked it up and walked towards her while reading the instructions. According to the method of use, he poured the medicated oil on the palm of his hand and rubbed it first, then rubbed it on her ankle, and rubbed her slightly. 

She kept humming again this time, and he pretended not to hear, and forced his attention away. 

Jiang Mu said, "Xie Xingran, do you think I'll be pregnant?" 

Xie Xingran suddenly raised his head to look at her. 

Jiang Mu smiled, "You're funny, don't be afraid." 

Xie Xingran's expression remained the same for a long time, and Jiang Mu felt that his appearance was a bit fierce. 

"I'm kidding, don't be like this." 

His hands kept moving, but he just ignored her. 

She coaxed a few words to no avail, so she simply hugged him, "Don't be angry." 

She kept kissing on his face. 

Finally, Xie Xingran spoke, "It's done." 

He let go of Jiang Mu's foot, and then pushed her away. 

"Get up and try it, is it better?" 

Jiang Mu pursed her lips, pointing to her shoes not far away, "My shoes, can you help me get them?" 

Xie Xingran glanced at the crystal high heels, "You can't wear that, you should change to a pair that is easy to walk."

"That's easy to walk. It's specially used to match my dress." 

Xie Xingran glanced at the dress that was thrown on the ground, "Then also change the dress." 

"You're so overbearing." Jiang Mu said delicately. 

Xie Xingran did not answer.

Jiang Mu: "Then you take me to the fitting room to choose clothes." 

Xie Xingran glanced at her, "Where is the fitting room?" 

Jiang Mu pointed to the room inside. 

He turned around and walked in, but did not hug her. 

She called his name, but he ignored it. 

Two minutes later, he came out with a skirt and a pair of shoes. 

It was a creamy apricot sleeveless dress and a pair of beige coconut sneakers. 

Jiang Mu looked at the clothes in his hand and couldn't help but smile, "You picked it for me?" 

Xie Xingran was nonchalant, and took out a new set of underwear from the wrong drawer just now. He took it out and all the clothes are in front of her. 

 Jiang Mu raised her eyebrows, and didn't judge his aesthetics, but changed them obediently. 

He turned his head to ignore her changing clothes, and put on his own clothes by the way. 

She suddenly screamed. He thought that there was something wrong with her. He turned to see, who knew she was wearing underwear and blinked mischievously at him. 

Xie Xingran's face changed slightly, and he quickly turned his head and said, "I'll go out and wait for you." 

Jiang Mu's laughter came from behind him. 

After he goes out, he touched his face. 

Some are hot. 

He waited at the door for a few minutes, and then heard her calling him inside. 

He hesitated for a few seconds before pushing the door open. 

She didn't have any pranks this time, she was already dressed, but her walking posture was a bit strange, and it should be a little painful. 

After going downstairs, only half of the people downstairs were left. They were surprised when they saw her changed her clothes. She said that he fell, twisted her feet and her clothes got dirty so she changed clothes. This is the reason why she came down late.

Everyone didn't have any doubts, after all, Xie Xingran's aloof, justice and awe-inspiring expression made them afraid to speculate. 

After eating the cake, everyone left with the little gifts Jiang Mu asked the nanny to prepare. 

Xie Xingran was the last one to leave. 

Jiang Mu personally escorted him to the door. 

"Xie Xingran, what do you think we have now?" 

Jiang Mu asked with a smile. 

Xie Xingran paused. In fact, he had also thought about this issue just now. Since the two have already had a relationship, he should indeed formally propose to her to be boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Even if he hasn't figured it out yet, this is his responsibility. 

Xie Xingran: "Be my girlfriend." 

Jiang Mu: "Will you make an appointment next time?"

The two spoke almost at the same time.