[World 3] Chapter 76

Hearing Xie Xingran's words, Jiang Mu was stunned. 

Hearing Jiang Mu's words, Xie Xingran's face was ugly. 

She felt embarrassed, someone confessed to her, but she asked for an appointment. 

Isn't this beating people in the face? 

But then she can't wrong herself and agree. 

She felt that she had done nothing wrong. Everyone is an adult. This is what you want. 

She did not reluctantly did it with him, he enjoyed it very much just now. 

In order to take care of his little virgin, she also showed 70% enthusiasm and patience. 

However, he didn't seem to realize her kindness. 

He stood there for a long time without saying a word. 

She was afraid that if the atmosphere continued to be embarrassing, she would be very embarrassed, so she stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "We can't be together, we are not suitable, you are so handsome. If I am with you, I will feel insecure." 

Xie Xingran glanced at her, then turned and left. 

Jiang Mu called him, but he didn't look back either. 


Jiang Mu turned around and went home, only then did she have time to look at her mobile phone. 

Unexpectedly, she hadn't read it for a few hours, and there were hundreds of messages. 

She thought to herself, her fish are about to leap over the dragon gate, so excited. 

 Wen Fei sent her the most news, probably because he knew that today was her birthday. 

Last night he kept her birthday wishes at twelve o'clock, and gave her eighteen skins in the game. 

They are all skins of the heroes she has used. 

Several of them are just-released limited skins.

Recently, the two of them played games together, and he still didn't charge any accompaniment fees. The money he collected from her back then was all used to buy skins, which is equivalent to that she also receive her money back.

She not only played with him in vain, but also receive gifts. 

However, for the sake of his kindness, Jiang Mu was very happy at the time, and she took the initiative to send Wen Fei a love for him.

Love you Me Me Da is a omnipotent perfunctory word. 

It's okay, it's okay, it's annoying to talk more. 

But now, he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong, but rather uses this sentence very much. 

At night, he kept telling stories to her and sang a good night song to put her to sleep, but she just plugged in the headphones and did not listen to him at all. 

She was still chatting with Xie Ziqi. 

But when Wen Fei just finished speaking, Jiang Mu and Xie Ziqi also said good night. 

Sleeping time can't be delayed, a man is not worth of her staying up all night.


Because Jiang Mu suddenly did not reply to the message, Wen Fei found that he had no other contact information except for knowing her WeChat and game account. 

His desire to meet has become even more urgent. 

Although he knew that she might be busy on her birthday today, he still couldn't help sending more news. 

In one aspect, he still treated her as a little sister who needed to be taken care of. 

She first scanned these unread messages one by one, and then she urged to reply first after all. 

She replied to Ephy: [ Ahhh, I'm here. Sorry, there was a guest at home just now, I went to greet the guest. My phone was in the room, and I didn't see the news. ] 

Wen Fei returned almost in seconds. 

Wen Fei: [ It's okay, I thought there was something wrong, but I was too nervous, so it's fine if you're okay. ]

Jiang Mu: [ I invited my classmates to play at home, I have been talking to them, and I cut the cake. ] 

Wen Fei: [ Very good, have you eaten the cake? ]

Jiang Mu: [ I have eaten it, my mother ordered it for me. Although she did not come back for my birthday, I am already very happy. ]

When he saw this news, he couldn't help but feel distressed for her.

Although the family has money, but the parents have not fulfilled their responsibilities, it is no wonder that her character is so fragile. 

He gave birth to a desire for protection. 

If she is right in front of him, he will definitely hug her and comfort her as long as he is there on future birthdays, he will spend time with her and not leave her alone. 

But can he do it? 

He suddenly felt that he was not worthy of her.

He is still just a poor student. 

Thinking of this, he didn't know how to reply. 

But he didn't want her to wait for his news, so he still replied, [ You should be happy on your birthday, did Little Cutie just make a wish? ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Well, I made a wish. ] 

Wen Feu: [ What's your wish? ]

Jiang Mu: [ I wish my brother could have been so good to me. ] 

A warm current surged in Wen Fei's heart, [ Little fool, it won't work if you say your wish. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ But I just want to tell my brother, he will help me realize my wish if he knows it, right? ] 

Wen Fei: [ Well, yes. ]

Jiang Mu is quite proud of her own words. 

He probably felt sorry for her. 


After talking to Wen Fei, she was busy coaxing Xie Ziqi again.

Xie Ziqi has been very clingy lately, and has started acting like a baby with her. 

He thought about coming to meet her during the holidays, so he bought a lot of gifts, hidden in the closet and bookcase, and didn't show them to her. He said a lot of characteristics for her to guess. 

She made a correct guess, and he felt trouble every time she guessed correctly, but as long as she coaxed him, he would immediately be happy. 

Today, she ignored him for several hours. In the last sentence, the two of them were still talking about the food they like to eat together. As they talked, she disappeared. 

He sent a few grievances, pitiful, crying expressions, she still did not reply. 

Xie Ziqi's last message is: [ Sister ignores me, hey! ]

It also comes with an emoticon pack. 

[ I can only climb.jpg ] 

Jiang Mu felt funny and gave him a crying emoticon. 

