Welcome Party

They went to the main hall after Mike sorted his problems and Liza took a bath to freshen up.

"About time that you showed up, Alejandro", Alpha Maximillian said. "I am about to send someone to get you."

"What's with the feast, Grandpa?"

"It is to welcome you and you're mate, the heirs of the Alpha, here in the pack. Also the family of the future Luna. I would like also to welcome your chosen beta and her mate to this Pack, The White Wolf Pack. Everyone please have a seat and enjoy your meal."

Everyone took their seat. Some started eating while others chatter while they wait for their turn to pick the food they want.

"Mike, does it really follows like the literal wolf pack that there is the alpha, luna, beta and omega, ?" Liza whisper to Mike.

"I guess so, 'cause I never seen the maids do something strenuous aside from cooking tremendous amount of food," Mike whispered.

"I just learned that also from Chris. No wonder he is often not playing with me when were younger. He said that his mom is giving him extra lecture about it."

"What about you?"

"If I am not staying with him pestering them while his mom is giving the lecture about packs, I am reading books about myths."

They started eating and from time to time they try to look at the crowds for any signs of Chris and Marie. They seemed to disappear in thin air after the introduction of the Great Alpha.

"Mike, where are Chris and Marie?"

"I haven't notice them. Maybe they ditch the party."

"So much for being your right hand."

After their dinner, they tried to socialize and some of the pack warriors and paramedics introduced themselves to Mike and Liza. They chatted a little and decided to call it a night even though it is still in it's full swing.

"Liza, let's go. I want some rest. You need to rest also. It's almost 11."

"I thought you won't call this a day. I am so tired after the flight and party. My mind is screaming for sleep even though I slept in the whole plane ride."

They headed to the Great Alpha and bid their good nights. They headed to their room and changed to their sleeping clothes.

"You're pack is so welcoming."

"Yeah. You should sleep. We have a big day ahead of us."

"Good night!"

"Good Night, Love."

Mike pecked Liza in her lips. They sleep in the same bed cuddling in each others arms. Not a moment later, both of them were out like light as they are very exhausted.


After the speech, Marie and Chris decided to go outside to have some fresh air. The place is too crowded for him and he is starting to act paranoid like someone is watching him.

"Is there any problem? You seemed anxious." Marie asked worriedly.

"I just have this feeling that someone is there watching me but I can't pinpoint what,where and worst, who is it?"

"Maybe you are just hungry. We haven't eaten dinner yet. Let's head back and returned after we have our fill."

"Sounds like a plan."

Instead of heading to banquet, they headed to kitchen. They received curious looks from the Omegas and other kitchen helpers.

"Sir, I think both of you should be at the banquet. Guests are not allowed at this area," One of the helpers said.

"It's alright, Laura. He is the future Beta, Chris," Lea, one of the Izquierrdo's maids said.

"Sorry. We will just help our selves in the food. We will just eat there," Maria said.

"You're here. When did you arrived?" Chris said hugging Lea.

"Last night with Maria. Help yourselves, Kids."

They got their food and eat at peace at the table without any interruptions. They even invited the helpers to eat with them but they refuse as they need to cater the guests first.

"The food is one of the best. Thank you. We will be heading out," Chris said before heading out aof the kitchen with Marie.

"You seemed close to her."

"Yes, she helped mom and Aunt raising us when oour dads are not around. We were quite a handful back then."

"Do you want to stay outside or head to our room?" Marie ask.

"Let's go to the banquet first. They might be looking for us."

They go back to the hall to be greeted by warriors of various ranks and elites of the pack. They search for their friends after talking with the elites but they cannot find them.

"Maybe they are in their quarters. We should head back also."

"Yes, both of you need to rest," Chris said kissing her at her temple and touching her tummy though the baby bump is not yet visible.

They headed to their room besides Mike and Liza's room and change to their sleeping clothes. They bid their good nights and Chris spooning Marie.