~15~Shocked To The Bones¡

When I start hearing footsteps I cock the gun-well I try to cock the gun

I move something I think is the gunslinger to push the hammer back and try to then steady my breathing

I point the gun to the door, ready to attack whoever comes in

I put my hand in the area covering the trigger making it at alert to change position anytime

How do I know how to do this? Only one answer... movies

The door clicks open to reveal Liam with a plate of food that was meant to be mine

I expect to see his eyes widen and a muscle twitch or anything to show even the tiniest bit of surprise but nothing...he has his emotionless look on his face like he didn't just walk into a room to find a frightened woman with a weapon that could kill in her hands

My grip on the gun tightens, I gulp and take a deep breath

"Let me go" I command

He's staring right into my eyes...saying absolutely nothing

He keeps at this for so long it begins to frustrate me

I open my mouth to speak but a sound from him cut me off...he isn't saying anything instead he's laughing

He's laughing...why is he laughing? I'm the one with the gun but I'm the one who feels threatened

"Stop doing that" I say through gritted teeth

His laughter was making me mad

"You know...if you didn't do this...that would have been surprising" he says between laughs

What? So, if I didn't try to escape it would have surprised them

They planned everything

I should have checked the damn bullets...

I pull the gun down for the first time since he walked in

I want to check the bullets and then I realize I don't even know how to check the bullets

I keep playing with that part of the gun until I finally get it out...the gun wasn't even loaded

"Now you my dear" I look up to see him at the side of a small table with the food on the table "are in a lot of trouble"

Now that...scared the fuck out of me

"What are you gonna do to me? I'm sorry" I try to apologize and start taking steps back as if that has ever helped

"I'm sure you are" he scoffed

"I swear I am" I beg "I won't do it again I promise, I'll do whatever you want, I'll be good I swear"

I keep taking steps back until my back hits the damn wall

"Li..Liam I'm...I'm sorry..please don't do anything to me" I plead but he looks deaf to my pleas

"Liam..Liam?" I say with pleading tone and look

"Oh, you're gonna regret doing that, Goldiluxe" he smirks as he grabs a hold of my wrist after so many attempts of me keeping it from him

He pulls me back to the chair and this time I don't even try to resist anymore

Just as my butt connects with the chair, middle aged freak walks in with a sick smirk on his face and a black briefcase I can only imagine the worst coming out of

"Liam..please" I turn back to Liam to continue my pleading cos I sure as hell don't want whatever comes out of that suitcase to be used on me

He gives me one last glance before motioning middle aged freak over with his index finger

From the last look he gave me plus the fact that he asked middle aged freak to come closer, I don't think he's giving in to my pleas

Middle aged freak nods at something Liam whispers, he drops the briefcase and leaves the room

In less than 30 seconds he's back with 2 huge guys

Oh my gosh, what are they gonna do to me?

They walk right up to me as of this was some sick plan to make me suffer

Guy 1 grabbed my hands and pulled it behind the chair but instead of ropes, it was a hand cuff that he had pulled out of his pockets

Guy 2 grabs my legs together and ties it with this transparent thing I just know is impossible to untie but of course I don't make it easy for him

I try to fight him off with my legs even though I know it's futile effort

Just when I think they're done, I see Liam walk over to the briefcase

My heart is pounding heavily in my chest now as I watch him unlock it but I still can't see what's in it

He brings it into sight and raises it up like it's some priced possession and smiles to it like a freak

"What is this?" I ask, not so nicely anymore cos I tried being nice and how did that work out?

So, I'm gonna stick with plain old Anita Cruz

"It's a shock collar" he replies simply

"Well, duhh" I roll my eyes at him "what's it for?"

"It's for training bad dogs" he replies

Okay, I wish I could smack this guy


"So, I just got this dog who's being such a bitch" he grins at me

I have to admit though, he has great dentition.

"You're sick" I snarl

"And you're a bad doggy" he puckers his lips and he actually looks cute

He hands the collar to Guy 1 who marchs right back over to me with the collar in his hand

"You are a sick bastard" I yell at Liam who just smiles in reply "Just wait till Alex gets you...you're a dead man"

Maybe if this had happened yesterday I would have believed that Alex would really come rescue me

But today...I'm not so sure, he made it crystal clear that he he doesn't have even an ounce of care for me and that is...if of course he doesn't hate me

I struggle to avoid the collar but you can only do so much cuffed to a chair

The collar is locked on my neck in a few minutes

Middle aged freak walks up to me and bends in front of me so he's facing me directly

"Not so tough now, are you pretty?" He mocks

And then I do the only thing I can do, I work my tongue and send a spitball right into his face

He stands up immediately "ugh, you little bitch" he groans as guy 1, guy 2 and Liam burst out in laughter

He storms angrily away

Except he didn't go away, he went to the briefcase...to get the remote

He pushes a button on it and I feel the electricity pass through my body

My body shivering, teeth chattering, eyes rolling back into my head

A collar like this has to be illegal

"What the fuck? You'll kill her"I hear Liam yell before I'm relieved

"What the hell is going on here?" I hear the voice of a woman gasp and all our heads snap in the direction

I hear Liam stutter "Um...Ro..Rose, I..." and I know this is gonna be big