~02~Big Bros

Anita's POV

"Anita!!!" I hear a familiar voice call

"Five more minutes" I mutter sleepily.

"Anita!!" The voice calls again "Where the fuck are you, you little witch"

Now that snaps me back to reality. I take a few moments to adjust to the light as I call back "Coming, Colton"

Even I wonder how I'm still so calm as Colton yells angrily.

I walk lazily back into the house

"Yes, Colton" I answer, arriving in the sitting room.

"What the fuck did you do?" He hisses at me angrily.

"What do you mean?" I ask calmly

"You're pregnant?!!" He yells

Colton isn't much of a yeller like mom so I know he's really mad.

"No" I shake my head "I'm not"

"Cut the crap" I feel naked under his intense glare "if you're pregnant, you're gonna have to get rid of it"

He bends to pick up his car keys that was laying on the table

He wants me to get an abortion? The thought of that almost makes me laugh out loud

"Colton, chill, I'm not pregnant, okay?" I say with a hint of amusement laced in my voice "I can't be pregnant, it's scientifically impossible"

He stands up straight and raises one eyebrow in a way that says 'are you gonna elaborate?'

"I've never had sex before" I let out seriously, all traces of amusement gone with the wind

His brows shoot up to the roof and his jaw drops to the ground "You're... You're a virgin?"

He looks completely shocked, it makes me giggle a little.

"Believe it" I say still amused by his reaction

"Anita, you're 17 and you're extremely beautiful, you can't be a virgin" he says finally recovering

A blush creeps up to my face, it's the first time in a long while Colton has complimented me.

"What?" He asks when I look down at my hands which are now in a twist.

"Nothing" I shake my head still looking down at my hands.

"Tell me" he orders

"It's the first time you've said anything other than order me around and yelling at me in forever"

"I know" he sighs

Colton wasn't always mean to me, actually he was a big brother to me at one point but mom never liked that.

She always scolded him for playing with me and defending me from bullies in school and I guess we just grew distant.

"But hey, thanks for the complement and I must say you're not so ugly yourself" I joke to lighten the mood and it works, he chuckles for a bit

"Seriously, Annie, are the boys in Westview High blind? Anyone would kill to have you"

I blush again and I want to say 'it's hard when mom punishes me for coming home ten minutes late' but I know that will just sour his mood.

He doesn't seem too comfortable discussing that subject.

So instead I just say "they must be or....maybe your the one with the eye problem?" I laugh

"Oh trust me, it's them" he smiles

"I've missed you" I say truthfully with a grin

"And I you, Annie" he says and pulls me in for a hug.

"What the hell is going on here?!" A voice I know all too well yells.

The familiar sound of my mom making an entrance. I internally roll my eyes as I pull away from my brother.

He dips his hands in his pant pockets and turns to face mom, he looks like he's been caught stealing candy.

The sight almost makes me giggle though I hold it in, I couldn't stop the wide smile that makes it's way to my lips.

"Hey, mom" he smiles like a little boy and she gives him a glare.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" She turns to me with sheer disgust evident in her eyes

That snaps the smile right off my face and I stare at her impassively.

"Are you deaf or what you little b***h?" She yells in my face

"Mom" Colton says in a slow attempt to defend me.

He hasn't done that in years. And the thought bring tears into my eyes.

"What has gotten into you?" She asks Colton, bewildered

"Mom" he shakes his head warily

"She's not your sister" she informs "she took your father's love away from you"

Her eyes fill with bitter tears as Colton shakes his head again.

"Mom, you're wrong, she didn't do anything to me" he turns his gaze to me for a few seconds and I give him a sympathetic smile "I did all that myself, I was irresponsible and did all sorts of things at that time"

"Son" she cries

"I brought dad nothing but disappointment" he takes my hand "but she, she brought him joy, made him feel proud"

"Son, he left her everything" she reasons

"Because she deserves it. We need to stop treating her like she's worthless" he pulls me away from her and to the front door.

"Oh and mom" he calls "she's not pregnant"

Out the house and into his car, we drive in complete silence, not awkward but a comfortable one.

"Thanks" I break the silence.

"What for?" He asks, his eyes not leaving the road

"For standing up for me" I stare down at my fingers knotted in my lap

"It's something I should have done a long time ago" he sighs turning to look at me for a second

"Yes it is" I mumble truthfully.

"I'm sorry, I just...I guess, I love her so much I tried to justify her actions in my head and you know...support her" he mumbles dryly.

"I know" I sigh and try to change the subject "where are we going?"

"Wherever you want" he smiles at me

"Well, looks like we're heading to the park then" I smile and clap like a little girl on Christmas morning.

"The park?" He asks surprised

"Yes, I have so many fun memories there, with you and dad"

"The park it is then" he smiles

This is my brother, the real one, the one I love so much not the one mom forced him to be

"What?" He asks

"What?" I counter

"You're looking at me like I'm a plate of fries"

"Oh" I mumble realizing that I'm staring at him "Nothing"

"Tell me"

"I love you" I say truthfully.

"I love you more, baby sis" he grins at me and I grin back.