Xie Ziqi replied immediately: [ Sister, you are finally here, why did you go just now? ] 

Jiang Mu: [ I couldn't find my phone just now. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ How could this be? ]

Jiang Mu: [I left my phone in my room and went downstairs. Then I couldn't find my phone when I get back. I also turned it to silent mode so I couldn't here any sounds from it. ] 

Xie Ziqi did not even suspect: [ Sister, you are so stupid. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Hey, I have been looking for it for a long time. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ Sister, you are so cute, haha... It turns out that you are so stupid. ] 

Jiang Mu smiled when she saw the news. 


This birthday is wonderful. Jiang Mu successfully slept to Xie Xingran, the male god on campus, and also took apart Yang Hui and Zhao Ye. 

It was a day of exhilaration. 

She put down the phone after replying to the message and stretched a long stretch.

Because of the birthday party, the house seemed a little messy at this time, and the babysitter was too slow to clean up by herself. Jiang Mu told her that tonight's dinner can be made casually, and it won't be too troublesome. 

The babysitter disagrees, saying that it is the birthday of the young lady once a year is the big day, how can she do something casually?

Jiang Mu was very satisfied with the attitude of the nanny, waved her big hand, and gave her 500 yuan for hard work. 

The babysitter was very happy and went to cook with great enthusiasm. 

Jiang Mu went back upstairs and tidied up the messy bed. 

The sheets and the four-piece suit were all too dirty. She didn't want to leave her sign of innocence. She directly washed it with water, washed the stains on it, and packed it and threw it away. 

Even if you want to throw it away, you have to destroy the corpse first. 

After doing this, she was exhausted enough, and when she changed to the new bedding herself, she collapsed directly. 

Changing the four-piece suit is even more tiring for her than doing that kind of thing just now. 

 She disliked that she was sweaty and dirty, so she went to take a shower. 

When she came out, the nanny had already prepared dinner. 

The dinner that the nanny prepared tonight was a sumptuous meal. 

It can be seen that the menu has been prepared a long time ago. The dishes on the table are all her favorite. 

Before eating, she took a few photos with a sense of ritual. 

Then accompanied by a beautiful selfie. 

Together with the photos she took before putting on her dress and going downstairs, they sent them to the circle of friends. 

The photos of the circle of friends of the three numbers are the same, but with slightly different characters. 

The large size is in a pure and cute style. This is for those classmates and relatives in the family to see in reality. 

The trumpet is in the elegant and noble style of the eldest lady. In this number, Xie Ziqi and the other two play with him.

The small trumpet has a cool, white and rich style. This one specifically faces Meng Yixu, because he is only added to it for the time being. 


As soon as the photo was sent out, it caused great and small reactions. 

Xie Ziqi reacted the most. 

Xie Ziqi: [ Sister! ! ! ! ] 

Jiang Mu: [ What's wrong? ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ Today is your birthday? ? ? ]

When Jiang Mu saw these abused question marks, she couldn't help feeling that this is a symbol of youth. 

Jiang Mu: [ Yes. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ Then why don't you tell me! ? ]

Jiang Mu: [ I didn't say anything about it. I usually live alone. Every year is almost over before I post a circle of friends. ]

Jiang Mu opened her eyes and said nonsense. Although half of it is true, the original owner does not have anyone to accompany her on her birthday every year. Therefore, because Meng Yixu knew this, he had prepared gifts for her birthday, she was so touched that she fell in love with all her heart.

Xie Ziqi: [ Why? Why do you want to live alone. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Get used to it. ]

Xie Ziqi is best at self-brain. 

When Jiang Mu got used to this sentence, he was able to make up for how pitiful she is that usually unaccompanied. Unlike his birthday, he always receives all kinds of gifts. Family and relatives will come to his house for dinner, and friends too. Everyone will send blessings, even when he go to school, teachers know his birthday. 

But Jiang Mu always seems to be alone and looks very strong, but in fact she is also a girl who needs to be cared about. 

He felt that his responsibility had become greater. 

Xie Ziqi: [ Happy birthday, sister, I will remember your birthday in the future and will not let you spend it alone. ] 

Jiang Mu: [ Thank you baby. ]

Xie Ziqi knew that Jiang Mu might not believe him, so he promised again: [ I'm serious, it's too late to prepare a gift this time, I will give you a surprise next time we meet. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ I am your exclusive security guard.jpg ] 

Jiang Mu felt very cute when she saw Xie Ziqi's sincere speech. 

She thought for a while and replied: [ Okay. ] 

Xie Ziqi: [ Sister, you are so good-looking, much better than I thought. ]

Xie Ziqi now has the mind to appreciate Jiang Mu's photos. 

He hadn't seen her front face photos before. He didn't expect her to be so good-looking, although in his heart, she should be a pretty sister. 

But today's photo is too beautiful. 

Thinking that he was dating her online, he felt incredible. 

He has such a beautiful sister. 

He is so happy, he really wants the holidays to come soon. 

Then he will be able to see his sister, and maybe he will be able to take his sister to meet his brother. 

Speaking of which, he and his brother have not seen each other for a long time.