
"Who will be the lecturer for the day?" Marie asked while munching her bread.

"I think the beta. Why?" Liza said.

"After that day, I don't want to attend Beta Omar's lecture anymore. Whenever I hear his name I feel that my ears are ringing," Marie complained.

"Oh, C'mon! It's been a week since the incident. You know? Move on?" Samantha threw a stick of fries at Marie but she was hit at her chest and slipped down inside her blouse.

Everyone was looking at the fries that flew and where it landed then they looked at Marie and waiting for her outburst. She picked the fries that slipped inside her clothes and threw at Samantha hitting her at the face.

"How dare you! You are the one that can't move on!" Marie countered. Liza and Mike grabbed their food so it won't fall in the hands of their friends fighting. Samantha grabbed a handful of fries about to throw to Marie. Chris, Liza and Mike never failed to be amazed by their childish antics.

"Stop playing with the food!" Liam roared without looking at them.

"You're such a kill joy," Chris said amused in the show he was anticipating. "This is better than teen flix we watch."

"They could fight all the time they want without wasting food." Liam grabbed Samantha. "Stop! Someone is coming."

The Alpha and the Beta happen to pass by the patio where they stay. They had a little chitchats with the gang before leaving with Mike and Chris to attend the pack matters.

"How did you know? You're no wolf to hear or smell them," Sam whispered.

"I could feel their energy." Liam tried his best not to sniff Sam as her scent intoxicates him making the sleeping awake.

A phone rang playing intro of What I've Done of Linking Park.

"Whose phone is that?" Sam asked then she noticed Liam cancelling the call. "Can't change a newer song or a different ring tone?"

"What's the matter?" Liam asked.

"I don't like Rock music."

"Well, I like it so bear with it."

"Why didn't you answer? It's Uncle ET," Liza asked. She had been scrolling her phone since her mate left.

"I don't care."

Niña, tanto tiempo

¿Qué estás haciendo?

¿Qué es de tu vida?

Liza was surprised that someone called her and dropped her phone. Everyone laughed at her antics.

"And this crazy caffeine girl is addicted to reggae and pop songs." Sam retorted.

"Try drinking less coffee in a day. It would be a big help especially when you become pregnant," Marie reminded Liza.

Liza received a text after the unanswered call requesting their presence at the study. Sam and Liam were left alone in the patio. They decided to clean the table before going to training grounds to practice in self defense.

On their way to the grounds. Sam tried to talk to Liam hoping that he would open up about his parents.

"Why are you so distant with them?" Samantha asked.


"I could listen. It's also ok if you don't want to share it to me." Sam noticed the change in mood of Liam.

"Years back, when Alejandro had finished his studies in one of the known human universities in America, he returned to the kingdom. That time the elemental witches were having training under the supervision of their father, Dolion. Queen Amythest is still alive that time. No one knows that Alejandro is gay other than Aqua. The two of them were secretly dating even homosexuality is accepted in the kingdom. Alejandro happened to meet the other four elemental witches which were Aqua's brothers. That was the time they learned they were all mated to only one person which is Al. Aqua was furious and don't want to share Alejandro to his brothers."

"Oh My!" Sam was shocked of the number of mates Alejandro has.

"Dolion learned about the mate thing and he discussed this to other witches which were followers of dark magic. They created a dark spell that would bound all of them to one another that if one of them get hurt, all will be hurt and the like as if the six person were only one person and a certain substance that would drive them crazy doing sex, an aphrodisiac."

"Almost a year after Aunt Amy's marriage, they decided to try the dark magic and the drugs. Dolion's followers kidnapped them. Other than Aqua, everyone is under the influenced of the drugs but their sex drive were so high that the four of them take turns in doing the marking and mating to Aqua and Alejandro. Since Aqua was not affected by drugs, Dolion put him under s weakness spell so he can't resist his brothers. Alejandro got pregnant and Liam Verell came out. Luckily, Aqua didn't get pregnant."

"They went missing for almost a month. King Nicholas discovered it a week after they got missing and used all his power to find them but Dolion was three steps ahead of the king. He already put a spell to their place so no one could discover them. The queen also participated in the search asking the help of her friends who uses dark magic but they refuse. They know the kind of spell that Dolion had used. in order to break it, they need to sacrifice someone so she sacrificed herself. Before she die, she was able to break the spell that Dolion had put to them to bind them as one. She had a painful death as she witness the agony of her son after the rescue aside from the effects of breaking the dark magic. She died after few days I was born."

"Dolion and his followers were sentenced to imprisonment and a chant was placed so they could no longer practice magic or sorcery. In short, they become a human. Al and the brothers were placed in a rehab as they all suffered trauma. They were put in a medically induce coma for almost a months so that their body could recover then the rehabilitation took place. Aqua was the last one to recover from trauma as he was on his right mind when everything happened while the others don't know what was happening."

"Al started self hurting that time blaming his sexual orientation for what had happened. They say it was a painful sight as he lost his will to live. Aunt Amy and Uncle Sam are always there for him. His self harming stopped when Aunt Amy become pregnant with Liza. He was like six or seven months preggy that time but he become overprotective to Auntie. The believe that the only way to heal Al was kids."

"Then why do you treat Al like you are not his son and the others like strangers?" Sam asked.

"I grew up under Auntie's care. I thought she was my mom, when I was in Sophomore, I learned the truth. He explained it to me well but he asked me not to call him dad, either Uncle or by name until the time he knows who is my father. I told that to Auntie and Uncle, we all concluded that he can't moved on and the trauma is still there."

"Sometimes, I call him dad when we were alone and I swear he would smile and his aura would change." Liam smiled remembering those moments. "One time, I saw him crying, I hug him and he said I'm the only reason keeping him sane and fighting."

"You should spent more time with him. Maybe just maybe it would help him. Time might help him heal but the scar would be forever there. Be patient with him until he accepts everything that happened to him.' Samantha advised.

"So, are we just gonna stand here or should we practice combat?"

"Way to ruin the mood. Hahaha! not because you had shared a rough past, I would go easy with you today."

Samantha shifted in her wolf reaching Liam's height of 6 feet and started running around the field for warm up with Liam in tow. after their 20 minute run, they started fighting like they were enemies. Every 45 minutes, Liam would check if Samantha had fatal wounds but since they could heal quickly, he would only find blood stains. They keep on training until sunset.

Alejandro and Aqua appeared in the training site around four in the afternoon to watch them. He was happy that his son had found the perfect match for him. As his parent, he only thinks how would Liam accepts Samantha without fearing that the same thing might happen to him.

"Al, come to think of it, you and my brothers had already marked each other." Alejandro looked at Aqua doubtfully. How come I haven't marked you yet?"

"Hahaha! You are joking right?" Alejandro asked knowing that the conversation would end up in their room if it continues.

"Do I look like joking to you?" Aqua asked and teleported them to their room in their Kingdom to do the mating.