~14~Napped From The Kidnappers

I'm laying on the floor fighting to keep my eyes open.

The other guy stood up after gently positioning me on the floor.

"Do I have to do everything myself around here?" He yells at the middle aged freak who is now coming our way.

"The stupid brat" he sent me a glare as he reached us "she sprayed something in my eyes and..."

"I don't care what she did to you... She's just one fucking girl, damn it"

I try to move my legs but I can't...I can't even feel my legs... Or my hands

What did this freak do to me?

I open my mouth to speak and surprisingly I can talk "One fucking girl who's gonna be your doom"

"Woah, you're still awake" he does this smirk that actually looks good "I must say, Russo's boy sure knows how to pick his women just like his father"

"What do you want me for?" I scowl

"She's such a feisty brat" middle aged man scowls back at me

"She's strong though, she should have blacked out by now or at least not have such a sharp mouth" says the asshole- what I'm now calling the jerk that gave me the shit I inhaled that has me laying here helplessly.

My eye lids suddenly become heavy

I try to keep them open buh I know it's gonna be hard to.

But I'm determined to not pass out on them and have them do what? Who knows if they're gonna rape me

I keep blinking but it becomes harder as the seconds go by

A few more seconds and I'm out

My last words being a whisper "Alex, please help me"


I'm laying face up in the backseat of a car, I try to get my hands to rub my eyes but I can't

And my eye lids feel really heavy

I realize that I'm tied up and only then do I understand the situation

The asshole tied me up and now he's taking me God knows where

I tilt head as much as I can to get at least a side view of the jerk driving

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I spit out with a look of pure spite

"Hey, hey, relax Goldilocks" he turns to me for a bit with a stupid smile plastered on his face

I try to untie myself but this guy sure knows how to tie a girl properly

Thankfully though, I'm not just any girl...

My mom's tied me to a tree twice before-the one dad is now buried under-and left me there the whole night.

One day, I got back from school 15 minutes late and the second one-well I asked for it this time though-I sneaked out to a party with the girls.

And when you're locked out a whole night, it gets pretty chilly and you have to do what it takes to find warmth before you freeze to death.

There, I learnt how to untie myself. I should be able to do the same now.

After a few more fruitless struggles, my eye lids are shut and I'm unwillingly drifting off to sleep


I wake up to the sound of unfamiliar voices talking about things my brain is unable to process right now

Leaving my eyes shut for a few more minutes, I try to understand what they're talking about

My eyes fly open when I hear a voice that sounds like middle aged freak say "And while she's here, can't we have a little fun with her?"

My eyes open fast enough to see him wiggle his eyebrows and this is probably the best time to keep quiet but again...I'm Anita

The gag noises are back and obviously that gets all eyes on me

There are three guys, the middle aged freak, the new guy-the one who walked in on middle aged freak when he was gonna kill me and the asshole

"Hey, Goldilocks" asshole chirps like he didn't just kidnap me and currently has me tied up to a fucking chair

"Hey, how is she awake so soon? She should be out for at least a few more hours" New guy says staring at his wrist which has no wrist watch on it

"Yeah, but as you can see, she's no ordinary woman" asshole smirks and looks to me

"You bet, I'm gonna be the fucking end for you guys" I threaten even though I know there's so little I can do to them and so much they can do to me

"You still have your sharp mouth, I see" asshole smiles and the sight almost make me smile too

Keyword there being almost

"Oh, so you thought I had forgotten to bring it along?" I bite out bitterly

I keep trying to untie myself while engaging in this discussion as some sort of distraction

I can't just wait and see if Alex and the guys would actually come save me or just wait for news of my death, I have to at least try to save myself

"Look, we don't really need to hurt you, we just want you here as bait for little Russo" he slips his hand into his jean pockets "we won't hurt you if you don't make us"

At this point, there's only one line of rope keeping my right hand from being free

2 down, I to go

I smirk internally

"Well, you picked the wrong girl then cos I can assure you Alex won't risk anything just to save me" I scoff "he wouldn't even care so much if I died here"

I say that last part and I feel a pang of pain suddenly sit in because it's true

"Oh, trust me Goldilocks if he didn't care about you, you wouldn't still be breathing"

"Believe what you like, you're not getting to Alex through me so you had better kill me now or be ready to welcome a guest that would be here for quite a while"

He stays quiet for a few moments so I speak again, deciding to change tactics.

"Hey, um...what's your name anyway?" I ask with a sweet smile

"Liam" he curves his lips into a sweet smile of his own

"Okay, Liam, could you get me some food? I'm starving" I plead

You'd think I said that as a distraction and all but I really am hungry

He stays quiet for a bit before asking "what would you like to eat?"

"Anything" I smile " as long as it's food"

Liam leaves the room and I realize that I'm alone

New guy and middle aged freak must have left somewhere in between my chat with Liam

I keep trying to get my right hand free but it seems so impossible

I spot a gun on a table a little far from me

Then I take a deep breath, squeeze my eyes shut and pull on the rope with all the strength I could gather

I hear a bone crack as I let out a hushed groan in pain

My right hand is finally free but with my index and middle finger broken

I untie my left hand with my unbroken fingers and then I untie my legs and do the only thing I could think of

I go get the gun and stand at alert, ready to attack the next person to walk through those doors

I'm getting out of here and I don't care how.


Hey, Guys.

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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Thanks a lot.
