~03~Kicked Out

I'm all alone so early in the morning... It feels really good.

Except the fact that my brother just left for the other side of the world and I wasn't even allowed to go with him to the airport.

I turn on Colton's iPod which he left to me and as the sweet music fills the air I start to do all my chores.

I make a quick Turkey Sandwich, wrap it up and throw it into my backpack.

I grab the iPod from the counter and throw that in too, along with headphones Colton left me and a bottle of water from the fridge.

I make mom something she could heat up later for breakfast and head off to school long before she could get back from the airport.

Don't want to encounter bad vibes so early.

I'm gonna have to take the early bus but that doesn't come until later so I plug in my headphones and hum to the beat as I walk slowly to the Subway.


After one long, definitely not boring ride to school, I finally arrive there being the first one to get to class.

Seeing as I'm alone in the class, I go on to choose the best seat.

Taking my place on a chair in the middle row and close to the front, I plug in my headphones again and just let myself get lost in the beat.


I don't even know how long I stay there, in my own world of music until someone brings me back to reality with a gentle tap.

Coming back to earth, I glance up at the clock and see that I still have fifteen minutes before class.

Now who is that person that thought it so wise to disturb my peaceful music time?!

I'm so not happy with whoever it is.

I turn to my side to notice a blonde boy with thick brows, wide eyes which had glasses that make him look smart and charming over and full lips which were turned up in a huge smile.

"Hey" I beam at him, feeling what little anger I felt fade away.

"Hi" he beams back "I'm Chris"

"Anita" I answer with a nod and idly I wonder if I should extend a hand to shake or if that would seem ancient and weird.

"You're new?" He asks with a slightly less huge smile.

"No" I reply slowly, with a perplexed expression as I tilt my head a bit.

"Oh, I just" oh shit he looks embarrassed "I...haven't seen you around"

"That's fine" I try a smile to help him out of his embarrassed state "I'm not really around most times"

He nods, probably not knowing what to say to that so I help him out "you're new in this class though right?"

"Yeah, just transferred in...today's my first" he murmurs dryly, his earlier embarrassment forgotten.

"Oh, cool..I think you'll have a great time" I assure him, glancing at the clock, ready to put my headphones back in but I guess he's not having that.

"You look reserved" he informs

"Probably cos I am" I murmur, how does he not get the hint?



"Why are you reserved?"

I stare at him not knowing how to answer that.

"Be...cause I like to keep to myself?" I answer perplexed.

He laughs, a nice carefree teenage boy kind of laugh and it actually makes me smile though I try to hide it.

"Are you laughing at me?" I ask with a trace of humor in my words

"No, of course not" he shakes his head bemused "but really you have the physical features any boy would die for"

"Oh really" I try to hide a small blush that creeps up to my face with a smile.

"Seriously, you're the real deal" he smiles bemused.

"I'm antisocial" I supply

Am I? No, but I'd rather everyone believed that than the fact that my mom would literally have my head if I try to attend a party or do anything normal girls my age do.

Hell, I'm not even allowed to go work on a project in a friend's house.

Now, it's his turn to look perplexed

"Well, I don't think so"

"Class is about to start" I point to Mr. Tucker who's making his way into class.

And that's when I notice that the class is now filled with students separated in small friendship groups happily chatting away.

I'm grateful cos that was a convo down a part I'd rather not walk with anyone except my best friends, none of who take this class with me.


The day went by pretty fast, something I'm really thankful for.

It was filled with me mostly avoiding Chris.

I even had lunch in an empty class with my best friends. It wasn't as bad as it sounds though, it was actually fun..weird but fun.

I'm on my way back home now, my headphones blasting my ears with the sweet sweet sound of good music, my backpack slinged on one side of my shoulder.

I'm stopped by a shiny red car which comes from behind me to block my path.

Confused, I take out my earphones and send a glare to the driver, who I can't see because the windows and windscreen are heavily tinted.

I turn to go around the car and be on my way but the sight person that steps out of the car stops me in my tracks.

"Hi" Chris beams at me

"Hey" I smile a small smile

"Why do I feel like you've been avoiding me?" He says with a frown

And I can't bring myself to say 'Because I have' so instead I say

"Why would you think that?" I say this in the sweetest voice I could muster "I was just occupied"

"Oh" his cute smile is back "can I take you home then?"

"Um..no" I answer awkwardly "my mom is very..."

I pause to find the right word but I get nothing.

"I get it" he rescues me and I reward him with a smile and a nod

And that's when it hits me "did you follow me?"

"Yes" he says simply with an apologetic shrug.

"Why would you do that?" I frown

That's major stalker move.

"Because I couldn't talk to you in school so..." He pauses and smiles guiltily

I shake my head and assure him with a small smile.

"Would you at least let me drive you a few blocks?" He smiles again and I wonder vaguely if his jaws ever hurt from all that smiling.

I shake my head and open my mouth to refuse but he cuts me off be I even get a chance to start.

"Please?" He looks at me with wide pleading eyes and I just couldn't say no

"Alright let's go" I give in

"Great" he has this victorious smile plastered on his face that makes my lips curve into a wide smile.

I clamber into the seat next to his. I hope I don't regret this.


Chris ended up not taking me home or a few blocks closer like we agreed instead we went on what looked like a date but felt more like an outing with a friend.

He has an uncanny talent for convincing me to do things I would never do normally.

He dropped me off right at home and I'm currently standing on my porch waving him away with a wide, happy smile.

I twist the knob and scramble inside, the scene in front of me snaps the smile right off my face and makes my insides twirl and turn.

Holy crap.

"Good Evening, mom" I mutter a greeting to my mom who has a bitter scowl etched on her face.

"Oh, shut up you whore" she starts and I close my eyes and brace myself for her hurtful words

"Is that him?" She points to the window

I follow the direction of her finger with my eyes in an almost mocking way

"Who?" I manage to say

"The person responsible for the bastard you're carrying" she snorts loudly in a very unladylike manner

I just shake my head, not trusting my mouth enough to not spill some shit that will most likely get me in more trouble.

"There are more? You really are nothing but a cheap whore"

I shake my head again

"I can't believe I raised such a tramp, if you're going to sell your body for money at least do it for big cash and not little tokens"

I zone out on her as she continues to hurl insults at me and busy myself with thoughts about Chris.

He's actually a really nice guy and he has a girlfriend named Allison.

Says he'll introduce us soon. She doesn't stay in this area.

"Get out" those two words from mom and I'm back to reality

"What?" I mumble as my eyes widen and my brows shoot past the roof, my mouth dries instantly

"You f*****g heard me, get the f**k out of my house, out of my life and never come back" she stares impassively at me as if she didn't just send a minor out to the street like an animal

"M..mom, I" my voice is shaky as I try to plead.

"Save it" she stops me with a wave of her hand "Get out now or have me pull you out by your hair"



I nod and move to go upstairs

"Where are you going?" She gives me a crazy look

"To..to get my stuff" my voice is a low whisper

"What stuff? You own absolutely nothing...everything in that room was bought with my money"

My mouth drops open, she won't even let me get my things?

"My..my bracelet.. Dad gave that to me" I plead

She gives me a 'you're definitely crazy' look

"Out, Anita and don't make me say that again" she warns and that's my cue.

"Goodbye mom"

I turn on my heels and march right out the door.

With no destination, no plan and absolutely nothing to survive on.

Readjusting my backpack on my shoulder, I raise my head and walk away from home with only one thing in tact-my virginity